WEP: Normal Witch

I dislike making Mommy nervous, but I need to swing my legs this time. She doesn't have to swing along. It helps with this boring room and keeps me awake. The yucky paint looks like something Daddy did after work. He rushes everything these days. I wish he didn't work two jobs. I barely ever see him anymore. I miss him. And it is all this witch's fault. Why did she show up at our Halloween Harvest? Why couldn't she go to some other town's fair? Why did she pick me to put a spell on that day? What did I do to her?

I really want out of this boring room. I need to go play with my toys, but Mommy keeps bringing me back to this boring room. She keeps saying words with that other lady that are too big for me to understand. Then Mommy cries. They are like magic words. And now the lady has a big wart and cackles. She thinks she is funny, but I know the truth. She is a witch. She is happy when Mommy cries. She must be casting spells on Mommy to make her bring me here. This boring room where she makes me wait so long that I nap. Then she comes and steals my blood. It hurts, but I will never cry for her. No witchy spell will work on me.

Here she finally comes. She even started wearing a black robe. Maybe she has put a spell on so many people that she doesn't have to hide anymore. She may have stopped hiding, but I have something hidden that she'll never know about. I have Amy's coin in my pocket. I laughed when it broke up her love spell with that rocker dude. That icky kissing was getting old. She found it in his pocket and the kissing stopped. It breaks spells. If I had one for Mommy then we would never have to come here again. I could go out as Spider-Man for Halloween, but Mommy says I have to wait for next year thanks to the stupid witch.

Her smile means that today might be the day. She might finally stick me in her pot. I know it's hidden behind that curtain. She is rather scary. Good thing that wart makes her look super funny. I'll focus on that while my coin protects me. There is the wave. Now she has Mommy. I'm not moving willingly. No way. Should have moved. So embarrassing having Mommy carry me into her lair. I want to fight back, but that witch has zapped all my energy. Why can't Mommy see that and get us out of here?

Those papers must be from her spell book. She must be showing them to Mommy to keep her spell going. If only I could reach out and grab them. I'd flush them down the toilet. I would set them on fire, but Daddy won't let me have a lighter yet. Not like I meant to set Amy's old dollhouse on fire. Geez. I'm a year older now and they still don't trust me. Amy laughs, but she wasn't laughing then. She's a good sister though, unlike this witch.

Mommy always holds me so hard when we are here. It's like she thinks I could run away. Maybe if she took this witch's spell off me then I could. I so want to play baseball with my friends again. This witch needs to stop cackling and staring at me and let us go. Maybe Amy's coin is working on us both. Mommy isn't crying yet. Wow. Mommy is digging her nails into my arm. That hurts. Mommy is angry. Yes! Amy's coin worked. She is yelling at the witch. We are free.

All in my head? Nothing wrong? All tests normal? Why is Mommy repeating everything this witch says? Is it a new spell? The witch failed her spell. Mommy is yelling it. My ears sure are ringing, but the witch deserves it.

Mommy is letting go of me. Finally. Freedom. Darn, I'm slipping from her lap. Ouch. That hurt. The floor in her lair is as hard as a rock. Maybe the paper from her spells that Mommy just ripped up will make it a little softer. Oh no! Mommy is crying again. I wish I could get up and hug her. If the witch's spell would wear off on my arms, I could get up. Instead, Mommy has to pick me up while the witch watches. The witch looks scared. Go, Mommy. That's right. Let's get out of here forever.

Normal? Mommy, why do you keep muttering that word? I know what it means. I'm not that dumb. I did just beat a witch after all. Why are you calling Daddy? What? We are going to a more expensive witch in the city? No. Amy's coin failed on Mommy. It must have something to do with normal. Maybe that is the magic word of witches. I'll have to get Amy to help me find out. I have to get rid of normal from Mommy's head. Then Mommy and I will be better. Then I can play and not have to go to any more witches. Then I can go out as Spider-Man. Then Daddy can stay home. Then we can be really normal again.

Words: 894

There we are. That is what came on out. A bit different but scary in a whole other way. That is where my mind went this time. You just never know how things will flow. Thoughts?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. Its interesting. I'm not sure I completely "get" it. Is the kid who is there being tested to be a witch and isn't one since all the testing seems to come out "normal?" All I know is I don't want to be in that room either.


    1. Can go many a way. Yep, no one wants to be in that room.

  2. "1000 words or less."

    Kid in English class. "25 words should be fine."

  3. The scariest of scary if you are a parent. Very well done.

  4. So are they in a hospital and the kid is being tested on but the tests are normal?

  5. It sounds creepy! Wonder if the witch is really a witch or it’s kid’s imagination.

    1. Could be either or, but I'd go with the latter.

  6. As someone who has read her fair share of short stories, I'm guessing that the mom believes the son has some sort of psychosis and isn't able to find someone who can diagnose him. Possibly the dad also has a mental disorder and that's why he's not around?

