"Pffft I'd rather play in the germy ball tent. Dumb humans."
This post is for you.
I did it so well.
It just had to come due.
You know it is swell.
You must comment and stay.
Time it to the end.
Why won't you play?
Don't you like my trend?
It is a trend, you know.
Could be the best.
Out comes my flow.
It passes the test.
You don't want to fail.
You want to get an A.
So don't hit the trail.
Come and read what I say.
If you miss out it'll be bad.
You'll lose out on...something.
So stay at my pad.
At least until you hear the ding.
That means you're a winner.
You won time with the cat.
Nope. Not even a dinner.
Who needs any of that?
Instead you'll get pleasure.
That is ever so great.
Every moment you can treasure.
So come and take the bait.
This post is for you.
It was designed to be so.
Every word is true.
Come and stroke your ego.
That's what it is about.
That's what you need.
I won't let you out.
You're stuck to my feed.
Now do what is for you.
If not, others may suffer.
You may miss out too.
Don't make another's life tougher.
Did it work? Is the guilt trip a perk? Are you now stuck to the cat? Pfffft. I'll leave something in the litterbox to get rid of that. Do you fall for such crap? It makes me want to take a nap. Or laugh in their face. The first may be a better embrace. Can't guilt trip us. We'll ignore your fuss. If we want to then we will. Otherwise one is better off rolling down a steep hill. Such guilt trip nuts can simply suck on the gas that comes out my little rhyming ass.
A stadium can be built all on guilt.