The Elusive On Display Here Today!

Day 5 of staying indoors has provided this post. After a bit, quite a bit actually, I guess it is time to release another new novel. And why not do that and end another trilogy at the same time? Double win, right? And here we are:

After thinking their long struggle had come to an end, Sally, Travis, and the others are thrust into more danger than ever before. Hunted by the Breacher Task Force and once again trapped in Queens County, they realize their battle has just begun.

New mysteries cause more questions than answers forcing the group to once again rely on their strength as a team to survive. As they fight to free themselves from Breacher Task Force grasp, they soon discover new worlds, new allies, the return of old threats, and an evil unlike any they have experienced looming over them.

The final battle has begun and The Disconnective are tossed into a fight like they have never experienced before. Armed with only their Tree of Wisdom weapons and their past knowledge, now they must save themselves, save their plane, and save existence as they know it before all they hold dear is destroyed forever.

And here are the first two just in case you forgot.

How does that sound? This is the end of the trilogy I started a while back. All three books were done before the first ever came out. At least written, still needed to be edited up the ying yang. So now my second trilogy has fully come to pass, along with a 9 book series and some one offs, and another non-rhyming novel has been released by my little rhyming ass.

Take a look at the book!

Human To Go Out On Loan!

First he brings home those.
I may nibble their toes.
But I deal with their crap.
Literally, as I'm a nice chap.

Then he brings these.
They actually have fleas.
Or can get them at least.
On them I want to feast.

Then he keeps the tp in plastic.
That just isn't fantastic.
I can't eat it then.
Rough times at our den.

Then he lets them in.
I take em for a spin.
But he won't let me chew.
What is a cat to do?

Let Cassie kill it.
That may not be a hit.
She has mellowed out.
Still, she is not a fan of them about.

Then he doubles down.
Poop machines and puppies in town.
How can this be?
And I'm no longer free.

Here I have to sit.
I can't have a fit.
I can't have fun.
I barely have room to run.

Wait. I lied.
I run when they come to my side.
Run right after the fluffballs.
I chase em down the halls.

Or just sit and stare.
See? No running there.
This one is kinda, maybe, sorta my buddy now.
Still it is beneath me because it can't meow.

Come and save the cat.
Take out the human, Pat.
Please, so I can have some fun.
He sits here and I can't get nothing done.

Are your humans all home too? What is a cat to do? Can't even chew some tp these days. What is this craze? He watches my every move. He has thrown off my groove. We'll rent him out until it is over. He is good with kid, cat, and rover. Don't worry, Nanny will feed us. There is no need to fuss. I know. I know. Home is where humans need to be. But he even watches me pee. How rude is that? I'm a stir crazy cat. I think I'll go leave him some gas. Maybe then he'll stop watching my little rhyming ass.

Stay on in even if it's a loony bin.

Round Whatever With Another Endeavor!

You humans are as wacko as can be. At least some of the ones that find me. I'll let them do the talking while I get some chow. Some of them are really wow. And yeah, too busy eating to check what round this is. But it's not like there will be a quiz.

don't get squirrelly

Okay. I won't today.

did betsy woodruff appear on back from the edge

Why are you asking me? Does it look like I have secrets hidden where I pee?

to operate in bad fate

I think you are a little bit off. Those fates may scoff.

odds on second one mentioned to mak

Are these Vegas odds? Are we supposed to ask aliens in pods?

what is tha meening of getting

Umm to receive. If you can't get that you better leave.

men with parthenophobia

So that is how you send humans running? Or to jail. Win win if one is sunning.

kids stories cat pat hat

Thanks for the stop by. Even if for that Pat guy.

the truth is up there

It is? I don't want the truth if it's all up in my biz.

ducky stowe blog

If it looks like a cat and it acts like a cat, it's not a duck where you're at.


Yes, pest. Give it a rest.

plank yanker

Do you want to be a yanker? Or are you just a wanker?

take a hike bike shop

Can't help you there. So take a hike from our lair.

pat pucky

Yeah, he tends to be full of shit. We had to say it.

humans can be foolish ass little creatures

You'll get no argument from me. I wonder what you found when you let that fly free.

And the winner of the day sure must want some cheery Christmas at their bay. Maybe it is a Santa to watch out for. A different kind of jolly they may have in store.

+did jollynold st nicholas run around with whores

Sorry, can't help you there. I'm sure you can find those facts somewhere. Did you put the + there so you wouldn't get struck down? Those saints may not like you spreading their business all over town. Even if they already did that. That just slipped out of the cat. Got any good searches lately at your sea? Some are strange, but more are just eye roll worthy this time that found me. At least I can still give them some sass as they accidentally find my little rhyming ass.

Search engine nuts can sure get into ruts.

A Few Thursday Thoughts!

"I guess I could grace this blog with my presence again before I sleep."

