Time For Some Obsession


This outside thing was nice at first, but now that I'm out here I've spotted worse things than dogs, birds, and tiny humans. I spotted the big humans. The whiny, obsessed, self-absorbed big humans. I think it was safer inside. Oh, here we go. 

"It is my right not to wear a mask. They have no right to refuse me." BLAH BLAH BLAH

Boy, are you humans obsessed with those things. A little thing to cover your face is like asking some to cut off an arm. Woweeee. Simple minds need to latch onto small things I guess. 

You can not wear clothes too. Try saying they have no right to arrest you. See how far that gets you. 

Don't want to wear it. Don't go in and shut up. The workers making minimum wage don't need to listen to your bs. They've heard it a thousand times already.

Kitty, wouldn't that make you obsessed if you are talking about it too?

I'm not going on about it every hour on the hour. Different, furballs.

Oh. Oh. Oh. We can play too. This metal stuff sucks. We like wood. Chew it. Bat it. Chew it. Did we mention chew it? 

Are you going somewhere with this, furballs?

Kitty, don't be in such a rush. We are almost there. Wood. Yum. Humans love it too. Just look at how obsessed they are. A wood remake. Can it even be called a remake after 20 times?

What are you going on about?

Pinocchio! That wooden boy we'd like to chew. Can you believe that thing has been done over 20 times in some variation and now they are making it 2 MORE FRIGGIN TIMES!!!! And the humans say we have a short attention span. How many times do you need to watch the same damn story with the same damn characters? Humans. Only good to chew on.

You actually have a point, furballs. That's surprising.

Oh look. Poop. A snack.

And that ruins that.

Oh, look! It's water. I guess I could have a drink after all this talking. What? You want to build a house here because it is water? Water makes it better? A driveway that has a slope that is one step from an elevator is great? The same house 20 miles away is less better than here? Why? Oh, right. Water! 

$200,000 more for the same house, but it is by water. Water makes it so worth it. I mean it's water. Has fish poop and leeches and fish poop and mosquitoes and water. The water has water. That has to make it worth $200,000 more. 

Orlin, do you think there are any bugs here?

I hate ants. Ants and earwigs are nasty.

Yeah. They are hemorrhoids. 

Oh. Great. I mention bugs and now I have them with their obsession here. I better vamoose before they keep going.

Uncle Pattie, why are you talking about a moose?

Did you see a moose?

Moose are funny.

Moose are big.

Moose have big poop.

Will moose bite me?

Geez, you guys sound like the crazy lady...I mean clean lady and her birds.

Do moose eat people?

Do they like bugs?

Are they hemorrhoids?

Why are you going to moose, Uncle Pattie?

Uncle Pattie should have stuck with saying hemorrhoid over vamoose. At least they are starting their obsession training early. 

I think I'll find a spot to hide from mask nuts, water, bugs, and wood.
And humans wonder why they are misunderstood.
At least they never seem to let their obsessions pass,
Which gives plenty of material to my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. That was really quite the out n' about you had, but don't be sitting under the moose!

  2. The littles are so cute. :) My mom was on the water and though the views are lovely and amazing and wonderful, the bird pooh on the car (every day) and the flooding was not. I think it should be less money to live on the water. ;) I saw online somewhere like you're saying with clothes... 'it's unnatural to wear a mask, our faces weren't made from it.' the reply 'it's unnatural to wear shoes, our feet weren't made for them.' silence... :)

    1. Yep. There are all kinds of drawbacks to living by the water that no one thinks of. lol a good reply indeed. Technically unnatural for all clothing.

  3. A moose once bit my sister... Moose bites are very nasty.
    We've been watching a show about building unique homes and half the people pick the craziest spots to build. Over a million for a house in London when you could have one twice as big for half the cost in the country.

    1. That a Holy Grail? lol

      Yeah. It is so so so weird the places they put these weird arse houses in. I've been to at least 30,000 different properties, so I've seen it.

  4. I assume Alex is conjuring Monty Python. My sister was bit by a moose....ha ha ha
    So, are the kids starting their football training camp? Running through tires improves nimble legs.
    The cats are SO over the pandemic I'm sure and are ready for everyone to be out and about and leave them alone.
    You are the best Uncle!

    1. The kiddos wanted to prove they could do it. Maybe nimble legs will go that way lol cats are over it indeed.

  5. I've never seen a moose in person but I hear they're quite big.

  6. History repeats itself with people complaining about masks. Same exact crap took place with the Spanish flu 100 years ago. People never change!

    We ran whenever we came upon houses near ponds or creeks, let alone lakes! Flooding is an ever present risk. No thanks!

    1. Nope. People whine and whine and whine some more.

      Good thing to do. Run indeed. All mucky and nasty in the spring and the went is even colder with wind off water.

    2. We hide from homes around the water here because if you're in a flood zone, you have to pay thousands of dollars in flood insurance each year. It's been the law since Hurricane Sandy. Yea, no thanks!!

    3. Can't really blame insurance companies for that one though. I wouldn't even want to ensure them or those in wildfire places.

