Time For A Friendly Reminder


A friendly reminder of what? That I'm a rhyming cat? How about that. That I have over 130 books for sale? A plug without fail. That I've been blogging for over a decade now? Does that wow? That blogging is still a thing? That I still need to hear cha ching? That I should get on with it? Would that be friendly umm err shit? Should I swear? Should I care? Should I dare? I'm friendly. I swear.

Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere?

Friendships in blogland? You mean the people behind my screen that are on their screen? Would that mean my friendship is with the screen? I hope I don't have to kiss it goodbye. God knows what germs are on it. Not that people are any less germy. Probably more so. Especially these days. Hmm there was a rabbit hole. Glad I got out and didn't get stuck. Didn't even have to call Lassie. Watch out for those wells, friends. There is my friendly advice for the day. So friends, what's on the agenda now? Are you having a cow? That would hurt a bit. Friendly reminder number two. Aren't I nice to you? Now I'm through. What? Friends? Right!

In years far far far ago I started with a flow. It really really stunk. Worse than a skunk. But as we continued to progress it became less of a mess. It got better. We could spell each letter. Or each word. Didn't rhyme. How absurd. Then we met a few, one in real life too. It grew and grew and away we flew. Many have come and gone and come back and gone again after the end. But yep, there are some that get labeled friend.

Are you allowed to label these days? Is that bad? Are you mad? Did my flow go? What do you know? What don't you know? Any friends at your blogland haunt? Any you like to taunt? I'm now done. Sorry, friends. Gotta run! Or nap. 

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books