Time For A Merry One And All!


I've come to share some Christmas cheer.
Or maybe gossip about a rhyming rear.
Don't touch that ass or you may fall.
That wouldn't be very Christmas-y at all.

The door was open one sunny day,
so he decided to be on his way.

He came across a peaceful shore,
taking the time to relax and explore.

There he met a familiar sight,
she let him know not to fight.

He joined her in the rising light,
looking back to make sure all was right.

He first spied the foolish mutts.
He sure liked to bite their butts.

The shore was calm and pretty clear.
A perfect spot for any rhyming rear.

The bath toys quacked while the tiny one spied.
Thankfully, he never tried to take them for a ride.

The air turned crisp and started to freeze.
But they bundled up to avoid the breeze.

And as the little one took her first stair,
She turned to a faint voice in the air.
She knew a watchful eye was very near.
That of a snarky rhyming rear.

She spread the word to the mutts.
Of course they thought her rather nuts.

But then one faithful Christmas eve,
he came to visit after taking leave.
There she played and enjoyed her brother.
He had watched over her like no other.

Their day of play came to an end.
and she said goodbye to her friend.
She went and sat beneath the tree.
Wishing all a Christmas filled with glee.

And that's my story for today.
Life has a knack of finding its way.
Whether here or there or day or night.
Merry Christmas! I hope all is right.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Date But Not Magical Day Year!

Time To Drop A Line


Can you draw a straight line without a ruler? Yeah. Use a board or the side of a something or other that is straight. I guess I don't have trouble drawing a line. Do you? Been a while since I dropped a line? Is that saying even a thing any more? Would it be dropped some air now? Or maybe dropped some waves? One could be a fart and the other some nuts might say will melt their brain. Hmmm guess sticking with line is the best way to be. What? You want to know where my line is? It's hidden. Like deep, deep, deep in the litter box.

In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language?

Wouldn't your editor hate it if you drew lines in your writing? That would sure get you sent to the corner. Like drawing lines on the wall with crayons. Not that the cat would know anything about that. Moving on...

As for topics...hmmm...hmmm...can't think of anything I wouldn't give a go. In ordinary way or with flow. Cat has no fear. Don't like it then kiss my rhyming rear. Now some I'd just mention in maybe passing or something as sicko stuff would be too blah to even delve into more than a mention. And of course only if it fits the rhyme, story, rant, whatever. Not just throwing it in there for shock value. SOCKS STINK WHEN PEED ON. See? I wouldn't do that.

As for language...hmmm...ordinary swear words I don't give a crap about as long as not used every other word. I'd never have a character just say F this, F that every other word as that just shows a lack of brain cells. Know too many of those in real life. But as for using them I have no issue. Just words. You aren't going to Hell for saying them or writing them. Although I'd never use pure filth words or words that are just super degrading. Can't even make fun of those and people who talk like that I'd want to punch in the face anyway, so no use for them. Words or such people. 

And I guess that is that from the cat. Guess I do have a few lines in the litter box, even if some are more wavy than others. Got any lines you won't cross in writing or life? 

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For A Something Or Other Show


Can you tell I'm super impressed? No? Well you may look like this too if a human dragged you to a vet and only posts once in a blue moon. Maybe I should paint his butt blue. Then he'll have to post all the time. It is iwsg day though. So things have to flow. What things you ask? We'll fill out that task.

Just keep kicking. If the landing isn't sticking. You just keep kicking. The wounds don't need licking.

Sleep is important too. Just do it within view. Especially if near a lake. In drowning you may not want to partake.

There are always strings. Sorry. You can't grow wings. Pat won't let her climb a tree. And there are things you just don't have time for or can't do at your sea.

Sometimes you need to stick your tail in the air. Let all pass like gas between your cheek pair.

Have to let your mind run free. Go where it takes thee.

They'll be a little sludge in everything you do. No matter how many times you go through.

All bridges have been taken by someone. So cross it and get the job done.

Wade in and don't be afraid. Getting wet is what could get you paid.

Don't be afraid to take a nap. Good to avoid the no sleep trap.

And no matter what you do, you will piss off someone's view. You never ever will please all. So shit in their cheerios and answer the call.

Sometimes you'll be thought nuts. That is okay. Just don't sniff butts.

Good to take in the view. Never know what it will bring forth anew.

And check for the crap. Like this chap. You don't want bloodsuckers to bring you down. Toss them to some other town.

Take the time you need. Only once will it take seed. You can't get it back. It is good to go off the beaten track.

Look ahead and up too. Don't always look in the rear view. All can come together as one. They all get the job done.

