A Fake Report May Hit Abort!

The cat was snooping here and there and then some news came that you need to be made aware. Well maybe not need, but it still must take seed. The cat likes to share. At least today at our lair.

There is a land.
A land ever so grand.
At least it thinks so.
As do those in tow.

They toe the line
Right idiom by the feline.
Look at that.
Actually, they don't do such scat.

Glimmer and glamour.
Smash them with a hammer.
Speaking of which,
The Ghostbusters will return to fight a court glitch.

Howard The Duck is at play.
Nothing to Lose 2 will be on display.
Along with Big Momma's House 4.
5 will then take a back to back tour.

A remake of three.
Most worst than cat pee.
But they will be given a go.
Like Mo' Money...more Mo?

Brewster's Millions is spending.
First Knight may be out lending.
Bourne the remake camera shake.
Turner and Hooch stop an earthquake.

Double Dragon the return.
Bonus coins you can earn.
As in keep them and don't go.
Bonus and a win, you know.

Vice Versa 3.
Two never came to be.
So they skipped it.
Like Beverly Hills Cop 4 or some shit.

Predator vs Alien 3.
They never skipped two at any sea.
Brain melts from watching it.
That really is shit.

That Damn Cat 56.
Up to the same old tricks.
And we saved the best for last.
Back to The Future The Remake with lookalikes of the cast.

Now aren't you glad you are in the know? The cat sure went to great lengths to get these to show. Do you even believe the cat? Any you'd actually watch where you are at? Yeah, we'd probably skip them all. Beverly Hills Cop 4 might make our disgust stall. But we doubt that will come to pass. I continue to be a sharing little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

To Infinity Upside Down At Our Town!

Or would that be 90 degrees? I'll have to ask the fleas. I have some saved to send to your knees. I can even ship them over seas. I haven't made that threat in a while. It is good that it never goes out of style. What is the cat going on about that for? I guess memory lane has come ashore.

Can memories have a lane?
Did I cause your brain pain?
You should be used to it.
Every day I tend to do that shit.

I may even swear.
Whoopsy, at my lair.
Not really though.
I just wanted to give whoopsy a go.

Different than Whoopdi Friggin Doo.
That stars all of you.
Different than pound sand as well.
That just wouldn't be swell.

Differences abound.
They can be found.
They were and are.
Like drunks at a bar.

Hmm, bad one there.
They are dumb to spare.
Did we say that?
Such a bad cat.

What about the title?
Don't like it when idle?
Was that a bad rhyme?
Bah, beats becoming a mime.

I guess I'm whelmed.
Yeah. Yeah. The title that's helmed.
Don't rush me.
I'm in memory lane, you see.

Can you see it?
Who makes up this shit?
I swore twice in one go.
Damn, is that a no no?

I guess I should stick with wanker.
Unless one is a planker.
Do they even do that any more?
Probably moved on to another dumb thing at their shore.

I'm taking a pee while typing this.
I really am, and didn't miss.
First time I said that at our sea.
See? I can still surprise after 8 years of rhyming to thee.

Did you see where my memory lane ended? No need for anything to be amended. The cat has hit 8 years at his spot. 8 years since I started this rhyming plot. Two to go for a perfect ten. I think I'll make it at our den. Unless we go boom or just croak. But then I am probably already on typing 9 years before this was spoke. Should that be a spoken pass? Bah, don't mind my 8 years of blogging little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The Wonder Of It Takes A Hit!

The wonder is around. I guess it can be found. It can make the cat wonder with ease. I wonder when I feel that breeze. I wonder about you. Not really, better things to do. Like take a nap. I won't fall for the trap.

A winter wonderland.
Isn't it grand?
White and more white.
Racist at my site.

Whoops, damn you snow.
Not letting me give PC a go.
That is just so rude.
No wonder you get attitude.

No, we don't wonder.
I know the no is a plunder.
Which is which?
I know the no's got a glitch.

Blame the snow.
It's wondrous glow.
What happened to the E?
Damn, the snow is stealing letters from me.

Must have stole the meese.
Can't blame the geese.
I wonder if that's true.
Not really, between me and you.

A wonderland before us all.
White upon white at every hall.
Except the upside side of Earth.
There sweaty things are giving birth.

