Time For Testing Testing

I think it has been a while since the cat posted something here. Who knows though as time is different for a rhyming rear. What? That doesn't count one bit? Bah. Do you think I give a...spit. Admit it to me. Your mind went dirty. I even cheat rhymed there. Oh well. I double dog dare. Why would you double a mutt? Are you that obsessed with sniffing a butt? You better not tell. If so, you may be told to go to...hell. I said it that time. Didn't want to fool you twice with my rhyme. And now away we go. Who will read it? Damned if I know.

Hey! Welcome to the beach. Why don't you come sit on this rock, Bob. I think it is a very good rock. But remember you need to have sat on three other rocks before you sit on this one. It is just the way it is. We can't have you sitting on this rock even though it is the same rock unless you sat on three more rocks first. Tomorrow it may be four rocks before you sit on this rock, but today it is only three rocks. Make sure the rocks are the right brand of rock too or they don't count. You really want to sit on this cool rock and be at the cool kids table, don't you? So sit on those three rocks, excuse me it changed, four rocks first and then you can sit on this rock. The rules are ever changing. I can't help it, Bob. In order to sit on this here cool rock you need the three, excuse me still getting used to the change, four rocks beforehand. Then you will get the full pleasure and worth of sitting on this here fifth rock. But hurry up. Tomorrow it may be the sixth rock.

"Uncle Pattie, you scared the crab away. You shouldn't have aimed your penis that way."

"The crab is still there. He's just a little peed on."

"Uncle Pattie, can you get it? I want to see."

"I think I'll pass, but I'll watch you get it with your grabbers."

"But Uncle Pattie, you peed in the water. I peed in the water. I'm not going in there."

"I guess the crab is just going to have to stew in pee then."

"Uncle Pattie, do crabbies eat pee stew?"

 "This one did."


"Human, are you down there telling the crab pee story again? You really need to hang out with more than tiny humans."

"He hangs out with us. That counts, right?"

There was a time when it counted or didn't count. Now there is a time where it doesn't count or does count. The count is twisted until the counted desire comes to be. The count is irrelevant. The gullible and other nuts are the relevant count. There in lies the really extra count. Two for one. Come get yours and count your savings. Forget that the date will go bad in 1 of 2 of your count. Forget the price difference has been accounted for. Just count those slashed prices. Don't see the light. Stay in the dark and count the amount. Your bank account will love you for it. Or credit cards. Hey! Get that light away. Go bank into the darkness. Live that count. 92.54367447% of others already do. Don't be a count within another count.

(Although if you step in one of those cracks, you may not be coming back.)
(You'll cross that bridge when you come to it.)

Or maybe right now. Why wait to burn the bridges that need burning? Light the suckers on fire and watch em burn. This constant need for "what if" drives you to keep the rotten, decayed, moldy, holey, leaky bridges in the odd chance that you may need said bridge one day. Or maybe the comfort of the bridge and all its mold lets you be comfortable in misery. Maybe you can't find a match or afford a lighter. Maybe you just use maybe and maybe the bridge burning away. Maybe the water is poison and you don't want to risk falling in. Maybe you need to light the sucker on fire, watch it burn, and dry off any residual water. Plus, stay out of water that could have been peed in by strange humans. Or just fish. They pee there too.

What? You get all itchy if you stray from a path or burn the bridge? Did you just pop a Xanax? Sorry. That won't make this itch go away. You'll need some good lotion for this one.

That's right. Beware. Beware of the sign. Beware humans because you and your "a cat is so much work," "a dog is so much work," "I don't have the time," "Poor me. Feel sorry for poor me." Deserve to get bitten and maybe contract worms. Just saying. Oh and many of the ones who go on about "saving" need a bite too. Maybe I'll watch em all slip in cat pee first. Human race is going down the drain anyway. May as well hurry up their slip in. Just don't bring your self absorbed ego near me or...

I knew the mutts were good for something.

That they are. Oh and yeah. That biting sign is true. Stick your hand in and find out for sure. I double dog dare you. Yep. That sounds as dumb as I thought. Just go away and no bites will happen.

I think that is enough to take root for today. Hmm. Did I take the root or did the root take me? Did it grow or did it just appear? Do I really have roots in me? Damn. Those are going to hurt when they pass. I hope I'm not near any crabs that want to pinch me.

There was something that made this post take root. 

Hmmm. Wasn't there some IWSG question about audio? Oh yeah. Why do I need that? I have enough voices in my head. No need to add one more. I'll stick with just writing them out.

Wait. I wanted to make some eat crow. You aren't crows. Oh? You wanted to give Fundy Blue nightmares. I guess you can stay. And so this post has come home to roost. Or maybe not home, but home adjacent. Now time to get up with the roosters and don't go sitting on one's rooster. 

Why would anyone sit on a rooster? You humans sure have many ways of saying butt. But that we'll leave to the rooster at the butt crack of dawn. 

No wonder they crow so much. One can only take so much giant mooning every morning before they crack. That wasn't such a tough egg to crack.

Damn. I'm going on and on and on and on. Quick. Cut to something none butt related.

Damn it. Can't a guy catch a break. I think I'm the butt of this joke. Or you are. Depends on which count you're in. Count that up and see. Don't forget to sit on four rocks first. But...Stop. Where's my...

There it is. There is my why. Why? Just why?

About time, human. Now let's get to walking before people think you are even more nuts. 

"Too late."

But never too late for a walk.

"Got that right. Time to go. Hope you enjoyed the show. We may bite, you know? Now I'm doing it too. Okay. I'm through."

Well this is random, much like this post. Guess I better burn this bridge down already while you question my sanity, bridges, counters, rocks, dogs, cats, humans, signs, poison ivy, butts, roosters, and what pees in the ocean.

