Deprogrammed Statistics

Look of disgust describes it all.

They say numbers don't lie, but I guess they fail to factor people into that summation. Whoever they are. They are probably the same people lying out their butt when it comes to their numbers though. Can you guess where I'm going with this. Thanks to the title I am sure 95% of you can. Could be 100%, but that looks too perfect, we can't have that. So I'll just pull some numbers from my butt and call them official. Now on with it before 44.99% of you get bored.

Deprogrammed Statistics

You get numbers thrown at you. They may actually be thrown at you too, especially if some political nut job comes around and wants you to vote for so and so. You also get them plastered in front of you on many a site. Heck, all sites have numbers in some way. But while the views you have can boost one's ego, let you know people like it, and so on and so forth, the stats you just read could be, and probably are, an entire load of BS. I know 33.45% may need examples and not take my word for it, so here we go.

Have you ever heard or said, "Alcohol in moderation is okay, good, or whatever else for a person?" Now if you haven't heard that and live in North America you must live under a rock, but I'm not 100% sure of that. Do you know why that is? Because the liquor companies want it that way. Their statistics prove it after all and they shove it in your face to get you to buy buy buy. Oh, wine is healthy and may help you. "May" help you. Statistics don't lie. Pffffft. But you do.

Their little graph shows that people who drink in moderation and people who don't have the same, or the former has better, life expectancy. It has to be good right? IT HAS TO! Nope. Statistics have just taken you for a ride. Not a fun one either. You got screwed without being screwed. Why? They say it. It has to be true. Guess what? It is! It is true because the sample they used against the moderation people are all sick people, people who quit drinking and therefore suffer the ill health issues already, and people already with one foot in the grave. So guess what? The stats are in their favor. Drinking in moderation is good for you. So go get drunk and suffer no health issues. Pfffft. Got a bridge I can sell you.

Now why not look at the medical industry. You always get things thrown at you there. And guess what? They are one-sided, they are rigged, and they don't give a damn, generally, about you. Employee A wants that grant money but they work for a company that wants the results to come out a certain way. So what does Employee A do? They get a sample that makes their stats work out how they want. They get the grant, the numbers get fudged, but in an oh so legit way, and you get fake data.

And the great, 90% of people never have that, or whatever else Drs. throw at you. Do they really know? Probably not. That is just their escape to get you to go home and suffer. Whether because they are lazy, crunched for time, or just want to milk you more. They saw a stat from the drug company, in a medical book, or off the internet. So you may have the disease, but 90% don't. So that is a high stat, meaning you can't be in that 10%. Even though someone has to make up that 10%. But never fear, it won't be you. Your Dr. said so. Pfffffffffft.

Also, now this could be fudged too on her side, I met one woman who had kids later in life, right up to and after 40. Oh no! Stats say that is bad. Your risk doubles. She was told this and that and she shouldn't and blah blah blah. Not sure why people feel the need to tell me these things, but they do. Want to know about the guy who got kicked out of France and has money stashed on his property? 90% of people may say yes. Anyway, she said she checked into things and where they say her risk doubled, what she found was that it doubled from 1% to 2%. Wowweeee. That is so scary. Not that one should ever play down risks, but it DOUBLED! Doesn't doubled sound far more scary than 2%?

And now we go to products. Damn, 50% of you might think you'll be here all day. I could if I wanted to type that much, but I won't. You can be 100% sure of that. Unless you are a very slow reader which may make it 99% sure.

With products everything from trans fat, gluten free, how long they last to even workability come into play. As long as they are below a certain percentage they can say, GLUTEN FREE! TRANS FAT FREE! When really they have that in there, just low enough to pass inspections, if there are any inspections, and therefore put that on the packaging and fool some sucker. And oh, this product works for 50% of those who used it. Do you want to know who used it? Two people. Two employees. One thought it worked and one didn't. THAT'S 50%. Woweee. We've got a winner.

Oh, and as long as this machine, this device, this whatever is within this range, it won't hurt 99% of people. Says umm this organization that took a kickback or took the stats from the company who makes the damn thing and called it okay. What is a company going to do after spending billions on something? Oh, our product gives you cancer. Umm nope. So they fudge the stats. It never bothered these 10 people. Unlike these 100 people. But shhhh. Let's just focus on 5 of those 100. Now we have a 75% success rate. That is above the threshold. Our product is a win. Come and buy buy buy. Fry your brain so the next time it can be below 50% and you won't even care. I still have that bridge.

