Where In The World!

I guess we have to go searching for Waldo today. Do they even make those any more? Seems like kids would get them online and cheat with some app these days. Hey, at least the app creator is smart, hopefully. That goes all over the world. Who wants to go all over, besides Fundy Blue? As there are some nasty places. From what Al Penwasser says, New Jersey is one of them. What? I'm just repeating. I better get on with it before I offend Santa Claus in the North Pole or something. So the question is:

If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

Hmmm a nice clean house with a desk and no noises around that has no mortgage on it and has someone come and mow the lawn along with shovel that nasty white stuff and fix anything when it breaks while I sit on my butt and write big long giant run on sentences that may not be grammatically correct sounds like a perfect spot to me. Hmmm then again, I don't need a widening arse, so maybe I'll forgo the sitting and just stick with bad grammar.

What? You want a place? That's easy. Atlantis. What? You are asking way too many questions. It exists. It is somewhere between Bermuda and New Jersey. Are you still on the why? Because they have technology that can just take the story right out of my head and put it to paper in ten seconds. Done! 1000 novels in a week. Can't beat that. Don't ask how. It just is. They are smart fish people. More Aquaman than Splash. That last doesn't count? Bah, says you.

Don't you want to go to Atlantis now too? You need a secret fin shake to get in though. If not they may vaporize you. Just a fair warning. Or maybe a bad warning. Or unfair warning. Let's just say it is a warning. Where would you go to write you next novel, blog post, grocery list, etc.? Any place fun? Mars is supposedly good this time of year. They may vaporize you too though. That's just an unfair, bad, good, fair warning.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. Sure! I'll go to Atlantis, but don't need a special fin. My Viking sword would neutralize all attacks by anything or anyone...whatever they may be.

    1. There you go. Can end any threats before they start.

  2. We were playing Code Names over the weekend and Atlantis popped up on one of the cards, prompting a discussion of whether it was an actual place! Sounds good to me, Pat!

    1. It is out there somewhere, or maybe was, or maybe just some fictitious name for New Jersey. Who knows.

  3. If Atlantis is between New Jersey and Bermuda, don't go there now. There's a little hurricane going on.

    1. Bah, they have an invisible protective shield to spare them from that.

  4. Sure. Why not Atlantis? A little wet, but hey. I'm sure you'd figure out a way around it.

    1. Yeah, I'd use a shield thingy and figure it out.

  5. Alas, Atlantis might be in the eye of the hurricane by now. I'll just sit here in my home office and let my arse get huge. Right now, the most writing I do is grocery lists. Sad, very sad.

    1. Well at least you won't forget any groceries, hopefully.

  6. I tried to find Atlantis using GPS but it took me to Atlanta...SIGH.

    1. Well you can take in a Braves game. All I know about Atlanta lol

  7. Home without any noises (kids?) Sign me up!

  8. I guess I'll hop along for the trip to Atlantis.

  9. Being from Long Island, "dirty Jersey" is a common expression down here. I will neither confirm nor deny if the expression comes from a bit of truth!

    While I love your first choice, it sounds like you just need to be gifted a townhouse where all the maintenance is handled. The gift takes care of the mortgage, but will you be willing to pay HOA fees at least???

    I would not want to go to Atlantis. I like the ground where there is no water or vaporizing fish people, thank you very much. If I had to pick a place, it would be the countryside in France. I want to sit at a cafe eating baguettes, wine, and fancy ham slices. I want to wear a straw hat and a loose fitting dress with a notebook and pen in tow. I want to walk down a street that has history and learn who stepped there before me all while jotting down notes and getting some inspiration. But, for now, I'll take my nook at Starbucks where I am right now. :)

    1. Dirty Jersey I've heard a time or two online. Must have a smidge of truth.

      Hey, I'd pay the HOA fees if I was gifted a townhouse. Now where is that rich person that will gift me one.

      Well there is water in the ground, you know. So technically you are on water. France would sure be the perfect spot. Starbucks? Don't you have work? Geez.

    2. Maybe you should go to the Hamptons for the week and see if you can find someone that needs a house sitter. There's lot of Summer homes that need babysitting for the Winter out there. Not just free rent, but you'd get paid big bucks too. :)

      Ehhh, I'm on a travel ban until the fiscal year end. Apparently that includes the office that's 15 minutes from my house. That, and I ran out of almond milk so I decided to work from Starbucks. I wasn't very productive...