  7. Time For Some Obsession
    Get into the right procession
    Give it a nod
    Spell bound hot
    Never the need to be disillusioned

  8. Saw a moose 1 time in Montana. Massive in appearance. Another 2 remakes of Pinnocio? Why??? Makes no sense.


    1. That they surely are. I know. Stupid. Hollywood for you though.

  9. Living by the water can surely be grand
    but storms could have you wanting higher land
    in the woods a moose could be on the loose
    just don't let it bite you in the caboose
    crazy lady with her birds?

    1. That it can indeed
      Only grand when nothing bad takes seed
      Clean lady now
      She may see it and have a cow lol

  10. Haha, compared to those big humans, doggies or tiny humans are not that bad, are they? :-)

  11. No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service! Simple as that.

  12. The hemorrhoids return
    if unmedicated, they might burn
    These kids have me in stitches
    and my tuchas kinda itches.

  13. dood....if ya can find a place ta hide frum it all, let de rest oh uz in on yur secret; we canna take two much mor....

    N we gotta bee trooth full, we wood total lee livez ina houz bye de waterz.....think oh de free
    fish !!! :)

    1. The human knows a few places to hide from it all, but then he'd have to break and enter lol

      But think of all the BURDS!!!!!

  14. Can I patent clean lady?? LOL #cleanlady

    There you go again about poop. You can barley go one or two posts without talking about it in some fashion. I giggled at the pups wanting to chew on Pinocchio. Does that make me a bad person?? Wooden puppet boys have feelings too.. Ugh, the mask debate. I wear them b/c I have to, but if I had a choice, I wouldn't.. but I also don't go around complaining about it. We do what we have to do! Although, I finally invested in a cotton mask and it's much better. It fits better and there's less hot breathe air being blown into my eye balls.

    1. So you are saying that you are full of hot air and it gets back in your eyes? Damn, the cat didn't even have to insult lol you can try the clean lady patent but some cleaning companies may come after you.

      Yeah, I'm not a fan of the stupid things, but I wear it even with my stupid nerves. People who whine about their freedom being stricken or whatever can go pound sand.

      The dogs should gnaw on whoever thinks making 2 new movies about that stupid puppet is a good idea.

  15. Hummm. The Greenland icecap will be lost. It can't be saved now. Huge ice shelves are going to break off in Antarctica. Any home I buy now will be up on a high hill! A water view is nice, but only looking down from on high. I've seen a lot of moose, and I'm thankful I've never been bitten by one. Your kiddos are darling. They're going to give the cats and dogs some serious competition. Gotta go moose, LOL!

    1. Good you never got bit. I'm with you. Find a hill and stay on it, as long as the driveway doesn't suck. Gone up waaaaaaaaaaay too many crappy driveways in the winter and down em and not stopping too. Ugg. The kiddos sure can give em a run for their money. Vamoose away.

  16. Who knew asking people to cover their face would bring out all of the whiny little bitches in full force? I think they suck and are uncomfortable, but I still put it on when I'm out in public without complaint.

    We looked at a few houses on the lake earlier this summer. I swear, basic $2oo,000 houses that weren't even that cute were $500,000+ because they were on the water. I don't need the water views that bad.

    1. Whiny bitches sure abound. They suck, but yeah, just do it and shut up.

      Yep. I see it all the time here. $100,000 for a shack the size of a car because it sits by the water. Fools and their money.

  17. I’m good with hiking and biking near the water. I don’t have to live right next to it. However, with all the smoke we’ve had in the air the last three weeks or so, a beach might be a very nice respite!

    I hate the masks, and I know most are not that effective and give people a false sense of security. But I wear my mask whenever I’m supposed to without complaining because whining isn’t going to change things. I even slept with a mask on at the hospital for the privilege of being allowed to stay.

    Cute photo of the mini humans!!! And The Cat’s curiosity!!! Great shots!

    1. A beach would be a respite from that indeed.

      Hate em too and most aren't effective, some because people are stupid and just touch them all over, which negates them. And they get that security and it makes them feel oh so invincible. Common sense is long gone.

      Getting better at shots as we use em at the other place.

  18. Batman isn’t a pussy, so he isn’t afraid to wear a mask should be my line for anti maskers

  19. Wearing masks isn't too bad if it helps keep the virus away. My major problem is the mask makes my glasses steam up and I can't see. Oh well. Could be worse.

  20. We shouls listen to our furballs. Sometimes they know what they're talking about.

  21. Of course masks are helping, when all parties wear them. If EVERY single person would have worn a mask from April through say June, Covid would have slowed down. Humans are an entitled race for sure.


    1. Entitled humans are. Many just need to get a clue.

  22. I am not complaining about the masks and social distancing. Look at our country's track record vs the USA. We are in better shaped than the ones complaining a lot. So you are now an uncle? The kids are cute with the cat.

    1. Yep. We have a way better track record than the super whiners. Been an uncle for a while haha and yeah, the kiddos are enjoying time with the cat.


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