Time For The Supernatural


Nope. No monsters, witches, ghosts, or hex bags up here. I think I'm good. Pffft as if such things were really there. The cat is just hiding his head so Jax doesn't see me rolling my eyes. She is kinda obsessed with such things. I mean having watched over 300 episodes of it multiple times does make you obsessed, right?

Pat has watched every episode too. I think the only thing that he's watched that has made more is Stargate. But that took the original, a spinoff, and one very very bad spinoff that we will not even mention. So since the obsessed one wants to do a top episode list and since Pat has seen them all and made me sit there and watch them and since it is ending until the reboot, remake, re-whatever comes up, I guess I can pick a bunch. 

If you can get past all the melodrama of you lied to me...boo hoo...you kept a secret from me...boo hoo...you lied to me again...boo hoo...you kept a secret from me again...boo hoo...it is a fun ride indeed.

Top Supernatural Episodes!
(in no particular order and with some spoilers)

Just My Imagination

What if your childhood imaginary friend was real and you just thought it was imaginary? That is until it comes back asking for help. Are you nuts or is your imaginary friend not imaginary?

Weekend at Bobby's

What better way to get your soul back then to summon a demon and try to get it back? Like that is ever going to work. Especially when you rip off a movie title and have people always bothering you.

Bad Day at Black Rock

Luck may be a made up word, but what happens when it is true? Then you get all kinds of good and then all kinds of bad luck. 

Fan Fiction

What if your life becomes a musical and some creature is out to kill you? You may learn that aliens were never in the cards.

Wishful Thinking

What happens when a small town's wishing well starts granting wishes for real? You may end up with a suicidal teddy bear.

Changing Channels

What happens when you get stuck living in TV show land? You may find out that you have herpes.


What happens when you get zapped into Scooby Doo? You may learn they aren't the wisest mystery solvers ever.

Mystery Spot

What happens when you rip off Groundhog Day? Umm What happens when you rip off Groundhog Day? Umm Umm What happens when you rip off Groundhog Day? Save Me!

The French Mistake

What happens when an angel zaps you to an alternate reality where your world is nothing but a tv show? You learn the alternate yous are real douchebags.


What happens when the whole episode is shot from the perspective of a car? You don't get far if you have no gas.


What happens when you don't do what God wants? He throws a tantrum and kinda ends the world. At least until a few episodes in. Then all gets back to normal.

Don't Call Me Shurley

What happens when God finally reveals himself to be God and not Chuck? He sings a song.

Hammer of The Gods

What happens when your car breaks down and you get stuck in a hotel with a ton of gods? You learn that they are posers compared to Lucifer. 

The Benders

What happens when the monsters are humans? You learn that they are worse.

Two Minutes To Midnight

What happens when you are searching for Death? You find him eating french fries and burgers of course.

Dark Side of the Moon

What happens when you need to go to heaven? You get killed and go there. Duh!

The End

What happens when you get zapped to a future where Lucifer has won? You learn that it is a good idea to hoard toilet paper.

Abandon All Hope

What happens when you try to kill Lucifer? Everything goes wrong.

The Monster at the End of This Book

What happens when you go into a book store and see that your hunts are all stories? You track down the guy who wrote them and learn he is God...err umm a prophet.

Swan Song

What happens when the ending that was supposed to be happens? You learn that there were still 10 more seasons left to go, with at least 3 crap ones in there.

Clap Your Hands if You Believe

What happens when aliens are invading a town? You learn that they aren't aliens but small, naked fairies. 

Beat the Devil 

What happens when you roofie Lucifer? He opens a doorway to apocalypse world.

I Believe The Children Are Our Future

What happens when a kid is born that is half human and half demon? Lots of things until they forget him altogether and never mention him again.


What happens when God and his Sister go for a stroll and then merge? You get one pissed off being.

Well that went on a while, huh? With 300+ episodes it can do that. Ever watch the show? Ever watch a show with that many episodes? Does it pique your interest? Is Jax obsessed? You can see for yourself with her post on it by clicking here.

Watch out for the monster under your bed! 

Time To Keep Kicking


Sitting pretty but not at ease.
Swaying in the subtle breeze.
Fearing the return is coming.
Hearing that familiar humming.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

On the outside looking in,
Always waiting to begin.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

At the end of the road.
Carrying a heavy load.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

The path is long and rough.
One step closer ain't enough.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

White and frozen as the snow and ice.
Sometimes you have to roll the dice.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

Out on a ledge and ready to drop.
Things just never seem to stop.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

A hole dug deeper with each passing day.
In a loop on continuous replay.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

Reaching reaching but never there.
A crack of light not even to spare.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

Stuck above with many below.
How you got there you don't know.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

Water ripples circle from far away.
The shallow end now on display.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

Sitting pretty but not at ease.
Swaying in the subtle breeze.
Knowing the return is there
But that you have strength to spare.

Kick. Kick. Kick.
It doesn't have to stick.
Life will come and life will go.
In the end you'll learn and grow.

There you go. Does it have flow? The cat thought about ducks kicking and this came out. Especially after Pat and the tiny humans watched them when out and about. I'd like to chew on one at our sea. What? Don't judge me? Ever just keep going at your place? Sure something that we embrace. The crap shall always pile, mile by mile by mile by mile, but can't let it give you gas. Just a thought from my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For The Why


Here today we are going to ask why. I guess that would mean I am going to ask why. Or that would mean I am going to ask why that someone else asked. I guess why is just getting passed along. Why do you have to be so fickle why? Why am I talking to something that will never talk back? Unless Skynet comes into play and then why may talk back. Hmmm that probably still wouldn't work. I guess why is still crap outta luck. If there was such a thing as luck. Why must humans make stuff up? Why aren't I getting on with it yet? I better, huh? But why?

Albert Camus once said, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” Flannery O’Conner said, “I write to discover what I know.” Authors across time and distance have had many reasons to write. Why do you write what you write? 

This one is easy. I write so the aliens will see I can spin a good tale and keep them entertained. Then they will only beam me up and not probe me or disintegrate me. Then they will see they are so good that they will give me ever lasting life and then I will bide my time and then wait for the right moment and then blow them all up. Except for my alien wife and our half alien babies. I'll save them. Then we'll steal a ship and go cruise around space for a few billion years. After that I may write a new book or two and come back to Earth and see if humans came back around again. 

So there you go. That is why I write. Not something is simple as because I have 1000s of stories in my head that want to come out. Nope. Never. It is all to survive the impending alien attack. I've got plenty of tinfoil saved in the closet just in case it backfires though. 

Why do you write? Why do you blog if you don't write? Why wouldn't that count as writing? Why must why ask so many questions? Are you ready for the aliens? Hey. No more make believe than luck. You won't be laughing when you are being probed. What? I'll go write another story now.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For A New View!


Do you see this? Do you see what Pat did? He put all kinds of things up there now? After the cat did all the work on the blog, now he thinks that he should get to share. There are even mutts and tiny humans. 

He should be relegated to scribe.

Or on the end of the rock.

Or with a bunch of weirdos.

Or pretending to do good while I really did all the work.

Or being a hillbilly.

Or...nah....skip this one.

Or just posing.

Or sitting in the giant litterbox where I just used it.

Or sitting in the background while I rule the world.

But oh no. He had to go and do this. He even put himself in the middle. As if. I need to find a new human.

What do you think of the new header? Do you remember the glory days of the old ones? Are you as disgusted with Pat as me? Pat Hatt Time branding he says. Pfffft I'll brand him with a new scar. Am I overreacting? I am there 6 times. More than anyone. So I suppose deep down he still knows I'm the true ruler. 

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books