WEP: Red Runs Deep

No one at this wretched place will ever appreciate the little details. They will never appreciate all the work I put into this grass, the halls, even the toilets where their nasty backsides sit. They will continue being completely immune to it. Lost in selfies and participation medals. Disgusting. But today they will pay for their unawareness. And pay they will.

Look at that. Two ripe harlots posting doctored images of a nerd. I'll give them something to take images of and post. In my day you had to face someone to be a bully. The joys of stuffing Teeny Tony in a locker. How I long for such freedom again. I bet Teeny Tony does too. Last I heard he was locked in the nuthouse. Sweet victory. And I'll be damned if I am going to weed one more piece of grass while some scrawny, pimply-face, two-bit nerd beats my track record.

None of this would be necessary if these stadium dwellers had booed. But oh no, they had to cheer for participation medals. Like those should be a thing. Yeah, your kid is great for showing up. Hell, my turds can float down river and show up. And don't you people work? Living off the system with five kids you hardly know how to look after. And you say I'm the one to be looked down upon. Filth. Maybe I should have made it bigger.

Look at them. Lining up on the once great track of this once great school. It used to take skill to run it. Now all it takes is a few social justice warrior nutjobs whining about it being too long for their little babies. A maggot could run the distance in record time at this length. Little maggots are all they are. I know what to do with maggots.

Kissing them good luck. Hugging. Kissing again. On the lips. Really? Don't you get enough at home and with your side dishes? What is this? Did Disney take over the world and force kids to stay latched at the tit from birth to adulthood? I am so glad I didn't create any spawn. Not that a woman would have me. I do physical labor. I am looked down upon. I can't get a job with a spiffy suit and kiss backside for ten hours a day.

Damn, when did I become so isolated? I ruled this school. My name is on the wall. They look happy. Maybe as happy as I once was. If only they knew what real life had in store. But should they know? I didn't. Is that the point? The real world Santa Claus. Maybe it is the ultimate present that they are given even if they are a bunch of cocky, useless, tit suckers. Can I ruin that? Should I ruin that? Would that make me as bad as the whiners and social justice nutballs? Probably. Damn it.

The gun fired. The race is on. I have to make it. Damn, I'm fast. This is how it is done, tit suckers. I still have it. Look at their faces. Confusion. They finally see me. I will be remembered as a hero. And I may still keep my record. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Well old girl, you have been a good tool for many years. I hope somebody fixes you and gives you a good coat of red paint. Actually, I may be doing the red part in three...two...one...

...look...at...them...scatter...Am I...floating? I'm...I'm going up. I must be getting rewarded. Hero racer saves school from bomb hidden in wheelbarrow. That's a headline they'll never forgot.

Words: 609

I looked at the pic and that is what came to me. Looks like it could be some university or school lawn. Thoughts? Yeah, rather touchy subject in many a way, but it came on out so away I went.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. I wasn't sure you'd go there but you did. What a way to go - blown up pushing wheelbarrow with bomb. At least he didn't take anyone with him.

    1. Yeah, only took himself and still stupid enough to believe he was grand.

  2. We were right in the on the red ride, bravo!

  3. Great writing and flash fiction. And one thinks of red wheelbarrows as so innocent. You took it for quite a ride.

  4. Looks like I'll need to stay away from wheel barrows on school grounds. I'll be eyeing them with suspicion from now on.

    1. Hey, it can't hurt. Better to be too paranoid then not paranoid enough some times.

  5. Wow, I wasn't sure where this was going until the last few lines. Very well written! Lots of emotions in there!


  6. You went a little dark with this one, but it was very well written. It's sad to think that these may be the thoughts that go through these crazy people's minds. They think of themselves as heroes and justify their actions. Your fictional deflection is even realistic. To say that Tony preferred being stuffed into a locker over the nut house...wow, just wow.

    1. Yeah, it is pathetic how such crazy people justify their crap. Whether that be nutballs with bombs or bullies stuffing people in lockers.

