Favorite Time

Would the title be talking about your favorite time of day? Year? Month? Second? Or would it be talking about my favorite time of day? Year? Month? Second? Or would it be my, or your, favorite time because of certain things, acts, or whatever? Or would it simply be saying that it is time to post about your, or my, favorites on something? Or would that be a single favorite? Should I have said that only once as favorite(s)? Or am I totally wrong like ten times, yep, still too lazy to count, and spelled it as favorite? Maybe I should just get on with it before you get confused. Too late? Damn, I'll have to clarify my titles better sometime in the future. Maybe in one that is far far away. Nope. Can't do that. I may end up with an awful prequel or a remake that pretends it's not a remake. Right. On with the question.

Of all the genres you read and write, which is your favorite to write in and why?

Did we skip the read part? Why ask read if you only ask write in the second half? Hmmm, would they call this nitpicking? Yeah, I'm a dink at times, or maybe all the time, but I can take it. 

Do I have a favorite? Hmmm if I had a favorite maybe I'd write in that all the time. But then that might get boring and it wouldn't make it a favorite anymore. Isn't that like that with most things? You do something you enjoy, but if you solely do that, you kinda want something else. Yes, I said do. Don't go to the gutter because if you do....

He only has eyes for you.

So I guess it is more a favorite at the time thing. Then I try the next and the next and then swing back around and still find it a favorite. But then swing back to the next and the next and find they are a favorite too. Maybe that would count as my favorite way to write, right? Did that count as answering the question? Yes? No? Maybe so?

Pick a favorite and savor it.


  1. I will savor being number #1 today.

  2. Nap time is my favorite time of day!

  3. I used to enjoy historical fiction, but I'm now burnt out with all the WW2 fiction out there.

    1. Yeah, WW2 stuff just keeps going on and on and on

  4. That's great that you like to change things around. And I'm with Brian on nap time.

    1. Change things here and there. Nap time is a win.

  5. I like mindless women fiction, I read when I am on the treadmill. I just want something to read to make the time go by faster.


    1. Sure can help the time go by to read indeed

  6. It's like a roller coaster. Whichever one I am on at the time is my favorite.

  7. Yeah. I like variety too. I'm working on two writing projects at the same time right now, trying out a process a writer friend uses. My goal each day is to get at least 2,000 words in one book and only 300 in another. It's been fun jumping between both worlds and characters.

  8. Hank's Favorite time was then 7am
    Used to wait before to vie for the # 1
    Now has to be lucky to seek
    For to be #1 is an open bid
    True, missed you too and all the fun


  9. My favorite time is time with kitties. Especially when I go to bed with kitties and nap with them :-)

    1. A fine time indeed. Rather do that than work any day.

  10. I can't get enough of mysteries. No matter the genre. Yes, mysteries can be in any genre! And not matter the age category. I'm hopelessly addicted to murder (mysteries). Grim, I know.

    1. haha grim but they can be fun. Yeah, they can be in any genre.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Interestingly, my favorite reading genre is not included in my writing genre.

  13. I guess one of the reasons I switch between Middle Grade adventure/fantasy and Young Adult contemporary/realistic, then non-fiction and short stories is what you mentioned. I don't want to become bored with any of them.

    1. Yeah, a much better way to be. That way they seem more fresh and you want to go back to them.

  14. I love your header picture. Speculative Fiction is my pick.

  15. I get the idea of picking a favorite for a while. I used to love one genre, but now I mostly write in another. And I won't be surprised if it changes again.

    1. Changes sure shall come with the writing game.

  16. I have some favorites. Favorite genre to read is PNR. Favorite candy is chocolate truffles. Favorite scent is bubble gum. Favorite thing to drink is tea. That alien is creeping me out. Are you trying to tell us something? Been visited lately?

    1. Favorites you have indeed. What? That scary porn you mentioned a while back not a fav? lol That alien just want s to play, it's bored searching me I guess haha

  17. Makes sense. Why limit yourself? If you enjoy all kinds of genres, you might as well dabble in all of them... when the time is right. You're having fun with your writing, and it shows.

