Time For An Easy As That


The cat got questioned a little while ago. Yeah. They wondered why their star didn't grow. They created a blog and posted. They couldn't believe it wasn't great because they hosted. No comments or views. They thought this was news. Ignore and block got hit. I don't have time for their umm egotistical spit. But I have time for this rhyme. Can do it any old time.

Here they flock.
Here they squawk.
Birds of a feather.
No matter the weather.

This is bad.
This is rad.
This is great.
This we hate.

It's easy to do.
Put something in view.
That is the only step needed.
Then greatness will be seeded.

No practice or building.
It will glitter so gilding.
You'll shine like a star.
One post will go far.

One tweet and you're made.
Your star will never fade.
It is all just that easy.
I have no reason to be cheesy.

You can make money while you sleep.
Your pockets will soon run deep.
It's as easy as just saying yes.
Those fees....pfffft...we'll never confess.

Just listen and learn.
Wait. That last word burn.
Write it out and burn the word.
Spellcheck will help if your spelling is blurred.

Don't learn or work.
That isn't a perk.
Put things up and that is that.
You'll be a star and never flat.

It is all just that easy to do.
No work needed by you.
Everyone gets a medal after all.
So squawk like the rest and have a ball.

Have you ever thought things would just magically happen because the keyboard you started a tappin'?  The cat hopes not or he may make fun a lot. Ever fall for the get rich overnight crap? They have pretty good talking points with their trap. What about the learn? Would you rather hit return? Seems all want it now now now. If they don't get it then they have a cow. On them I take a pass as they can't even have their eyes opened by my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life forget the strife.

Time For 10 Reasons to go to The Birds!


What is that I see? Another one just flew over me. The tabbies are going to hate this post today, but I had to help Jax out as she is so whiny at her bay. I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't give her a go. So here we go with a bird show.

10 Reasons To Go To The Birds!

You could buy spray to keep the ticks away, but why do that? These guys can eat them and get fat.
(But they may miss a few, so check everywhere. Yes. ticks even crawl up your butt crack. Check EVERYWHERE!!)

You could buy an alarm system or a mean mutt, but these guys are all you need to protect your hut.
(And they may even protect it from you. Score!)

You could buy gates so no one can go down your driveway, but why do that when these guys stay in the way?
(And if you accidentally run over them, no damage. Did I say that? Whoops. Guess I better duck and cover.)

You could order food from the store, or you could just eat what comes out their bum at your shore.
(Now these do taste like chicken. If only they came in nuggets ready to go. What?)

You could buy lawn ornaments or the like, or just let this dude show off and let them take a hike.
(Plus, it doesn't fade like lawn ornaments. Double Win!)

You could put flamingos or other lawn ornaments on your lawn, or you could let this guy stand there from dusk to dawn.
(And they stay far far away. Just for those who don't like things up close and personal.)

You could watch that reality tv stuff, or you could buy a bird feeder and get this little thing.
(I mean how many teenage moms, hillbillies, and plastic people can you humans watch? Oh, wait. You elected one president. Maybe you need a bunch to pick the next one so you have better odds of getting one with even half a brain.)

And then you could have this guy cleanup the mess that the top guy eats. They all like the treats. 
(Or they'll fight it out for the top. Entertainment!)

And when the day is through these guys can come fertilize the lawn for you. After they fertilize the playground and such. Don't worry, when it comes to crap they have much.
(And if you're really nice, any tiny humans around may water the garden for free.)

And if they come defective or the like, you can always make a meal and then relax after a long day's hike.
(They don't all taste like chicken.)

Now don't I have some great birding tips? Hmm are you saying I was licking my lips? Would I do that? Should I stick to being a rhyming cat? But I want to go birding too. They fill me up after a few. I'll keep the population down for her. That ought to make her purr. No? Only if she see's the birds by the ton? Damn. She's a lost cause. Oops I ate another one.

Time For A Photo Stroll

Pat was napping at our sea.
Same couldn't be said for little old me.
So I stole his phone and took a walk.
First let's get to the why with our talk.

These things were outside the window yapping.
They just screwed up my napping.
So away I went for a stroll.
Taking pictures was my goal.

Ninja turtle he is not.
His story would have a very slow plot.

A slithering and a hiss.
And he thought I'd miss.

4 gals out for a stroll.
I wonder if going to the bathroom together is their goal.

This guy is a real stickler about getting near.
I steered clear with my rhyming rear.

These things all stood very still.
Their yapping never gave me a thrill.

Oops. She had to pee.
That is something you can't un-see.

