Time For The Turn Off


The turn off sign at the iwsg has been lit, so we will play with it a bit.

Question: What turns you off when visiting an author's website/blog? Lack of information? A drone of negativity? Little mention of author's books? Constant mention of books?

The very first turn off is just like the picture above. It is a turn off no matter what site we go to. If everything is out of reach and you have to work hard to find so much as a place to leave a comment or open the current post or X out of 50,000 ads before you find the site itself, then pffft to that and the last X I hit is the one up in the corner never to return. 

Sadly, I don't have the determination of a dog trying to get to bath toys. The more of a pain in the backside the site makes it, the more they can go pound sand.

Next up would be the rarity of an actual post. I'm not talking about posting schedule, I'm talking(or I guess I'm typing) about there being more posts than just...

Look what I released:

Brand new releases:

Come buy my books:

Time to....Okay. You get the picture and I've weaseled my newest books in there enough. What? Nothing wrong with a little added bonus on top of making fun.

Like the elusive Sasquatch, posts about anything other than their own books makes me tap, or click, the X button too.

Another would be pooping on everything. At least the birds only literally do it. If you literally do it then you might want to seek help. Just saying.

Sites that poke fun at things through humor are fine by me, but sites that are always negative about everything can go pound sound. Some are so negative that they are negative about being negative and don't even get how ridiculous they are. Misery may love company, but they ain't getting my company. 

Another would be nose in the air. You know the type. Those who think they are better than everyone else. Who are never ever ever ever wrong. Who think their poop don't stink. Who think their pretty banner and complicated way to open posts and comment is soooooo wonderful. You get the picture. Unless you are the picture. You may not get it then. Here. Let me help you.

That better? You may want to shower after your picture just got peed on. You may think that your poop doesn't stink, but dog pee can be smelly.

And of course let's not leave out the creepy, world's out to get you, stalker sites. Just look at those eyes. Don't they say axe murderer? 

I could state plenty more but then I would surely bore. I could make an essay post. Those can annoy this host. They can go on and on about the same old shit. Okay. We get it. You hate unicorns in the gutter. They make you mutter. No need to say it 50,000 times. Rather watch some scary old mimes. 

Any things about sites that turn you off? Do they make you scoff? Or just swear? Maybe scam sites that will help you grow hair? I mean you really have to love those. Some will even help you grow back toes. Just drink your own pee and you'll be disease free. Sadly, those sites are true. Some people really have no clue.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books