

What? I'm early? Or am I very late? Been a while since I posted. Think I shelved things? Think I vanished? Kidnapped? Hmm, if it is a good kidnapping I could go for that for a few days. Be a break. As long as they give me a bathroom and not a bucket. What? I went off there? I tend to do that. Haven't you learned that by now? What? Hard to learn when I don't post? Geez, give a cat a break. I have time to post here and there but not hop around. Do you want me to become a  "great post" commentator? R might get jealous. Boy, there was a blast from the past. Pat is telling me to hurry up and get on with it now. Humans. Them and their work things. When does that end? When you do? Damn, that is grim. Glad I'm a cat. What was the question again? Right!

 For how long do you shelve your first draft, before reading it and re-drafting? Is this dependent on your writing experience and the number of stories/books under your belt?

Hmmm more dependent on what is going on around me. Got one first draft done of a new one, half another one, and one edit to go on another one, then about 50 kids books waiting to be drawn, so yeah, in various stages at various times. Varies I guess is my answer. That and time. Experience helps too as you know then what to look for in your crummy first drafts. I'll stick with time and varies though. For time can be a factor when you do this!!!!

(Yeah. If you are one of the 50,000+ strangers that follow us at that instaplace you may have seen some of these. Oh well. Double dipping is fun.)

Yeah. Pat went and got me a new sibling. How rude is that?

What? We haven't bonded.. Nope. Not us. 

Maybe them. Nope. Not them either. Who likes barking poop eaters? I guess she has some taste.

Pat must as he takes them for that walk thing. Tried me once. Hell no was my answer.

It is all enough to drive a guy to binge on toilet paper. What a life. 

Can you see why I went with time and varies? How are things in your side of the world lately? The cat hasn't seen many a post these days, so hopefully on the upswing. Do you leave your first drafts for a while? Got any on the go? I'm done. Back to my toilet paper binging now. I may need helps....picking it up.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books