  7. 1000 words or less,

    a mission never given to a underachieving school student.

  8. Wow, that had a bang, lol. Great impact. Strong story highlighting current troubles and concerns.

    1. Sure added a bit of the troubles and impact is grand in our land.

  9. I was wondering where that was going. He was a bit nutty, that's for sure. At least only he got blown up.

    1. If only just the nuts would get blown up in real life.

  10. Good job, Pat. I didn't see that ending coming.

  11. A thrilling and surprising work
    filled with tit sucking and
    a big blasting quirk
    of one who was a bit bizerk.

  12. I got lots to say from the pic!

  13. Was there any truth to that story? Are you the wagon?

    1. Shhh I could have been the wheel...in my 3rd life twice removed.

  14. Wow - fast paced, full of fury and jealousy - powerful! Well done!

  15. Hi,
    The ending is unique. I wondered where you were taking us and then I thought, Oh wow, something dreadful is going to happen. I like the way the story was spun.
    Good job.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  16. It's good to see you're still on here. I've been needing to write something for a while. Many things, in fact. Thanks for being around ;-)

    1. Still around the block as the rhymes take a walk.

  17. It was near then end that "wheelbarrow race" ran through my mind - and I could feel the energy of the race, and then the ending. Wow - very gripping.

    1. Sure can be taken many a way as the ending gets off to the races.

  18. Not sure if it's a tragedy or a farce. An impressive story.

    1. Could be both, but maybe farce, as he got what he deserved.

  19. Well, that had a surprise ending, and I hope it ended well instead of badly for the one propelling the wheelbarrow out of range. Had to keep reading to find out where in heck you were headed. Great job.

    1. Not sure he went up, but you never know. May never truly know where the cat is heading haha

  20. I was sure I had left a comment, but it doesn't appear.
    Nutty he may be, but some of the things which irritate him, irritate me too (which perhaps is a lesson to me).
    Great and explosive take on the prompt.

    1. That is what make them think of themselves as not nuts, as a lot of the things do irritate the average person too.

  21. I'll never look at a red wheelbarrow the same way. You did good getting the crazed anger across and the resentment and social isolation.

  22. You really bombed at the end, Pat. Like you say, wouldn't it be grand if only the bombers got blasted instead of all the innocent people. A great flash...floating...to where we wonder...There must be a place especially reserved for these bombers with red wheelbarrows.

    1. Yeah, their own little deep dark spot of never ending darkness

  23. Dark, very dark and full of hate. It almost seemed as if he had planted the bomb but no, the surprise lies in the fact that he didn't. Well written and gripping.

    1. Oh, he planted it, just decided at the last minute not to let it blow them up.

  24. Dark and vicious but glad the guy only blew himself up. Wish that would happen for real...only the nut blows himself up.

  25. I've been out of the loop for a week or so due to a family emergency. Looks like I should be happy I haven't had a chance to catch the latest news!

    1. Hopefully all is well now. Yeah, this type of news no one wants to hear.

  26. You succeeded in creating a thoroughly unpleasant character, and that ending was certainly one to remember. At least he only took himself out.

    1. Unpleasant sure is the way with that douche. Yep, just himself.

  27. I didn't know where this one was going, but one thing's for sure, I'll look at red wheelbarrows in a different way from now on. Sad about the way life can go, but true. A great story.

    1. Yeah, never know how life can go sometimes. Keep an eye on those wheelbarrows.

  28. The idealistic part of me would hope for some way to heal the narrator of this story . . . but, in reality, not everyone finds a way to cherish each day. Evil thoughts sometimes lead to evil action as we've found these last two weeks, so I'm grateful this narrator recast himself as a hero.

    1. Yeah, evil thoughts can lead one astray if they don't deal with them.

  29. An intensely well-written character study. Somehow, I don't think women shunned this guy because he worked manual labor. His dreadful personality might have had a teeny-tiny bit to do with it!

    1. lol yeah, being a douchebag probably had 99% to do with it.

