Sunday Sinks

Today we are going to take a Sunday drive and see what sinks in. Do you get the title now that we gave a spin?

Our first stop is a yard sale. Forget that it is October. Forget that it is in a building. Forget that the lights are on. When asked which part of the yard was for sale, they huff at us and walk away. What? It's called a YARD SALE. Why aren't they selling the yard? We want to buy what they are selling but they don't want to sell it. Can you believe that? House for sale doesn't even mention the yard, but you still get it. Yet Yard Sale, which directly mentions the yard, you can't buy. How rude is that?

Next we spot some mugs. Oh boy, Pat's ego just rose because his name is on a mug. There are already more mugs in the cupboard then we can count. Their dust probably has dust, but let's get another mug because a name is on it. Another one that you won't use. Or you will use it and ditch the one you did use. HOW MANY MUGS DO HUMANS NEED? Hey, at least they aren't plastic and oh so bad for the environment, right? Pffft. 

Then we pass by this. Really? Does the happy face scream, BUY ME? Do they hope you don't look at what it says? Is it a mix and match world now? Why would you want to wash your body with ice cream? Scented or otherwise? What's wrong with good old fashion soap? I can do it too. Moose Hoof Tire Cleaner. See? Makes no sense, but slap a happy moose face on there and humans will buy it up.

Oh, now we are in the woods. Yeah, not a place we wish to be. Let's get out of here fast. But wait. Do you spot that? Maybe we aren't in the woods. Maybe we are at the dump. Nope. There is a wood tick. We are in the woods. Oh, we are in the woods. We are in the woods. No one will see us. Let's dump all of our crap there and make it someone else's problem. We can't have it in our yard. We can't take it to the dump. We can't save it for a garbage can. We can't give it to anyone. Nope. Let's go be lazy hemorrhoids and dump our crap in the woods. Sounds oh so great...if you're a hemorrhoid.

Hold on! Slow down. We just entered a school zone. We have to go slower. The sign says go slower "when children are present" but the law says you are to obey it 24/7. So umm do children go to school 24/7? That must suck. Why even have that at the bottom? Why not just make it 30 km, or whatever it is stated, all the time? And aren't children possibly present everywhere? Oh, there is a store. Children present. Oh, there is a yard sale. Children present. Oh, there is a whatever. Children present. Hell, let's just call it a day and go back to horse and buggy. Damn, children will still be present. May as well just walk. Can't have kids be taught to look both ways, not walk in the middle of the road, and that there are many stupid drivers about so don't trust they will stop. Nope. That is so bad. 

And since we have to walk now, which the cat is good at, here you are:

See? I walked to the water bowl.

Anyway, since we have to walk, we are now through with today's trip. Hopefully next time we'll avoid school zones on a Sunday where kids are still present.

Have lots of mugs at your sea? Do you see your name on them and scream, that's me? Do you have school zone signs where you are at? Do you dump in the woods like a gnat? See any weird products at your bay? Want to scrub up with ice cream and clean away? Ever buy a yard at your sea? Has this sunk in yet for thee? I think I'll let it sink in more with this pass and continue walking about with my little rhyming ass.

Let things sink and begin to think.


  1. haha - Of course you had to buy that mug, it's a good one to have it's true. Shame on those people who leave their garbage in the woods. Who do they think will pick it up? Lazy arse folks seem to be everywhere.

    My Sunday is sinking as the rain keeping coming down. May need a rowboat to get around.
    Haha not really just felt like rhyming.

    1. haha not a bad one to have, I suppose, but still left it there. Lazy arse folks sure seem to be everywhere indeed. A rowboat might be neat for a flooded street.

  2. Love the mug! My cabinets overflowing with them too:)

  3. I'm a sucker for yummy smelling soap, though that's a bit infantile for me! Lol. Behind our old house, there was all sorts of crap in the woods, like tires. I have no idea how long the stuff was there, but it took some effort to push it that far.

    1. lol no ice cream for you, geez. Well at least they put some effort into getting rid of their junk I suppose.

  4. I would buy that soap just to have something smile at me in the morning. We are not morning people here... especially not when I wake up at 4AM.

    We have school zones here. I got pulled over in September for going 32 in a 20. If the cop gave me a ticket I’d have that on my license for a lonnngggg time. And for going thirty miles!!!!!!!!!

    And lol at the mugs. I hate having non matching mugs in my cabinet, but I do have my one girly mug that tells me what beautiful eye lashes I have. And my OCD makes me put on a shelf far away from my real mugs.

