Once Upon A Rhyme


The wharf is gone while the giant litterbox remains. Through ups and downs and inside ups and outside downs and joys and pains. The past is still there. It went something like this years upon years ago at my lair.

You see there was a c....wait. What?
This isn't my little rhyming butt.

You see there was a c...wait...wait...wait. Where did these mutts come from?
They don't have a rhyming bum.

You see there was a cat...hmmm a clone.
This blog has gotten glitchy. I'll have to get Google on the phone.

You see there was a...I never asked for a shadow to show.
What next? Humans think they can give this a go?

I had to open my big, rhyming mouth.
This post is really going south.

Okay. Okay. Not so far south we get to hermit land.
Why must the IWSG ask how long I've been making a rhyming stand?

Oh right. It was this that brought this to light.

What? The old badge is here?
At least we are getting back near my rhyming rear.

How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

Now you know where this started. I'll stray away from saying I farted. We crossed that bridge before. No need for an encore.

What? I said before. I never said we had to cross.
You humans truly are at a loss.

What? I didn't mean jump off the stupid thing.
This human is clearly a ding a ling.

That is right, mutts. Pee in sync.
You just solved the missing link.

Finally. There once was a cat...hold the phone.
That is that there clone.

Maybe I need to find a time travelling boat.
Or some sort of magic goat.

Well I can definitely say that is a cat.
Maybe it will threaten the fakes, the shadow, the mutts, the clone, the tiny humans, and the human dingbat.

Nope. It just went back to the giant litterbox.
Do you think it mocks?

Now this one goes to the advertising stuff.
I always wanted to swat him and his fluff.

We are getting closer. The clone is small.
It wasn't a mouser and chased me down the hall.

Kind of like that.
Two on one? Still bet on the cat.

You can tilt your heads all you like.
That cat made you take a hike.

See? The cat won the day.
Sun shining and all that at play.

Finally. There once was a cat.
Even if the clone is in that.

I chewed some TP and rhymed a bit.
I never cared if you had anything to wipe your umm...shit.

It all started here.
High on a perch with my little rhyming rear.

And the door opened to many an adventure, new task, book, rhyme, and friend along the way.
Over three thousand blog posts with always something to say.

The door stays open even though blogging isn't as big as it once was.
Twitter and Instagram and Farcebook took all that buzz.
Or should I say X?
Pfffft. I deleted all that text.

So things have changed and things have been done.
But through it all I can still poke fun.

Nope. Never poked a mutt's belly or thingy.
I'll leave that to some other majiggy.
I cheat rhyme too.
What you gonna do?

And years later here we are.
Thirteen or so I think so far.
My eye ever on this and that or that and this.
Maybe I rhyme. Maybe I hiss.
But through it all there always came some sass.
What else would you expect from a little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life. Push through the strife.

Pat Hatt Books