Hmm that could be taken wrong.
The snow will have bee banned before long.
Its wonderous way is here.
Pffft I took the E back for my rhyming rear.

I'm overtaking the snow.
I will make it get up and go.
All I have to do is get up and go.
Not sorry to turn you yellow, snow.

Is the land talking?
That must be some squawking.
What is the land wondering?
Is our thoughts it plundering?

A wonderous snow and a pirate land.
We have a full on uprising at hand.
But I got back the E.
No snow can beat me.

Did you follow that? We went wondering in the winter at our land. Isn't that what it means? I see it on a few screens. Can the land wonder about us? I bet every other word is a cuss. Do you wonder about the cat? I'll blame this crazy one on Pat. Or maybe I'll wander over to Cass. Either way, it's okay to wonder about my wandering little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

I Used To Be Comes To Umm Be!

The used to be comes on out. It is a thing every human gives a shout. At least the ones with rings on the tree. That is a nice way of saying super old from me. Hmm did that cancel it out? Damn, I used to be good getting those about.

I used to be, I used to be.
A thinking back from little old thee.
A thought to thought about the plot,
It comes on back not so hot.

I used to be, I used to be.
Yes, we've heard your double spree.
Say it once, say it twice,
Either way you pay the same price.

You used to be this, you used to be that.
You used to be able to keep up with the cat.
If that were the case, I'd be toast.
So I'll move ahead before I boast.

You used to be this, you used to be that.
Now you've turned me into a repeat cat.
I used to ignore much much better.
I now repeat the same damn letter.

I used to be faster and on the ball.
But it was made of plaster and broke down the hall.
Is that how it works with the I used to be?
The used to sure beats little old me.

I used to be, I used to be.
Can you spit it out already for me?
You used to be pretty and young?
Maybe stop rolling in cow dung.

You used to be neat, you used to be wise.
Maybe the couch you should delete and hope no one dies.
You used to be able and oh so fit?
Maybe get up from the table and do shit.

You used to be tallest in your eighth grade class.
And I used to be able to hold onto my gas.
I slipped in an I when all about you.
I used to be quicker at that at my zoo.

I used to be ready and able to play.
I used to be as springy as the month of May.
I used to be able to cook and clean.
I used to be able to beat all on my screen.

I used to be, I used to be.
Then I got lazy and grew like a tree.
Never able to move and stuck in one spot.
Means the same thing, at least that you caught.

Are you an I used to be user? Are you an I used to be abuser? Some of those used to bes are full of crap. Many could still do them if they didn't be a lazy arse and allow such a gap. Getting young and pretty again though, you may be shit out of luck giving that a go. But you never know what a mad scientist may have cooking. You should be cautious though when booking. I used to be far more mouthy with my sass. I guess I better work on that with my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

We're On A Roll With This Stroll!

We were comfortable as can be when Pat left our sea. He asked if we wanted to go. Of course we said, "Hell No!" Who wants to go where it's cold. On a comfy warm spot we'll stay sold.

It is my it ain't happening face.
Going out we do not embrace.
I'll stay here and rest.
It is for the best.

Nope, not going to work.
A snowy giant litter box isn't a perk.
We won't be able to bury it.
Then humans will whine when they step in our shit.

A tree across the road.
Yeah, now that is a load.
That makes us want to go.
Right! We don't want to see the giant that gave it the heave ho.

A swamp or trees?
It comes with a breeze?
No thank you.
Rather cook a dog stew.

Trying to make me run.
I'll laser eye each bun.
Even letting this guy in won't work.
Outside is not a perk.

What is that?
Sure not a cat.
Is one a lass?
Damn, it's a double ass.

There it is in view.
This time one, not two.
Pat isn't as grand at shots though.
We'll leave that to Snow.

Bah, another tree.
Giants so aren't for me.
What? The wind did it?
Bah, the wind can't hit.

Still not going.
Especially after that showing.
But now I'll chase the furball away.
Go and enjoy your day.

This is my I told you so face.
Outdoors is not fun to embrace.
You look kinda cold too.
Sorry, bed is still mine and not for you.

Do you like the outdoors? We would rather do chores. Not that we cats have any of those. Do you like my I told you so pose? Ever get trapped behind a fallen tree? That sure wouldn't be fun to come to be. Especially if it is on TV. Then it is obviously a trap to capture thee. Now I'll go back to my resting pass. That outdoors stuff is far too outdoorsy for my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Which Is Which With The Least Glitch?

