The Miracle Of Life Without The Strife!

Check out the view before they get you. Things may look shiny but their value is tiny.
The cat pfffted at a few people lately around here. Or Pat did as I ran away with my rhyming rear. It wasn't fear though. I just didn't want to listen to them blow. Blow they did too. Hot air from more than a few. At least there was no spittle. That would almost be as bad as being brittle. 

Sit back and relax.
Send it in by fax.
All is fine and dandy.
This life thing sure is handy.

Handy to sell.
Dig that well.
That well is deep.
Come and take the leap.

This is such a great diet.
Now is your time to try it.
Do nothing, eat, do nothing, and eat.
That extra weight you will defeat.

This will make you rich.
There isn't a single hitch.
Just throw some dough in this pot.
Psssst. You have to put in a lot.

These are such great shoes.
Wear them and you'll never lose.
You'll be able to run 100 miles from the start.
No practice or buildup just get at Walmart.

This video is the best.
You'll be prepared for that test.
Learn it all in five minutes or less.
Surgery won't end up a mess.

This is the perfect profile.
You are sure in style.
One meeting and they'll be husband or wife.
None of that pesky dating strife.

These words are top notch.
You'll sell everything from litter to scotch.
With a simple add or say,
Your life will never go astray.

So relax and do.
You'll get a clue.
A clue for the do,
Which is nothing from you.

All is magic.
Nothing is tragic.
Trust what we say.
Simply sit and stay.

Do you believe such crap? The do nothing diet of some chap? Yeah, like that miracle thing will work. 5 mins and you can be a surgeon or a mail clerk. You can learn it all. You can even run from Timbuktu to the mall. All it takes is magic shoes. Run that far and you'll make the news. Pffft and I have bridge I'll sell you as well. It is $50,000 today only and can cast a spell. The spell can bring you whatever in mass. Feel free to wire it to my magical little rhyming ass.

Life takes work, forget the sales jerk.


  1. ooh. I could use a bridge. Where do I send the money? Or I could give you my bank account and SS number, just take what you need......

    1. Geez, so generous. For you the bridge will only be $49,999

  2. Like the commercials that promise if you use/drink/eat that product, you will be popular, wealthy, and wise. Sorry, Sprite has never done a thing for me but quench my thirst.

    1. Yep, you'll never look like those makeup, plastic drenched people either.

  3. People are always looking for either the next best thing (like the latest iPhone) or the easy way out (lose weight by doing nothing).

    1. Easy way is what they go for. Do nothing and get it seems to be the shtick they seek.

  4. Those commercials you see on tv never work. But people keep trying them.

  5. oh Pat, this is fummy, I thought what is he talking about (we are in a middle of a revolution here in the country) but I know what you say, I hate these commercials, hugs !!

    1. REvolution? Damn, hopefully that goes smoothly. Yep, dumb commercials indeed.

    2. Im not jocking ! read in Google : Chile protests


    4. Knew you weren't joking, hopefully something gets done.

  6. Love the view!! and the bench!! Don't take stock in any of those things and if I have half an interest then I start looking at reviews and usually find the majority if not all are scams. Got to put effort in for everything we do.


    1. Thought of you when I used that photo today, kinda stole your thing haha Yep, you have a look at the reviews and scam comes on up.

  7. Obviously people won't learn how not to be gullible in 5 minutes.

  8. I've always been a tad on the gullible and naive side, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. I've never bought snake oil, and I don't trust used car salesmen. Sometimes, looking a gift horse in the mouth is precisely the thing to do.

    1. And check to see if there are any cavities. Those things are the first sign of a rotten deal lol

  9. The diet part....boy can I relate to that. Actually more the do nothing part. I had been sooooo active and now with a lot less activity, those lbs are there. Tried to do something about it today, by raking leaves. I was blowing, but so was the wind...decided that was a bust. So grabbed the rake, then it started raining. So, I threw in the towel; came in and took a shower. By the time I was done, the rain had stopped, the wind had stopped, and sun was out. I didn't go back at and give it a 2nd go.

    1. haha seems to always be the way. After the first go around sometimes one doesn't want to give it a second go right away.

  10. That view really is pretty! Anything with the word diet in it should not be believed!

  11. I would like to sit on that bench and reflect for a bit. Who knows what might come into view? The do nothing diet might involve a pill that could make you ill.

    1. The bench is a nice spot indeed, weather permitting. Yep, a pill that kills you. I guess that is a good diet. Can't gain any weight if you are dead.

  12. You lost me at Walmart! I don’t care how fast those shoes will make me, they can’t make me walk into a Walmart!!! A diet that I can lose weight and do nothing? Count me in! Unless I have to do those cancer causing drops that erase your appetite. No thanks, I’ll just keep with my diet and exercise.

    1. What? Not a fan of the cracks? Come on, you could get lots of blog fodder there lol No drops for you? Geez, you're no fun. What's a little cancer and no appetite.

    2. Lol. I have enough cracks in my life without going to Walmart. I’ve never stepped foot in one ever. The closest I came was being my cousins phone protector as she walked through the parking lot to get a deal to die for (literally!).

    3. lmao never stepped foot in one? Geez, you haven't lived until you do hahaha

  13. If life is a miracle, I'm far more special than I thought.

  14. Listen to this CD and you will speak this foreign language fluently! I wish it would be that easy!

  15. My kgarten gr-daughters were sure that the Disney commercial wanted them to buy those toys, so we had to go out and buy it. It starts young.

  16. Are you trying to tell me that some prince in Nigeria really isn't sending me 1 million dollars just because he obtained my email and thought I was the perfect fit to help him out just by being me!?

    I did have someone say something completely ignorant to me not too long ago. "My gosh, you look amazing. I wish I could lose 30 pounds without having to exercise or even try." Well, bish, I would happily trade you my colitis and all of the pain and agony that comes along with it for your 30 extra pounds." Some people just need to pop off with their ignorance.

    1. That prince may just be your meal ticket.

      Some people are just oblivious to how ignorant they are, then some aren't and just like to run their yap.

  17. I've that do nothing diet. It's a great way to add cellulite!

  18. There's a guy on Twitter giving away thousands of dollars a day.
    You just have to do what it is he will say.
    You'll never hear back,
    You're part of a snack
    And he'll tweet more and more each day

    1. Ought to make some bitter
      As he rants on Twitter
      With many many more
      Each having much in store
      Won't you be their pinch hitter

  19. You got that right, Pat. Life sure does take work.

    1. That it does, work and more work and then more work.

  20. Some folks will fall for anything.

    Some folks will fall for anything.

  21. Enjoy life with all its strikes, though we are now into the winter season. Take care Pat.

  22. It's like the joke
    said by some bloke
    How do you become a millionaire?
    Get a millionaire dollars. There!

  23. Loved the verse. We have to experience nots so good things to appreciate the good.


  24. I believe you get out of life what you put into it. You've got to do the work to reap the rewards. Satisfaction is very sweet.

  25. I’m often baffled as can be
    With how some are fooled so easily

  26. Ha, you really cannot believe all of those ads. People who do are naive, and it seems there are a lot of naive people out there!!

  27. I'm tired of working and I could use some magic beans now. I feel restless and would love to see a dragon or giant past the magic beanstalk. I'm ready for adventure! Someplace new and things to do. I want to get away but where to?

    1. I know the feeling all too well. Would rather get on a dragon and find some place fun with no 9-5 run.
