Time For Some Influencing Around!

What you looking at? You can't see me. I'm no rhyming cat. Let me be. Whoops, I rhymed. I guess I'm also well timed.

What you looking at? It's just some snow. I'm not an outside cat? Well you let me out, you know? Or was it you? Maybe it was a clone that came due. Or maybe you are just nuts. Go bug the mutts.

Attitude? Me? You'd have attitude too if some large hand kept brushing you after you just cleaned yourself for the 100th time. Why do humans get off on that anyway? Do you like to be stroked too? If so, why do you wear clothes? Oh the places this could go. But I'm too young for such things. Cry me a river, humans.

Talk to the foot. Isn't that just a dumb saying? You humans want them to go away and yet you say that. So you are signaling for them to keep talking. Of course they may know you want them to go away, but instead of just saying go away you tell them to talk more. Assbackwards humans. 

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. 

No. Mutty, mutty, mutties. 

Well that was boring. Now we're tired from standing. I guess we'll sleep here. While we are sleeping, you keep a look out, human. If things get interesting wake us up. Okay, you can tell us a story first. There once was a....(snoring)...how rude.

And down the winding road we go. Influences me? Anything and everything. Even wankers can influence me with their nonsense. Maybe not in a good way, but they still can. And if some aren't around anymore, they are still in your mind. The experiences and thoughts and what have you in your life will always influence writing to daily living. That's not even to say things and opinions won't change. The more you experience, the more you grow. Or the less of a naïve little shit you are. Take your pick which one you like better.

I am lucky enough that my mind is crazy enough to make up a story on anything. Could write every moment of every day and never get the ideas all down even if I live to be a 100. But who wants that? Diapers? No thanks. Unless I can get revenge on the poop machines and make them wipe my butt. Then 100 would be fine. 

See? It helps to go astray sometimes too. Never know what can come due. Even a rhyme or two. Maybe three or a few. The rhymes will just flow in mass. Whether through Murphy, Milo, River, Meadow, or my little rhyming ass.

The IWSG asked the influencing question and away I went with it. Have any influences on you? Any for writing or other things in life? Can you just sit down and write?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books