The cat likes to win. We take a winning spin. I get those toys and chase those intruders away. I even whack the mutt on display. But what of each beast? Who becomes least? Can't follow me? You will at my sea.

To come in first,
Sure beats worst.
Or would that be least?
You won't get the feast.

Or the toy.
Or maybe no joy.
But you may learn.
Get better upon your return.

Then you can glow.
That we know.
But there may be a snag.
It could be a drag.

Whether one or fifty.
It may not be nifty.
No matter the number.
May get you as you slumber.

Or maybe not.
Like a black balled plot.
You just never know.
Unless a rigged show.

For you could be it.
What's with that shit?
First and still it?
That's a wrong bit.

What was that?
Confused be the cat?
You're the last one.
Isn't last fun?

Oh, it's last but not least.
Better from this furry beast?
So if you're last and not least,
Who gets no feast?

Who is the least?
Who's full of yeast?
Blah, don't answer the latter.
That really doesn't matter.

Is a number drawn with magic?
Is least forever tragic?
Which of them is least?
Those that live west not east?

Ever think of that? Which of the participants is least where they are at? If last isn't least then someone else is and can't get the winning feast. Could first be least? Is that something they made up in the east? Where does least go? Does it just walk away with a no? Did I overthink it too much with this pass? I can do that with my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The Fan Should Is Never Understood!

Today we will go on and on and on. We will say what should dawn. We will say what should not. We will have an opinion on every plot. We will rant and rant. Yeah, and I'm a rhyming ant.

Here it comes.
Beat the drums.
It will be grand.
I'll give it a hand.

May chop it off.
No one should scoff.
I wanted this forever.
It will surely be clever.

Today's the day.
It's on display.
I'm first in line.
This will be fine.

Wow. Wow. Wow.
I just had a cow.
That was so bad.
Way more than a tad.

How could they do that?
How could it fall flat?
This should have been done.
This never should have been given a run.

Don't you agree?
You don't with me?
How could you like that?
It was so flat.

You hate it too?
That makes two.
But you liked that part?
You need to go play in the parking lot of Walmart.

How could you?
This should have came due.
That should not have occurred.
Your sight is blurred.

What? You're nuts.
Head up other butts.
That makes no sense.
You are so dense.

They never should have did it that way.
Those producers or whoever has to pay.
They ruined my vision and such.
Who cares if it was never mine to touch?

Don't you love the fanboy/girl/thing/whatevers that come out of the woodwork? They'll bash things to even a Walmart clerk. All because it never came out the way they wanted. Even if no bad quality taunted. Just didn't come out their way. The way of a million different ways at play. Yeah, like that will ever be the case. But oh no, it didn't embrace. I sure don't mind giving them sass. For unless you own it, make it, put the effort into it, and whatever else to make it comes to pass, you are no more going to get your "vision" than the singing bass. I'll continue to control the rhymes that come out my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Nothing At All There At Your Hall!

Nothing is back to play. Nothing wants to have its say. Nothing in a whole other way. Like the say you humans let come out to play. Can play work with yapping? Who knows with your flapping.

What was that?
Stop it flat.
You can't do that.
You may go splat.

You want me?
Pffft, go and flee.
Flee from me.
Go. Leave me be.

Stop, don't pry.
I said go fly.
Oh me, oh my.
That would make me cry.

Get back.
I'm not in the pack.
I'll give you flack.
I'm off that track.

Won't you stop?
It's a flop.
I'm not in the crop.
I'll call a cop.

Why is that?
You're a dingbat.
I chew no more fat.
Nothing will ever get me to do that.

No million bucks.
No million ducks.
No super umm flucks.
No signed hockey pucks.

No mansion on a hill.
No zeroed out bill.
No cure for the ill.
No zillion dollar bill.

No super love.
No God above.
No poop from a dove.
No little or big shove.

Nothing at all.
No matter your call.
Nothing will make me do that.
Oh look, I put on the hat.