Pffft. Like you have anything better to do. And like I wouldn't have to let you.

"I better get on with it before he starts yapping. I'll never get a nap."


"And here we go with the first."

How rude. I'll plug Pat and be nice before you.

A Human Went There!!!!

This is probably one of the top things I've rolled my eyes at concerning humans. They go to a place solely because someone else did. I'm not talking about a friend who had a great experience and recommended a restaurant, boutique, etc. Oh no. I'm talking about the sheep who go to a place because someone on TV did. "Oh look. Sylvester Stallone golfed there. That must make it great." Person got offended when all that came was a shrug. 

Who friggin cares? They are only people. Nothing more special about them then anyone else. Well except maybe the riches, unless they don't pay their taxes and then in jail they go. Poor Blade. Hey! He went there. Don't you all want to go to jail now? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? 

A place is good because it is good. Not because someone that is on TV went there. Any brain dead fool can get on TV. Just look at those dumb reality(yet not really reality) shows.

And humans make fun of mutts for sniffing butts. They may not sniff, but they sure follow like sheep after some sort of whiff.

"And there is your comment from the peanut gallery, folks."

How rude. Such attitude. 

"Get a new line. That one is old."

Show Em The Money!!!

Cash in hand. Is this even still a thing? I mean maybe when it was cash or check, yeah. Checks you couldn't trust so cash made the deals better. But now? Really? So you are going to give me cash in hand. Umm...okay. Does that make it special some how? Should I be jumping up and down? Does that make me want to choose you over the guy who will pay double by email? Nope! I'll let you be the sucker on that one and keep your germy, drug-laced cash in hand.

But it is great to chew. That you knew.

"Probably what's wrong with you. You got high off the money you licked."


"We know. How rude. Geez. And damn. I have to steal it."

How Rude!!!

So when you are out and about and a human comes to you that you haven't seen for a while and they want to shake your hand, hug you, kiss your cheek, or whatever else you humans do, and you back away because they are sick, does that make you rude? Pat got called that the other day because he wouldn't shake the hand of a germy person who was hacking up a lung. Not that Pat shakes hands much anyway, but that one? Even one who isn't OCD would have brains enough not to do that.

The rude one in this case is the idiot that didn't keep his hand to himself in the first place. That is why germs spread so much because people are inconsiderate, at best, when it comes to them. If you'd keep your damn hands to yourself, not get offended when you are the dumb one, and not eat without washing your hands, then maybe you wouldn't hack up that lung to begin with. 

See? My how rude applies a bunch. Humans are just out to lunch.

"Just a tad more than you. Take it away. I'm off for a nap."

Ever get called rude for not going near one with germs? Maybe they should eat more worms. Ever hear about the cash in hand terms? They should choke on worms. Are you a sheep and go places because someone on TV went there? Pfffft is what we give at our lair. Got a text months back that a person from some history channel TV show was on the same plane as another. Like I care? Go tell your mother. Is the plane any less or more in mass? Nope. So whoopdi friggin doo says my little rhyming ass.

The blind leading the blind = mankind.

A Little In And A Little Out!

This is in. This is out.
Listen to all about.
So follow one. So follow all.
Follow the little bouncy ball.

This is out. This is in.
Using one is now a sin.
So follow one. So follow all.
Follow the little bouncy ball.

This is out. This is in.
We've already done this spin.
So follow one. So follow all.
Didn't we damn it last fall?

This is in. This is out.
What is this repeat about?
So follow one. So follow all.
Didn't I see them left in a bathroom stall?

This is in. This is out.
Are you a forgetful trout?
So follow one. So follow all.
Follow that damn bouncy ball.

This is...dumb. This is stupid.
Like the thought of creepy cupid.
So ignore one. So ignore all.
Give the dog back its bouncy ball.

This is stupid. This is dumb.
Pull your head from your bum.
So ignore all. So ignore one.
Being a sheep is never fun.

This is stupid. This is dumb.
Go to the beat of your own drum.
So ignore one. So ignore all.
Forget what you saw in the bathroom stall.

Now you're free. Now you're wise.
You stopped being one of the flies.
So you wore it. So you used it.
Let the other nuts have the fit.

This is in. This is out.
Let the blowhards scream and shout.
So follow none. So follow you.
Ignore the sheep and have a clue.

Are you one of those who cares about trends? Do you have to do what is stated by strangers or friends? You may need a look in the mirror. Or at least wash it to make it a little clearer. If it is crap today, it will be crap next May. If it is grand today then let it play. Or course age can come into play too. But some still have no clue. The cat will take a trendy pass and keep on being a little rhyming ass.

If you only follow a trend, your life you amend.

Glutton For Punishment!

Can you guess what I'm stalking? If you follow that other place you already know, but I bet this is what you guessed.

