The Secret's Out!

I guess this post may need a secret handshake to enter. Do you know it? If you attempted anything then you are cut. We don't want any germy mitts touching us. You can keep your cooties. So there is a secret handshake for you. The secret is that there is no secret. Would that be a secret? Beats the heck out of me. I'll get on with it though before my secret not so secret is never again a secret.

Writers have secrets! What are one or two of yours, something readers would never know from your work?

Well considering there is a lot of me in a few of the books and that I have a blabbing rhyming cat that has been spilling things for a decade, I don't think I have anything to reveal. Would that be the big reveal? Could count. We can make it so by saying so, right? Made so. The secret is that there is no secrets. See? We were going somewhere with the blithering at the start.

I'm sure I have a few left though that no one knows, but then I suppose there is a reason no one knows them. Can't really think of any though, as someone knows pretty much everything. Even if it is just one person, that means it is no longer a secret. If one person finds out, unless you off them after telling them, you can bet another will and onward it will go. So pfffft to secrets and away we go.

What? You really really need one? Fine. It isn't a secret because it has been told before but I don't wear underwear. The cat has told you that many a time. Now you know for sure less the rhyme. Happy? Weren't you just dying to know that?

Do you have any secrets that you want to share? Are you a sharer? An over sharer? Do you hate me using sharer so much? Maybe you have had your fair share. Or not so fair share. Have you ever written a secret into a blog post or book? Are you undies free?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. I do wear pants, but when I'm home, no underwear either.

  2. I'm now wearing double underwear to make the universe balance from you guys.

  3. Secrets. ROFL

    Some are best kept because I just didn't need that image rattling in my head.

  4. I am laughing so hard at that second comment!

  5. Joanne's comment is funny. Thanks for sharing one of your secrets, Patt. It's a surprising one.

  6. Its good not to have any secrets. Easier to live that way without feeling you have to hide everything!!


  7. Thank you for being open about your underwear lol. It may not be a secret but I sure didn't know that. Though, I'm not sure if I needed to know hahaha :-D

    1. hahahaha but now you do. Need to know or not

  8. orlin N cassie; one time; we feeled sorree fora burd that hit de window; it lasted bout
    5.9 flew off, we said see ya ~~~~~~~

    :) ♥♥

    1. Sorry for a burd? Damn. Must have been a long 5.9 seconds

  9. Uh, I don't wear a bra at home, does that count?

  10. I've got a secret or two, but I don't need people harping on me about them. I do wear underwear. I don't wear hats.

    1. No harping is a good way to be. Hats I can't wear, so no go there too. Lucky I can wear pants at this point lol

  11. We all saw your zebra thong. We all have your zombie feet embedded into our brains. & we're still laughing about your idol, Dave the Wendy's guy. While this is all very interesting, I don't buy it, cat. We all have secrets!! Can you please share in a nice, organized list of 10? No? Well, that's not very nice..

    1. You still have them all ingrained in your brain hahaha Pfffft. No secrets at our sea...or at least ones we'll ever tell.

    2. I knew the cat had some juicy secrets that he won't let slip!

  12. Secrets. Do I have them? Perhaps. :)

  13. I knew I'd find the great underwear secret somewhere during this hop. And here it is!

  14. Funny! That's a great secret, cat!

  15. Dang, the undies here aren't free, the peeps have to buy them every single time.

  16. If you need to know a secret, this is the place to be. All the secrets will be revealed. Whether you want them or not. Enjly.

  17. The Secret's Out!
    Not wearing it no shout
    Secret sustained
    Avoid the pain
    Lots of confidence no doubt


  18. What is it with guys and no underwear? lol.
    An amusing secret.

  19. We all know that a cat's sole purpose is to murder us in our sleep,
    so perhaps it's best that for the moment our secrets we do keep.

  20. Wasn’t there some dumb ass book called “The Secret”? I think it was supposed to be some self help book....maybe the best is to not wear underwear. My secret? When I am working from home, why wear a bra? Well, you might but I won’t because they are just annoying.

    1. Probably a dumb ass book like that. Hey, you're home. Let em fly free.

  21. LOL! You certainly have no secrets now!

  22. Hear. Hear. Are we all 12 years old giggling about underwear? Fore Pete's sake. Grow up. Who cares??? We are sophisticated, intelligent people smirking about a silly secret that even the cat knows is no secret anymore. Move on. I agree. Keep your secrets to yourself because it for sure will not remain a secret if you tell one person or especially a dang cat! That's all the wisdom I have for today.
    JQ Rose

    1. No secret at our sea. Spilled it years ago. Can't tell any at all if you want to keep it a secret at one's hall.

  23. I guess some of the most unknown secrets are the secrets we've forgotten ourselves and now they are even secrets to us. Probably most people don't care about most of our secrets.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Yeah, some can't even remember, so pffft let em stay there.

  24. No underwear at your sea? Guess it allows you to be truly free!

    Secrets...uh, yeah, I have a ton. I write about most of them on my blog though. Some I keep to myself. Others I share with people who I can trust. Not the cat, but Pat. The cat cannot be trusted...even if he was nice: once.


    1. Free as can be. Yeah, you have shared a few over the years haha and even with Pat. The cat is rolling his eyes at you for that. How rude.

  25. Secret is that there are no secrets. I love it.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  26. No secrets here that I can think of. I do wear underwear when I have to leave the house, but if I'm just putting my pajamas on to lounge around the house, then I don't wear them. I hate having things touch my body, so no jewelry either.

    1. Hate having things touch your body? hmmm that could make all kinds of things difficult lol I can't have much touch my body, that the same?

  27. No underwear, eh? I do wear underwear. lol Secrets, I might have a few that I forgot about. I think I've talked about a few secrets on my blog. I don't really have a lot of secrets.

    1. Yeah, maybe ones forgotten about are there.

  28. Well, let's try this again. Blogger doesn't seem to like me at your place. secrets we all have a few but, if we told they wouldn't be secrets.

    I hope you are enjoying the weekend! It was a lovely day here.

    1. I guess blogger just wants to have fun with you. True, tell and they wouldn't be.

  29. Have a great weekend. Babysitting?

    1. That was last weekend and probably next weekend.

  30. Thanks Pat or your fun post ... a bit lazy though, I might add ... How about the blabbering cat’s secrets ? Tell us more . Wishing you an inspiring June.

  31. Really I share my secrets in my blog is the place where I open my heart. Hugs Pat

  32. Secret: I wish my cat wore underwear. No, I wish she was potty trained like a colleague of mine's cat is, lolol. Still, we are sure glad to see her. We were gone so long, we almost paid to have her shipped to us (but I was worried about her getting too stressed out on such a trip). She's sure content now, underwearless and all. :) It's bittersweet to be home, but good nonetheless.

    1. haha some cats can be rather stubborn with that potty training thing. That may have stressed her out indeed. Content and underwearless is a fine way to be, for cat and human lol

  33. TMI, Pat. The bra thing is absolutely important to shed.

    1. Never tmi here haha I'll take your word for that.

  34. A lot of funny comments. I hope you are well.

  35. I'm an open book
    just take a look
    This causes none to shutter
    I keep other parts of me open too
    I mean, my mind.
    Get yours out of the gutter!

    1. haha if you say so
      As the gutter was the first to go

  36. My kids say, "TMI!" They've chanted that since I first took them in, before I adopted them. Even though they both have grown up and have children of their own now, I always think, "TMI!" before I let anything escape my lips. Serves me well.


Pat Hatt Books