Time For A Rule...Or Not


Back we be. Or me be. Or you be. I guess we all can just be. Be what? Beats the heck out of me. Hopefully not literally though. Too old for that. Unless you are still a rugrat. I can handle getting beaten up still with them. Just be prepared to be picked up and chucked in the water.

Now that you are well aware of being thrown in the water, what was it I was supposed to answer?

Human, you are strange. I think I'll go search for my answers elsewhere. If only you'd pick up this dog poop so I can get by.

No comments from the peanut gallery. Do peanuts have a gallery? Who knew? Better watch it or the peanuts may rise up and give everyone diarrhea.

As you can see the summer hasn't changed us any. Still as crazy as ever. I blame this lighthouse.

(Yeah. I stole Fundy's pic again. What? I'm half in it. Maybe 33.333% if you count the lighthouse. 25% if you count the bushes. 1....no more math.)

This lighthouse is the base for earwigs that crawl in your ear and control you. Hmmmm...Is that a spoiler for another book? Hmmmm....The Cove....Hmmmm....

Questions. Questions. I guess I better get to this one from the IWSG.

Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

School? Learn? Do those go together? It's been so long. I can't remember. I guess I didn't learn too much if I didn't learn that. Such a failure. Those As and Bs lied. One C too. Stupid physics.

Good news. English class didn't mess me up as a writer. I did that all by myself. Wait. That may be bad news. Now I can't get my American on and go sue due to loss of earnings. Damn it. Mr. Johnson should have been more strict.

There were really no hard and fast rules that I recall. Besides the normal stuff. Couldn't go spelling in gibberish or jibberish and such. See? I even break that rule now.

Rules are out the window I guess. Pretty hard to do when the window is closed, but they manage to go out anyway. That would be a good trick in case of a fire. Darn rules mess you up and then magically run out windows. Who knew they were like an absentee parent. No wonder the world is a mess. It's all the neglectful rules fault. World peace solved. Get rid of all windows.

My work here is done. Do your rules magically go out closed windows? Did you know rules messed with your psyche so much? Any rules you gave the heave ho to? Too much gibberish or jibberish from me? Want me to let your poor rule neglected brain be?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.


  1. I can't remember any rules from school that messed me up either. It's so cool that you and Fundy got to hang out together.

    1. Good to have no crummy rules messing with us haha hang again we did.

  2. Get rid of all windows - funny!
    I miss these funny ramblings. You need to do them more often.

    1. Still got plenty in me as I just start and see where my crazy mind goes lol

  3. my english teacer would have a cow, if humans could give birth to said animal, is she were
    to attempt to read da tabbies blog ‼️‼️‼️hope all is well with you and de crew 🐟‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸ’š

    1. Lol yeah, she might have 2 cows. All is good with the crew. Hopefully you guys too.

  4. At this point, I don't care about English rules. That's my editor's job. If I violate too many, she can let me know.

    1. Way to be. They can take care of the rules indeed.

  5. haha - You may have been gone but, you still have the gift of gab...haha I visited a lighthouse this summer, I guess, I am drawn to their light...haha but, what would be my plight? Too many rules...

    1. Can go on and on with ease whenever I please. Kids say you seen one lighthouse you seen em all lol pffft to the rules.

  6. I discovered when studying business grammar that the stuff they taught in school WASN'T written in stone like they taught. They never mentioned that there were different styles of grammar and they were teaching just one.

    1. Yeah. That is true. They only ever said one way and that was that.

  7. How did I miss this? I am a hopeless case, Pat! You can steal my photos any time, and I can't wait to read your earwig book!

    1. Well I don't really post on much of a schedule these days haha. Earwig book sure has taken some turns. It'll be weird. If I ever get time to finish. On chapter 7 now.

    2. I should know to check on IWSG Day. Why do I always seem to be flying around IWSG Day? lol. Your books often explore the way out there, Pat!

    3. Lol maybe because you are just always flying around.

  8. I had no idea you were still posting here. Loved the pictures.

  9. I checked for IWSG Day, Pat. I'll double check later.