Do you humans exaggerate a bit or what? Nothing at all at your hut? I guarantee if many a domino decided to fall, your nothing would bounce away like a ball. Maybe not for 100% of things. But most would fly away on wings. But nothing at all would stop my rhyme. Oh look, a million dollars, see ya, my last rhyme. Nah, it would take two million to come to pass. The tax man would take a chuck from my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

A Line That's Not Fine!

This post decided to align. Is that different than line? I'll leave grammar to you human ones. Such things can give me the runs. Not really though. Just so you know.

Away I walk.
Away I run.
No time to talk.
I'm having fun.

That's out of line?
Was I supposed to go straight?
Sorry, there was no sign.
I zig zagged to my plate.

That's out of line?
Go suck a lime.
I'm a zig zagging feline,
Not some rule following mime.

That's out of line.
You can't be a mime.
They can't even say mine.
Now go suck that lime.

That's out of line.
Oh, I get the meaning.
I am still going to dine.
No need for a repeat screening.

That's out of line.
I told you there was no lineup.
So suck on some pine.
Or maybe go get bit by a pup.

That's...we know, we know.
You are a straight arrow.
Do you also want me to go slow?
Are kiddies outside the window?

Would that be a school zone?
Are they learning to walk?
I think I hear that tone.
That's out of line you squawk.

Look, tons of people.
They are this way and that.
Not straight like a steeple.
That's out of line where they are at.

The group stayed still.
That is so bad.
Sooo run of the mill.
Lines aren't glad.

Are you out of line? Is the feline? Do you think I care? Nah, of that you are aware. How can you be out of line when there is no line? For lines do you sit at home and pine? Are you a line freak? Is that out of line at my creek? Out of line with no line in the grass, so I'll zig zag the line with my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

A Conspiracy Chair So Sitter Beware!

Not referring to a babysitter or catsitter or dogsitter or housesitter. Does that make you bitter? Hey, they have an app for those things. What? You were too busy looking for flings? They have plenty of spots for that too. Just be careful when you bring home someone new.

Time for a meal.
Time to all gather.
Can be quite the ordeal.
Stay home we'd rather.

Unless home is it.
Like a game of tag.
Then mingle a bit.
Hope there's no lag.

A tock and a tick.
A flap and a yap.
Who invited this dick?
Do I still have a bear trap?

Slowly there.
Slowly nearing.
Sitter beware.
Butts a down rearing.

As in sitting.
Take up space.
Doing all but shitting.
An ass to chair embrace.

But hold on.
A few are out.
This is a con.
What's it about?

A ragged one.
It doesn't match.
Hurts each bun.
A back ache will hatch.

Odd one out.
Maybe odd two.
The chair is about,
But it is eww.

Now for the end.
It comes to task.
Door open, hit send.
What's that you ask?

Where did the chairs go?
Why weren't there enough?
Damned if I know.
Now scram and take your stuff.

Did you ever notice that? Still confused by the cat? Ever go to a bigger, biggish, big kinda gathering thing? Ever run out of chairs to fling? Get it now? I knew you would somehow. It seems that every table is always short a chair or two. Who makes that rule come due? Does Santa steal chairs from each sea? I guess he needs them to make toys for you and me. Did you ever have to sit on one of those "extra" chairs with your back mass? They sure can be uncomfortable to humans and maybe even my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The I Don't Blame What's His Name!

Did you know the cat was going to post today? No? Well I blame you for that at your bay. I post any other time. So did you really think I'd skip a rhyme? Yes? My, I blame you as you confess.

What's in a name?
Words all the same.
Or letters and stuff.
Don't have a huff.

Your house may blow.
You may eat snow.
The kind that is yellow.
Hear it's better if you let it mellow.

A dog told me.
I don't blame thee.
You didn't know.
Now you do though.

She did what?
Oh, she blew her hut.
As in she blew it down.
Were you in gutter town?

I don't blame you.
I can't at my zoo.
Wait. I can blame away.
What is it I'm trying to say?

Do you have to ask?
My, slow with the task.
Maybe you need blame.
Is it some kind of game?

I don't blame you.
Shh, yeah, I really do.
But nope, no I don't.
Blame you I won't.

Even with bad grammar.
At least I don't stammer.
Sure beats the slammer.
Did you really want to umm errr ram her?

That just rhymed.
It was so well timed.
I don't blame you for curling your nose.
Be careful you don't get stuck in that pose.

