And We're Busted!

Pictures say a lot.
No matter how they are caught.
Pics are all we got too.
We're toast at our zoo.

Fluck this phone crap.
I'll leave that to another chap.
One and only time.
So suck it phone chime.

Did you figure it out?
It's dead as a beached trout.
The computer died.
Had its last ride.

After 8 hours a day on a phone,
No way are we answering at the tone.
New one is in the mail.
Let's hope it doesn't fail.

The cat will now rest.
Phone typing is a pest.
I'll be back soon with sass,
From my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a stay at home fling.


  1. I think the animals outnumber people at your pad.

  2. I hope the new computer arrives soon, without a loud chime!

  3. Ick with a broken computer! Hope you are back up and running normally as soon as possible!


  4. I hope you are doing well and do not know anyone who was killed in Nova Scotia. It’s a big small province, if that makes sense but just have to say that. Hope you get your computer soon and that your cats won’t think of you a loon.

    1. No loon thoughts had that they are willing to share. Yeah, awful it is indeed. Didn't know anyone though.

  5. Such cute pics of your fur family :-)
    I hope the new computer will arrive soon!

  6. the cats don't need the computer. With one look,they get food, etc -

  7. I'm glad you posted because I was concerned about the mass shooting in your area. Hope your new computer is a breeze to set up.

    1. Easy as can be to set up thanks to having everything backed up. Yep, still alive. Only threatened to be shot lately lol

  8. Dead computer is death itself! Hope it gets there soon.

  9. I wonder if my computer will survive my working at home. I just replaced the phones after they died in December. It would be just my luck the computer would decide he's next. But I guess it could be the fridge or the stove or the water heater, and any of them would give me just as much heartache!

    Hope you are up and running again soon!

    1. Yeah, computer is needed, but fridge is needed way more. So rather have that break if one or the other has to.

  10. May your new computer be up and running tickety-boo very soon, Pat! Replacing technology is such a pain. I've been horrified and deeply saddened by the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. I'm from Aurora, Colorado, and yesterday was the 21st anniversary of Colombine. There have been too many mass shootings in my area, and after a while you become a little numb. The Nova Scotian shootings ripped away any numbness. You just don't expect something like that happening in Nova Scotia, just like you wouldn't have thought a horrific mass shooting would happen in New Zealand. I hope that everyone you know and love is okay, Pat. My veterinarian-student niece and her fiancé were under lockdown in Enfield, and the Big Stop at the Irving station was frequented by members of my extended family. Events like this leave a scar, and people think differently in the future. My mother actually lived briefly in Portapique when her father, a carpenter, took a job in that area that lasted just under a year. Little things like that irrationally make the event feel very close to home. I hope that chap keeps the cute critter photos coming with his iPhone. We need all the cuteness we can get. Cass and Orlin can take a break for sass, if the typings too much of a pain. Just saying ~ lol!

    1. Yep. Giant pain in the ass to replace and redownload and all that stuff indeed.

      I know a few who live up that way and were near it, but no one I knew got involved in it. Awful all around that some nutball would do that. Sure know how little things bring it back around to someone you know though. A scar sure will be had for a long while and will never fully heal.

      Oh, I kept them coming at the other place. Plenty of pics there. I don't mind using my phone for that.

  11. I agree with Alex. You have a lot of cute pets. Hope you get your new computer soon.

  12. You have a house full of animals. They're all cute though.

  13. Good luck with the new computer! I was wondering where you've been. Orlin looks comfy in the last one. That is how I feel some days, I just want to stay in bed with the covers on.

  14. Those cats keep messing up your pics.

  15. I cannot stand working from my phone! I am a laptop girl all the way. I might use my ipad in a pinch, but it's only slightly better to work with than my phone. Hope your new computer gets there in speedy time!

