Glutton For Punishment!

Can you guess what I'm stalking? If you follow that other place you already know, but I bet this is what you guessed.

Poop machines. Nope. They are bad, but this could be....

Worse! It's 2 new mutts!

Try it you tiny little rat.

Two on one. Is that all you got?

Hey, where are you going. I'm not through.

Come a little bit closer.

You aren't so scary.

Let's go. I'll show you how to get into the best trouble.

Attacking her may not be your best idea. She takes no crap.

Told you so. Now you have to rest after she put the boots to you.

We think we may need to rest too. I may be getting too old for this lethal weapon.

Yep. Now we have poop machines by the pair and mutts by the pair. Pat really is a glutton for punishment. He has been threatening us for years and finally did it. He brought home mutts. Can you believe it? Cassie doesn't take their crap. They are afraid of her. Me? Well I always liked dogs better than cats, but shhh, don't spread that around. Any new additions at your sea? Can you believe Pat? Yeah, I asked that twice. If the cat is slow responding, now you know why. I guess I'll go do something and blame the hounds. I will keep them away from Cass and just let them follow my little rhyming ass.

Gone to the dogs and their brown logs.


  1. You can take them, Cat. You're twice their size. And you have claws!

  2. Super cute x3. I love the picture of them all walking off together, lol!

  3. my money is on the cat, for sure. Wow - quite the menagerie all around. How do you get any work done?

    1. The cat shall win. Get things done here and there lol

  4. Yikes, poop machines and pups, now that's scary!

  5. Oh my, they are sooo cuuuute! I think you are handling them very well. And good for you that now you have someone to put blame on heh heh :-)

  6. I'm waiting for the bambinos to come over and play with the pooches! Five bucks Cassie Cat magically appears to watch the show of them getting their tails pulled and nose picked by the babies. LOL!! What cuties, love them! I picture you like Garfield stealing the poor puppy's lasagna. Don't take the lasagna, cat! Don't take it!

    We're all silently waiting for his voice to appear on your page... no pressure.

    1. Stealing anything is the cat's game. Cassie handles her own though. She put the boots to them tonight lol the kiddos aren't overly fond anyway.

      I don't think the cat would go that far lol

  7. Glutton For Punishment!
    Two new mutts coming home
    May spell trouble
    But was able
    To put order at odd moments


    1. Odds we'll see
      What come to be
      Cats and mutts
      And kids with dirty butts

  8. They are cute with their little round bellies. What kind of doggies are they? Now the pussy cats must get used to 2 new disruptions but the one seems ok.

    1. They are westies. Yeah, Orlin has always liked dogs better than cats. Cassie, not so much lol

  9. orlin N cassie; onlee good thing bout dawgz in de houz; now ewe both can raiz 8 kindz oh #ell and put de blame on them....

    well come two blog werld ewe dawgz....ewe iz cute N all, pleez rememburr thiz ,,az we mite knot say it again... for feer oh riddy cule frum R feline cohertz :) ♥♥

    1. haha don't want to cause you ridicule. And that is true, raising hell already too.

  10. The mutts are too cute and you got two of them, omg. I couldn't do it. I only have one dog but he's more than a handful. I actually do have a new addition. A daughter! My 28 year old daughter is moving back in with us for a while. She lost her job and is having a time looking for another one so back home she comes.

    1. Geez, you will have a full house indeed. Two are a handful, but we'll survive, hopefully. I know the job loss all to well.

  11. Gee, Pat, you must be bored or something! What the heck? "Put the boots to you" is not a phrase I'm familiar with . . . LOL!

    1. lol who needs peace and quite. Chaos is far more fun. Never heard that saying? Must be a east coast thing.

  12. Those mutts sure are cute
    and not scared by a brute
    The cat lost its power
    at least for the hour
    But it looks like they're sane
    to give the cat back its reign.

    1. The cat will win out
      When out and about
      Give em a smack
      Then the trio go on the attack

  13. A friend's cat and dog always fight. Saw the cat bite the dog hard to provoke the fight.

  14. Two new mutts? One here is enough! I can't imagine twice the work!! They sure are cute though. Glad the cats can climb their tree and hopefully get some peace!! Of course you know the new addition at our place :)


    1. Yeah, two is twice the work, but oh well, I'm a tad crazy. One cat hides, the other plays them to death lol

  15. Those new pups are absolutely adorable! No matter how big they may get to be, the cats will still be boss. They demand subservience, and dogs don't care. :)

    1. Yep, the cats are always the boss. They aren't afraid to let the pups know it either.

  16. ROTFLMAO!!!!! I love it! At lease you and Cass can retreat to your cathouse. You might get some competition in a new picture book, Orlin. I think those baby Westies will be too cute not to be featured in a picture book by Pat!

    1. Yeah, they can retreat to higher ground. Not that Orlin does. He'd rather play them to death. A picture book they may get in one day after all this craziness dies down.

  17. Great things comes in two
    my favorite number it's true
    those doggies are so cute
    to that, who cannot dispute
    you have quite the family
    there goes the sanity....

    I always wanted a Westie
    now you have two, what are their
    names, please don't make me guessy(haha)

    1. Insanity is more fun
      As around they run
      Up and down the hall
      Each having a ball

      Murphy and Milo they be at our sea.

    2. *can dispute - Did you choose the names
      or have help there at your bay?

      Haha - Enjoy your fun as it is given
      a happy run.

    3. Milo I chose and Murphy Great Nanny chose.

  18. Seems like you've got double double trouble. So, your favorite number is 2?

  19. Oh there is so much to cause the kitty to go into a tizzy! :)

  20. Happy, the dog, is afraid of Patches. Tiger is afraid of her too. She loves it.

  21. Oh, my heavens!!! Cuteness overload! I see some new rhymes and books ahead, with new characters!

  22. They are the CUTEST! Though I don't know how you're managing. I swore I would never do 2 puppies at the same time again. That first year was friggin' brutal!

    1. haha oh they are a giant pain in the ass, but this too shall pass. So they say anyway