You'd blame you then.
You may blame my den.
And I don't, but really do, blame you.
Wait. How is there blame when none came due?

Do you blame me for making your head hurt? Hey, at least no blood did spurt. You even got to flirt. The gutter put on a skirt. Can it do that? I don't blame you for the visual where you're at. Would that be blame me? My, what blame can do to thee. How does blame come where there is none? Do you just go on a blaming run? I don't blame comes fifty times over. Guess what? If you did, no one would care, not even rover. So you don't or do blame someone far away for what they did or didn't do. Well whoopdi friggin doo. Are you a I don't blame them lad or lass? Pffft feel free to blame today's post on my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Time To Go Stranger Than The Money Changer!

Would the money changer be a banker? They may or may not be a wanker. Depends on who you get I suppose. Hey, I've gone to far lower lows. I guess that leads into today. But I'll prove it wrong on display.

I tripped and fell.
Damn it all to hell.
I even burned my toe.
How? I don't know.

Stranger things have happened before.
Umm, okay, let's go with that at our shore.
The house gets hit by lightning.
It is ever so frightening.

A ghost stops the fire.
But all still expire.
Now the ghost has playmates.
Take that to the fates.

Stranger things have happened before.
Damn, you really want to show me the door.
Werewolves eat the ghosts.
They then meet alien hosts.

The aliens probe away.
The werewolves turn into more of a dinosaur display.
The aliens get eaten up.
The dino werewolve things begin to hiccup.

They then change into a Disney princess.
They fart out alien flames at recess.
Then they give birth to paper people.
Then float in the air and land on a steeple.

God smites them from below.
Yep, he came down and put on a rock show.
Then it turns out he is a she.
She then pays off every debt from sea to sea.

Money starts to walk.
It then starts to talk.
It gives all paper cuts.
Now the world is ruled by mutts.

Time travelers try and change it.
But they end up causing more shit.
The mutts love the brown logs.
They then lose out to killer hogs.

Now the world is full of flying pigs.
And forever they force all to dance jigs.
Stranger things have happened before?
Bah, let your ass meet my door.

Do you ever say that? People usually use it for normal stuff where they are at. I'm sure stranger things have happened than you stubbing your toe. But stranger than my little story though? Hmm, maybe not yet. But if aliens come then they may tie this pet. Still, nothing stranger has, in reality, come to pass. That saying just lost to my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Under The Gun So Get It Done!

The cat needs you to do this now. It is a need that won't wow. But you need to get on it. It is some very very very urgent shit. You must do it. Stop everything else and do it with no fit.

This must be done.
A must is spun.
It is urgently in need.
It must take seed.

It is that urgent.
I'm out of detergent.
My clothes need cleaning.
Urgent is the meaning.

I have plenty more.
I have no need for them today at my shore.
But it HAS to be done.
I can't go enjoy the sun.

It is urgent I tell you.
It must be done at my zoo.
It is something urgent.
I really need my detergent.

Aww, I got it.
I used a bit.
My clothes are clean.
Ahhh I'm making a scene.

I'm out of trash bags.
I need to chuck old rags.
But I have no bags to use.
This doesn't amuse.

I urgently need it done.
I can't have any fun.
This is an urgent need.
Right now it must take seed.

It isn't like the detergent.
It is FAR more urgent.
Who cares if your opinion is divergent.
Don't be a trash bag insurgent.

This is a need.
A need to take heed.
With no trash bags my world will end.
It is an urgent need I must amend.

Forget feeding the kids, cats or dogs.
Forget the toilet that clogs.
Forget that work promotion.
This is so urgent I need to make a commotion.

Are you one of those? Making such crap give you woes? When really it is about as urgent as stepping on a tack? My, no wonder so many have a heart attack. Oh know, trash bags aren't there. You can't wash clothes with plenty to spare. The world is soooooo going to end. Pffffft to such an urgent trend. Now that I'm done with my sass, it is urgent that you leave a comment for my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Here You Go But Give It Back Though!

The cat is giving you this post today. I want back every word I say. But I am giving it to you. Does one or the other need to be true? Could it be both at play? Am I just confusing today?

Here you are.
It will take you far.
It's a broom.
Can sweep up many a mushroom.

Take it and go.
Sweep all that's low.
A year has past by.
I want my broom back, guy.