These make for a good snack.
I got my protein before I headed back.

And these two stopped and licked.
They said I went the wrong way and was tricked.

But then I just went duck duck goose.
At least I didn't run into a moose.

And look at these ugly suckers.
Have a look and your butt puckers.

And so on I went to forgive the mutts and nap.
It's all water under the bridge or some crap.

BUT!!!!!!!!!! Then I returned to Pat awake with these.
I just can't catch a break. Geez.

But then Pat quickly took them away.
In the giant litterbox they went to play.
So after my stroll across the map,
I got to take my nice long nap.

Ever go for a wilderness stroll? Was getting away or taking pictures your goal? Plenty of wildlife near the cat. They sure leave a lot of scat. Those at the end do too. Pat wipes the butt of those two. I just laugh and then nap. He can stay a sap. Now it is nap time. So ends this little rhyme.

Go for a walk and take stock.

Time To Go To Work!


Sadly, the title is true. By the time this runs off to the grind I will be going. Isn't work fun? I guess that means that I easily fit the question this time. Or maybe not. Should I try the question on before answering? Am I able to send it back without penalty? Do you offer free shipping? Hmmm...I went a little off the rails with that, even though I'm not on rails to begin with, but whatever. I'm at work. What do I care? I may go over some rails. Or just take a leak down some old ones. What? Don't judge. That's too much work. Then you'd be a working one too. Working what? On with it before you get confused. Too late? Oh well. I'm at work.

When you think of the term working writer, what does that look like to you? What do you think it is supposed to look like? Do you see yourself as a working writer or aspiring or hobbyist, and if latter two, what does that look like?

It looks like ummm nothing at all. I see nothing as I'm at work. No computer. No writing. So it is work and it is writing. They don't go together. How rude is that? Working writer and food stamps could go together rather easily though. I think I'll stick with the 9-5 and avoid the food stamps for now. At least until I'm soon forced back into "retirement" by technology. Then maybe the two can go together for a while I suppose.

I know a few who do make a go of it, but they are really working just like any other job. There is no magic bullet or anything. You work and work some more. Some even admitted they lost the fun of it. So I think I'll skip the working writer unless I'm guaranteed a million bucks. I can be bought. Fun or not.

Are you a working writer? What does the term mean to you? What pops into your head first when you read working writer? Are you at work too? Do you have a computer at work?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For Top Ways To Make Money Online


This is one of the best ways for anyone to make money online. We all have a skill or something of use and you can provide a service of pretty much anything on there. If you can sing or draw, you really have it made. And don't let the Five in Fiverr fool you. At first, you are going to be working for pennies, but once you up your client base and start to get traction, you can really pull in the money. 

Now, it won't happen overnight, you will have to work for peanuts at the start, you have to deal with many types of people, and some skills are more sought after than others, but you can make some serious money over time. They also have an affiliate program should you want to try to make some extra money.


Well you may end up only getting a lot of free stuff to review and the like, there are some that make millions off of it. If you have a following, reach out to people in your niche and/or area and see if they would want you to review their product or service. Again, it will take time, but once you build things up, it is possible to make a living just showing off other people's products and services.

But don't fool yourself, this isn't going to magically happen. It may take years before you have such a following that anyone will pay you to show off anything. The ease of it is why I ranked it #2, but for making money online, it can be a rather long road and you won't get rich quick or at all.


This costs money upfront, unless you have everything needed to do it already, but if you can create a professional course on something that people want to learn, you can make $1000s. You don't even need to make your own website or try to get followers these days. With platforms like udemy, you can load it on there and then, with a little push, really see it take off.

The good thing about this one is that once it is up, it is up. With Fiverr gigs or Influencing, you are constantly doing new content or work. With a course, you are done once you get it loaded on the platform. Of course you have to do some marketing and you'll have to answer questions from students, but that is a lot less time consuming than what you'd have to do for the previous two.

Affiliate Marketing

This is one that you can make some good money off of, but I really am not a fan. Why? Because you could sell $100 worth of product for someone and make a whopping $1. If that! If you can sell a million bucks of product in a year or find an affiliate program that pays you a decent cut, then you really can make a living online being an affiliate marketer. Otherwise, you may want to invest your time shaking a can outside Walmart or something. You'd probably make more money that way for far less effort.

But if you have a following and if you are willingly to put some serious time into it, affiliate marketing can be a gold mine. Although you may have better luck snapping a picture of Sasquatch and getting rich that way, it is still something to consider. BUT it will not happen fast. It may takes years, if ever, before you make a living online with affiliate marketing. And you really really have to keep working at it.

