Time For A Friendly Reminder


A friendly reminder of what? That I'm a rhyming cat? How about that. That I have over 130 books for sale? A plug without fail. That I've been blogging for over a decade now? Does that wow? That blogging is still a thing? That I still need to hear cha ching? That I should get on with it? Would that be friendly umm err shit? Should I swear? Should I care? Should I dare? I'm friendly. I swear.

Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere?

Friendships in blogland? You mean the people behind my screen that are on their screen? Would that mean my friendship is with the screen? I hope I don't have to kiss it goodbye. God knows what germs are on it. Not that people are any less germy. Probably more so. Especially these days. Hmm there was a rabbit hole. Glad I got out and didn't get stuck. Didn't even have to call Lassie. Watch out for those wells, friends. There is my friendly advice for the day. So friends, what's on the agenda now? Are you having a cow? That would hurt a bit. Friendly reminder number two. Aren't I nice to you? Now I'm through. What? Friends? Right!

In years far far far ago I started with a flow. It really really stunk. Worse than a skunk. But as we continued to progress it became less of a mess. It got better. We could spell each letter. Or each word. Didn't rhyme. How absurd. Then we met a few, one in real life too. It grew and grew and away we flew. Many have come and gone and come back and gone again after the end. But yep, there are some that get labeled friend.

Are you allowed to label these days? Is that bad? Are you mad? Did my flow go? What do you know? What don't you know? Any friends at your blogland haunt? Any you like to taunt? I'm now done. Sorry, friends. Gotta run! Or nap. 

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. You didn't rhyme in the beginning? I can't imagine!

  2. A friend online, is a friend for all time!

  3. 130 books? I took a look at your books and got hooked. Very impressive...and creative for sure!

    1. Many on the go, well not so much lately lol thanks for the look

  4. Online friends come and go, faster than in real life. The worst part is when they just disappear without a goodbye.

    1. Yeah, there sure has been a few that just up and vanished. You're one of the longest that have stuck around with the cat haha

  5. I'm not the biggest animal lover, but the rhyming cat caught my eye and the humor hooked me. Lots of talented blog friends and you are at the top of the list.

    1. The cat likes to be on the top of the list lol

  6. Yes, I have made friends through the Blogosphere. Luckily technology makes that easier to do. Work has become more distant than Blogger these days. We now deal with people in other countries through a computer screen. We sometimes even talk to them more than our own families.. but, no, we don't kiss them goodbye. Or, at least I don't , but who knows what they do. Although, I have a confession!! When I was traveling for work often, my daughter and I would kiss the camera lens goodbye when on Facetime... LOL For shame..

    1. Blah, you lose more points. First no Newsies and now that. The cat thinks you need to re-learn this whole ocd thing lol

  7. People are certainly germy but less so online.

  8. Time For A Friendly Reminder
    Having friends in blogosphere
    Fighting for #1
    Was lot of fun
    With True, Blue for all those years


    1. Was fun to see
      What #1 came to be

    2. The coveted number one slot
      dueling on the cat's blog spot
      day to day it was rather fun
      to see who would get it done

      Hank you are indeed a friend

  9. orlin; dood; sum peepulz in de blog werld... haz had mor concern for uz
    and de food gurl... than her own damn familee; sew iz ther friendshipz
    formed online.....ewe betcha dood ..and we iz proud ta callz ewe N dad
    .... friend..... { pea ess...does dad ever hear frum annie any mor } ?? ♥♥

    1. Yeah, some are way better than in real life indeed. Nope. We haven't heard from her in years. She just went poof!

  10. I was worried for a while that blogging might lose its shiny appeal because of all the social media I liked it the best. Glad it still is going strong, and glad you're still rhyming like a cat.

    1. Yeah, blogging still has some miles left in it indeed, as does the rhyming cat lol

  11. I'm impressed that you've published 130 books. I've been blogging for about 10 years and am glad for all the friendships I've made and that I still find it very fulfilling.

    1. Yep. There sure are many friendships in blogland indeed. Nice to impress too lol

  12. As I'm sitting here, and reading... It really really stunk. Worse than a skunk. All I can smell is my dog is laying on the couch smelling skunky. Bathtime!

    1. haha bath time can sure be fun or not so fun time

  13. 130 books? That is impressive! I have enjoyed all of your cat posts. Hard to believe it's been ten years. Thanks for being a supportive friend in the blogosphere!

    1. Sure been a while. Your kiddos were only young when I started.

  14. I appreciate you, my friend, whether you rhyme or not! And you are a true inspiration! Have a great day!

    1. Appreciate you and all your reading of my books too. Good to inspire as well. Even as a rhyming cat where we dwell.

  15. So many years, so many posts
    The laughter's been what I love most.

  16. Over 130 books!! I didn't realize you had that many. I'm impressed.

  17. I think it's wonderful that we can make friends all over the world. And 130 books is amazing. Don't stop now.

  18. 130 books? Amazing! You rhyme on dime, all the time. That's amazing, too.


  19. Great for you that you have 130 books. I think that is great. Blogland, I think, is great because you “meet” many people all over the world. If you get a chance to act7ally meet up with someone then it is great. I had the pleasure to meet a couple whom I am friends with on Blogland. Hubby and I could take them to Niagara Falls and drive along the gorge to Niagara On The Lake. It was really nice.

    1. It is great to meet them indeed. And learning from all over the world is grand too.

  20. I think you've broken all writing records, Pat:)
    If one has to be labeled, friend is definitely a good one.
    Stay safe. Be well.