Here is a condom pack.
They sure don't lack.
Take them, they are yours.
Enjoy such umm tours.

Do you still have those?
I need to strike a pose.
I would like them back.
Even used in the pack.

Take this shirt.
Maybe go well with a skirt.
Take it and go.
Wow, you fill it out so.

I'd like that back.
You stretched it at your shack.
But I still want it.
I'll heave it in a fit.

Take this empty jar.
It will get you far.
Didn't I already say that?
Bah, trust me where you're at.

Fill it with ease.
Oh, I'd like it back, please.
I don't mind what's inside.
Ignore my smile ever so wide.

Here is this post.
Take it at your coast.
But give it back.
Every word at my shack.

Did you take it?
Nope, not a bit.
Does it still count?
Stuck on used condoms to mount?

Ever know anyone like that? Ever taken anything as a gift and then got asked for it back where you're at? That is why we usually avoid such stuff. No need to deal with that huff and puff. But we are fine with giving them sass. Oh, and you don't have to give the post back to my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Hit Those Three Before I Go To Pee!

You humans really sink to new lows. I guess brain cells just keep flying out windows. If they are closed do they bounce back? Nope we'd have to go with due to how many some lack.

Emergency! Emergency!
This is of an urgency.
I must get my phone.
911 my dog hasn't got a bone.

Bah, my life is over.
Poor, poor rover.
Can't someone bring it to me?
It is an emergency so I won't pay a fee.

Oh no. It has come.
911 I grew hair on my bum.
How can this be?
I don't want a hairy spree.

This is very very bad.
911 my stuffed animal has gone mad.
It stared at my the wrong way.
It is possessed at my bay.

This could be worse.
911 a neighbor gave a curse.
He said damn.
He also has toe jam.

911 they have bad grammar.
They deserve to go in the slammer.
Couldn't be worse is what they needed to say.
Come arrest them and make them pay.

This is horrible.
911 their customer service was deplorable.
Come and do something about it.
They didn't have a comfy place to sit.

How can this even be?
911 I found a flea.
It may even bite.
Yes, it just might.

This is so bad.
911 I lost my mouse pad.
Someone must have stolen it.
Can you believe that shit?

911 do I need a reason for calling?
No, I'm not sitting here stalling.
I just needed someone to talk to.
So what if a real emergency comes due.

People really call such crap in. Are humans really that dumb that they give 911 a spin? Ever hear of stupid 911 calls at your sea? I've seen news stories on a few that were set free. Hopefully you've never called them for such a thing. Butt dialing would be far better at any wing. Bad customer service isn't really an emergency for any human mass. But when you get fined I'll be sure and make fun with my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

A Name Is Made That May Or May Not Fade!

The cat raised an eyebrow the other day as this came to play. It is sure a weird one that came to pass. Aren't I already called a little rhyming ass? Among other things at my sea. Like Orlin, or Pat pretending to be me. Shhh, that last one isn't true. Hmph, guess I can't fool you.

Today is the day.
The day you want.
The day you stray.
That day you haunt.

For it is your day.
The day of the name.
Forever it shall stay.
The day you lay claim.

Not when you popped.
Out like a umm thing.
Nope, you got name dropped,
But that was a fling in spring.

It's still winter.
So you can't have that.
Go smash a printer,
Then come back to the cat.

Today you've made it.
Yeah, that I've said.
At least in some form or bit,
But I can't let it go to your head.

Or maybe I should.
This is your day.
And it's not that kind of wood,
Just in case you went that way.

For it's your name.
Not something like Bob.
Nope, that is just lame.
Hey, go speak to Rob.

For this is it.
The moment of all.
You will see it writ.
Or written or wrote on the wall.

Have to keep all happy.
Grammar nazis as well.
For you want to flappy.
It must stay oh so swell.

For it has been made.
Like a book on the shelf.
Nope, you can't trade.
You made a name for yourself.

Umm, did you pull it out of a hat? How did you go about that? Did you legally switch it? If not, the IRS may not like that shit. You made a name but didn't change yours? Is that like people sitting at home and taking tours? Can either even be done? Boy, is making a name for yourself a bit of a confusing run. The cat will stick to the name he made up with Cass and I will remain a little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.
Pat Hatt Books