Easy As Quick Oh So Slick!

This post will be fast. It will be a thing of the past. I guess it is a thing of the future now. Can the past and future collide somehow? Hmm that question wouldn't make it quick. I guess quick may not click.

Same 4 times 10.
Easy at my den.
No generation one,
Or story is spun.

So figure it out.
Easy when about.
Quick and easy.
Isn't that pleasy?

Maybe not in some cases.
There would be no smiley faces.
But let's not go there.
Some may stutter and swear.

Easy to figure out.
Quick with no drought.
A mix of the two.
The verse works through and through.

But does it hold?
Can all join the fold?
Quick and easy edit.
Do you even read it?

See what I did?
Blink your eye lid.
That was quick and easy.
Editing ended up cheesy.

Quick and easy repair.
Car gets there.
But doesn't get back.
Whoops, there goes your money stack.

Quick and easy path.
You suffer wrath.
Find thorns you didn't see.
All from such a spree.

Quick and easy stroll.
You fall in a hole.
Took the easy way out.
Quickly you ran about.

Proved it quick.
So easy some slick.
A quick and easy rhyme.
In my quick and easy prime.

Do you reach for quick and easy? Is it far more pleasy? Do you end up screwed in the end? Not the fun screw that takes you around the bend. Quick and easy can work in verse but in other things it can be a curse. Do you still go for it? Can't take the time and instead have a fit? Then more time gets wasted from quick and easy coming to pass. I'll stick to quick and easy posting only when it comes to my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.
Pat Hatt Books