This Is For You...No Really, Really For You!

"Pffft I'd rather play in the germy ball tent. Dumb humans."

This post is for you.
I did it so well.
It just had to come due.
You know it is swell.

You must comment and stay.
Time it to the end.
Why won't you play?
Don't you like my trend?

It is a trend, you know.
Could be the best.
Out comes my flow.
It passes the test.

You don't want to fail.
You want to get an A.
So don't hit the trail.
Come and read what I say.

If you miss out it'll be bad.
You'll lose out on...something.
So stay at my pad.
At least until you hear the ding.

That means you're a winner.
You won time with the cat.
Nope. Not even a dinner.
Who needs any of that?

Instead you'll get pleasure.
That is ever so great.
Every moment you can treasure.
So come and take the bait.

This post is for you.
It was designed to be so.
Every word is true.
Come and stroke your ego.

That's what it is about.
That's what you need.
I won't let you out.
You're stuck to my feed.

Now do what is for you.
If not, others may suffer.
You may miss out too.
Don't make another's life tougher.

Did it work? Is the guilt trip a perk? Are you now stuck to the cat? Pfffft. I'll leave something in the litterbox to get rid of that. Do you fall for such crap? It makes me want to take a nap. Or laugh in their face. The first may be a better embrace. Can't guilt trip us. We'll ignore your fuss. If we want to then we will. Otherwise one is better off rolling down a steep hill. Such guilt trip nuts can simply suck on the gas that comes out my little rhyming ass.

A stadium can be built all on guilt.

Just One More Then One More Then...

When you look at that do you count the clouds you see? Does your imagination fly free? Do you see what you can see? Are you counting and having a freak out before you flee? Maybe you focus on the tree. My, there are a many questions from me.

Little by little.
Day by day.
Plenty of spittle.
A shine from spray.

One number too many.
One number too low.
One freaks out any.
One goes with the flow.

A line in the sand.
A creation of numbers.
Crawl instead of stand.
Lose many night slumbers.

All due to large.
Nope. All due to you.
You left numbers in charge.
So away you stew.

One step is easy.
5000 a chore.
500 people make you queasy.
5 is a bore.

Stuck on the zeroes.
Stuck on the high.
Too many are for heroes. 
With you it won't fly.

Look at the high.
Look and then look.
You'll just die.
Curl up in your nook.

But 5 is a breeze.
10 isn't so bad.
11 won't make you sneeze.
With 16 fun can be had.

One more step ahead.
One more attendee.
One more has no dread.
One more is carefree.

A different look.
A different state.
Another chapter in a book.
Not such a debilitating state.

Are you one of those? Catch on to the cat's highs and lows? Can you talk in front of 5 but not 50? Is 5 steps ok but 5000 not nifty? Do you look at the numbers and then just freak out? What's that about? One step, one word, one whatever, and you are closer to being done. Day by day it is spun. And if a few more are in view, can just think of it like a few more too. Or if all else fails act crazy and roll in the grass. It works for my little rhyming ass.

The high and low doesn't have to define yes or no.

In Hiding Without Hiding!

The cat has been away for almost two weeks. Someone is going to go into some shit creeks. Wait! We already did that. No more wanted by Pat or cat. We can't take it. Not one bit.

"Someone is a drama queen."

Says the one who won't eat for Nanny.

"At least I don't eat everything going."

You should try it sometime.

"Not on your life, fake rhyming cat."

Missing out. Where were we? Oh yeah. First a promo and then on to it.

Pat left this early. THIS friggin early every day. Why?

Because the roads became rivers. It made people dance. What was so bad about that?

A tree fell here and there. This twig. Pffft.

Hmmm. That twig may hurt.

Hmm a bit bigger than a twig.

But bah, these guys can take care of it. Just shoot the tree. All better.

Hmm may want to watch the line.

And these lines.

And these ones too.

And...oh they took my advice. War zone.

Damn, they nailed that tree.

Sure a big old hole.

Ah. Caught him. So this is where Pat really was. He was hanging out with dogs. Big dogs. How FRIGGIN rude.


Quiet, Cassie. No one is talking to you or the dog lover.

"Everything is always about you. Not the 402,000 out of power. Brat."

Go away or I'll feed you to that big dog.

Yep, Pat was supposedly out and about while 402,000 people gave a no power shout. Some didn't have it for a week or so. But everything and everyone was go go go. Should be getting back into the swing of things soon. Like maybe Sunday at noon. Sleep is on the agenda for now. I still say he was with dogs somehow. Can't you see the proof above? He is giving dogs love. Left me for 14- 16 hours a day with only Cass. Pffft can only take so much of her with my little rhyming ass.