And there are many many many more, but they all come back to one thing, usually, what is best for the one doing the stats. Nothing ever comes back for what is good for you. Why? Because $$$ is always involved. Greed takes priority over anything else. Yep. Even your safety, in most cases. So it is safe to say that those last stats you saw were fake, even if they weren't pulled from someone's butt and plastered on the internet. That official pamphlet looks great, right? They have to be right. It is SOOOO PRETTY. Pffffft.

Do you believe stats? Ever hear the whole alcohol in moderation is good? Ever get shafted by a medical professional with stats? Have any that you know are fudged or fake? I'm sure 56% of people who read this will respond. Hey, I polled 3 people. It is right!

Buy the bridge from the cat, 50% of people say it is a GREAT stat.


  1. I'm 90%+ sure that most humans are idiots and use numbers for their own greedy needs!

  2. If you look hard enough, you can find a stat supporting anything you want. Just follow the money trail. Honestly, I think there are some basic truths, such as smoking causes cancer, being obese leads to multiple health problems, vaccines prevent disease, etc. We don't need more studies done on those things. It just seems like today, studies (and money) is being wasted on things that should be common sense to most people, such as childhood abuse leads to suicide. Let's work on preventing things rather than study them some more!

    1. Very true. It is way more worthwhile to actually do than to sit back and study stuff that is common sense. But too many need something to blame or want to keep the money rolling in so they do oh so great studies to come in in their favor. Pffft.

  3. Numbers and statistics get twisted and changed all the time.

  4. Deprogrammed Statistics
    'In moderation' plainly a trick
    Sure, numbers don't lie
    They work on the sly
    Hoping in your mind their images stick


    1. That is what they hope
      Stick those images and leave all a dope

  5. Well yes, I actually do believe numbers. Firstly, am married to an accountant and so numbers make sense. Yes you can do some manipulation; but the stats I've seen on alcohol haven't been from those that make it, but from the medical community. And traveling through Europe where people drink at a younger age, and often with the bulk of the meals and eat large quantities of richer foods than we do........they tend to be thinner and life expectancy seems to be longer. Soooo, I'll drink to that. Would stats keep me from Would they promote me to drink no. I drink because I like it. Best time of the day for hubby and I is cocktail hour. It's the period of adjustment for him after work (was me as well before I retired). However, that said...hubby the numbers guy does say you can use numbers to your like most things in life, I think people have to see if it passes the smell test......sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

    Sandy's Space

    1. But then you have to factor in other stuff and it gets to be one big hoopla. As Europeans don't eat as much trash as North Americans either, supposedly from some numbers, so that can play in. People should do what they like and eat what they like, just when you get stats shoved down your throat that are manipulated, smell the BS coming. Numbers as far as money goes, yeah you can fudge them, but only for so long, so they are true there, eventually anyway. Debit and credit away.

  6. There's a lot of truth in what you say. Especially about the manipulation of numbers that some research doctors do in order to keep their grant money coming in. On some of the studies I worked on years ago, the doctors wanted all data disregarded that didn't support their preconceived theory. Made me CRAZY! I'm a math nerd, and you just CAN'T throw out numbers because you don't LIKE them! Doing that, of course, skewed the studies... but it kept the money flowing.

    As for statistics, in general, most people are so impressed by them, they don't bother questioning their validity, which keeps the people regurgitating those statistics in business.

    1. Throw it out they do. Pathetic. Can't fudge numbers, right. Pffft. They just do it all the time for the money. Preconceived theory is a good one to nitpick too, as pre and theory should never fit all these studies, but the runners always seem to end up right. Must be smart theories, huh?

      Yeah, all you have to do is impress the sheep.

  7. I wonder what statistics say the percentage of fake statistics are that have been published or regurgitated to the masses? :)

    1. haha they'd be fake on the fake about the fake. One big trip.

  8. I hardly ever pay attention to statistics because 99% of the time I think they are made up. lol

    1. Yep, made up or rigged. Both the same in the end.

  9. I really don’t like this post because it makes me nervous. Soooo basically you’re saying that people who say something is 99% safe could be lying too????? What about the Benadryl??? I’ve already doomed myself to the increased risk of dementia from it. I read statistics all the time to calm my anxiety, and you’re ruining it for me. This is worse than the Canadian poop lakes.

