You Have A Spy In Someone's Eye!

The cat doesn't get this as I slink away, but Pat gets it nearly every single day. Even back in the woods it comes due. You just never know who is watching you. Actually, you may know, but that interrupts the flow.

Out for a stroll.
Out for a walk.
However you roll,
Someone may gawk.

Could be a frog.
Could be a duck.
Could be a hog.
But who gives a fluck.

Through trees.
Through rocks.
On the seas.
On the docks.

By cats.
By fleas.
Through spats.
Through please.

From high above.
From down below.
There's a spy.
Friend or foe.

A bench with a view.
Whoops, Sorry Betty.
Still, they're watching you.
Be it funny or petty.

And with one click,
There you be.
Got you some slick.
Now all can see.

So watch where you go.
Watch what you do.
Someone may know.
Someone may view.

But the ocean is vast.
The population is too.
You're just one of the cast.
So who cares about the view.

Unless a human does this.
Then some may swear.
But hey, could be bliss.
Can see if they shave down there.

Ever find out that you were being watched when you thought no one was around? Is it really that bad if you are found? Oh no, I was caught.....walking. Damn, that is going to leave people talking. Pffft if you want to watch me walk, go right ahead. Now it may be creepy if you stand over me in bed. And as far as the latter, as long as you hide it and aren't on anyone's lawn, is it any different than what a cat, dog, or deer may do some dawn? You've drank dino pee at some point or another in life. That is more nasty than a controlling wife. Now I'll watch as this post comes to pass. Feel free to watch the sandbox while I relieve my little rhyming ass.

Always assume and watch where you bloom.


  1. No one wants to watch the cat in the litter box.
    No one wants to be in the litter box either.

    1. haha no one wants to do either or? Does no one want to use the litter box?

  2. Your walks are much more interesting than mine. I sometimes wonder if people in my neighborhood get tired of seeing me walking down their cul de sacs.

    1. Or just, "there she goes again. Right on time."

  3. Good walk. I assume cameras are everywhere. Don't pick your nose in public. Or use the Seinfeld defense, "It was a scratch, not a pick!".

  4. Stalkers are no joke!! They don't just watch you walk...they watch when you walk, where you're walking to, and how often you go. Soon enough they know you're entire schedule when suddenly you DISAPPEAR! I know this all because I watch Forensic Files every night.

    P.S. When I read "fleas", I got a sudden flashback of fleas on knees. hehe

    1. haha yeah, they know it all. Although you may have freaked yourself out a bit more with that. After all, you got away from the guy who had her van.

      Fleas on knees, can send if you please?

    2. No thanks!!! No fleas on my knees will ever be needed.

    3. How about a goose on the loose? Wait until tomorrows shot at the other place lol

    4. Please, no geese!!! I don't know if I'd rather have a flea on my knee than goose.

    5. haha geese were there to show

  5. Oh yea, the watchers are everywhere these days and so are the listeners, right Alexa?!?!

    1. Listeners sure be too. Even when you go to the loo.

  6. Thanks for the shout out! I loved all the pictures, especially the benches and their view! Great area you get to walk around. Here when it is not hot out to enjoy a walk I'd mainly see cactus and palm trees.


    1. Sure lots to see here as I walk 1000s of kms each year. I'd rather see cactus and palm trees than snow though.

  7. I always feel like someone is watching me. The ocean is indeed vast and I am the staring cast in my life story. Through the trees I see a lot of rocks, did they roll in with the sea? They might
    hurt my feet.

    1. Watch where you step, or wear boots. The cast all your own is the way to be indeed.

  8. wavez two all ewe catz over ther
    but knot two ewe bass terd burd in air
    waves two ewe orlin N cassie two
    sorree dood bout de foto in loo ~~~~

    1. No burds for you
      Whatever will you do
      With one in view
      Hey, at least we didn't rip off your posts on poo

  9. I think that frog has his eye on you. Wow, that's a lot of cats. Beautiful view of the ocean though.

    1. The frog was sure watching away. Lots of strays at that bay and always ocean everywhere around here it seems.

  10. I always feel weird when I see some stranger watching me, but one of my favorite things to do out in public is people watch, so I suppose it's something we all need to get used to at some extent.

    1. Yeah, when I'm being eyeballed it is like, "what the hell do you want?" but then we all do it.

  11. I've long accepted that there is no privacy anymore. Cool fog bank!

    1. Well there is if you go off the grid and into the deep deep dark woods I suppose.

  12. I'm sure my kitties feel that someone is watching them. Usually it's me with camera :-)

  13. Now that song by Rockwell is in my head, "I always feel like, someone is watching me!"

    I feel like there are so many cameras everywhere: work (inside and out), traffic cams, Ring cameras in my neighborhood, store cameras, etc. I'm on film all the time. As good ol' Dr. Phil says, those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. I'm sure I'm on camera picking a wedgie or something. Meh. Life. haha


    1. A fine tune. Yeah, cams are everywhere. I've probably been caught doing a lot of things. A hide behind the car door when I need to take a piddle, so at least they won't see all of me lol

  14. And I thought you were going to go with cameras and phones everywhere. lol

  15. I enjoyed the walk. Though, I could pass on the litterbox. I get to walk to those everyday here:) Heh.

    1. Sure a few here, but they beat the potty any day. Sooo blah.

  16. It all depends on....(whispering)... if you take the magnet with you while walking...

  17. So many watchers. I prefer being watched by animals than cameras. :)

  18. Oh yes Im sure always are watchers seeing us and sometimes I this disturb me, when I go to kinesiologist others there see me always and when say something to me the others laugh, oh well,

    1. Oh well, is what it is. Laugh at them and go on with your business.

  19. It's scary that someone may be watching you no matter where you go. Will have to pay close attention when I take my walks. Darn those grasshoppers. They shouldn't stare.

    1. haha and don't forget the ants, there are armies of them staring at you.

  20. Recent news comes to mind...
    Shoppers secret cameras did find.
    Makes me cautious everywhere I go,
    I expect someone's recording my boring show.

    1. Always someone out there
      With time and cameras to spare

  21. CCTV here and there/watching every single move we make, from our toes to our hair. :-)

    Greetings from London.
