There really is no hope for some.
"More like many. Humans, pffft."
Won't get any argument out of my little rhyming bum.
And we are here to prove the no hope with another round of the search engine dope. There have been plenty saved up. I'd rather deal with a frisky pup.
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Do I want to know? Probably no.
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Today you will die. Some fish I will fry. Then you will eat. Aren't allergies sweet?
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Damn, Hank. You must be pulling some money into the bank.
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Paper isn't real. Doesn't have the same feel.
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Is that like the post office at the door? Pat doesn't do that anymore.
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Cat in the mirror.
Cat in the mirror.
If you want to see clearer,
Bring your face a little nearer.
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Failed out of the gate. Sorry, not really, mate.
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Chew some fat. How about that?
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Got your wish by coming here. Very very cheap by visiting my rhyming rear.
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Like, like, like. Silver Fox's page you may need to strike.
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Your lashes are so big that they could make a great wig.
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Don't go into the shack. That's where serial killers attack.
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A flunky in the den. Need to know when to say when.
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Merde I know. SOL otherwise though.
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Try try again. Searched twice at my den.
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Take an energy drink. Sleep won't be the missing link.
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Yep, just for you. You and your voodoo.
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Is that even a thing? Humans sure are in need of umm something.
And the winner of this round sure won't be thought profound. Nope, not by anyone. If you do, you better run. The cat will never let you live that down. Of course you'd have to be from no-brain-cell town.
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So go rub that ass. Rub it in mass. There are germs galore. Pick the best store. Yeah, feel dirty just typing that. I think I'll stick to the litterbox for my scat. Any nuts at your sea as of late? Or is it just my fate? Maybe round 67 will send them away in mass. Yeah, that's doubted by my little rhyming ass.
If you're a newcomer, I'll be here all summer.