A Little Out With No About!

The cat is here. Here you peer. Peer you may, even after today. But see you won't. New you don't. What was that? I'm a confusing cat.

Post away.
We do each day.
Each day right here.
Plus that other one near.

That's once a week.
Easy at our creek.
But the cat's every day.
Still easy we say.

Can spit out a rhyme.
It isn't a crime.
Okay, maybe some spittle.
Bah, won't make things brittle.

Unless it's acid spit.
That's some nasty umm shit.
Whoops, we swore.
Or I did at our shore.

I, me, we, or the cat?
We can keep track of that?
Cassie just rolls her eyes.
I think I may get a few sighs.

Sighs of relief?
Could that be grief?
Beats little old me.
I'll just let it be.

Be we will.
Like a rock on a hill.
It gathers no moss.
Just remember to floss.

Where is this going?
A dentist type showing?
Beats little old me.
I'll leave that to thee.

For the cat is out.
Out and maybe about.
Today is the day.
A hiatus is at play.

Yep, that's the status.
We're going on hiatus.
It rhymes if you say it right.
Remember to keep on the light.

The cat is off to search about. We'll be back to spit another rhyme or 50 out. Just time for a vacation at our sea. Off the internet for a bit is a nice way to be. Especially after the 9-5 and life crap. But we'll be back for another lap. Enjoy the a to z. And that's all from me. Except for our usual pass, which is, off I go with my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

Opt In Before Out With This Shout!

The cat has you opted in at our loony bin. Did you know that? No? Well tough luck where you are at. If you want to opt out you'll have to talk to a Timbuktu dog. Or maybe that's a frog.

A list for you.
A service for me.
Or both come due,
From little old we.

We being the winner.
You being the winner.
My, we aren't a sinner.
We'll both get a great dinner.

We take and you give.
That's the opt in way.
You need it to live.
You magically joined the fray.

You know you did.
You dreamed it up.
Don't pretend it was hid.
It was in your magic cup.

That is right.
It was there.
Cue the spotlight.
It was fair.

You opted in.
You opted with a click.
That is the win.
Don't be a dick.

That's on us?
Oh, come on.
Don't make a fuss.
This isn't a con.

You opted in.
You did it at night.
Take it on the chin.
Everything will be all right.

Just pay the fee.
Just take the mail.
Let everything be.
Now you can't fail.

You want to opt out?
We don't know how to do that.
Sorry, but that's not what we're about.
Just stay opted in where you're at.

Ever get opted into something that you never opted into? I'm sure there are a few things at many a zoo. Then when you try to opt out they magically have no clue. If you can find their magically hidden number or email address in view. Aren't you glad all you get opted in for here is my sass? That can never be opted out of from my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

The Bait And Switch Has An Itch!

Humans argue across the land. Some do it where they stand. Others do it from the comfort of Mommy's basement chair. Oh wait, am I supposed to call that your little boy's lair?

Blah, blah, blah.
I give a hahaha.
It may even be more.
I may ha four times at my shore.

But some won't.
Some just don't.
Some argue back.
Brain cells they lack.

What can brainless do?
They don't have a clue.
But what they say is true.
I know, let's use you.

I'm right.
Day or night.
I am so.
You don't know.

She knows though.
She said it was so.
I believe every word.
You are just absurd.

You are picking on him.
You are just so dim.
He said it to be true.
I'm right and not you.

She and he.
Both with me.
And him and her.
They both purr.

Maybe even bark.
This is where I park.
Don't make me move there.
They will be aware.

They will have a fit.
They won't like it.
He will have to move too.
That just won't do.

She'll move there.
Aren't you aware?
I'm doing it for those.
Oh, you have something up your nose.

Do you believe such nuts? They like their bait and switch ruts. They are doing it for your benefit or some other who is near. Their argument is sooooo clear. It is for the others in every way. Their benefit? No way, Jose. Pfffft and I will be a rhyming dog that likes to sniff butts in mass. I say that to help dogs everywhere with my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

A Regular Happen Comes A Tappin!

This post just happened to come in. That sure isn't a sin. It happened to come in today. Did you expect anything else at your bay? No? That is good at your show. But did you expect this? Come now, don't 

A regular rhyme,
Done many a time.
Nearly 3100 to be exact.
Picking apart many an act.

