Time For They Are Among Us


Did you know they were here? What did you think they meant when you read it? Are you so conditioned by they that you go to little green men? Maybe the men like it that way. They could be green or blue or pink or solid white too. Can't leave any out these days. Then the men would go all cancel culture on you. Can't have that. All little whatever color men can probe collectively as equals. I should get on with it before the little yellow men point out that I missed them. Not to mention, even though I'm mentioning them, the little whatever color women. And the question is:

What would make you quit writing?

Umm I guess if little green men invaded and killed me, abducted me, or something like that. And you know....DEATH. I'd quit then I suppose. Unless ghosts can write. Maybe then I'd write on windows and screw with people.

Oh...and if someone paid me 10 million dollars never to write again or something close to that. That would do it. I may not come cheap, but I can be bought. Any takers?

Other than that I think I'm stuck writing in some form or another. May not write much for months or maybe years if life were to get truly in the way, but I don't think I'd ever out and out quit. Unless the above occurred or maybe something like death-adjacent happens and I loose all my limbs. Could be rough to write then.

What would make you quit something you enjoy? Have you quit anything you once enjoyed?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books