    3. lol am I just supposed to waltz up to some rich person in the Hamptons and say I want to house sit? Big bucks would work.

      lol can't even travel to the office? Well that isn't really a bad thing, is it?

    4. Yes, please. I’ll come with you and video tape. Maybe it can become a new TV show. Lol

      It is a bad thing! Thor doesn’t make for very good conversation and we all know how important that is to me.

    5. haha could make for a reality tv show, but pffft, don't think I'd stoop to that level, unless the money was right.

      Well Thor can talk, you just can't understand. Shouldn't you be doing work and not talking anyway? Geez.

  10. Atlantis would be an awesome place to write, but would I be distracted?


    1. Probably. But then they just suck the ideas out of you anyway, so it would be fine.

  11. Atlantis, a world of imagination, perfect for writing :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm betting on New Jersey. That's why nobody's ever found it. They've been off hunting in someplace like Greece for heaven sakes. Anyway, if you go there to write because you can't get someone to mow you lawn at home, text me the coordinates. I'm might give it a go.

    1. haha do you think they have good wifi there? Yeah, hunting over there and it has been in Jersey all along.

  14. What? I thought Atlantis was on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. I am sure an adventure could be found. Blackbeard’s tower still stands there.
    Har har...LoL..all hands on deck we sail on the morrow.

  15. I believe Atlantis exists. :)

    Having someone to take care of mowing and cleaning and cooking and all of that so I could write would be wonderful. That's the dream, for sure.

  16. A house with staff...now that is the best location I've read today! You're a genius.

    1. A genius with possible bad grammar, but still a genius.

    2. Hey, can't be a genius in everything. Or maybe the bad grammar was a way to just humble my genius. You think?

  17. If Jason, I mean Aquaman, is there, I'd go to Atlantis.

  18. I like your choice of staying home and having someone else do everything house-related. Please send that person to me.

  19. To sit and write a story, I would like my home, but probably I will end up napping. Atlantis is a bit far :-)

  20. Sure count me in on your trip to Atlantis!


  21. If our computers and WIFI work, I'm good with Atlantis. Of course, I'll be looking for Aqua Man:)

  22. By golly, I think you're onto something. Having someone else to take care of all the housework, yardwork, shopping, cooking, etc. while I sit on my arse sounds like a dandy way to get some writing done. Atlantis sounds good, too, especially is Aquaman is willing to serve as host. Then again, I can't hold my breath very long...

    1. Easier that way with someone to do all. They have tech that takes care of the breath thing.

  23. I think I'll skip Atlantis and just stay home in the wilds of Texas. Not much of a traveler.

  24. Hm, I'd like to write on a sandy beach in Hawaii, while swaying in my hammock with a fruity drink (definitely in a coconut shell) in my hand.

    1. Can you write while swaying though? That may take some talent.

    2. No, but I can drink and think while swaying, and that's pretty much the same thing, right?

    3. I'll nod and agree, thinking is how stories start.

  25. So, Aquaman will be there right? I would find him pretty inspiring.

  26. I had a laugh at your comment about kids cheating with some app. So true!! lol.
    Yeah, I'd write in Atlantis too.

    1. haha they sure like to cheat with apps indeed.

  27. Anywhere in the world?
    Where the wind and flakes have swirled?
    I think I would rather be
    Loaded with time to write a story or three.
    I could write just about anywhere,
    But alas, no time. No fair!!!

  28. Hey Pat, you described the ideal writing location. If only it existed.

  29. Surely there are other people who want to go everywhere besides me!!! LOL
    I'll go anywhere, and I'd sign on for Atlantis in a heart beat! My school kiddos loved Waldo. I finally parted with my "Where's Waldo" jigsaw puzzle which had been in my classroom forever. Downsizing is no fun!

    1. lol you are the only one I know. Atlantis I'd go though. Stinks you had to part with it, but when you downsize and have very little, you'll never have to part with much again.