Warning: This post contains many things that may do many things that will leave you hiding in some long lost wings that may make you think things while you are hiding away in the wings.

Regular as a good umm hit.
You know, baseball for a bit.
Like making it to third base.
A home run may be a better case.

This just in: The phone will ring at your bin. You will yap for an hour and you may lose power. Don't blame this space. We only passed it along with a happy face.

Regular like any other day.
The ones that end in y, okay.
Make like a tree and get outta here.
Hmm, is a DeLorean near?

Breaking news: Humans are being put into stews. A cannibal clan is making a go at marketing in mass. So the next time you eat stew, you may be chewing on some old lady's ass.

Regular like a baby crying.
Especially when stew you are frying.
Why would they want that?
Didn't you learn from the cat?

This is something extra for you. Hollywood can't produce anything new. Farcebook doesn't care about your highlight reel. Maybe the two can make a deal?

A regular rhyme,
Tossed out each time.
Even with a shift, flop or flip.
The cat shoots from the hip.

Note to each one of you: Idioms aren't actually real life that are in view. No one shoots from a hip or tosses out rhymes. Unless they write them down on paper, bounce them off hips and hit scary mimes.

Did you see what I did there? Are you all screwed up now at your lair? Do you get miffed when your schedule gets shifted? Hey, up your day could be lifted. Or more crap could come due. Could always flush it down the loo. Either way, some hiccup or other pain will come to pass, just like today as I annoy with my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

Beep Beep Beep Take The Leap!

Did you leap on in? I doubt that at any bin. How can you leap and click a link too? That would take some doing at your zoo. I suppose if you had a clicker it would go quicker.

Big and bold.
Title's pure gold.
Can't help but click.
My, the world's ick.

So worse than before.
At every single shore.
It is just so bad.
It makes me sad.

Switch on fun.
Give TV a run.
Oh another cop show.
Crime sure isn't low.

Everyone's a cop.
The crime rate will never drop.
Murderers are everywhere.
The world is so unfair.

Such a bad place.
Put's a frown on my face.
So so so bad.
I blame everything at my pad.

People who speak.
People who seek.
Movies with scary stuff.
Oh look, an ass in the buff.

That is soooooooo bad.
Way more than a tad.
Makes the mad umm mad.
So so so not a fad.

Blame the whos and whats.
They are all nuts.
Blame the whats and whos.
Just look at the news.

It's all bad bad bad.
A clickbait isn't had.
No way, that's what it is.
No need to take a quiz.

Soooooooo sad.
Not like the day of my dad.
It is sooo of today.
Look. A new cop show on display.

Pfffffffffffffffffffft is all I give people who whine like that. You do realize clickbait articles are there to get views which can = $$$$$$$$ at their pad. What gets them looks, good or bad? Do I need to answer that? What gets news views as they chew the fat? Notice how the same story gets run into the ground by everyone? And these so-called experts come in as it is spun? All comes back to $$$$$$$$$$ in the end. Many of us live in the safest time no matter this stupid clickbait/news now/big bad/PC nut trend. So when you want to say "it was better back in the day" all you'll get from me is sass. Or I'll invent time travel and you can go back and get hung from a tree, head chopped off, or catch the plague thanks to my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

Option This Little Hiss!

The cat has many options on where to sleep. I rotate a bit at our keep. Some go for months with no love. But not my tower that rises above. Just choose and sleep. Easy peasy at our keep. But what about you? Such big decisions come due.

I have this.
I have that.
One may miss.
The other could go splat.

Which way do I go?
Which way do I choose?
I just don't know.
I may very well lose.

One could go up.
Same could go down.
The other may come with a hiccup.
It may leave me with a frown.

How do I pick?
Which is the best?
Is there some trick?
Is there some test?

Another is presented.
Now I have three.
The third may be resented.
This could bring woes to me.

Or maybe the first.
Or maybe the middle.
My head is going to burst.
I think I let out some piddle.

Which one is for me?
Can't you tell?
Can't you see?
I'm going through hell.

I can't pick.
It is too hard.
One may be a trick.
One may be a bad card.

What if I ignore?
What if I refuse?
This is such a chore.
But I don't want to lose.

What? They are gone?
I waited too long?
They must have been a con.
Yeah. Yeah. They were all wrong.

