Time For The 10 of 2020


Seriously, who puts a toilet on stairs? You humans are weird. I mean unless you are the perfect height, you either miss or hit your head on the ceiling. Or look like some demented frog when you sit down. The cat will keep the lid shut on this thing, much like how many wish to shut the lid on 2020 and watch it all flush down the toilet. But you may not want to do that just yet, as 2021 will be more of the same. Why flush twice? All right, before the Blabbermouth-ed one declares we are obsessed, let's get on to 10 things learned in 2020 that she wanted to do with the cat.

1. Essential and Indefinitely

Two words you only heard sparingly before 2020, unless you truly were essential, but once 2020 hit, they became the new go to words. 

2. Toilet Paper is Gold

People didn't rob for money. They robbed and pillaged for toilet paper. Really? If you have no food to eat, do you still need toilet paper?

3. Gullible

This is known, but 2020 proved it all the more. Put the nail in the coffin for the human race. Sooo many are sheep. See a Youtube video and suddenly it's the truth. Listen to some blowhard orange buffoon and suddenly it is the truth. Really? Whoever believes 5G caused COVID needs to go live on the moon. Actually, that is too close. Ship em to Mars.

4. Unmasked

People go wacko when you ask them to put a simple piece of cloth on their face. Like you asked them to wear Grandma's dirty drawers on their face or something. Yet humans can dress up in spandex and go to cons or dress up in masks for Halloween. Or you know...furries!!! But a mask...nope! It was directed by Hell itself.

5. Transportation Rules The World

Without Truckers, shippers, etc. no one would get anything. Everything would dry up in a few weeks and that would be that. Until you can go all BTTF and create stuff outta nothing, even the smartest and most essential person is screwed without them. Unless you already have your bunker fully stocked, then you are good for a few years anyway.

6. Capitalization Withstands All

 If you wanna make money, just wait for a pandemic. Hoard a bunch of TP and cleaning products and sell them at a premium. Not really new, but it does further show that there is no depth to which some won't sink.

7. Make Believe Is Still Alive

"Adults" think they leave all that make believe behind once they grow out of childhood, well 2020 sure proved that wrong. At least kids make up things to have fun and learn. "Adults" just make up things to suit their own agenda or belief so they can do what they wanted to do anyway. Pfffft.

8. No Money? Pffft No Issue

What's another few trillion in debt? If a country runs out then they just print more and more and more. Throw billions at the issue and hope something sticks. Worry about future problems in the future. The human way!

9. Double The Fun

Didn't think we'd make fun of humans for all 10, did you? Why get one mutt when you can get two? Learn from each other. Keep each other company. Make double the mess. Double the work. Double the love. Double the poop. Yeah. Just double. Don't you want two mutts now?

10. Don't Take Those Close for Granted

2020 has proved that you never know what might be around the corner and that it may be something that flushes all your plans down the toilet, so don't wait to spend time with people you care about. Even if you use common sense and do it over Zoom or the like, it still counts and keeps those you care about alive and/or healthy. Things can change on a whim and you may regret the little moments you miss. So don't miss them!

And there we go. That is that for the things learned for 2020. What? Did you expect them all to be cheery? Pfffft. You humans don't make that easy with your stupidness and other idiotic things you do. And we thought planking was as bad as it could get. Not really, but we are trying to give you the benefit of a doubt. Really trying. I guess you'll have to go to Jax if you want 10 all touchy feely ones. Just don't touch for real. That spreads germs. Not like you humans care though. Have to ra ra ra about a piece of cloth. I'll leave you with it while I take a nap. Maybe you'll accidentally choke on the cloth. What?

2020 is almost done. Time for more of the same in 2021.

Time For A Merry Post


Uncle Pattie, the tiny humans, the furballs, and maybe even the cat hope all in blogland have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, or just enjoy the day off.
(Yeah, I'm double dipping. Shhh. Not all follow me at the other place.)

Enjoy the day and don't let the germs come in to play!

Time For Christmas Cheer?


It's that time of year.
The time for cheer.
Christmas is near.
Unless fat guys you fear.

Then out goes the cheer,
Replaced by fear.
Like any other time of year.
After all, the end is near.

All around the sphere.
The end is near.
Near and dear.
But Christmas is here.

So forget the near.
Go for the cheer.
Unless you still fear.
Then stay right here.

Or drink many a beer.
Could take away the fear.
May make cheer appear.
Or make you lose your career.

So maybe just adhere.
Go with the cheer.
Only this time of year.
The rest the end is near.

Hoard all tp near.
Scream and run in fear.
Go and shed many a tear.
Don't move from first gear.

At least until this time of year.
Then it is time for Christmas cheer.
So let all near hear.
Fly free with the cheer.

It is crystal clear.
The cheer is here.
Listen for the jingle of reindeer.
Get out there and be a profiteer.

Sell and maybe later volunteer.
That part could be unclear.
So stick to selling Christmas cheer.
It's the sticking point for this time of year.

You humans sure are a strange bunch. Maybe just out to lunch. Or out to supper in the dark. That could be why you miss the mark. All happy and cheery for a month or so. Then what? Back to ra ra ra you go. That's all you got in you? One month of cheer is all that's true? Do you only get cheery because of a fat guy? Are you going to lie? If fat guys are your thing, okay. Enjoy the cheer that comes your way. But remember not to buck the system. Someone may find you and slowly twist em. You can't be cheery after it is over and done. You have to go back to fear and stray away from fun. You have to get on social media and give all sass. Pffft humans really are strange to my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For The Productive


Is it that time of year again? How many times have you said or heard that? I bet some people can't count that high. Then again, some people can't read that much either, so they may be in bliss as they say it. What? Is that not cheery for this time of year? Can a year have a time? Does it have its own clock? Is the clock a secret? Can a year be a year when it is just a human creation? All right, one more question before I fry any brain cells out there. Although that may be rough considering that weed is legal up here and the stoners are going to it. Guess I'll just fry other nations brain cells. Right! On with it.

Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?

Ummm productive? What's that? Is that like doing things other than work? Hmmm I think that got lost somewhere along the way between the 9-5, cats, dogs, and kids. 

Well since I hibernate more in the winter I guess that is when I can be more productive. Then again, not a fan of the super heat so I could be more productive then too. Or maybe it rains a lot in the spring and I'm more productive then. Unless spring brings a fling and then I'm more productive in the fall. Or maybe a pandemic comes and makes me more productive or less productive. Have I answered the question yet? I have a feeling this wouldn't qualify as productive. 

Maybe I should just conclude that I am productive here and there and there is no rhyme or reason to it. Well maybe there is a rhyme to it some of the time. That can turn on a dime. Beats being a mime or sucking a lime. Or is it suck a lemon? Guess you'll have to ask a demon. Eye rhyme too. Whoa hoo!

Are there times when you are more productive than others? Has productive gotten lost in the grand scheme of things at your sea? Or maybe just productive in other ways. Like scooping the poop, wiping butts, going to the giant litterbox, or fighting the mutts for socks. That's productive, right?

And FYI if you have a manuscript you need to plug, this is a good way to do it. Coming soon!

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books