  30. I just want someone to come help me feed all these cats.

  31. Ah yes, Atlantis. I'd go there. Nice. I have a few stories started that involve that place. Happy IWSG!

  32. Can you swim like Patrick Duffy? He is THE man from Atlantis which i would love to visit but I think I would pick Shangri-La

    1. Nop. Swimming I can do, but not like that. El Dorado may be up there too.

  33. An office with a view of the beach.

  34. I agree with Spunk
    To avoid a funk
    With Aquaman by my side*
    That's where this gal would hide
    *or on top
    Atlantis, Australia, wherever he is
    I'll get him up in my biz.

    1. Can find
      Front or behind
      Bottom or top
      Atlantis fins shall drop

  35. I think tlantis sounds absolutely interesting Pat!!

  36. Iceland, Atlantis, Australia. Love to travel to other cities some day.

  37. I'm not a writer, but if I could try and become one if it meant choosing anywhere I wanted to go. I think I would pick London or Venice, Italy...just because it's London or Venice. And of course, I want to bring the fam., which negates free time to write. ;)

    On another note, thank you for the supportive words. My boy is really struggling with one teacher this year. She calls him up in front of the class and says she's going to call me, says she's going to have a parent/teacher meeting, etc., for various reasons, none of which warrant being singled out in such a way (he honestly is a quiet, respectful kiddo). I know her, and have seen her do this with other kids. I think she's trying to get him to cry and he hasn't (he's just baffled as to what in the world is going on), so it makes her even more upset. It's stressful for him, which makes it stressful for me. And like I said, I know her (we worked together last year), so there's that stress factor too. Fortunately, he is getting on fine with his other teachers, so it's just 45-minutes a day he has to endure. I guess it bothers me more than I knew. We'll see how it progresses. I'm trying not to be a helicopter mom. ;)

    Your dream of a house with no mortgage left to pay and a manicured lawn that you didn't have to manicure sounds good to me. Atlantis, not so much, unless Aqua Man shows up frequently. He's not too hard on the eyes. ;)

    1. Yeah, you probably wouldn't get much writing done there and with the fam too. But you could pretend you did while you enjoy the sights.

      That is so dumb. She sounds like one of those people who pretends she has more worth than she really does. "Oh, I can boss around kids. I'm so great." Pffft. I can see if the kids are bad and acting out, but just because they learn quietly. You'd think that would be a teacher's dream. Trying to get him to cry makes her more of a bully than actual bullies his age. Teachers like her need to be canned. I'd so end her if she did that to my kid, she'd end up on social media and let the sjws do something good for a change.

      Yep, sounds good indeed. Aquaman may never show up, but Atlantis may have others.

    2. Like you, my 2nd oldest said a teacher who needs to make kids cry, shouldn't be a teacher. Agreed.

      I guess I'll leave A.Man AND the others for the mermaids. I really can't take the time off work to get to Atlantis anyway. :)

    3. Yep, toss her out on her ass.

      haha I think we are all in that boat with work, sadly.

  38. WHY can't I be number one?
    WHY is 1 so much fun?
    Yes, I'm still on the why
    But why can't 1 be done?
    WHY do birds suddenly disappear
    Every time you are near?

    So many WHYs from the Goo
    Not Scooby Doo
    Say, Cat, how are you?
    Why are you how you are
    Near and far?
    WHY don't you have a blue car?
    WHY do chicks
    Sit on sticks?
    Why is there no frog
    On a log?

    Just so you know...
    I gotta go!

    1. Why is a dog in a frog while a goat is on a boat and a pig dances a jig while a bear sits in a chair and a stick sits with a chick and a cat sleeps on the mat and a peep goes cheep cheep cheep or maybe cheap cheap cheap. Beats me at my sea.

  39. I think my husband would like to visit Atlantis too if someone can find it.

  40. Atlantis would be as far from Jersey as possible. Then again, I'm from NY so I might be biased. We have a bit of a rivalry with them. I would think that Atlantis is on the sand...makes sense you'd want to be there. It's a giant litter box. Perfect for you! :)


    1. As far away from Dirty Jersey? You NYers and your biased lol so many of you around here too. Geez, seasonal people. Hey, can't top a giant litter box.

  41. I'm out of breath reading the run on sentence, lol. Lets go to Atlantis to write! Awesome. I'll get a magical wand and filter the thoughts right out of my head. Better than a usb port in the neck.

    1. Yep, the wand would be much faster, even beats run on sentences.


Pat Hatt Books