Time To Go To Work!


Sadly, the title is true. By the time this runs off to the grind I will be going. Isn't work fun? I guess that means that I easily fit the question this time. Or maybe not. Should I try the question on before answering? Am I able to send it back without penalty? Do you offer free shipping? Hmmm...I went a little off the rails with that, even though I'm not on rails to begin with, but whatever. I'm at work. What do I care? I may go over some rails. Or just take a leak down some old ones. What? Don't judge. That's too much work. Then you'd be a working one too. Working what? On with it before you get confused. Too late? Oh well. I'm at work.

When you think of the term working writer, what does that look like to you? What do you think it is supposed to look like? Do you see yourself as a working writer or aspiring or hobbyist, and if latter two, what does that look like?

It looks like ummm nothing at all. I see nothing as I'm at work. No computer. No writing. So it is work and it is writing. They don't go together. How rude is that? Working writer and food stamps could go together rather easily though. I think I'll stick with the 9-5 and avoid the food stamps for now. At least until I'm soon forced back into "retirement" by technology. Then maybe the two can go together for a while I suppose.

I know a few who do make a go of it, but they are really working just like any other job. There is no magic bullet or anything. You work and work some more. Some even admitted they lost the fun of it. So I think I'll skip the working writer unless I'm guaranteed a million bucks. I can be bought. Fun or not.

Are you a working writer? What does the term mean to you? What pops into your head first when you read working writer? Are you at work too? Do you have a computer at work?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. Yeah, too much pressure to do it full time.
    Glad you get to go back to work.

  2. Even when I was "off" and being a writer, I never felt "real", like it was my job. I always applied the words "dabble" and "hobby". I don't think I ever had the crazy passion necessary to be a writer. And I think this is the first serious response I've ever given to your blog. Now I have to lighten the mood - keep being a rhyming ass! Thanks Pat

    1. haha and it may have been the longest response you gave ever too. Rhyming ass we will be

  3. I do have one Blogger mate who works full time as a writer for a magazine devoted to the area he currently lives. It’s his dream job and it took him many years and a cross country move to get there.

    You are missed, but I do understand the need to make a living.

    1. At least he got there. And great he enjoys it indeed. The cat will be back more at some point, hopefully.

  4. I think you can be a working writer without doing it full-time. For most of us, we need another job to support ourselves. I'm really glad I had another career that supported my family and me. Glad you're back to work.

    1. Yeah, we sure do need another job to support and keep on a going.

  5. Worked full time as a writer for many years, and there were days it was the best job in the world. Hated being on call 24/7, loved some of the freedom, sometimes clashed with editors. I like writing on my own and not getting paid for it much better.

    So glad you are back at the grind! Hope it is worth it!

    1. Freedom is nice indeed. But yeah being on call all the time and dealing with the crap can be annoying.

  6. I work from home so I am always at work.

  7. Its good to have a job to bank some money so that maybe somewhere down the road you can become a working writer and still have all your comforts and needs met!


    1. lol bank money? What is that? Bills take it all. Or the pirates as I tell the boys lol

  8. A working writer makes me think of someone who writes
    for a living.

    I work from home now, due to covid, I consider myself lucky as many cannot.

    I write emails during the day typing away at my desk. Does that make me a working writer? I guess it depends
    on how you want to spin it.

    It’s hump day, I hope you have a fun day!

    Is that possible fun and work?

    1. You can spin it many a way at your bay haha fun and work? Nah, not really. Maybe some days but not most of the time.

  9. Writing is a tough profession but not writing doesn't seem quite like you!

    1. Yeah, have to keep on a writing as long as the arm holds out.

  10. I liked the pairing of working writer and food stamps. I'm both pleased and sad (based on your description of the imminent event) to hear you are heading back to the "job."

    1. haha a pairing to avoid. The job is where I've always been, but this one will end soon.

  11. I was a copywriter in advertising for many years and loved it, especially getting paid for my ideas. I just published my first novel and that writing, while ultimately more satisfying, has more emotions attached to it. My insecurities really came out to play.

    1. Getting a novel published sure can do that. Getting paid for your ideas sounds like a win indeed.

  12. Unfortunately, I am NOT a working writing. I would love to be able to work my 9-5 without the stresses that come with my 6am-3am (no joke) gig, but we all know how difficult that is. Come on, Cat. Can't you work some magic for Pat and I so that we can become working writers??? LOL

    1. The cat has already given you two tons of stuff to promote. I can't do it all for you lol

    2. LOL Come on, Cat.. why don't get a job so that we can focus on this full time? You can become a dog groomer or something just to pay the bills.

    3. The mutts would never come back

  13. Being a working writer sounds tough. But a million bucks sure will do :-)
    Though, aspiring or hobbyist sound less stressful for sure!

    1. A million bucks would be best lol yeah, those are way less stressful.

  14. Most of my writer friends are working writers. They have day jobs and write on their time off. Not everyone can get paid like Stephen King for their books.

    1. Yeah, very few ever reach his level of success.

  15. I consider myself a working writer but thank hevens I don't have to depend on it for a living. My retirement takes care of that.

    1. Good to let retirement take care of it indeed

  16. I was looking at the question as someone who works as a writer; but now I can also see it as someone who works at another job and writes. You always challenge people's perceptions on language. You may have been off work a bit, but those gigantic holes on the beach required labor, as did keeping those cute twins corralled. That 9-5 was always appreciated by me when it came time to pay the bills. Take care!

    1. Always twist the words about. Wasn't ever off work lol bad language choice on my part. Work and coral the rugrats. Appreciated when bills come indeed.

  17. Interesting question! I guess it can be interpreted a few different ways. I work, I write, but I don't make a living writing or have the time in my schedule to write full time. :)

  18. Writing author and food stamps. Haha. So true:)

  19. Time To Go To Work!
    Writers don't get bogged
    Just amazing
    Where others are all boxed


  20. Food stamps and writing go hand in hand. Love it. No truer words ever said. Fortunately, a day job keeps me in food and shelter. The writer gig keeps me in chocolate.

  21. orlin; de food servizz gurlz at werk, yur dadz at werk, what say we meet half
    way bee tween houzez and raiz hell....we can get bak home bee for they even
    noe it; lezz we R busted for sum thin N make de nooze ;) ♥♥

  22. Ha. Food stamps are needed indeed
    for the working writing to feed
    on anything but paper scraps
    in between long lonely naps
    we've gotta work to earn a bit
    cuz writing doesn't pay worth sh*t

    1. Nope. Can't even get enough pay to have tp to wipe your ass at the end of the day lol

  23. I can't imagine how hard it must be to solely write for a living. I think most writers have to have a separate form of income coming in. My neighbor writes for a living, but thankfully she has a husband who works full time to pay the bills. I don't think they'd survive off her income alone.

    1. Yeah, one would never survive off mine from writing, unless they enjoy living in a cardboard box lol