Poop machines. Nope. They are bad, but this could be....

Worse! It's 2 new mutts!

Try it you tiny little rat.

Two on one. Is that all you got?

Hey, where are you going. I'm not through.

Come a little bit closer.

You aren't so scary.

Let's go. I'll show you how to get into the best trouble.

Attacking her may not be your best idea. She takes no crap.

Told you so. Now you have to rest after she put the boots to you.

We think we may need to rest too. I may be getting too old for this lethal weapon.

Yep. Now we have poop machines by the pair and mutts by the pair. Pat really is a glutton for punishment. He has been threatening us for years and finally did it. He brought home mutts. Can you believe it? Cassie doesn't take their crap. They are afraid of her. Me? Well I always liked dogs better than cats, but shhh, don't spread that around. Any new additions at your sea? Can you believe Pat? Yeah, I asked that twice. If the cat is slow responding, now you know why. I guess I'll go do something and blame the hounds. I will keep them away from Cass and just let them follow my little rhyming ass.

Gone to the dogs and their brown logs.

Time For Plan B

I heard him coming. I saw his streak.
That black and white can go up the creek.
He won't get in, but he will get hit.
Yet the interloper continues to try it.

My job was done. My job was through.
He ran away when this came in view.
It rolled and lit and rolled some more.
That damn thing went all over the floor.

I stalked it out. I stalked it dead.
I then sat pooped and ready for bed.
Pat needed to be home to feed my ass.
Secondly he could go and feed Cass.

He was slow. He was stuck.
That tree will blow away with any luck.
Then Pat won't stop and take a look.
He'll get home and feed our nook.

It's a mutt. It's actually three.
Pat is as nosy as can be.
Why was he looking at any of those?
That's just the beginning of my woes.

In it came. Down it went.
The poop machine seems to pitch a tent.
No, I won't believe you are a cat.
You can go somewhere else and meow like that.

You zig it. You zag it.
Oh, here comes some spit.
I won't chase it as here I sit.
Sorry, you literally are full of shit.

You can wave. You can dance.
I'll still give you a hateful glance.
Just reach over. Just a little more.
Boy, you two are such a chore.

And there it goes. There it tries.
He wants to tell auntie lies.
Like I'll attack and get in trouble.
I'm gonna get out of here on the double.

First I'll speak. First I'll tell.
You two need to go back to where you dwell.
Don't look my way. Don't look at me.
No pouty eyes are going to set you free.

Yep. I'm gone. Yep. I'm out.
You can stare under there and give a shout.
I have a plan. I have an attack.
Best I got when Pat won't let me smack.

Make your noise. Make your mess.
Come on. A little more. A little less.
For when you go back you may get stuck.
At least that's my hope with any luck.

For now you're done. For now you're through.
Now you'll get kicked home for all the eww.
For I've chewed the diapers through and through.
A crash course in potty training will now come due.

Think my plan will work? I chewed the clean diapers with a smirk. But then I got taken to the vet. That sure caused me to fret. Yeah, they always seem to be around. You'd think they liked me like their hound. Speaking of which, did you see those? Can you guess which way the wind blows? This could create lots of sass. I really need to go rest my little rhyming ass.

Think of a Plan B when poop machines visit thee.

A Traditional Post

I guess I have made it a tradition to post at this time. You know, the first Wednesday of the month when others do. Would that be a tradition or a rule? Hmmm I have posted after and before, so maybe it is more of a bendable rule. Or tradition. I guess it would be whatever side of the coin you fall on. Or side of whatever. You may have a tradition that is the side of a door. Hey, has two sides. It beats side of the ham. Not sure why any would use ham for the saying, but it popped in, so I went with it. Would my rambling be a tradition of my place? Or would it just be my thing? Thing is more fast and loose. Let's go with thing and get with the question answering.

Other than the obvious holiday traditions, have you ever included any personal or family traditions/customs in your stories?

Hmmm can't think of any that I've included. I can't even think of any that we have that aren't obvious, if we even have obvious ones. Opening up presents I suppose is obvious. So I guess we have a few obvious ones. Oh, one just popped in. I guess we do have personal ones. Nope. It never got into a story yet. I don't think I've written any around the holidays, at least that incorporated any holiday in any impactful way, novel wise.

I have included all kinds of other personal things that some may not guess is personal. But then the cat has already spilled the beans on everything going anyway. Don't think I have much left. At this point it would take me yanking down my pants and posting an ass selfie on the blog to have something few have seen. Don't worry, I'll forever pass on the little, big, hairy, or otherwise little rhyming ass pics. Unless I was paid a bunch. I can be bought. What? Don't look at my page that way. Oh wait. That could just be a tradition with many of you by now. Go for it. Look a way.

Have you slipped any traditions into your blog/novels/written words anywhere where you write them down?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Pat Hatt Books