Time For A Something Or Other Show


Can you tell I'm super impressed? No? Well you may look like this too if a human dragged you to a vet and only posts once in a blue moon. Maybe I should paint his butt blue. Then he'll have to post all the time. It is iwsg day though. So things have to flow. What things you ask? We'll fill out that task.

Just keep kicking. If the landing isn't sticking. You just keep kicking. The wounds don't need licking.

Sleep is important too. Just do it within view. Especially if near a lake. In drowning you may not want to partake.

There are always strings. Sorry. You can't grow wings. Pat won't let her climb a tree. And there are things you just don't have time for or can't do at your sea.

Sometimes you need to stick your tail in the air. Let all pass like gas between your cheek pair.

Have to let your mind run free. Go where it takes thee.

They'll be a little sludge in everything you do. No matter how many times you go through.

All bridges have been taken by someone. So cross it and get the job done.

Wade in and don't be afraid. Getting wet is what could get you paid.

Don't be afraid to take a nap. Good to avoid the no sleep trap.

And no matter what you do, you will piss off someone's view. You never ever will please all. So shit in their cheerios and answer the call.

Sometimes you'll be thought nuts. That is okay. Just don't sniff butts.

Good to take in the view. Never know what it will bring forth anew.

And check for the crap. Like this chap. You don't want bloodsuckers to bring you down. Toss them to some other town.

Take the time you need. Only once will it take seed. You can't get it back. It is good to go off the beaten track.

Look ahead and up too. Don't always look in the rear view. All can come together as one. They all get the job done.

The road can be long and windy and snowy and pothole filled and crappy as can be, but no matter what, get back up and make it to the sea. 

And that is the IWSG day from me. The cat just let his mind fly free. How goes it in your blogland spot? Do you chase a red dot? I hope that doesn't come to pass. You may get made fun of if so by my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Pat Hatt Books