    1. haha have to keep the record

      That it is indeed

  21. Whoa! 130 books! I didn't realize. "Forget the strife!" - yes.
    Congrats and enjoy life, Pat!

  22. I never expected it when I first started, but blogging led to some genuine connections with a bunch of truly wonderful people. A real blessing. My life is kinda in turmoil right now, and it would be easier to simply abandon my blog, but I don't want to sever those connections altogether. They're much too precious.

    1. Yeah, not what it used to be. Turmoil or not, but severing connections sure isn't the way for us either. Even though many now follow us at the other place.

  23. Congrats on so many books.
    I've had some online friends for over 17 years now. We met way back in the MYspace days and are now friends on FB.

  24. Yes, I have made some really special friendships from all over the world through blogging. Even more so on Instagram. I have yet to meet anyone in person though. I was supposed to meet one in Boston 2 summers ago, but she got a last minute blog job/opportunity and we both agreed that was more important. Would have loved to have met Rosey while she lived in Michigan, but now she's far, far away :( While I haven't met any of my close blog friends in real life, I do treasure each one and value the connections and friendships we've formed over the years.

    1. I've made a few on instagram so far, but I think blogging is a bit more personal as people tend to talk more. But then they show more on instagram so, 50/50 I guess. Yeah, Rosey moved where there is no snow. How rude is that? I've met old Blabber but that is about it. One of these days I'll have to meet another, or just her again as she is still threatening to come here lol

    2. What, exactly, do you mean by "old"?!?!?!?

    3. Yes, Rosey was smart and moved away from the snow.
      Maybe you should drive down this time and meet "old" Blabber this time. Keep it equal. Bring the poop machines too. I bet they'd like a road trip!

    4. Hey, I went last time. It's blabber's turn. And pffft. I'd get road rage in the traffic lol Not sure Momma would let me take the rugrats that far lol

    5. Same. I am the world's angriest drive LOL

  25. You are definitely one of a kind creative and fun. I have made a few friends blogging, though
    we have never met. I feel a deep connection with each. Maybe, someday I will actually meet someone. Thank you for all the zany adventures, I will always cherish the memories.

    1. You never know who you could meet on the street lol

  26. So you had to mention germs too
    At your Kitty Cat shoe
    Same here
    Oh dear
    Still need to hear cha ching?
    Would money make you sing?
    Would it beat a fling?
    Yes, it would
    In my neighborhood
    It would make dance
    As for it ever happening...
    Fat chance!
    But we're still here, Pat.
    You and the Cat.

    Great post from coast to coast!

    1. Money would be great
      A sure first rate
      But all we get is dough
      Flat and crappy enough to throw

  27. You are the WritONator Pat! We love our blogging pals too and we're lucky to have met several over the years.

    1. lol that works for me. Yeah, meeting in person is grand indeed.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Typos galore. Trying again.

    I was 'this' close to meeting Theresa once as we were both looking at a waterpark hotel stay (she went, but I couldn't go) in Ohio. I think it was Kalahari. We also lived pretty darn close to each other, so we should have met!! I thought we had plenty of time to orchestrate a get-together. Little did I know, I'd be moving 1200 miles away!

    I also was in Omaha/Lincoln and if it'd have been today, I'd have gone out of my way to meet Alissa!! We didn't chat so much back then. I'd love to meet either one of those gals.

    I think a room full of bloggers, you, Theresa, Alissa, Alex, Contemplative Cat, Hilary, Elephant's Child, Susan S., Blue, Noelle, Colette, Liz (and probably a gazillion I'm not thinking of) would be a grand soiree indeed (after social distancing restrictions are lifted, of course). :)

    1. haha so close but no cigar. Being that close and missing out stinks indeed.

      Well you and Theresa know how to rake in the freebies, so you'll have to finagle so free flights for us all to go to one spot.

    2. I'm thinking Hawaii would be a good place to chat. :)

  30. WritONator!!! LOVE THAT!!! I also love the idea of a blogger fest in person after all this mess is over, but there are days now when I wonder if it will ever end.

    I've met a few of my blogging friends, and they are lifelong friends, as dear and close as family. But many of my closest friends are blogging friends. I think we develop closer bonds within the blogging community because we communicate more. We're not just posting memes or photographs, as on other social media. I've pulled back from most social media because I just don't have the time. I'm trying to do better with my blogging community, which I truly treasure. They are the ones with whom I'd rather share what limited online time I have!

    1. Could be a few more years before it ever ends ugg. Be fun to meet in person indeed.

      Yeah, we aren't online as much these days because of all kinds of other stuff. But blogging you do get closer than others because, as you said, more communication indeed.

  31. I made a lot of good online friends via blogging. Include you, Pat & co.

  32. Fine, cat, I'll admit it, we're friends. I don't remember a time when you didn't rhyme. I remember when we would post several times a week and we'd go back and forth with Anne and Dan. Those were the days. haha

    1. haha good to admit things, old one eye. Sure was some fun times with Irish Air and WorqueenDan lol

  33. People are indeed germy, especially right now; but perhaps it's getting better. I certainly hope so. You didn't rhythm before......wow. Yes I've met some blogging friends in person, primarily through my charity blog. You got me curious how long I had been blogging. My blog profile says 2005, but I had blogs before blogger or blogspot blogs. I had an aol one way back in the day, had an msn something...can't even remember what it was called, had 2 others but again don't remember the platform names. Now I'm feeling old, lol. Hope you're doing well, and staying safe from the Covid, and that you're able to get your shots soon, if you've not already been successful at doing so.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Sure been around the blogland block indeed at your feed. Hopefully all is safe there too.


Pat Hatt Books