Time For The Motivation


Everyone has a favorite genre or genres to write. But what about your reading preferences? Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories for? What motivates your reading choice?

Maybe I'll flow.
Maybe I won't.
What do I know.
Could do or don't.

This way I'll write.
That way I'll rhyme.
What comes into sight,
May just be suck a lime.

Or maybe a lemon,
Just to get you going.
Like a little demon.
Eye rhymes a showing.

I could read a short.
I could read a long.
I could read and report.
I could come on strong.

Especially the preachy.
They get an eyeroll.
Most though is peachy.
Forgoing smut for a stroll.

Does that answer it?
Are you confused?
Read what I writ?
Grammar abused.

But I'll write it out.
What the heck.
No need for a drought.
Something always on deck.

Read what I write.
Write what I read.
Try a new light.
Always changing indeed.

So that is that.
Or maybe that's this.
A rhyme from the cat.
Beats a cough cough hiss.

At least for some.
Others maybe not.
Way of my rhyming bum.
Now on to the next plot.

Pat was oh so lazy off at that work thing, so the cat gave this answer a go. Does it have the same ring? Damned if I know. But read what we will. Write how we want. In one genre we don't stay still. Rules and stuff we taunt. And so that is it. And so I'll go relieve gas. Do you write or read in one or a bit? Or just all like my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books