Eye Of The Beholder With Or Without Growing Older!

The cat is here to give a peer. I don't know what I'll peer about. Actually I do or this post wouldn't have came out. Or maybe I don't and let my claws do the typing. Hey, at least I know this isn't Skyping.

Ticking of time.
Such a crime.
Ticking tick a ticking.
Age you ain't licking.

Unless your tongue sags.
Could go with eye bags.
Eye of the beholder.
Maybe tongue down to the shoulder.

I guess that would grow.
What do I know?
A little and a lot.
I answered the question I sought.

Hypothetical or not.
Maybe a rhetorical plot.
But what the heck.
I hit the deck.

It hurt the hand.
That isn't grand.
Age and brittle bones.
Moans and maybe groans.

Hopefully they're fun.
May kill someone.
But hey, got a thrill.
Go in for the kill.

After all, you're growing.
Keep on with the showing.
You are growing older.
Hmm did the air get colder?

Nope, you just shrunk.
Closer to the ground, punk.
Was that an ancient word?
Maybe I should flip a bird.

Damn, finger won't bend.
Age is supposed to extend.
That is sure a lie.
By time does fly.

Umm it flies while you grow.
Yet it doesn't move and you shrink, so....
Liar liar pants on fire?
Made two for one expire.

Ever notice how they say that a lot? Grow older with many a plot. But you kinda, maybe, sorta shrink. Shorter and saggier could bring all to the brink. Plus, you forget more too. Hmm did grow get a meaning not known to our zoo? The cat just had to chime in with this pass. Now the post count shall grow with my ever not so growing any longer little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.


  1. I guess every part of the body sags at that point. Probably just exhausted!

  2. I wonder why human ears keep growing when the get older?!?!

    1. Maybe their hearing goes and they need to get bigger to stretch farther to hear

  3. My kids swear I've gotten shorter, but according to my doctor, I'm half an inch taller. Go figure. (But I'm definitely older!)

    1. haha guess you proved it right, still growing.

  4. I know Im growing older, is natural, is the life.
    haha the cat wants scared us :)

  5. Not many things as powerful a kitty stare.

  6. I think I lost an inch somewhere these past few years. Both of my girls are about to surpass me in height. The joys of getting older... *sigh*

    1. Haha so you now get the short end of the stick?

  7. I LOVE your kitty eyes!
    Could be a quilt in disguise!!!
    My last physical revealed
    Too many inches off the top peeled.
    More and more tests, more and more dough;
    Always finding something to make the cash go.

    1. Yep, sure can suck the dough away
      Those eyes never stray

  8. I'm glad I'm tall so when I shrink I won't be super short. I do think we all shrink as we get older; something to do with our vertebrae and the stuff in between them starts to shrivel up or something like that so we do get shorter.


    1. Yeah, the back loses things in there and away we shrink. Need one of those old torture table things to stretch us out.

  9. If I shrink anymore
    I'll be as tall as the floor.

    1. At least you won't have far to go
      If you trip and stub your toe

  10. Growing older is no fun but it sure beats the alternative. Have a great day Pat.

  11. Time flies, unless you're really bored. Or it doesn't stop RAINING! Send Noah!

    1. Need that ark. Hey, time could fly building one of those.

  12. My what big eyes you have, the better to see you my dear...haha..why did I go there?

    Time is a fickle thing there never seems to be enough of it....aging is natural unless you plan
    to go plastic. I think I'll pass on that...there is enough plastic in the world.

    1. haha the eyes take you there. Good to pass on plastic, rather have things get stretchy and elastic.

  13. older but wiser, maybe.... or older and just don't care as much. Or care about different stuff. and yes, more caring adds to slumping and sagging. Oh, gravity is cruel. But keep looking up and climbing those mountains

    1. Caring can sure lead to a lot. Damn that gravity too.

  14. I hope I don't shrink. I'm barely 5'3" as it is.

  15. Eye Of The Beholder With Or Without Growing Older!
    Man is old only when he stops looking at the fodder
    Shrinking in height
    Can be quite a fright
    But being older nothing to worry about nor to bother


    1. No worry to be had? Even when back goes bad?

  16. I'll take all the things that come with growing older. Much better than the alternative. Besides, it gives me a good excuse when I can't remember where I put things. Have a good weekend.

    1. True, an excuse can be had. And yeah, beats in the ground.

  17. I'm only 5'6" so I really don't want to shrink.

    1. Have to make sure to stretch to stay tall-ish

  18. I have always stretched the truth when I said I was 5'4", but cannot any longer. 5'3/4" it is. While things shrink, other things don't.

    1. Just down a tad, other things not shrinking is good, I hope.

  19. I’m sure I’m not shrinking yet, but my skin is getting saggy. It’s certainly heading closer to the ground!

    1. But all those commercials with plastic celebrities say that will never happen. Geez, such liars.

  20. Yes, growing older isn't fun, but as someone said it beats the alternative. Lead a healthy life to live as long as possible.....that's my theory anyway.

  21. I hope I don't shrink any more. I'm liking that my sister is finally getting as short as me. She's younger, but seems to be aging faster than I am. Way cool for me, lol.

    You changed your blog again since I've been gone. Its extremely vibrant. Guess you don't want your site getting old either :)

    1. haha catching up even while younger. Has to be fun to poke fun. Changing up here and there.

  22. I had something to say, but I forgot what it was... Never mind, I need to go hem my pants. ;) I'm just kidding, no memory loss or shrinking here yet. :)

    1. haha well at least you know what may happen.

  23. Sagging is part of the game
    It’s sad and very lame.
    No perkiness here
    Can hold up a towel, ughh, what a shame.

  24. orlin N cassie;

    sorta kinda reel lee canna say TWO much... coz sum onez had.... N sum one doez have... a bit oh
    .... "sway" from de veew bee hind....gram paw dude said it waz called... waddya eggz pect fora 80 yeer ole cat ;) ~~~

    tuna of moon whooz still onlee 64 =^..^= ☺☺☺♥♥♥
