Time To Drop A Line


Can you draw a straight line without a ruler? Yeah. Use a board or the side of a something or other that is straight. I guess I don't have trouble drawing a line. Do you? Been a while since I dropped a line? Is that saying even a thing any more? Would it be dropped some air now? Or maybe dropped some waves? One could be a fart and the other some nuts might say will melt their brain. Hmmm guess sticking with line is the best way to be. What? You want to know where my line is? It's hidden. Like deep, deep, deep in the litter box.

In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language?

Wouldn't your editor hate it if you drew lines in your writing? That would sure get you sent to the corner. Like drawing lines on the wall with crayons. Not that the cat would know anything about that. Moving on...

As for topics...hmmm...hmmm...can't think of anything I wouldn't give a go. In ordinary way or with flow. Cat has no fear. Don't like it then kiss my rhyming rear. Now some I'd just mention in maybe passing or something as sicko stuff would be too blah to even delve into more than a mention. And of course only if it fits the rhyme, story, rant, whatever. Not just throwing it in there for shock value. SOCKS STINK WHEN PEED ON. See? I wouldn't do that.

As for language...hmmm...ordinary swear words I don't give a crap about as long as not used every other word. I'd never have a character just say F this, F that every other word as that just shows a lack of brain cells. Know too many of those in real life. But as for using them I have no issue. Just words. You aren't going to Hell for saying them or writing them. Although I'd never use pure filth words or words that are just super degrading. Can't even make fun of those and people who talk like that I'd want to punch in the face anyway, so no use for them. Words or such people. 

And I guess that is that from the cat. Guess I do have a few lines in the litter box, even if some are more wavy than others. Got any lines you won't cross in writing or life? 

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books