Strange Times

Well this one I think I've covered in reverse a time or 70. Many sure find me through some strange stuff. The weirdos are aplenty out there as they search away. But then maybe they are searching for something for their story. "glad that'll give stuffing your head"  Or not. Guess they want to stuff...oh where that can go...I'll just get to the question before I stuff this full of stuffing.

What's the strangest thing you've ever googled in researching a story?

Hmmm...nothing strange really comes to mind when researching a story. I've seen some strange when looking for blog posts. Flat Earther nutballs, zombie feet, people who pay other people to pee on them, furries, claims that drinking your own urine cures everything, creepy doll island, and plenty of other crap. I mean it just makes fun of itself. Not that the cat is above adding to it.

If you go down the rabbit hole of YouTube you can sure see some strange things too. You can never unsee them either, so watch that. Nothing really comes to mind there either. Guess I am just oblivious to strange. Or I've just gotten used to the fact that some people are very strange and in need of an abduction by aliens. Get your tinfoil hats out!

Ever search anything strange for a story or blog post or for this or that? Are you curious if your own urine cures all? Don't tell the cat if you try it, as then you'll be made fun of for the next 10 years. Maybe even 11. Although the joke could be on us. You could get the urine cure on this flat earth in a furry costume while we get hit by a bus. There is a story there somewhere. I may have to Google it.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. Pay people to pee on you? They could get that for free in any back alley.
    Yes, careful what you watch on YouTube.

    1. Yep. Just go to a back alley. But sadly, it's a thing.

  2. I only write poetry about what has happened in my life or plans I have for the future.
    As you so rightly say "Enjoy Life Forget The Strife".


  3. I don't normally write horror or murder mystery stuff, but for my first book I needed to know how long it took before a body would begin to swell and begin to stink in the heat.


    1. lol blah, must have been some interesting details and pics.

  4. I couldn't really think of anything strange either.

    1. Yeah, nothing much goes to strange these days

  5. Years ago, I made the mistake of looking up something I'd heard once on Urban Dictionary. Now I wish I didn't know. Makes Furries and the balloon folks seem downright sweet and innocent.

    Now I need to google 'how to unknow something'

    1. haha and you aren't going to share. Geez. Good luck unknowing things.

    2. Especially unseeing .... weird film // Mulholland Drive ... Under the silver Lake ... Anyone ?

  6. The internet is full of interesting stuff. I watch a YouTube vid of a cat island--where a bunch of cats live. I think there might have been one or two people who lived there too. Can't remember.


    1. Yeah, there is an island like that with a few people on it.

    2. How about Wes Anderson’s Dog Island ... how strange is that ? Unforgettable.

  7. Searched a lot of stuff for my old work. Some really nasty stuff. Makes you glad they have filters for kids of what they can search for.


  8. I wish I had never heard about the furries. Now, I can't look at a mascot without cringing. You're right, cat. Stay out of those rabbit holes.

    1. lol cringing sure is the way with mascots after knowing that.

  9. I've heard about the benefits of drinking pee but never researched it. You've definitely found out abut some weird stuff.

    1. haha that the cat has as he goes about blogging.

  10. Okay so about the pee...I do believe that is the strangest search I've seen here today. And zombie feet?

    1. The cat gets the award for strangest search? Win!

  11. The first time we searched for cat houses...well, not what we expected!

  12. Yes there are some strange stuff online. And you can not unsee them indeed. You click the link at your own risk!

    1. Pretty much the case. Better off never clicking.

  13. Thankfully, I haven't stumbled on any weird stuff in my searches. But mostly, I search travel so that doesn't pull up too many weirdos.

    1. Well I'm sure it would if you were traveling to some weird spots, but you stay in the good areas.

    2. That's because her name is Theresa, Cat.

  14. LOL I see all sorts of strange things during my google escapades! The weirdest? I'm not sure... although I definitely covered Flat Earthers and Zombie Feet. hahaha I was googling ticks this weekend, and I somehow uncovered a type of parasitic worm that peeks its head out of a person's anus for air. Does that count as weird? I somehow spent a few hours the other night googling Feral Children and watching documentaries on supposed feral children that though they were animals. Weird, sad, or click bait? My absolute favorite was last year when I was googling fear of something (I couldn't remember the technical term of it), and I stumbled across a man that thought he was household furniture. He would stand pretending to be a lamp, crouch down pretending to be a coffee table, or various other furniture for HOURS!

    1. haha I knew about the parasite that comes out your ass for air. Sure shows that you can go down a rabbit hole. Never knew about the furniture guy, weirdo. Reminds me of the guy that is in love with his car, like really in love, kisses it and such. Blah. Feral Children sounds like click bait, but you never know, which is what click bait relies on.

      That's the link to see the video about the guy wanting to be furniture. It's a must see. lol My brother doesn't buy the feral children either.

    3. Just plain weird, or maybe fake to get views? Geez.

    4. Even if she whines about working at home, hmph.

    5. Furniture guy ! That sure is crazy ! Well at least he can’t get depressed ... always a good armchair away from bliss ....