    1. lol you and soap, go figure. Ugg 4 AM would only make me a crabby person. 5 is bad enough some days.

      Yeah, they stay on your record for a long long time. Talk your way out of it I take it?

      Figures they would have to match and they all have to be one way too I bet lol keep the girly one away. Check.

    2. I’m giggling because I just had a soap conundrum. I could remember the shampoo I used last and to use the same shampoo two showers in a row would be a catastrophe!

      I didn’t really say anything. He grilled me with questions and then said “Jaclyn, slow down!” I said sorry and he said it was ok and walked away. I don’t know why he let me walk away, but I was real relieved especially since I was in the company car!!

      Lol the one girly mug that has been banned to a different cabinet. Maybe I’ll get her a manly friend to keep her company in exile!

    3. lol poor you, whatever will you do without remembering and not using the same shampoo twice. The world will end.

      Well that was nice of him. Good not to get caught in the company car. I have to watch that for sure.

      Could make them a pair and then they could go with the other pairs.

    4. What?! There are no pairs! Just a set of 8 that don’t want no intruders in their cabinet.

    5. lol but maybe they'd like a spicy intruder

  5. That's a purrfect mug! Be sure to take your picture with it then you'll have your mug shot!

  6. That is a yard sale? Avoid the mugs. Changes are you have shelves full. I do. The walk in woods shot is perfect.

    The soap might be okay though.

    1. You never know, could be a winner. In the woods a lot these days.

  7. Sunday sinks will make one think
    Jumble sale galore with lots of things
    Sweet smelling soap
    Mug to start a probe
    Easy money might trigger off a killing


  8. When visiting popular vacation destinations in our past, we would always get a mug with hubby's and my name's on it. Why? I don't remember, LOL. Eventually they were sent to Goodwill or similar. Grandson has a name that will be on mugs and such but step granddaughter does not so can't start that tradition of their names because it just does not exist with her. Whatever they call it, if I'm in the area and have the time a sale is a good thing to look at. Always interested in what others are selling and the prices they affix for the same.


    1. lol seems where they all end up, whether we remember the reason or not, goodwill. Some names sure aren't on there unless you order them specific. Can be interesting to see, but lots of times just junk.

  9. Mugs and books. Always buy more than I can use. I guess it's better than buying crack.

  10. Yes, we have school zones with the limit being so slow, I feel like I am going backwards. I want to find all the people who litter and make them clean up litter for month starting at 6am and not stopping until 6pm for 6 days per week. When I was a kid, growing up in the country, many used our deep ditch to dump their garbage. Once, while waiting for the bus, I saw a garbage bag but it moved! I went and opened it to discover 6 little kittens. I got my mom and we adopted 6 new kittens.

    1. Yep, some are very very slow. One place I go the speed limit for the whole town is 30 lol

      Dbags like that should be put in a bag and tossed in the middle of the woods. But 6 new kitties to the family must have been fun.

  11. indoor yard sale just isn't right. The seller of crap is supposed to sit in the heat and swat at flies. Drink whisky from a Pat mug.
    You had quite a Sunday adventure, but glad you didn't dump stuff in the woods. People are so awful.

    1. Whisky may get me in trouble lol I guess the seller cheated. Yeah, screw dumping crap in the woods, though many do it.

  12. Cute mug. Was there one for the cat? I certainly don't need any at the moment. I think we have at least 80 and we are out of room.

    1. Seem they pile up. I never looked for the cat, just walked away lol

  13. Ha, what fun to find that mug! I don't have a mug with my name on it, but I have a coffee cup with photos of my three dogs, which is even better! I enjoyed seeing today's photos.

  14. The mugs are a lie because everyone's name is on one. We all can't be the world's best grandma.

    1. Well one could be the best until the next gets a mug and then they are the best and then...

  15. I love coffee so I have way too many coffee cups and mugs. Hope you enjoy yours.

  16. That was some trip you took. The ice cream I'd have to eat. The school zones I see almost everywhere I go. I don't drive too fast, anyhow. I don't need a new yard. Who would mow it? The mugs are cute, but I'd just put it in the cabinet and forget about it. I'm glad you had an interesting trip.