    1. Sure dug into it at your sea, wouldn't say you were wrong.

  7. I'm guessing the doctor is a witch and cursed the kid and is getting the parents to spend a fortune on medical tests that dad has to work extra to pay for.

    1. Could very well be the case. Gotta watch those witches.

  8. I am thinking the kid is sick and the witch( doctor) can't find out what is wrong and it is taking it's toll on the whole family. Dark and scary as what is "normal". Interesting take
    on the prompt but, you always give the readers an intriquing tale.

    1. Yep, can't finding out what is wrong sure takes its toll on everyone.

  9. I wanted the kid to win. I wanted the coin to do something awful to the witch, and the kid would live happily ever after. Now I have to come up with an alternate ending in my head so I can go to sleep... Thanks, Pat! :)

    1. haha at least I gave you something to do, not that you need it

  10. creepy in a abnormal way. Good job

  11. OOPS! Not sure how I replied on Joanne's comment. It must be spooks and witches.

    I like your story. I love creepy and keeping me guessing.

    1. Must be those internet gremlins

    2. what the heck. I'll reply to T's comments. Let's keep something in balance.

  12. Wow! I loved how you captured the kids's voice so well and yet we knew he was undergoing some super scary tests in a doctor's office (?) or somewhere that his mom took him to help him. We get that his mom really loves him and there's a lot of stress, and the kid is terrified (rightly) so about the blood tests and everything else. Excellent writing, Pat!

    1. Scary for all involved when such tests come to be indeed. Thanks.

  13. Wow, you literally gave me goosebumps this time. Excuse me while I take a second to go hug my babies... Scary is right!! To have my children unhealthy, unsafe, or just uncomfortable is one of my biggest fears. They are too innocent to have to go through anything. You captured that perfectly here as the child isn't able to comprehend what is happening. What is the child being tested for?

    1. Yeah, knowing there isn't much one can do when they are sick is awful in every way. None should have to go through such things, but sadly many do. Could be being tested for a whole host of things, but normal is all they get.

  14. orlin N cassie....we iz buzzed happee for de wee one....we iz sorree him had ta go thru what him kneaded ta go thru...dad N mom two....we iz glad in de end... de testz said good ta go....home izza grate place ta bee...hopsitalz N doctorz officez SUX....happee howl o ween little dood... ♥♥♥

    1. Never fun to have to go through that for any one, such offices suck indeed.

  15. Trying to figure out which witch did which
    and which one is the biggest b*tch.

    1. Could be a a witch of a glitch
      Or just a hitch of a witch

  16. I love it. I like the open interpretation too.

    1. Keeping it open is fun to see what comes about.

  17. Poor kid! I kept seeing it in medical terms, and it was so disturbing. It hit too close to home.
    It's awful to go through years of horrible tests coming out normal before doctors finally discover what is abnormal. At least an adult can understand ~ But for a child it's incomprehensible. Children try to explain the incomprehensible in terms they can understand. You captured it so well!

    1. Yeah, such a pain in the arse for adults, but at least they know the dumb drs are full of crap with their normal. Kids try to rationalize it the best they can, witches and all.

  18. Wow, Pat. I was caught by the first words. More, more, I was saying. Love the direction this story is taking you. keep writing on it!

    1. Not sure there is much more in this one, but I could make it so.

  19. I imagine through the eyes of a child, many adults are scary like witches. Hell, I still think some medical professionals are witches, but with a b.

    1. haha and we don't disagree with you either. Know a few that would get the b.

  20. Child's POV and voice done superbly well. A brilliant and thought provoking Halloween flash. A nightmare for any parent. But also, in a way, a stark commentary on the current parenting culture that we must find physical/medical explanations and cubbyhole all children's behaviour into this or that syndrome.

    Thank you for a very enjoyable entry for this Challenge.

    1. Thanks. A nightmare indeed. Yep, everything has to be put into some little box and need a fancy term for it with kids these days.

  21. We think we know when we really do not. The perspective of a child is hardly ever considered when treating him or her, right?

    1. Yep, always the ones who think they know when they could be more full of crap than the kid.

  22. Hi,

    A boy who has lost his father, mama crying, and it made me think that the two adult had separated and now daddy has to work two jobs, and his mother is trying to have a spell cast on his father to bring him back home.
    An interesting story with many directions.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

    1. That is an interesting way to take it indeed. Can go in many a way.

  23. I have had far too much to do with medical witches and wizards. A truly horrible harvest, as usual beautifully penned.

  24. Intriguing - there are a lot of ways to take this story - and I like that!!! Well done :)

  25. Hope your day has been productive and your evening is pleasant.

  26. Not sure if I should be sorry for the hero (heroine?) or run scared, and the ambiguity is fascinating.

  27. I love how you wrote in the child's POV, Pat. Well done. Here's what I got from it. The child rebelled after mommy and daddy split by setting his sister's dollhouse on fire (perhaps pyro) and scared the crap out of mom. Mom takes him for testing to see what's wrong and they say, "Nothing" but the kid really does love to play with fire. Also, I think Amy's coin is a condom. Am I right?


