Time For The 10 of 2020
Time For A Merry Post
(Yeah, I'm double dipping. Shhh. Not all follow me at the other place.)
Enjoy the day and don't let the germs come in to play!
Time For Christmas Cheer?
You humans sure are a strange bunch. Maybe just out to lunch. Or out to supper in the dark. That could be why you miss the mark. All happy and cheery for a month or so. Then what? Back to ra ra ra you go. That's all you got in you? One month of cheer is all that's true? Do you only get cheery because of a fat guy? Are you going to lie? If fat guys are your thing, okay. Enjoy the cheer that comes your way. But remember not to buck the system. Someone may find you and slowly twist em. You can't be cheery after it is over and done. You have to go back to fear and stray away from fun. You have to get on social media and give all sass. Pffft humans really are strange to my little rhyming ass.
Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Time For The Productive
Is it that time of year again? How many times have you said or heard that? I bet some people can't count that high. Then again, some people can't read that much either, so they may be in bliss as they say it. What? Is that not cheery for this time of year? Can a year have a time? Does it have its own clock? Is the clock a secret? Can a year be a year when it is just a human creation? All right, one more question before I fry any brain cells out there. Although that may be rough considering that weed is legal up here and the stoners are going to it. Guess I'll just fry other nations brain cells. Right! On with it.
Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?
Ummm productive? What's that? Is that like doing things other than work? Hmmm I think that got lost somewhere along the way between the 9-5, cats, dogs, and kids.
Well since I hibernate more in the winter I guess that is when I can be more productive. Then again, not a fan of the super heat so I could be more productive then too. Or maybe it rains a lot in the spring and I'm more productive then. Unless spring brings a fling and then I'm more productive in the fall. Or maybe a pandemic comes and makes me more productive or less productive. Have I answered the question yet? I have a feeling this wouldn't qualify as productive.
Maybe I should just conclude that I am productive here and there and there is no rhyme or reason to it. Well maybe there is a rhyme to it some of the time. That can turn on a dime. Beats being a mime or sucking a lime. Or is it suck a lemon? Guess you'll have to ask a demon. Eye rhyme too. Whoa hoo!
Are there times when you are more productive than others? Has productive gotten lost in the grand scheme of things at your sea? Or maybe just productive in other ways. Like scooping the poop, wiping butts, going to the giant litterbox, or fighting the mutts for socks. That's productive, right?
And FYI if you have a manuscript you need to plug, this is a good way to do it. Coming soon!
Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Time For The Supernatural
Time To Keep Kicking
Time For The Why
Here today we are going to ask why. I guess that would mean I am going to ask why. Or that would mean I am going to ask why that someone else asked. I guess why is just getting passed along. Why do you have to be so fickle why? Why am I talking to something that will never talk back? Unless Skynet comes into play and then why may talk back. Hmmm that probably still wouldn't work. I guess why is still crap outta luck. If there was such a thing as luck. Why must humans make stuff up? Why aren't I getting on with it yet? I better, huh? But why?
Albert Camus once said, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” Flannery O’Conner said, “I write to discover what I know.” Authors across time and distance have had many reasons to write. Why do you write what you write?
This one is easy. I write so the aliens will see I can spin a good tale and keep them entertained. Then they will only beam me up and not probe me or disintegrate me. Then they will see they are so good that they will give me ever lasting life and then I will bide my time and then wait for the right moment and then blow them all up. Except for my alien wife and our half alien babies. I'll save them. Then we'll steal a ship and go cruise around space for a few billion years. After that I may write a new book or two and come back to Earth and see if humans came back around again.
So there you go. That is why I write. Not something is simple as because I have 1000s of stories in my head that want to come out. Nope. Never. It is all to survive the impending alien attack. I've got plenty of tinfoil saved in the closet just in case it backfires though.
Why do you write? Why do you blog if you don't write? Why wouldn't that count as writing? Why must why ask so many questions? Are you ready for the aliens? Hey. No more make believe than luck. You won't be laughing when you are being probed. What? I'll go write another story now.
Enjoy life, forget the strife.
Time For A New View!
Time For An Easy As That
Have you ever thought things would just magically happen because the keyboard you started a tappin'? The cat hopes not or he may make fun a lot. Ever fall for the get rich overnight crap? They have pretty good talking points with their trap. What about the learn? Would you rather hit return? Seems all want it now now now. If they don't get it then they have a cow. On them I take a pass as they can't even have their eyes opened by my little rhyming ass.
Enjoy life forget the strife.
Time For 10 Reasons to go to The Birds!
Time For A Photo Stroll