Are you an indecisive nut stuck in an indecisive rut? Too many options sure can suck sometimes but it beats none or watching mimes. Have to just pick what you think is best and go. Get on with the show. Beats having them all run out and now back to 0 options about. Of course some may make excuses in mass. Pfffft to them goes my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

Interlopers Galore Are In Store!

The cat gets to deal with much each day. They want to steal my stuff and have me play. Pfft to that. They just get a whack from the cat. I may give chase too. I have been known to eat the dog as well at that other zoo.

Can you see me?
That look isn't glee.
You must know that.
I'm a ticked cat.

There it is.
The start of this biz.
It is a mutt.
How dare he enter our hut.

Need a closer look?
Bah, there's that other crook.
Two came to play.
No way is what I say.

Pat said they have it worse.
That many would make me curse.
11 and I'd jump ship.
The cat would go on a one way trip.

Said these humans have it worse too.
Can you count them all in view?
That is a lot of poop on the lawn.
Okay, I'm getting what's being drawn.

I said okay.
Damn, take it away.
Who wants to be out in that?
Not this cat.

Nope, still not getting in.
Don't look at me as I grin.
Just sit there and stay.
You are supposed to obey.

Bah, off the bed.
Want to lose your head?
That is my spot.
I still don't have to like the interloper lot.

Bah, trying to look all cute.
I don't give a hoot.
Yeah, I'm not a owl.
Go play with the one who likes to howl.

Bah, it's even worse.
This has to be a curse.
It's a poop machine.
Where's that snowy scene?

Do you have interlopers like the ones here? They sure bug my rhyming rear. Or at least I pretend they do. I can chase a few around our zoo. May even nibble on a few. Hey, it's just what I do. At least I don't give the death glare 24/7 like Cass. She's not as nice of a host as my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

On The Run By The Ton!

The cat was out and about the other day, yeah we did the out and about foray, but I still use it anyway. On with the show, okay? Out we were and then it came. Some human nut ran into human nut with what's his name.

Dash and dine.
That isn't fine.
But fine for me
I eat and flee.

Down the hall.
Up the wall.
Up my tower.
I have the power.

The power to climb.
The power to rhyme.
No power to stop.
That may be a flop.

Like that vase.
Shouldn't have a maze.
Like those plates.
They had bad dates.

Like those flowers.
Bah, they'll be dead in hours.
Like those picture frames.
Bah, you know their names.

You scream and yell.
What the hell?
Then you say.
You did it today.

I ran into him.
Are you dim?
I ran into her?
You don't have fur.

Now it's okay.
Do you play?
Like the bump ugly way?
Don't want to know, okay?

But run you do.
Me you shoo.
I run into stuff.
You get in a huff.

You run into others,
From strangers to mothers.
And that is just fine?
Time to dash and dine.

Run into anyone lately at your sea? Were you running and did you hit them like I swat a flea? No? Then how does that go? Walking close by? I walked close by to someone under the sky. Should you give that a try? Too wordy on the fly? More brains in the singing bass. Watch out, you may get ran into by my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

The Way Out Isn't A Slippery Trout!

The cat has and many more have to. Heck, all alive has probably had it in view. But did you go all trout? What is that about? Slipping away will just make it stay.

Life has crap.
Each lass and chap.
Crapped on there.
Crapped on everywhere.

A closing of walls.
Shortening of halls.
Surrounding you.
What do you do?

Find the way out.
Slip away like a trout?
Figure out what it's about?
Find the way out.

What is the way?
From crap to okay.
How is it done?
Where is the fun?

A secret to crap.
Pull off this trap.
I have to know.
I can't even see my toe.

Buried to the head.
I'd rather be dead.
Exaggeration a bit.
But look at this shit.

Piles and piles.
Buried with files.
Or would that be flies?
Can't see any clear skies.

Where's the exit?
Must I hex it?
I slipped out today,
But it's still on display.

Does life hate me?
What did I do to thee?
Poor this and that.
I'm only another stat.

How do I get out?
I've tried to slip through like a trout.
Did you just give a clue?
The only way out is through.

