And We're Busted!

Pictures say a lot.
No matter how they are caught.
Pics are all we got too.
We're toast at our zoo.

Fluck this phone crap.
I'll leave that to another chap.
One and only time.
So suck it phone chime.

Did you figure it out?
It's dead as a beached trout.
The computer died.
Had its last ride.

After 8 hours a day on a phone,
No way are we answering at the tone.
New one is in the mail.
Let's hope it doesn't fail.

The cat will now rest.
Phone typing is a pest.
I'll be back soon with sass,
From my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a stay at home fling.

A Few Thursday Thoughts

I suppose since humans have lost their senses that maybe I'll just put some thoughts in.

"Did humans have any to begin with though? I don't know."

I know you don't.

"Hey! I have more sense than those mutts at our bay."

I suppose. At least you haven't tried to ever eat your own poop.

"Says the one who ate my hairball. So nasty at our all."

Magic Dates!!!

Humans are still stuck on magic, and not in the good way. With this Covid 19 thing going around you can see it all the more. They want a magic date when all will be normal. Magically one will appear. It HAS TO! Even head crybaby, blowhard, orange buffoon tries to pull one out of his ass. A few of which have magically passed us by. Still stuck. Sorry! 

It doesn't matter if it is this virus, your birthday, the day you stubbed your toe on a giant lizard, or the day you peed the bed. The day doesn't become magic. Good or bad isn't going to happen to you on that day because of magic. It will happen because of circumstances or because you make it happen. Depends on what it is. You can make the day be "magic" by going out and making yourself meet a new mate. But you can't pick a magic day to make something like the virus vanish. There isn't going to magically be a day where normal returns. We're stuck with this normal for a while. 

"Maybe they'll invent time travel so this magic day they can unravel."

Humans still think that is possible. Sad.

"The Avengers did it. Can't argue with a hit."

Can too. That is easy to do. Wanna see?

Star In Development

Humans tend to fanboy out on things way too much and argue like a bunch of little toddlers. Actually, that may be offending toddlers. You can't please everyone, as if you try to do that then you fail miserably before you start. Still, people who have nothing to do with anything think they own said fiction that was created by someone they have probably never even met. Yes. It is because of you that they are able to do it because you pay to see it, but you also pay a parking fee. Do you own the garage? The space? The meter? Nope! Those things are there because you use them too. If you didn't then they wouldn't be there.

An opinion is one thing, as they are like assholes, but ramming it down another's throat is something else. Star Wars nuts are sure one. Dislike it and they throw a fit. Like it and they throw a fit. They own it after all. Pfffft. And then it goes back to creators trying to appease all and failing miserably thanks to all the whiners. You don't own it, you don't need others to agree with your opinion to feel better or justified, and you should do what many regular folks are saying to celebrities, which is, your opinion is no more important than anyone elses, so do your job and shut up.

"Geez, humans really need to get a grip. They may need a funny farm trip."

The planet is one big funny farm.

"Couldn't they say you gave an opinion too at our zoo?"

That they can and will. That is what it is. Like it or lump it just move the fluck on.

"Stole my word. How absurd."

More like manipulated the original word like you did already.


A lot of this going on day by day with all the media play. Again, they want you to believe what they say. A bit different than fanboys, but it is similar in some instances. The same stats can say that 2 people died of a disease because they had diseases already or that 200 people died of the disease and ignore the stuff they already had. Which is right? Seems to come down to whoever can ram it down your throat the best these days. Toss the "junk" data and get the conclusion you wanted even before you started. The one that sells. The one that gets clicks. The one that riles people up. Truth? Pffft. Who needs that? It doesn't bring in the $$$$.

And that is just stats and egos. Manipulation stretches from emotions to crime to out and out scams. A lot comes back to power, ego, and/or $$$$ no matter the manipulation. Heck, I could use photoshop and show you claws typing the keyboard. I may only fool five year old kiddos, but that is still a sort of manipulation. Add in a book link at the end that claims your cat can learn it too and VIOLA!! The variables are endless. Everyone is manipulated 100 ways every day in some way. Except maybe if you lock yourself in a closet and don't leave for 24 hours, then you may beat out a day. One just has to not believe everything they are told. No matter the side it is coming from. Agendas run high.

"That they do. Do you have one too?"

Just to get rid of you.

"Pffft. You'll never do that. Now I'll end it for Cassie cat."

You do that.

And that is that. Way to go, Cassie cat. Are you going to go all fanboy now? Do you think Star Wars was wow? Couldn't stand the last two. Sooooooooooooo boring and repetitive to our zoo. But to each their own. Each person likes a different tone. Are you back on the magic date? Are you ready to find a mate? May be screwed on that. Were you manipulated by a stat? A cat? An orange dingbat? Could be a lot to take in in mass. I better go let you do that while I rest my little rhyming ass.

The blind leading the blind = mankind.

Under The Influence...r

Sitting high. Sitting low.
One's for me, don't you know.
Unless you don't. Then you won't.
But I can change won't to don't.

Maybe can. Maybe can't.
There is a kinda slippery slant.
Could use slant. Could use slope.
Maybe slape if they elope.

Slape's the way. Slape's the best.
You'll now use it like all the rest.
Why is that? Why you say?
Don't ask why and just slape away.

Say it often. Say it quiet.
If you're loud slape may riot.
So let it flow. Let it sink.
If you don't, you'll go down the drink.

No time to think. No time to master.
Either or is like drying plaster.
So say it with her. So say it with him.
If you don't, you'll be out on a limb.