The road can be long and windy and snowy and pothole filled and crappy as can be, but no matter what, get back up and make it to the sea. 

And that is the IWSG day from me. The cat just let his mind fly free. How goes it in your blogland spot? Do you chase a red dot? I hope that doesn't come to pass. You may get made fun of if so by my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For They Are Among Us


Did you know they were here? What did you think they meant when you read it? Are you so conditioned by they that you go to little green men? Maybe the men like it that way. They could be green or blue or pink or solid white too. Can't leave any out these days. Then the men would go all cancel culture on you. Can't have that. All little whatever color men can probe collectively as equals. I should get on with it before the little yellow men point out that I missed them. Not to mention, even though I'm mentioning them, the little whatever color women. And the question is:

What would make you quit writing?

Umm I guess if little green men invaded and killed me, abducted me, or something like that. And you know....DEATH. I'd quit then I suppose. Unless ghosts can write. Maybe then I'd write on windows and screw with people.

Oh...and if someone paid me 10 million dollars never to write again or something close to that. That would do it. I may not come cheap, but I can be bought. Any takers?

Other than that I think I'm stuck writing in some form or another. May not write much for months or maybe years if life were to get truly in the way, but I don't think I'd ever out and out quit. Unless the above occurred or maybe something like death-adjacent happens and I loose all my limbs. Could be rough to write then.

What would make you quit something you enjoy? Have you quit anything you once enjoyed?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.



What? I'm early? Or am I very late? Been a while since I posted. Think I shelved things? Think I vanished? Kidnapped? Hmm, if it is a good kidnapping I could go for that for a few days. Be a break. As long as they give me a bathroom and not a bucket. What? I went off there? I tend to do that. Haven't you learned that by now? What? Hard to learn when I don't post? Geez, give a cat a break. I have time to post here and there but not hop around. Do you want me to become a  "great post" commentator? R might get jealous. Boy, there was a blast from the past. Pat is telling me to hurry up and get on with it now. Humans. Them and their work things. When does that end? When you do? Damn, that is grim. Glad I'm a cat. What was the question again? Right!

 For how long do you shelve your first draft, before reading it and re-drafting? Is this dependent on your writing experience and the number of stories/books under your belt?

Hmmm more dependent on what is going on around me. Got one first draft done of a new one, half another one, and one edit to go on another one, then about 50 kids books waiting to be drawn, so yeah, in various stages at various times. Varies I guess is my answer. That and time. Experience helps too as you know then what to look for in your crummy first drafts. I'll stick with time and varies though. For time can be a factor when you do this!!!!

(Yeah. If you are one of the 50,000+ strangers that follow us at that instaplace you may have seen some of these. Oh well. Double dipping is fun.)

Yeah. Pat went and got me a new sibling. How rude is that?

What? We haven't bonded.. Nope. Not us. 

Maybe them. Nope. Not them either. Who likes barking poop eaters? I guess she has some taste.

Pat must as he takes them for that walk thing. Tried me once. Hell no was my answer.

It is all enough to drive a guy to binge on toilet paper. What a life. 

Can you see why I went with time and varies? How are things in your side of the world lately? The cat hasn't seen many a post these days, so hopefully on the upswing. Do you leave your first drafts for a while? Got any on the go? I'm done. Back to my toilet paper binging now. I may need helps....picking it up.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Wednesday Wall

A post from the cat. How about that? Old lazy Pat has tried to stifle the cat. But you can't do that. I'm always up to bat. If only these claws hit buttons with ease. Then I'd post whenever I please. I could rhyme or not. With or without a plot. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll thrill. Maybe I'll confuse. Maybe I'll just amuse. But either way it's all on Pat. That working thing he needs to get rid of for the cat. Then we'd go broke? Bah, just get woke. Then you'd be all happy with glee. Or argue with even a flea. On second thought I'll let him work. Screw becoming a woke jerk.

Yeah. Kitty. What is it with the humans arguing on that Farcebook thing all the time? Like they think they are right and then they argue about such nonsense. They should just go eat some poop and lick each other down below. It is much more fun than trying to prove you are right over so and so. We can rhyme too, kitty. Oh. Here's comes another Farcebook argument. We have to go eat poop now. Much more fun than reading that shit.

Where the path shall lead? Or should that be led? A new path to go? An old path to return to? Who knows what will come of it. You just have to step and keep going. What story will unfold? What shall be told? Will you break a hip? Maybe learn something new. Step by step and things shall come into view.

Obsession. A tale as old as time. For some it is a woman or man. For some it is money. For some it is getting their ugly mug on TV. For others it can be rock collecting. For some it may be bows. Then for some it may be birds. Like lots and lots of birds. Yes. Humans can be addicted/obsessed with ANYTHING. Doesn't have to be a substance like alcohol or drugs. But if it isn't impeding life then let it go to the birds. The moment you start making mating calls though, you may want to get referred to a shrink.