    1. Dabble away is the way we go. Having fun once more indeed.

  18. Write: Humor (shocking, I know). At least I HOPE it's funny.
    Read: History. That way I can learn all about the people who have actual contributions to the world. Including good authors.

    1. And then you can write about the history you read and make it fun. Win win.

  19. I read across genres and write in a few as well, but fantasy is tops by a bit. I mean ... dragons, come on.

  20. I like to read mysteries much of the time. Sometimes I read depthful religious (not right wing!!!!!) stuff as well. And yes, poetry - I am into Mary Oliver, for example.

  21. That is a good point. My favorites have changed over time so they are very of the moment.

  22. Can people pick a normal genre like futuristic Gothic vampire-zombie monkey-men playing in a music band and set in Victorian England?

    1. But but there was no super powered monkey men, can't be normal without that.

  23. I bounce around between so many different genres, I can't pick a favorite. Earlier this year, I read a lot about the Holocaust, then jumped to thrillers, and now I'm reading a YA series. I'll probably move to a few Nicholas Sparks novels for light summer beach reads, then will go back to horror this fall for Halloween.

    1. Halloween and horror, never would have guessed haha moving around keeps things fun.

  24. I thought the same thing as you did about this month's question, Pat. I guess I'm a nitpicker too! Why limit yourself to one or two favorites? My universe is filled with all kinds of favorites. You are having a whole lot of fun with that alien. You've certainly gotten your money's worth out of it. The alien's smile suggests that it's thinking it could suddenly turn around and flash everyone with its bare bum! LOL!

    1. Nitpicky I guess we both can be haha yeah, screw limiting one's self, that way you would never know if something else could be your favorite. The alien has come in handy, bare bum and all.

  25. no favorites for me. I don't want to discriminate in reading or writing. Variety - the spice of life.

  26. The cat is a dink all the time. Pat is never a dink.

    Great point about doing the same thing over and over again and then it not being your favorite anymore. There is a guy I work with and he says his favorite lunch is black beans with cut up red grape tomatoes. I've worked there for over four years and he eats it: Every. Single. Day. I couldn't do that.


    1. The cat can take it. Dinkity dinky dink doo.

      Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. I've eaten the same crap for 7 years almost. Either that or death.

  27. Nothing better than a good mystery. Pat, you have a great day.

  28. I'm confused. Nothing new there. I enjoy writing MG and YA contemporary and historical.

  29. I write short slices of life stories. And I like to always a pithy ending.

  30. I don't write. As for reading, I like to read non-fiction most. Every now and then I like a good fiction novel. No favorites, though I do remember liking John Grisham as a younger adult and the 3 favorites of all the girls my age way back when (Beverly Cleary...Ralph and the Motorcyle was my most favorite of all time...Paula Danzig and Judy Blume). :) I'm with you though, too much of any favorite can lead to it no longer having that title (no pun intended).

    1. hmm seems my memory is starting to bail. It should say Danziger, and I looked her up to make sure because I felt it was wrong, and I can't even remember any of those titles (though I do remember loving her books). So strange. Ignoring this and moving forward. ;)

    2. haha old age kicking in? At least you kinda remembered the name, not all gone yet. At least you remember enjoying them too. Non fiction, even though I'm sure some of that is still fiction, can teach too, so a win.

  31. Time travel is my favorite to read,
    But writing about that, I'm not up to speed.
    Writing is best when I'm in the mood,
    And I could write about anything, even food!

    1. Time travel is sure fun
      Although could confuse with its run

  32. You have a point when you say that if you do something often enough it stops being your favourite. I've chosen a genre as my favourite but it's a new genre and I don't think I've written anything in that genre. Yet.

    1. The new can be fun, especially if it turns out you like it.

  33. Yep, I'll read pretty much anything, but the favourites definitely shift around.

  34. Favorites can be a fluctuating term. Maybe if I read and wrote more I could answer the question better, but right now I guess reading and writing must not be my favorite things to do or else I'd be doing them. Being retired, I'm not doing much else of importance for the time being.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Retired is a fine way to be. Rather be that then doing my 9-5, ugg.

  35. I like to read all genres and writing tends to be MG at the moment. But favorites come and go for me... :)