  30. That's a disturbing look down the mind of a seriously warped person. I appreciated your ending--nowhere near as dark as it could have been. And that point--that you used to have to face someone to bully them. Only partly true (catty talk behind one's back has a long long history, but I guess he's thinking of what boys do), but definitely a reminder of how easy it is to be mean when you're anonymous.

    One small proof-reader note--in the 3rd paragraph, there's a "you're" slipped in where it should be "your".

    1. Yeah, catty talk was always there, internet just makes it even easier I suppose.

      Missed that. Good catch. Thanks.

  31. Definitely not the kind of hero one wants to be.

  32. I wasn't sure whether I could continue reading your story as it seemed very angry to me but I'm glad I did because the ending certainly explained your words that went before.

  33. Well, that ended with a bang. Maybe it's what loneliness makes people do.

    1. Sometimes the loneliness is brought on by themselves and their actions though.

  34. Hi Pat - that really turned the tables ... and oh how true that could be - except do we have a hero amongst our midst. For some reason I thought of the wheelbarrow et al going up in a balloon ... but I think my imagination wandered off even more. Such a fun take - cheers Hilary

    1. Never know where things can go. Always interesting to see other perspectives on it.

  35. I remember wheel barrow races! Of course, the only boom was my brother's farts. Technology has removed many fantastic memories. Sad to be left behind.

  36. Quite the twist on that. It's sad that he felt he had to resort to such measures to "win" but good he didn't take anyone else with him.

    1. Yeah, just taking himself should be the way with such people.

  37. That was quite a tale. Not your usual fare.

  38. Wow, if only that was the norm.
    It's one thing to disagree with or dislike things, but to think that destruction will fix it or make you a hero is truly dellusional.
    Nicely done.

  39. A dark and satirical take on the prompt. Well done.

  40. Brilliant writing. You really let us get inside of his head. (Scary in there, too!) I'm glad he had a change of heart in the end. The irony lies in how he will be remembered if the explosion killed him... as a hero, or as a wacko wannabe killer with a modicum of decency. Great job!

    1. Hopefully the wacko wannabe killer. Serve him right.

  41. Great psychotic voice with so much vitriol and resentment - so much truth too. Revenge is sweet and Pat Hatt delivers with a wheelbarrow of masterful writing - again. Plus a bomb to deal with the nutballs - oops, fellow nutballs. Poses the questions: did he make the bomb? who else died in the fallout from his ego?

    1. Such questions sure are there, his ego and being an idiot the cause.

  42. This piece had a lot of energy and I really liked it.

  43. This made me extremely sad
    People think loners have gone mad
    But deep down inside it’s not all bad
    Just broken pieces and spirit are had

  44. I really liked this - dark, which you do exceptionally well, and convincing. The MC maybe psychotic but many of the things he says, resonate. A brilliant take on the prompt!

    1. That is how they justify things, as they are close to the truth.

  45. This is really good, Pat. Such a tense, unpredictable tale. The main character's inner monologue seems very realistic. Too often, the kind of people who carry out these acts are those with delusions of grandeur, who blame others for what they have become and resent them for 'having it easy'. You portrayed that twisted way of thinking really well. I'm glad that in the end no one else was hurt.

    1. Yeah, they sure have their delusions indeed. Got it all to himself in the end though.

  46. That certainly had a lot of anger, energy, and a unique take on things.

  47. Now, that was quite an interesting read. A bit edgy you had me wondering where it was all going.

    I could feel the darkness lurking. A mile run isn't a mile anymore ....as everyone needs to
    be a winner.

    1. A step is a win these days, but then one doesn't need to go blow things up because of it.

  48. A dark dip into a twisted, angry mind. I often wonder what goes on inside the heads of mass killers as they begin their rampages. This is quite a peak! I loved the ironic turn at the end. Will his name be struck from the wall, or will it be enshrined?

    1. Knowing humans it will probably be enshrined, at least somewhere.
