The Truth Is Up There!

It seems some are obsessed with that little grey fellow. Maybe because he's a bit mellow? Beats the heck out of the cat. But he didn't want to come back to our blog mat. At least not now. I think the poop machines made him have a cow.

Can you say, Go Gadget Go? 
A toy hoarder don't you know.
But since he is away,
The cat will tell the real story anyway.

My paws are ready.
You better stay steady.
This may surprise.
Or just draw flies.

"Hello. I am an alien. I have come to probe. Whoops, looks like I got the probe today. Take me to your leader."
"I'm right here. I'm top of the world. I know everything about space. No one knows more about space and little green men than me. I....I....I....I..." 
"I take that back. Take me to anyone else. ANYONE. I'd rather watch Mac and Me."
"Don't worry, Mr. Alien. LMF is here to save the day."
"I thought you went by another name?"
"No. I..."
"Oh, you're from the past. That's why you are blurry. I already abducted you. Your replacement is okay, but she had to go and change her name. You humans can't keep anything for long. She couldn't even keep a blog running. Life stuff. Pffft."
"Now there is no reason to be so mean."
"Did I bring deer, bees, or strawberries into this? Such a drama queen. How did you get out of your cage anyway? Didn't I sell you to that zoo on Planet 76?"

"Much better. She had to be here from some hologram phone type thing. Must be her show time at the zoo. Or feeding time. I told them she loved strawberries. Poor LMF. Who's that? I'm getting another call? I just can't catch a break today."
"What are you doing here? I didn't call for a pumpkin? Is this like return of the living dead? I already abducted you too. After you admitted you liked to travel, it was easy."
"I want my Halloween decorations back."
"Are you on that again? They don't appreciate your human trinkets at the zoo. Just sit and look pretty for the paying public. Planet 76 paid me well. Don't go giving me a bad name."
"I'm going to host a giveaway with your head as the win."
"Violent! I should have gotten more money for you."
"Did you see that spider? I need my shampoo. Let me out of this zoo. I think I saw a bee. There are geese. Help!"
"I guess your feeding is over. Couldn't you have waited? Butting in on a conversation is so rude."
"I want to go back to Earth."
"And I want all kinds of things. Guess we both are screwed."
"You are so mean. Let me go."
"I did. I let you go when I sold you to the zoo. Humans. They have such short memories. I'm getting another call. Please hold."
"My giveaway is all set up. The first person to bring me your head gets..."
"Isn't that more of a bounty?"
"Quiet! I've had enough of you. I will boil you in a pot."
"Be kind of hard without your Halloween decorations, huh?"
"Halloween. I want my Halloween."
"More whining. The zoo goers will love it."
"Bring me home!"
"What was that? You're cutting out. Sorry. Call back soon. See ya."
"I will see you ended."
"Phone call ended. I see it too. Bye bye. Now what will I do with those Halloween decorations."
"I said..."
"This guy just won't shut up. Hmm where is that one I abducted and put on ice. Here we go. I need you to end his phone privileges."
"So much better. Quiet and does his job. Some glad I never sold him to the zoo. Now who should I abduct next? I hear there are a few folks still sticking around this blogland thing that may need a good probing. Decisions, decisions."

Now aren't you glad you know some of the truth? There may be more at his booth, but the cat didn't want you to be here all day. Did you ever guess that LMF and the Halloween Nazi were replaced at their bay? Geez, I hope they at least get treated well at that zoo. I bet there are more humans there too. What? The cat is nuts? Hey, blame Pat or the mutts. I guess the ninja got out of the litterbox too. Frozen or alien zoo? Hmmm, both could be bad. I think I'll stick to staying at my pad. Will a certain two give the cat sass? I can take it with my ever so little rhyming ass.

An alien zoo may star you!


  1. I think I may have to pass on Halloween this year if the orange one is on the phone, I'll take the grey and day.

    1. Yeah, have to run far far away if the orange one is near.

  2. Wait a minute! Who's offering my head as a prize?

  3. I saw no aliens when i went to the zoo

  4. I did see Halloween things at the store today. Way too early for me.


  5. Well that is taking giveaways to a whole new level. ;) That's funny that the alien is a catch all for the kiddos to play with, lol! :) At least they're not scared of him. My youngest probably would have been. :)

    1. lol sure a whole other kind of giveaway. They just had some fun with him, as did their uncle. One is still kinda afraid, but he inches in and sticks stuff there.