  15. Yep, brain bleach would be good.

  16. I guess there are a lot of strange things in the world. Imagine if you put them all together what a weird story you'd have.

    1. haha you'd sure have one weird story that went on forever

  17. The creepy doll island is so scary!!! Have you seen the Destination Truth episode??? FREAKY

    1. Weird spot indeed. Don't think I've seen the episode.

  18. And here I thought nucleosynthesis was weird ~ LOL! Obviously there are some things I don't need to know about. Thanks to you Ittoqqortoormiit is fixed in my brain ~ That's a good thing! Somehow I'm going to get there!

    1. haha lots of things we don't need to know about. Glad the cat made one stick, good luck getting there.

  19. Go on the internet for a while and you will find some strange stuff. I once was looking for something specific about a dream and stumbled on something too strange for me to even think about deciphering.

    1. Geez, a tease and not even going to say what it was?

    2. Hmmmm something too strange for you to even think about deciphering. Hmmmm I wonder what you stunbled upon. Would Pat find it strange, too?

    3. Yeah, she doesn't tell. How rude.

  20. There's too much weird stuff there to look too deep. More than one search will turn up a creep.

  21. There are some rabbit holes I don't want to jump down...

  22. Some things you can't unsee...that's so true. Many a thing I wish I'd never seen or read. My googling is strictly boring but a great shortcut to info that once you had to go to a library and pour over tomes. Have a great weekend Pat!

    1. A quick shortcut is the best way to use it indeed, just don't click too many links, as then you end up in the scary.

  23. No, Pat, no! Not the zombie feet! Halloween is over! The zombie feet make it Helloween! They scarred me so badly, I can picture them. Gah!


    1. hahaha burned into your brain. My job is done. Now I just have to mention them and the scare is there.

  24. You know, I can remember reading a historical romance years ago that mentioned the urine thing and healing. Ack.

  25. orlin N cassie....tell dad ta google tin foil hatz for catz...noe joke.....they make em & sell em
    { tho we dunno if catz wear em ;) ♥♥

  26. I've encountered some really weird stuff on Youtube.

  27. my guess is folks in googling and coming across some of your posts probably think they've hit a goldmine of strange. Be proud!

  28. Ha ha! Can’t help but bust a gut over Joanne’s comment!!!

    I’ve come across more than my fair share of weird and weirder, most of the time completely by accident. But yes, with a journalism background and family members in law enforcement, I have looked up thing I wish I hadn’t. I remember the good old days, before the internet, when the card catalog at the library was the prime research tool. And it occasionally led down some very interesting rabbit holes.

    1. Yeah, at least there would be more of a satisfying feeling that way when you go down the rabbit hole. Now it's just click and ick.

    2. The Encyclopedia Brittanica was somewhat dry and boring though ....

  29. Google is definitely jumping down the rabbit hole of strange, weird and surprising. I like looking at stuff about science and the brain.

  30. I've googled strange things I'm clear
    but I've no memory of them I fear
    perhaps it's best this way
    I don't need more proof that I'm cray cray.

    1. No proof but already proven
      Maybe it's time to get movin'

  31. I looked up contents in McDonald's burgers (something about writing post), and haven't eat burgers from any fast food place since. One site I was reading and then left, disappeared when I went back to it. "This site has been taken down".

    1. McDonalds must have gotten after them. I know there is rat crap, rats, cow crap and other things in them.

  32. Hello Cat!
    What's now on your mat?
    Flat Earther nutballs, zombie feet,
    Dancing to the nut beat
    people who pay other people to pee on them...
    How about people who order used underwear that has not been washed?
    Sounds creepy to me
    In the place to be.

    Great post
    From coast to coast!
    Don't mean to boast.

    (Not Scooby Doo)

    1. P.S. Patt, can I ask you a favor? Could you say something nice to my friend Azra. She's a darker shade of blue but at least I got her to start blogging again. HERE
      Thanks, I owe you one.

    2. Dammit, she just changed her address: HERE

    3. Yep, a load of crap
      Across the map
      A creepy chap
      With an underwear lap
      Toss em in the sea
      in the place to be

      Will do
      With a view

    4. Thanks, Pat. I appreciate it. A load of crap. Prefer a good slap.

    5. Crap by the load
      Even for a toad in the road

  33. Oblivious to strange, huh? That's funny. But ya better be careful. There's always lots more strange waiting around the corner. (And it'd be happy to pee on you for free, too.)

    1. Yep, a lot more strange indeed. Hey, if I ever find out that pee cures the plague, I'll keep you in mind lol

  34. This was sure fun to read ^_^ I guess the strangest thing I've had to research are the names of anti-psychotic drugs... for a story, because afterwards I get ads for Prozac and therapists.

    I think that's the strangest part about doing research on Google. Once they get that information from you, it's really hard to undo it and you're labeled as psychotic ever after. I'm a writer so I'm always researching crazy stuff but I hate to think what the internet thinks of me now >_<

    1. haha so true. Google keeps track and then you get all these ads. Probably not the best to have it label you a psychotic.

  35. It's fascinating what you can find on the internet. Just be careful and go to a trusted site first.
