Humans - A Choking Hazard!

Pat says we are boxed in. He wouldn't let me out at our bin. He was trying to stifle me. Joke's on him. He still has to scoop my pee.

Yeah, we are sorta back. Although May will suck at our shack. So won't be around much, but will still reach out here and there and touch. After that we'll show a bit more. But now we are unboxed at our shore. Meaning anything and everything can still show, just that it may in more than just a rhyming flow. At first it was how dare Pat. Changed the name, updated the header, updated the layout, and showed his ugly mug all over our mat. But....

I looked at him like this.
How dare a day he make me miss.
He deserves to be ignored.
He tried to make me bored.

I went to Cass for help.
She ignored my yelp.
Look at her ignoring me.
I am against Pat and Cassie.

Then I walked by.
She ignored this guy.
She was so snug.
Relaxed like a bug.

"Now you are getting it. You..."

Hey, no rhyme.
Don't drop a dime.
At least that would be me.
No longer at our sea.

Hmm. So I tried.
I gave these other things a ride.
I went after the interloper more.
He didn't like my roar.

I tried the poop machine toys with Cass.
It was fun for my rhyming ass.
I even chewed up a block.
The poop machines may have been in shock.

And I relaxed.
Not that I was taxed.
But I spread out and wasn't go go go.
More to life sometimes, you know?

Plus, Pat gets this.
To it I hiss.
He can keep it.
Don't want that shit.

And more of these.
Worse than fleas.
Or maybe a bad breeze.
So about the time freeze.

Live and let live with it.
Back to enjoying each hit.
Not a job like the tree and mud crap.
Rhyme, normal, Cassie, Drazin, whenever, wherever, whoever is now how we shall yap.

Anything happening about? Feel free to check the new layout out. Pat's skills at code tweaking aren't perfect by any means. So if you see any errors on your screens, let us know. And so ends this flow. Relax and enjoy is the way. Much better at the end of the day, especially when you have to slave away for pay. So now at Pat Hatt Time we all shall play. May confuse as many speak, but bah, you can figure it out by now at our creek.

"You think?"

It will be fine, Cass. I'm not that confusing of a little rhyming ass.

"Drazin doesn't know about that as Drazin thinks you are both fleabags."

Hmm confuse it may....

"Only if Pat talks like an idiot and brings that bald head buffoon about."

Yeah, blame it all on Pat. Hmm another perk of letting him share with the cat. So we shall see what, when, and where comes to be. But now everything will be posted at our updated sea. No set time, no set topic, no set post, just when and what we want at our coast. Although no matter what comes to pass, snark will still amass, the cat will still show with Cass, and you can bet that I'll forever stay a little rhyming ass.

Enjoy the day, come what may.
Pat Hatt Books