    1. I thought that while it loaded. It’s not worse than the poop lakes. I take that piece back.

    2. I told you I could top bees, deer, and strawberries lol

      Well those stats are just there to do just that, calm your anxiety. And you fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Benadryl may or may not be as bad as they say. Could increase it, but only by 1%, which could mean it doubles if it was 0.05%. They love doubles as it sounds more scary, gets more attention, and therefore gets more funding.

      And yeah, the things that say 99% safe, probably aren't. Not saying they are harmful, but in order to get 99% safe, they fudged numbers or only used the data that made it 99% safe. Screw the other data. Let's just pretend that wasn't there. And then some may be legit, but they are only legit as of now. In 10 years one may learn that it was really only 10% safe.

      All one big fake out. So the cat has done his job. Ruined! lol

    3. My numbers fell a little short today for the month end close. Can you show me how to manipulate the numbers so I don’t get yelled at on Tuesday?? Please!

    4. lol well there are ways, you'll just get caught come audit time and get worse than yelled at.

    5. Yess that sounds like a bad idea, unless I blame a rhyming cat!

    6. haha then you may get locked in the loony bin

  10. Numbers can be manipulated and twisted. One way or another numbers work in someone's favor.

  11. I like what Bijoux said. One side will always skew things to get what they want to accomplish. Its funny that they call moms who are pregnant after 35 by the term "advanced maternal" age. Funny, I look at 35 and think that is young these days myself.


    1. Yep, they get what they want in the end. Funny indeed. Advanced, pffft.

  12. I believe that 99% of the folks reading your blog are pretty darn wacky, but interesting. How's that for some stats. I made it up here

  13. To be honest I think most statistic are made up and fake lol

    1. That they are indeed. At least 95% of the time. Look, another fake one lol

  14. Just what we do without statictics???? Someone always has to be counting. Pat, you have a great weekend.

    1. Think we'd survive without them, 99% of the time anyway haha You too!

  15. LOL 50% from two people. Yeah those studies, stats, and polls are based on so little numbers or very biased bases.

    1. That they all are to get the outcome they want.

  16. I'm not one to feud
    with this post you have brewed
    cuz I hate being screwed
    without being screwed

    1. Yeah, that is never fun
      But then sometimes both stink when done

  17. Please no numbers, it's the weekend. I'd rather get lost
    in something whimsy.

  18. Stats can be manipulated to prove anything.
    Good post. Are you still on weekend d. duty?

    1. Yeah, they can be manipulated however one wants. Took them back a bit ago, so off diaper duty for now.

  19. It depends on who is giving out the stats. I say things can be manipulated, like the media. So take everything with a grain of salt. Enjoy your week.

  20. So what it gets down to, at least in my little brain, don't believe everything people tell you.

  21. Reading statistics makes me fall asleep 94.57% of the time.

    1. haha at least you know it down to the decimal

  22. You have to be cautious about people who want you to believe the stats they spout at you. I always say, "Is that peer reviewed research or beer reviewed research". There is a difference. :)


  23. Polls and stats always make my eyebrows rise. I mean, you hear about polls all the time, but nobody ever asks my opinions. Like, who the hell are you polling to get these numbers? And, I'm always suspicious of doctors who get pissy when you request a different drug. Can we say "kickbacks" for the drug you never wanted in the first place and not patient health priority?

    1. Yeah, they poll who they want as they know the answers they get. Oh, I dealt with one like that. Even the pharmacist warned me. Pretty bad when the drug pushers don't want to give it to you.

  24. Kind of strange to come here and not rhyme... but also makes it easier to answer such great questions. My best friend in college took a lot of classes featuring stats, and she said you can prove anything with stats, doesn't even have to be true. So stats have never been a major factor for me.

    1. Yep, she is right. Can sure prove anything you wish.

    2. Oh, and yeah easier to comment not in rhyme, at least most of the time.

  25. "Greed takes priority over anything else." Sadly, the longer I live, the truer I think that is. I pick and choose the statistics I like, since I can't trust any of them anyway. I really like "Alcohol in moderation is okay," because I really enjoy a glass of wine! Is that Cassie looking disgusted?

    1. That is what most do too. They get the stat they like and hang on as it justifies what they want. Yep, she didn't want to move from the drawer lol