    1. Yeah. Loathe trying to do work on the phone. Would rather do none at all than to do it on the stupid phone.

  16. I already commented on this post. Cat, you did you erase my comment or is my Blogger acting up again? I'm betting on the cat. :) Hope you like the new computer. Windows or Apple? I prefer Windows, but my lap top was Apple back when the camera in the screen was a luxury! Now there's a camera in every phone and lap top screen making that obsolete. At one of our last in person meetings, the program manager was handing out branded gear. He threw a camera cover at me b/c he didn't like the piece of tape I had covering mine. LOL Oh how things have changed..

    1. lol well tape works. I use it to cover the camera up. Windows it is. Never used apple much, so just stick with that. Pffft Cat couldn't delete anything if the computer was busted. Just your fault.

  17. That is one full house of animals! Looks so cosy!

  18. Oh no! Not your computer! I'm with Jax, I'm putting my money (what little I have) that the evil cat destroyed your computer all while those adorable puppies tried to horrible events. Good luck with the new computer. While I love a new one, the transferring of everything is the pits.


    1. Oh no, still no computer? I can't believe I'm going to say this...nope, I can't do it. I'll just say, I miss you cat, I mean Pat. Pat. I miss Pat, not cat!!


    2. Transferring is the pits indeed. The cat did break the screen on the old one lol wires hanging out and all. I may have finished the job though. Whoops.

      hahaha missing the cat. He'll never forget that.

  19. Your kitty's are precious. They're also so entertaining. I hope your new computer arrives soon. Good luck.

  20. And We're Busted!
    A computer is required
    They are adorable
    Quiet no trouble
    Social distancing so it appeared


  21. Busted you are
    Near or far
    Great post.....
    From coast to coast!

  22. I'm listening to Credence C.R. so I am feeling better. I guess Fogerty is my cat, he makes me happy

  23. Those last 2 pictures really cracked me up. I think cats could teach us how to relax, to reduce stress!!
    Sandy's Space

  24. It's a big bummer when the computer goes!! It's also a bit refreshing if you can enjoy it (though we would never want to lose it forever, lol). :)

    1. lol yeah, a bit refreshing indeed to just be forced to be off it and take some down time.

  25. 8 hours on the phone's a pain
    not to mention the time drain
    Glad a new one's on the way
    To ease your mind
    and save the day.

    1. Yep, much better with no phone
      Can stick it at the tone

  26. Yipes! Seeing's as how my phone is plugged into the wall and has a dial on it, I'd be up the creek if my computer took a nose dive. Still, it must kinda suck to have to depend on your phone to write a blog post. Hopefully, you'll have that new computer up and running in no time.

    Gee, I haven't been gone all that long... you have a THIRD dog now? That's a lotta fur to vacuum. Our older son now has five dogs... but only four kids. I told him he had to have another kiddo now to even things out. I dunno why, but he laughed at me... (Since we were on the phone, I couldn't see him, but I'm thinking his middle digit might've been extended...)

    1. hahaha yeah, you may be screwed with the phone in the wall.

      lol I would have told him the same thing. Have to have it even. She was here before the other two. So 3 about indeed.

  27. You take the BEST animal photos! I enjoyed this, Pat!

  28. We'll have a brief moment of silence for your computer.
    Loved the pics. I miss having a himmie.

    1. BAh, it doesn't need silence lol

      The himmie is a fun one

  29. What kind of computer did you get? Did your recently deceased one last a long time? I hate setting up new machines. Had to get a new printer recently. Still don't know how to use all the features.

    1. Just another acer. Nothing too fancy that would cost a crap ton. Only lasted 2 years. Setting up new machines is the pits indeed. lol sure you'll learn all the features before it dies.

  30. I didn't know you had dogs, too. The one on the ducky is adorable.

    Sorry about your computer! That stinks!

    1. Stinks indeed. Dogs are a new addition here.

  31. I think you're about as outnumbered as we are! The gray kitty with the white paws looks a lot like my Charlie.

    Did any of them have anything to do with the computer's demise?

    1. Yep, outnumbered and then some. One of them may have had a little to do with it and then I finished the job lol


Pat Hatt Books