Time For The AI Size of It

The road we travel may look foggy, but it will clear. The road we travel may look foggy, but it will just drop you off a cliff. The road we travel may look foggy, but it is just Sasquatch letting loose a fart. 

What do you think of those? Can you apply them to anything? Yep. You can apply them to anything. Even a farting Bigfoot.

 Can take the hopeful road. Can take the doom and gloom road. Can take the ridiculous sky is falling road.

The choice is still yours which one you take to anything in life. For now at least. Like for instance with AI. All are going on about it now. Will it write full length books? That it may. Will they be good? That they may. Will...Why are you asking me so many questions? This isn't a psychic hotline. But if you really want to give me $9.99 a minute then I'm game to keep answering.

Right. On with it. Back to AI and the three things you can apply to anything.

You can go hey diddle diddle and just fiddle in the middle, but that isn't part of this riddle. Besides, if we go R rated someone may pitch a fit and the AI will ban us, so let's not fiddle in any middle there diddle diddle.

Human, what are you going on about? You blabber more than us. Oh, look. Bath toys! 

bark bark bark

quack quack quack

See? No robot can replace this.

Sorry, boys. That isn't entirely true. They could replicate your yapping and the duck quacking and even go at it and clone you.

But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Hmmm...Well I guess I just crossed it. Damn. It was a nice bridge though.

All aboard the AI express. Next stop, relaxation while AI does all the work. 

All aboard the AI express. Next stop, death after the AI kills you.

All aboard the AI express. Next stop, Bigfoot farting in the mountains.

Are we still on this AI thing? I thought we crossed that bridge. AI will do it all. From writing to cloning to barking to...

Giant fiddles? Ummm...okay. AI doing it all may have been a strong word choice. Maybe humans will still be good for something after all. Take that, Skynet.

Next up...A giant....Doorknob! If you can turn it then the AI will let you live.

Are we still climbing this hill? Is it one I want to die on? Nah. Let me take the easy way down. What? AI controls this too? It will take control and plummet me to my doom. We have to walk. No way is any wanker robot getting me. Us. You. Whatever. Robot has me all confused. Trying to kill me with a gondola. How rude is that?

Goodbye, hill. I shall not stand on you anymore. You have proven with your giant fiddle that maybe we can diddle in the middle and have things to fiddle when the AI leaves us with no middle.

Human, you are nuts.

Yeah. No AI could ever replicate me. I'm too beautiful. 

Ignore the prissy kitty and hear us roar.

Or my death glare. Wait and see what I do to you in your sleep, human. You won't have to worry about Skynet.

Wait? The cat said I didn't have to worry. Skynet is already blocking my path. It's a trap. I should have known that black cat superstition was true. Right up there with Bigfoot farts. Damn, Sasquatch and black cats.

Bah. Now they took the road out. I'm trapped. Trapped, I tell you. Skynet has it in for me.

Are you still here? You do know none of this makes any sense, right? Pfffft. Humans. No wonder AI is going to replace them. You may as well just go jump in the river right now.

Not you, tiny human. Don't listen to the evil black cat. Come back. Don't do it. It's not worth it. The AI is still 20 years away. You'll be an old fart then. Unless I made a rounding error.

Uncle Pattie, follow me. I know how to stop the wanker robots.

Pssst. This could be a booby trap. Remember me.

Pssst. Pssst. I should have stuck with a middle diddle back at that fiddle.

See? We just bowl the robots over. The wankers will never know what hit them.

Except the robots can control the bowling alley and make the balls fly back at us. You have it in for Uncle Pattie. Even after I changed your nasty diapers, Death by bowling ball. I knew it was a booby trap.

I think we need to take Uncle Pattie home. He must have been smelling Bigfoot farts for days to act this nuts.

We'll take it from here, not so tiny humans. Even if his hey diddle diddle is open, we ain't letting him move anywhere. The robots can go suck on the kitty's litterbox.

The End!

Or is it. Could the robot really have gotten me and cloned me and replaced me along with the tiny humans and the animals and then the robots will have won? 

Or did a robot that is trying to be a human who is really an alien just write this nonsense to see if somewhere in this rambling and diddling that they could prove robots may never capture some kinds of crazy. That and giant fiddles. I think we have both locked.

Suck a Sasquatch fart, AI.

Psssst. Don't know what to say? Guess I beat the AI then by making you stay quiet, which the AI can't do.

Pssst. Pssst. Don't tell the AI though. Let's keep it our little secret.

Pssst. Pssst. Pssst. My psychic hotline rates may go down to $7.58 a minute soon. Keep your eyes peeled.
Pat Hatt Books