The limb will snap. Down you'll fall.
You'll be the slapeless one of all.
Slapeless and bare. Slapeless and free.
You'll even be slapeless when you pee.

So be a sheep. Be a cow.
Either one doesn't meow.
Although one regurgitates and eats twice.
The slapeless mass may find that nice.

So regurgitate one. Regurgitate all.
Follow the little bouncy ball.
The one I started. The one I threw.
For I have just influenced you. 

Influenced today. Influenced now.
What hooked it was the regurgitating cow. 
I know my stuff. I know your wants.
These are for more than merely taunts.

For I'm on top. For I'm the eyes.
Both of which must mean I'm wise.
Slapeless commands. Slapeless is vital.
As now I can put influencer in my title.

Are you going to be a slapeless using horde now? What? You didn't like being called a cow? But but but I'm an influencer at my sea. You have to believe everything from me. Pfffffffffft is the way. I see that stupid word on many a display. And they usually have 100 followers or so. My, an influencing they sure can go. Maybe they are influencing their mutt. After all, they eat poop and sniff a butt. See any influencers at your sea? Every hear the word set free? I think I'll stick to my usual way of sass and stay a not so slapeless little rhyming ass.

Influence with an R means you'll go far.

Who Goes There?

Who dares try to take my toilet paper? I peed on the floor of the grocery store and made an old lady slip just to get there before her to get this. Note(just because humans are now super crazy and may believe it): That isn't true. It's not hard to get here, but it sounds more fun to the cat. What isn't fun is listening to you humans whine that you're bored or whatever. Most of you clearly aren't clever. Bored and safe at home or un-bored and dead, or causing someone else to be dead, because you roam. Hmmmm. And you are even so crazy that I can get away with using un-bored these days. Oh the craze.

Who goes there? Who goes there?
Not a freak. Not a friend. Not a fly on the wall.
Who goes there? Who goes there?
Not a date. Not a stalker. No one at all.

Who goes there? Who goes there?
Only little old you and maybe the mailman too.
Who goes there? Who goes there?
No magic. No normal. Are you quite through?

What is this? What is this?
The new norm. The new way.
What is this? What is this?
Whine all you want, you are home to stay.

What is this? What is this?
A virus. A news update. A typical day.
What is this? What is this?
A repeat. A redo. Just you on replay.

When is it over? When is it done?
Go talk to rover. Actually, I will. He's more fun.
When is it over? When is it done?
Must you ask that to each and everyone.

When is it done? When is it over?
Switch and swap. Swap and switch.
When is it done? When is it over?
It ain't gonna change no matter how much you bitch.

What can I do? What can I do?
Maybe go in the corner and stare at a shoe.
What can I do? What can I do?
Maybe dip it in ketchup and begin to chew.

What can I do? What can I do?
Try not to choke on that tasty old shoe.
What can I do? What can I do?
If you get through one then try for two.

Who goes there? Who goes there?
Voice to spare. Time to speak.
Who goes there? Who goes there?
No one at all. They aren't playing hide and seek.

Who goes there? Who goes there?
Wish it and want it but still little old you.
Who goes there? Who goes there?
Not a soul. Not a car. Just you with no clue.

What? Puppy advertising? How did that get there? These really are strange times.

The cat has to poke fun at antsy humans. They are just too easy not to do it. It's like you are being asked to walk through glass while being shot at and attacked by hungry bears. Staying home is easy compared to many many things. And what is the point of having ass wipe if you have no food to eat and thus wouldn't use said ass wipe? Did brains go out the window too? Are you expecting this to get over with today? Tomorrow? Next week? I think you may have to realize for a while the world is up the creek. But then aliens could come down and cure it all for us. You never know.

Things still safe and sound at your show? Are you whining away? May not want to tell me as I'll make fun at my bay. And now that my poking fun has come to pass, I'll go back to napping inside with my little rhyming ass.

Who goes there has sure become rare.

Around The World

Have you gone around the world? If so, did you fall off? You know those flat earther nutballs are still a thing. If you didn't fall off would it be Squared The World? Rectangled The World? They don't have the same ring. Guess that is another one in the loss column for the flat earther crazies. Maybe they think a giant will come down and flatten the planet. You never know these days. On with the question before I give them any new ideas.

The IWSG’s focus is on our writers. Each month, from all over the globe, we are a united group sharing our insecurities, our troubles, and our pain. So, in this time when our world is in crisis with the covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world?

Well damn, I own my own world? I never knew that. It must be super tiny because I can't see it. Maybe the cat ate it. Or the puppy ate it once he hawked it up. My world is always out of reach. Or I guess if it comes out the other end would that make it full of umm shit? What? I got lots of TP if that's the case, so no big deal.

As far as things...they are still in place. I did move the litter box to get any litter out from behind it. I moved the bed to make it. But then I put them both back. So things I'd say are where they should be. What? Why do you keep rolling your eyes at me? Yes, I can see you. Now you looked. Gotta love the paranoia of stir crazy, huh?

Life here is the same as in many parts of the world. (WAIT!!! If the world has parts then who gets to be the private areas? It's a valid question.) Inside is where we be unless the 9-5 calls or groceries are needed. And we are so far virus free at our sea, hopefully it stays that way and no germy neighbors cough too close. Other than that here we be with puppies and writing and cats in a tree.

How are things in your part of the world? Do you live in the private parts? Does it get tingly there? Got a good stash of TP? Are you all virus free? Hopefully so, and hopefully all are keeping their ass indoors like they are supposed to so we can get this crap over with sooner rather than later.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Pat Hatt Books