Time To This or That


The IWSG wants people to think of what they can do. What they can do. What someone can do. A lot of doings, huh? Can't you see the brain storming over the giant litterbox? What? Confused? Okay. Question first I guess.

June 5 question - In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?

No? Damn. I sure failed to drive that home. I drove all the way to NY instead. Must have zigged when I should have zagged.

I knew I should have taken a left at that big duck. Damn it.

I said no going down holes. That includes digging them. Children. They never listen.

Are you done yet, human? You aren't as funny as you think you are.

I second that.

I third it, pee on it, and pick my nose with my tongue at the same time. Ultimate multitasking. 

Okay. I see the light. I'm not funny. What? I see the light. It's not on, but I see it. Seeeee?

Well he can't see that I see it like that. Geez. Children. Oh. That ship has sailed.

Then again. Maybe I am sea worthy. So confusing. Just like how I dodge answering the question, huh? I better go take a right at that big duck. Or was it left?

It was left. No. It was right. Walk time no matter which way you go though, human.

And don't forget me, human. I don't need any of those dumb leash things though.

See? Plenty of flowers. That will keep you busy until I make the left or the right or whatever.

Human, you really need to wave goodbye and take that left already. Not like you have much left up there to work with.

I'm ignoring the insulting mutt that picks its nose with its tongue while hitting the road and going left which was then right at that big duck. 

I crossed that bridge when I came to it. Just saying.

We're in. You don't have to tell us twice.

What? I wasn't very helpful? Even after all of that I didn't give any ideas? I must be losing my touch. Maybe I should have done it in rhyme. At least I could have confused for a time. That I can do in mass with my little rhyming ass.

Time can be a hard thing to come by some days. Especially when you jaunt across a border and end up sixteen hours away or so. So that is one factor that works against any site. Another is that social media isn't what it used to be. If it even used to be anything. A lot of it has gone down the crapper. A nasty, well-used port-a-potty type crapper.

Blogging led to many a great thing, so it would be nice if it kept on doing so with the IWSG and such. But with the click bait attention spans of a gnat that most people have, it may take a lot for that to happen again. 

Although a real life blogger meet up would be fun. That would be costly and the logistics would be crazy though.

So, yeah, unless you want me to weave some nonsense into a tale like above, which I can do upside down with one eye open, then unsure what any forward path would take.

Any ideas to stay relevant in blogland? Do you still care much about social media? Maybe I would if I stayed still long enough. I'm not Fundy Blue level going here and there and everywhere, but we get out more these days at our lair. Dogs and kids and NYers may do that to a guy. But I can still write this on the fly. Hmmmm. On the fly? Really? I'm not flying or pretending to fly yet I wrote it on the fly? 

Let me check....Not standing on a fly either. River did just eat one a few minutes ago though. Literally did. No lie. I guess that counts? I'll fly away now though with no flying involved. Until next time when I pretend to answer a question but don't really answer the question while updating life.

All good in your land? Any updates at hand?

Enjoy life. Forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books