"Uncle pattie, tell us a story."

There once was a man who pooped in a bucket.
When he was done he found he had nowhere to chuck it.
So he bagged it and tied it and put it in his car.
Hoping he could throw it away before he drove far.

"That is gross."
"Did he take it to the dump?"

He drove and he drove but he couldn't find a spot.
Today was a day that people were out a lot.
They came and they roamed and they sat and they ate.
The day was an ever so important type date.

"Was it poop day?"

They had come from every corner of Earth.
It was the day that one would give birth.

"Like a baby?"

Birth to a tower so big and so far,
That it could not be reached by plane, train, or car.

"Did a dinosaur help them up?"

The tower would fall in minutes from the sky.
It was built up there by some rich guy.
No one knew the exact spot of the fall,
But it had sure engrossed the curiosity of all.

"What does engross mean?"
"Gross like nasty poop?"

And then it came. A glorious sight.
It was a spot with no maybe or might.
He could dump his poop there unseen.
An empty lot that sure wasn't pristine. 

"What does pristine mean?"
"Is that like pee?"

He grabbed the can and ran for the space.
Light became dark and so did his face.
The building was falling. It was ever so near.
He had better get his butt into gear.

"Butts have gears?"
"Like my bike?"

He ran for his car and took off in time.
His old thing could go on a dime.
No stop. No yield. Nothing like that.
He had escaped but now his poop had become flat.

"Did he have diarrhea?"

The building had landed. It had fallen into place.
The man now had a giant smile on his face.
The building had squashed it and allowed him a place to chuck it.
No one would ever know that there once was a man who pooped in a bucket.

"He didn't take it to the dump?"
"That's littering."
"Tell us another story."

There once was a....

Look! It's a giant litterbox. Otherwise known as a beach. It is so great. We have to buy this and build a house right beside it. I'm talking right beside it. So close that the water could wash away the house if it rose up a little. What? You won't insure us? But that's not fair. We should get insurance like everyone else. We only built it here because it is so pretty. We'll only be here 3 weeks of the year anyway. Come on. Insure us. No? Well we are going to go cry to the media and on Farcebook and everywhere else. We aren't the dumbass ones that built it where it could easily fall into the ocean. We aren't the ones that have to be right beside the water. Nope. Not us. You should insure us. 

Humans are so whiny. Whine about a mask on their face like you asked them to chop off a finger. Whine about their rights and freedom when really freedom is relative. Yeah. There are free-er than other places. But try not paying your property taxes or income taxes or power bill or insurance or driving without a license or a million other things and see how free you really are. If you want to be free, humans, then buy an island in the middle of the ocean and start your own country. Otherwise, you will never truly be free.

Time and time again comes the old "those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it" or something like that. Well guess what? Those that get stuck in the past are doomed to stay there too. Oh, this property should be a historical site. Oh, it shouldn't be torn down. Oh, it is a symbol of history. Someone should save it. Someone. Anyone. But not the ones whining about it. Nope. Not us. But someone should save the rat infested, moldy, holey, decrepit building because it is history. Can't tear the eye sore down. Nope. That is so bad. Let's go ra ra ra on Farcebook some more. Screw fixing roads. Tax payer dollars should be spent to keep this rotting crap standing. 

In the doorway there sat a cat. You may not see him. You may not hear him. But he is always watching. There he sits with little light upon him. He knows all you say. He hears all they say. He keeps the spirits at bay. Unless you piss him off. Then he may let them in and it will be your undoing. You will go mad until he decides to chase them back. If he decides. That could be a big IF for some humans.

Are you a risk-taker when writing? Do you try something radically different in style/POV/etc. or add controversial topics to your work?

So...do I need to answer this? Doesn't the above cover it all? In case some are just skimmers though, I'll give the answer a go. Obviously I can blab away. That much you can see today. I have no fear with controversial crap either. And if you agree you agree and if you don't you don't. Don't conform to someone else as that is all they want. But learn and grow and you never know what you may learn.

And as for POV. Pffft. I'll let that go. I can do it in flow. You can see how you ended up reading about you. The cat will write when the cat wants to and how the cat wants to.

Get em all? Beats me at my hall. But I did blab more today than in the last two months or so here. The cat is always near though. He is just over at that other place. We all show our face. I even share it with the mutts. Even if they are nuts. But aren't we all? Yeah. From Spring to Fall. Now I shall let this come to pass as I continue being a little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Pat Hatt Books