Sell Your Stuff Online

This one is the quickest way to get some money. It may be a duh moment, but there are things that you may not have considered. Take a look around. If you haven't used something in a year, you probably never will. So have a look at ebay or the like and see what it is going for. 5 bucks is 5 bucks. Or you may find that hideous mask you have goes for 100 bucks. Never underestimate what someone will pay for something. And on the flip side, don't overestimate. Things are only worth what someone will pay for them.

Another neat little trick is if we go back to the influencer. After you show off the free stuff, sell it! You could have a steady income stream that way while building up your influencer status. Another way is to review on Amazon. If you get a high reviewer status, you'll get many offers to review free things. Just remember to provide honest reviews. Then when done, sell it! This is the one way where you can see a fast return. The only thing is, unless you go the influencer or Amazon route, once you run out of stuff to sell, your well runs dry.

YouTube Channel

Here is another that you have to take the time to build up. Unless you do something that goes viral and appeals to the masses right away. It could happen, but you probably have a better chance of getting a picture of Sasquatch. 

The only thing required here is constant content that people will hopefully want to watch. Once you up your following, you can then add ads to your videos and rake in the money. It may only be pennies, if that, in the beginning, but millions of views do add up over time. And the good thing is that your videos can keep getting hits years and years down the road.

Create Your Own Shop

If you have a product to sell, have an idea for a product, or maybe have a 3D printer at home, then you can possibly turn that into an online money maker. You could use Fiverr to sell them, but more people tend to steer toward Etsy stores. Heck, if you want to up your potential sales then you can use both. Get creative with a Fiverr gig and then put some fun addons there while also using your Etsy shop. 

You could build two at once if you used both of the above, and it wouldn't really be splitting your focus too much. That isn't something you want to do. Pick one and go to it unless it makes sense to double dip. If you are using the same way to make money online on two different places while then you can. But if you are trying to do 50 things at 50 places, stop it. You will never get anywhere.

Stock Trading

Now this is one I've only vaguely looked into, but I do know a few who have made money at it. I also know a few who have lost money at it. I'm talking house down payment money. And you have to research and research to get up on everything if you really want to be able to make any significant money online with stock trading. 

Of course, you don't "have to" research as you could treat it like playing roulette or buying a lottery ticket. If you pick the right one of the right day, you could have a big windfall. But with the odds of that happening, you may as well go play a slot machine or buy a lottery ticket. 


There is still money to be made online from blogging, but it isn't as easy as it once was. You can still use ads or affiliate links or have sponsored posts or even build up a site that people will pay you to let them post on. It is all still a possibility, but it won't happen overnight. No one is ever going to come to your blog if all you do is post. You need to be interactive. You need to create backlinks. You need to do a whole lot of work before you even get your first real comment. Something that doesn't say "Great Post!"

People want quick and easy these days. That is why Instagram has taken off and will continue to do so. Blogging takes time and effort. Blogging takes up ten minutes or more in some cases for people to read. People tend to be lazy unless they are really interested. So blogging can make you money online, but it is also a tough go at it.


You don't need to be a professional photographer to sell pictures. There are sites out there where you can upload your pictures or videos and from there anyone who wants to use your picture or videos has to pay you a fee for the rights. It isn't a lot of money, but it can turn out to be a lot if you have many quality pictures and videos that you can upload.

Other ways are to use your pictures for t-shirts, mugs, calendars, or something similar. All are ideas to make money off your pictures, and you can use an Etsy store to do so, but once again all will take time and work to build any real online income for yourself.

Go Make That Online Money

There sure are many other ways, but some of them defy the point of making money online. Most want a secondary income or a full income without having to leave the house. You can post services like babysitting online, but for that you still have to leave the house. Or the kids are brought to you. Still defies the point. And there are many too good to be true things out there. If it is one of those, AVOID IT. Unless you are on the top of the pyramid scheme, in which case you may get arrested, you will only lose and lose and lose money. If you are iffy on something, research it. Because if you are iffy on it, chances are someone else will be asking questions too. Don't ever buy into these cult like groups claiming to get you rich. Most of them have few followers on any of their social media, that isn't bought, and have pictures that are doctored and they are told the right things to say to sucker you into their scheme. Don't get suckered. Unless you get lucky with the lottery, going viral, or something of the like, there is no get rich quick way out there. If you want to make money online then you have to put in the work. It is as simple as that.

Enjoy the online money making journey. It all starts with a single step.
Pat Hatt Books