    1. haha wow, you sure went in there rather deep. Never thought of the coin being a condom actually. My thought was it was from a carnival or something and his sister found out her boyfriend took another there and then dumped the two timer. Interesting how things come up with each person though. Pyro he may be indeed.

  28. I think the witch is a doctor/nurse from a (mental?) hospital. And, his tests were normal.

  29. As a parent, this struck close to home. I love all the different possible interpretations. On a personal level, this brought me back to the time my oldest son came down with a mysterious illness and ended up in the hospital. Test after test kept coming back normal. It nearly drove me mad. In the end, he got better and we never found out exactly what he had.

    Great job with the child's perspective!

    1. So many interpretations indeed, as I'm seeing. Ugg, mysterious illnesses suck, glad he got better.

  30. Just being in the doctor's office is spooky enough and then starting the testing for whatever and wondering about the results makes you want to run and hide.

    1. Yep, those results can sure make you want to head for the hills.

  31. Considering my profession, I see this as a troubled kid who's being tested to find out why he isn't "normal" only to be told that there's nothing wrong with him. Mom is going crazy trying to find anwsers, or perhaps just a label that tells her what she's dealing with, while dad works to pay for tests and repairs from the son's misdeeds. The kid probably act out because dad works alot and because mom is always too worried about what might happen to just let him be a kid. Even if I'm way off, that's what I got, and it is very scary. Cool take on the prompt.

    1. Yeah, so many search for that label. You must see a lot, as you sure brought a lot forth for the kiddo.

  32. Although I worked for many years in the medical field, I have a very high degree of medical anxiety as the patient. Never imagined the doctors as being witches, but some of them were certainly mean-spirited and impatient.
    I had the thought that the mother might have Munchausen by Proxy, as she is insisting that the child be tested again although the tests are normal.

    1. Munchausen. That's what it is called. Never knew the word, but met a few people that it sure can describe. Then met a few drs. that are just as bad. They'll spend 5 hours telling you how things are normal instead of taking 5 mins to test anything.

  33. I enjoyed reading your work. Seeing medical tests and parent reactions from a child's perspective is interesting. I also found it fun to read everyone's comments and your responses.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. The kid is sick and is fantasising that the nurses and doctors are witches. Tragic. Couldn't he have escaped? I wish he'd escaped. Am I taking it all too seriously? That show how well written this is.

  36. I feel sorry for the young boy but also a bit scared of him! Great writing to keep us all guessing.

    1. Both are good ways to feel indeed for the poor guy.

  37. Hmmmm- lots to take in. Spooky! :)

  38. Brilliant Pat. I sorta took it that the kid was a bit psycho and the Mum was getting him tested. Thought the witch (doctor) was great imagery. You nailed that kid’s voice! Amazing what comes out of that imagination of yours Pat. Awesome Horrible Harvest entry.

    1. Kids sure can make up things as the witch came out. He may be a bit of a psycho or pyro at least.

  39. Hi Pat - it seems like the boy may be very aware ... with nothing wrong, other than an over wrought mother, who probably is the one causing her son awful neurosis. A mixed up family to say the least ... but you've given us something to think about -I think I might go out for a walk to see if I can lose the story as I wander along the sea promenade! Very spooky ... cheers Hilary

  40. What's really happening here? It's a matter of perspective and this one told through a child's view of what's going on around her and trying to understand what Mommy was doing and why. Has so many layers and directions it could go. Love it!

    1. Sure many a perspective on it too as the comments came due.

  41. That's such a great post... Made me stop and think for a moment. Well written

  42. Lovely child point of view. I thought you managed to stay in the present moment exquisitely. Sounds like a trip to a specialist 🥼 doctor which is just as scary. A witch doctor Ha ... 🧙‍♀️👩‍🎤. I loved the flow of consciousness sliding from the paint on the wall to the boy’s longing for his daddy. Thank you .

    1. Some drs may be better as witch doctors lol thanks.

  43. Really interesting perspective. I can see how a child could imagine things this way. I enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks, yeah kids do imagine many a thing indeed.

  44. You delved into that kid's head and came up with imaginative phrases to show his reactions to the witch - doctor. At first, I was thinking witch in the spooky sense, then I realised where we were. Sadly, doctors too often dismiss illness as 'normal' in their opinion. My chronic disease was misdiagnosed at first. My step-daughter died as doctors ignored her cancer for too long. Now, her brother is having 'normal' diagnoses.

    Scary but true to life. Artfully done.

    1. Yep, being called normal when you aren't can sure lead to a whole host of issues, and sadly as you say, even death for some. They always take the easy way out.

  45. Congratulations on being short-listed in this challenge. As always, this is a tricky piece, which left this reader pondering long after I walked away.

  46. Good Morning!
    Congratulations on making the short-list for this intriguing story.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G