Enjoy life, push through the strife.

Time For Conflict


Conflict? What you talking about, humans? No conflict here. We aren't conflicted about that.

Still not conflicted here either. Nadda. Nothing. Just a cleaning.

I see nothing conflicting here. Just you and your friggin phone, human. But I'm used to that.

My cat toy. No. My cat toy. No. It's mine. I'm going to win. No. I am. This conflict isn't over yet.

We can't, human. You had us chopped up. You fail. Is that conflict?

Okay. Now I'm very conflicted. Should my hate be this high for this white stuff? Actually...it should. No conflict here then.

Yep. It should. After this nice scene. So much better. Or maybe that better feeling is just the smell of the dope plant to the right. Oh, excuse me. marijuana plant. Guess I better be more official. 

Was I conflicted about any of that? Nope! Was I conflicted about anything I have ever posted here? Nope. Do I shake my head at some things? Yep. Was I conflicted? Nope. Have I been conflicted about writing a scene or story or whatever? Nope. Who needs conflict? Just give yourself a heart attack that way. Write on through and get away from the nasty snow to the nicer scene. And if that doesn't work, go find a scene next to a dope plant. Hey. We won't judge...much.

Have you ever decided not to write something because you were conflicted? Did you write something even if you were conflicted? Did you really think dogs and cats couldn't get along?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For Some Influencing Around!

What you looking at? You can't see me. I'm no rhyming cat. Let me be. Whoops, I rhymed. I guess I'm also well timed.

What you looking at? It's just some snow. I'm not an outside cat? Well you let me out, you know? Or was it you? Maybe it was a clone that came due. Or maybe you are just nuts. Go bug the mutts.

Attitude? Me? You'd have attitude too if some large hand kept brushing you after you just cleaned yourself for the 100th time. Why do humans get off on that anyway? Do you like to be stroked too? If so, why do you wear clothes? Oh the places this could go. But I'm too young for such things. Cry me a river, humans.

Talk to the foot. Isn't that just a dumb saying? You humans want them to go away and yet you say that. So you are signaling for them to keep talking. Of course they may know you want them to go away, but instead of just saying go away you tell them to talk more. Assbackwards humans. 

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. 

No. Mutty, mutty, mutties. 

Well that was boring. Now we're tired from standing. I guess we'll sleep here. While we are sleeping, you keep a look out, human. If things get interesting wake us up. Okay, you can tell us a story first. There once was a....(snoring)...how rude.

And down the winding road we go. Influences me? Anything and everything. Even wankers can influence me with their nonsense. Maybe not in a good way, but they still can. And if some aren't around anymore, they are still in your mind. The experiences and thoughts and what have you in your life will always influence writing to daily living. That's not even to say things and opinions won't change. The more you experience, the more you grow. Or the less of a naïve little shit you are. Take your pick which one you like better.

I am lucky enough that my mind is crazy enough to make up a story on anything. Could write every moment of every day and never get the ideas all down even if I live to be a 100. But who wants that? Diapers? No thanks. Unless I can get revenge on the poop machines and make them wipe my butt. Then 100 would be fine. 

See? It helps to go astray sometimes too. Never know what can come due. Even a rhyme or two. Maybe three or a few. The rhymes will just flow in mass. Whether through Murphy, Milo, River, Meadow, or my little rhyming ass.

The IWSG asked the influencing question and away I went with it. Have any influences on you? Any for writing or other things in life? Can you just sit down and write?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time To Hit The Road


Who would want to hit a road? Maybe if it had a pot hole and gave you a flat tire or broke an axel. I suppose then you may want to hit the road. But wouldn't that hurt you more than the road? Plus, if it is like the one above then you may be hitting a place where an animal had a pee. Just food for thought. Or words for thought. No food here. Move along.

11 years is one long old road. The thing has probably become pot hole filled and has huge ruts in it by now. Be one I'd drive on by in the winter. But that is how long this little corner has been up. 11 whole years. And in 11 years...

I went from two cats to two cats....and two dogs.

I went from no posts to 3200 posts.

I went from no books to over 100.

I went from rather mediocre grammar to rather them good grammar.

I went from wiping my own butt to wiping a few more as well.

I went from blogging every day to blogging maybe a week or two out of the year.

I went from knowing where very few things were location wise to knowing where EVERYTHING is in the area.

I went from spending lots of time online to next to bare minimum.

I switched up the importance of things and I didn't use went this time.

I went from smart ass to....still stuck there. Some things never go away.

I went from naïve little shit to less of a naïve little shit.

I went from not giving a crap to even more not giving a crap about all nonsense.

(What? All me me me? Fine!)

Blogging went from tons to a few.

A lot of social media went from interesting/learning/comparing to cesspool.

Instant gratification's grasp got tighter.

Nonsense climbed to an all time high.

Less snow showed its face here each year.

COVID, All In This Together, Unprecedented all became every day speak. 

And...nah, not going down that rabbit hole. This post would go on for another 11 years if I recall all that happened.

Will I be here for the next 11 years?

I guess we'll cross those bridges as we come to them. Unless the bridge is holey or blocked. Then we may just take a boat. And if our boat sinks and I drown, well then you may not get 11 years. But at least the cats will get some extra kitty litter when they burn me and use me as it.

What's changed in your neck of the woods in the last 11 years? Anything? Everything? Hopefully something. It can be the feet of the woods too. Doesn't have to be the neck.

Still blogging as much as you did? Still into blogging as much? Switched to any other social media? Still like social media? Pet count go up or down? Any less of a naïve little shit? Still spend most of your time online? Any new bums to wipe? Still give a crap? Actually going to answer all of these questions? Who has time for that? Instant gratification it is. 

Great Post!

There you go. Did it for you. What? That took away the gratification? Whoops. 

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books