Ever try to ignore or slip away when crap comes to play? Can sure not make for a very nice day. Can't sneak around it or ignore it many a time. Have to deal with it like an annoying mime. Of course it may be easier to punch a mime, then again, that's probably a crime. But most of the time the only way out of the crap is to push on through until you finish the lap. Then you'll learn for the next crap that comes to pass. No good to run and give it sass. Of course the crap just could be gas. I'll check if any needs to be passed out my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling. 

The Order Of Life To Scare Away Strife!

This is how this post is supposed to be. Today it was destined to come to thee. It just was supposed to be that way. These words just wanted to have their say. So out they came from the cat. What do you think of that?

Pop! You're born.
Okay, I'm torn.
Is it more of a scream?
We'll forget that stream.

Then you cry.
Then you die.
Hey, diddle, diddle.
I skipped the middle.

The diddle brought you.
I guess I skipped that too.
Hmm forwards and back.
Time travel at my shack.

Then you grow.
That you know.
Learn stuff too.
My, look at you.

Think you know it all.
Go to the mall.
Because it's cool.
Hey, don't skip school.

Out to life.
Free from strife.
School or work.
Student or clerk.

Seek and mate.
Then try and date.
Marry and mate.
Pop! After a 9 month wait.

Pop! Comes plenty.
Hopefully not twenty.
A cult isn't needed.
Snip snip should be heeded.

Raise and work.
Work not a perk.
Out goes the kids.
Take retirement bids.

Move to sun and sand.
Florida type land.
The grandkids wave.
Next step, your grave.

There you are. The order to life on par. Don't you love the order set? I didn't even throw in get a pet. That is a given though. Did you follow the order at your show? Is that a no? Wow, society must shame you. You did something different unlike more than a few. It just can't be that way. The horror at such an off play. You may now give all the stick up their butt types gas. I guess I'm just an out of order little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

The Buyer Fire Of The Liar!

Some would whine and say their bad. Others go nuts and find them not rad. Out to screw you in the end. That sure is a big trend. And no, not screw in a fun way. Hookers are what you want if that is your foray.

Time to buy.
That car is mine.
I won't tell a lie.
My credit is fine.

I make a ton.
I make it best.
Let's get it done.
I'm better than the rest.

Do you need this?
Do you need that?
Can this we miss?
What is this scat?

Okay, I'll fill it.
Fill it out later.
But I'm a hit.
Oops, fell in a crater.

Can't finance a go-kart.
But shhh don't tell.
I took spending to heart.
Those bill collectors can go to hell.

I'm sure I can pay.
Can't you try another.
At the end of the day,
I may just ask my mother.

She'll finance for me.
She has great credit.
I'll drive for free.
Did you see that story on Reddit?

Maybe co-sign is best.
That could get me there.
Then I wouldn't be such a pest.
She'd never see me sticking it to her lair.

Interest that high?
That's a rip off.
That sure won't fly.
To that I scoff.

I did nothing wrong.
Just didn't pay a bill.
I'll get credit in Hong Kong.
Yep, with my great job I will.

Are you one of those deluded nuts? They sure talk out their butts. And people say car salesmen are bad. Pfffft the buyers are crazier than a whole loony bin pad. They lie and think all is dandy. Maybe they had one too many a spiked Halloween candy. Pat dealt with many of those nuts. They talk out their butts. Did I say that times two? Sadly it is true. They really can go pound sand in mass. That's the ode to them from my little rhyming ass.

Experience spring, have a fling.

A Perfect Stance? Fat Chance!

The cat was going this way and that and then I was accosted by Pat. He wanted me to pose. I guess he has reached new lows. But then he did not specify, so I let many fly.

What do you want?
Must you and that flashy thing taunt?
Go bother Cass.
She's a posing lass.

The cranky wake up.
See? Fill your cup.
I won't fall for your trap.
I have to go get into crap.

Hmm. What's behind here.
Yeah, look at my rear.
That is all you shall see.
Time to flee.

Oh, I got an itch.
Those can be a bitch.
Look at my foot go.
Enjoying the show?

I'll knock down your clothes.
That ought to bring woes.
Hmmm maybe the water thing.
I could give that a fling.

Not looking at you.
Nope. Not getting a view.
Are you still there?
Yep, I'm aware.

Go away!
Hear what I say.
Stop snapping the pics
That's one too many clicks.