Don't lose power in a hurricane shower.

It Is Typed And I'm Sooooo...Not Wiped!

"This look is for all the naive people out there. Some humans have it to spare."

The cat watched a conversation that Pat had. I knew I had to use it at my pad. It was just too fun not too. Are you ready to have it in view? Warning! Naïve people may take the bait. Or those hard up for a date.

But but but
Comes the rut.
Stuck in a way.
Belief won't stray.

"I'm a 55 years young grandmother with a sports car, eight grand kids, and a dog named Fluffy. I am seeking a man who just wants to have fun in their later years in life. Nothing too clingy. Just fun. I hope to hear from you soon."

But but but
Still in the rut.
It takes too much work.
23 seconds, that's work with a perk.

"I'm an ostrich out for a stroll that wants to stick my head in your bed. Won't you let me do that? It would be mighty fun."

But but but
Wait. Can an ostrich strut?
Focusing on the wrong thing.
That's gotta sting.

"I have so many things for sale. I just need your credit card number and then you can see them all. I am sure you will love them and everything is half price. I do this just for you because you are so special."

But but but.
Can we end this rut?
You want to buy from the nut?
My turn...but but but.

"I'm a stay at home mom and I have 3 kids with one on the way. I have it hard and would love it if you follow me back. I just get all giddy when I get a follow back. I want you to know that you are the best for following me back. Now won't you help me by buying my product and watching my videos? My offshore bank account is waiting for your donation."

But but...donation?
Have you turned the station?
Only took two hours or so.
My, humans are rather slow.

"I've been a salesmen for 23 years and I have a deal for you. I've discovered this product that will give you years to your life. It is secret so I will only share it with you. A little about me. I have a dog. I have a cat. I have a flamingo. I have herpes. I have a farm. I have the best product that you will ever buy."

Worse than a case of the umm burpees?
And just like that.
You learned from the cat.

Like herpes they never go away.
The fake are fake any old day.
They are out to scam and steal.
That is their whole deal.

Anything can be typed on the internet.
Just look at what was typed by this pet.
And as for it being too much work.
Count the hours you put in for your hourly perk.

Guess what? They are the same.
This scamming isn't just some game.
It is the job they decided to do.
They want an hourly wage just like you.

"I have a limit on humans and would rather get along with dogs. I may sometimes chase frogs. I'm not overly sold on humans being wiser. Not even if they pretend they are an adviser. And if you really must know, this post took 14 minutes and 32 seconds to give a go. That is so much work that I deserve fifty bucks a pop. So put it in my tin can when you stop. Are you up on the scamming class? They sure are out there in everything in mass. We've all been taken at some point, in some way, by their sly pass, but now they can slyly suck on the gas from my little rhyming ass."

Just because you can see it, doesn't mean it isn't full of shit.

Where In The World!

I guess we have to go searching for Waldo today. Do they even make those any more? Seems like kids would get them online and cheat with some app these days. Hey, at least the app creator is smart, hopefully. That goes all over the world. Who wants to go all over, besides Fundy Blue? As there are some nasty places. From what Al Penwasser says, New Jersey is one of them. What? I'm just repeating. I better get on with it before I offend Santa Claus in the North Pole or something. So the question is:

If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

Hmmm a nice clean house with a desk and no noises around that has no mortgage on it and has someone come and mow the lawn along with shovel that nasty white stuff and fix anything when it breaks while I sit on my butt and write big long giant run on sentences that may not be grammatically correct sounds like a perfect spot to me. Hmmm then again, I don't need a widening arse, so maybe I'll forgo the sitting and just stick with bad grammar.

What? You want a place? That's easy. Atlantis. What? You are asking way too many questions. It exists. It is somewhere between Bermuda and New Jersey. Are you still on the why? Because they have technology that can just take the story right out of my head and put it to paper in ten seconds. Done! 1000 novels in a week. Can't beat that. Don't ask how. It just is. They are smart fish people. More Aquaman than Splash. That last doesn't count? Bah, says you.

Don't you want to go to Atlantis now too? You need a secret fin shake to get in though. If not they may vaporize you. Just a fair warning. Or maybe a bad warning. Or unfair warning. Let's just say it is a warning. Where would you go to write you next novel, blog post, grocery list, etc.? Any place fun? Mars is supposedly good this time of year. They may vaporize you too though. That's just an unfair, bad, good, fair warning.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Pat Hatt Books