  6. Someone needs their Twitter privileges revoked as well!

  7. Woah, woah, woah!! You're an evil little cat, um, alien today! First off, who is that LMF? I don't recognize her, but she does have fabulous hair! Even with the blurriness of the photo, I can totally tell that she has fabulous hair. Just saying... that must be why Hank the alien abducted her. Damn hair... And why the hell would the alien send that poor little girl to a zoo when it's very obvious that she doesn't like animals, bugs, or any type of nature! What an evil, mean alien! I hope she does boil him in a pot. With Halloween only two months away, it would make a perfect replacement Halloween decoration.

    Do I smell war, alien? #teamabudcttrump

    1. lol you mean you don't recognize her? Geez, in your old age you must need some heavy duty glasses. Well there are no animals at that zoo, at the alien zoo she is the animal. A war you say? Bah, the alien will always win. Halloween decorations and all.

    2. I've had Lasik, cat. There's no need for glasses...and I'm NOT old. If you keep making me scowl though, you're going to give me wrinkles!!! I did notice that you didn't acknowledge the comments about the fabulous hair. I'm starting to think you're in cahoots with the alien. Is he making you evil??

    3. haha old and wrinkly, better watch it, you may give Profanity Granny a run for her money soon. Hair? What hair? It was all blurry. Could have been a wig for all the cat knows. A photo op wig hmmm now there is something humans do. Cahoots is fun to say so the cat may be in cahoots.

  8. I agree with Bijoux. Someone should be banned from Twitter. And the phone.

  9. Well I don't know what to say about this alien. Looks like the cat would like to wipe him out.Have a great day Pat.

    1. LOL...always fun, but each and everyday I hope somehow that man goes away...far far away. I can't stand what he does, what he says, how he looks, the sound of his voice. I'm just sooooooooooo done with him and his circle of thugs. I was hoping to see the cat smack him upside the head, lol Wouldn't it be nice if an align came down took him from us........oh to dream. Sandy's Space

    2. Yeah, the cat has no time for him lol

      Having him suddenly vanish sure wouldn't be a bad thing.

  10. The Truth Is Up There!
    Not to accept it as a dare
    Even an alien knows
    Who to come on close
    Trump seems not aware


  11. Can the pussy cat clap his paws with trump's head right in the middle. I would have placed a question mark there but my keyboard rights this-É, instead. I don`t know why and which key I hit by mistake. The alien looks friendly enough and I promise, there will be no autopsy

    1. The cat wishes it were so, but we don't want any feds knocking on our door. Ah, I've done that before. A computer restart took it away.

  12. A zoo full of aliens, now that would be interesting.

  13. Oh my, oh my
    you say the orange guy
    He ain't one of us
    but he gives it a try.

    1. He tries and tries
      Spreading more lies and lies

  14. orlin N cassie...for reel.....iz we see in R pal...

    de my tee :G: ther food servizz gurl haza Godzilla that roarz.....well, him did til de battereez fried out....we think himz holdin king ghidorahz head ~~~~~we will sneek up on de shelvez while herz werkin N chex it ot ;) ♥♥☺☺

    1. haha you may be seeing your pal indeed. At least a mini version. Don't get caught shelf surfing.

  15. Agree with Natalie and Bijoux.
    How did the babysitting go?

    1. All should agree and make him flee.

      Went grand indeed even posted pics at my other feed.

  16. Halloween is in the air
    But no costume provides as bad a scare
    As politicians everywhere

    1. They sure are scary enough for all
      From hall to hall

  17. Picture quality isn't exactly 4K

  18. Who knows what and where the truth is. Halloween just around the corner, that is sure so quick. I am still in the summer jam.

  19. Alien or not, if you steal my Halloween decorations, you better be prepared for one hell of an ass whooping when I catch you!

    1. You have to get out of the alien zoo first haha

  20. Anyone but your leader. Haha.
    How tall is that alien?

  21. This had me laughing from beginning to end! "Take me to anyone else. Anyone." I wish this alien prober could probe the eye of Dorian and send it on another track, one of which I'm not going to speak, although Alexa has probably reported on me already.

    1. haha have to watch out for Alexa, sure can rat on you. Such a track is probably wished by many.