    1. Yeah, that is what happens to mugs. In they go and bye bye. True, who wants to mow more.

  17. Wonderful post Pat and great photo's to match. Sorry for being late with comment.


  18. LOL yes I've never seen yard sold at yard sale!
    That is a cool mug. Patrick the legend! It's a right choice to get it :-)

    1. Yeah, such false advertising haha Always a mug to get it would seem.

  19. Wow! love the first pic of the open road the most... That Mug!

  20. I do have a few mugs, one with my name on it. Some with naughty sayings and some with rats on them...of course.

  21. Haha! Incongruencies everywhere! Great rooting them out, Cat! I worked in Nova Scotia's, New Brunswick's, and Newfoundland's woods a lot in an earlier life. The first thing I learned was never to use any lotions, hair products, or soaps that had a fragrance, especially a sweet one, because doing so meant you'd be swarmed by mosquitos, flies, and God knows what. I still use unscented products. At least wood ticks weren't such a threat then.

    I'd like to catch dumpers, make them pick up and properly dispose of everything they dumped, and then make them clean up an acre of land for every five pounds they had dumped ~ in a pink jumpsuit, of course!

    As a career elementary teacher, I always slow down in school zones. I did a lot of dismissal duty over the years, and I was shocked by the behavior of drivers when hundreds of young kids were leaving school. I'll spare you the details, but we constantly had the police coming to protect our kids at dismissal time because nothing else worked to slow people down ~ even after having our crossing guards hit in crosswalks a number of times.

    I took up to 100 kids on many field trips over the years. My biggest responsibility and worry was getting them safely across streets in crosswalks. Although I would have other teachers and volunteers, I always took on this duty. While I was often dismayed by drivers, I have to say that drivers of big semis were great. They would often honk at my kiddos and the kiddos would honk and fist pump back with delight. I miss my kiddos and field trips ~ :( Have a good one!

    1. The cat will keep on a rooting. Don't even need fragrances in some of the places I go. Friggin mosquitoes are cloud thick. Then you get 50 dead ones on the dash and everything, ugg. Yeah, woodticks wouldn't kill you then, just suck some blood. Nasty little germy buggers now.

      I'm all for the pink jumpsuit. Anyone who dumps should have to pick it up, get fined, and then go pick up some more.

      Oh, drivers are idiots. I've seen plenty. Even watched one go around another car on a double line in a school zone once. Just the signs are so dumb in the way they are presented. "30 when kids present" they say. Law says you have to obey it 24/7. So why not just make it 30?

      I'd probably have a nervous breakdown watching that many on a field trip haha I get paranoid with the two kiddos I take out. The semis usually drive better than most, although one moron almost ran into me going up a side street the other day. No blinker, in the middle of the road, and just plowed through. Hemorrhoid.

  22. It ticks me off when the school zone that is by my house has the flashing lights on an hour and a half past school start time. There are no damn kids walking to school then, shut off the zone since they are all in class now! Whoever programs them needs a good butt kicking.

    I think that's a mug I would have had to buy. Then again, I have a cabinet full of mugs, so what's one more?

    1. haha surprised you haven't kicked their butt yet.

      True, what's one more once you already have a bunch.

  23. I have snowflakes on almost all my mugs. And all my plates. And all my dish cloths. My shower curtain. My fleece throws. One bedding set. My trash can. And the poster above my wall. I don't think I have anything with my name on it. I don't even have much with Snowcatcher on it...

    1. Well at least you ensure the theme everywhere. OCD likes that it matches haha

  24. Did you get the mug? It totally had your name on it!

  25. The man, the myth, the legend. Sounds about right, Pat. I don't know anyone who writes as many books as you. Notice the evil cat didn't have a mug named after him.

    That abandoned car gave me the creeps. Reminds me of some kind of horror movie or something . What kind of loser drives their junker into the woods and leaves it?


    1. The cat doesn't need a mug, just drinks out of everybody elses stuff. Maybe even the toilet on occasion lol

      Oh, some of the places I go remind me of a murder shack and then some. One creepy barn door slowly opened and made that squeak sound once. I kept my screwdriver handy lol There are tons of said losers around here it seems.

  26. Happy Halloween. I trust the cats get some good treats:)

  27. I'll get a new mug if I like it, even though there are way too many in the cupboard here too. ;)
    Phhft to the abandoned garbage. And not sure I'd like the ice cream soap, but I did have a buttercream frosting lotion once that smelled SOOOOOO good. They discontinued it... blah.

    1. haha what's one more mug I suppose. Pffft indeed. Stinks when they discontinue things you like.

  28. I never understood why the "yard sale" gets cred
    You go to buy a new yard, but get a dusty ole Bible instead.