I'll jump on your head.
That will put it to bed.
Would you like to see that?
Go bother another cat.

Got my eye on you.
Are we through?
You sure don't listen well.
This flashy thing isn't swell.

Are you happy now?
I posed somehow,
You got it out of me.
I will get back at thee.

Ever get followed around by a camera nut? Pat sure was in a rut. He snapped and snapped away. I just wanted to play. Like make a big mess. More or less. But I couldn't do that with him on my butt. So I ended his rut. At least first I gave him plenty of sass. That always works well for me little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

A Little Could In The Hood!

The what if or what could or what ever comes to all. Although some go on and on and on about it at their hall. Then their what could turns to, Goodbye! All their what could-ing got nothing done and then they die.

A what could.
Is understood.
Likely or not.
Adds to the plot.

Stuck in motion.
Unlike the ocean.
No waves in and out.
Just a dead trout.

But there's no lack.
Sharp as a tack,
With the what could.
Maybe what would.

The could and would.
A hand in hand hood.
A hood that leads nowhere,
Unless acting on the pair.

What could if I...
Ends on the fly.
Nothing happens after.
Maybe hiding laziness in laughter.

The what could goes on.
A what would may dawn.
Many options come to be.
They grow out like a tree.

Damn, went nowhere.
But you developed a stare.
A stare that will go far.
Like maybe to the corner bar.

What could happen there?
Sit in your favorite chair.
Search for the what will.
Maybe something fits the bill.

Wow, what will is dirty.
It may get a little flirty.
What could leaves life,
With no life or strife.

So back to what could.
It is easily understood.
Can just think and chill.
So much easier than what will.

Are you stuck in the what could? Have you moved up to the what would? Hopefully you got passed the would and are on will. That is a much better climb even if it's a hill. Beats sitting on ground with a growing rump, doing nothing but what could and grump. More what will in a singing bass than some humans give a pass. But I guess they like their what could class. I will stick to what will-ing along with my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

A Guest Err Umm Pest!

The cat whacks intruders when they come to play, except the old guy when in he does stray. Pat makes me leave him be. But then this isn't about me. We did that yesterday. Now it is about others who stray.

Hello all!
Where are you?
Down the hall?
In the loo?

I'm here.
I'll shout it clear.
Never fear.
I'll remain near.

I wish I knew.
Where did you go?
It can't be true.
You think me a foe?

I'm your friend.
I'm the best.
That we must amend.
After all, I'm your guest.

Shouldn't you be here?
Where are you?
I know you're near.
I'm turning blue.

That means I'm mad.
I want to see you.
I just entered your pad.
Come into my view.

I may block some.
I may stand tall.
I may be a thin chum.
I may shrink before all.

But I'm here.
I'm here to see.
I'm always near.
Come out to greet me.

I'll sit here.
Here I'll sit.
I know you're near.
Don't give me a fit.

Oh, there you are.
Out shopping I see.
My grocery bill is on par.
Oh...is that for me?

Would that be a guest or a pest? We'd toss them in the sea at no one's behest. We just would. Have any such "guests" at your hood? We've known a few but we stay out of their view. Otherwise we may be in jail because we'd chuck them out the window without fail. Or they may go through and break the glass. Yeah, to such guests, I'm not a nice little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Believe In The Cat Where You Are At!

Wherever you are, believe my sand bar. Why is that? Because I am a rhyming cat. Because I'm rhyming for you. Because I'm not spiky haired like Blue. Because...oh just because it's on the internet. That is always a safe bet.

An uber secret is here.
I discovered it in an ear.
It was moving right along.
I heard its merry song.

It wants to infect you all.
The short, fat, and tall.
The dead it didn't say.
That could go either way.

It has fangs and claws.
It doesn't obey laws.
It wants to suck your life.
Nope, not vampire strife.

It sucks your thoughts away.
It eats them ten times a day.
Then it and another mate.
You ideas open the flood gate.

They bang and flop.
Now 50,000 more drop.
In the blink of an eye.
Damn, they sure are spry.

Now they have you.
Your whole body is stew.
No clear thoughts for you.
If you even had a few.

Stuck like a stone.
They'll never leave you alone.
You are their host.
They won't even let you post.

They eat your very words.
They'll eat tweets from birds.
Soon all around you will be blank.
You are their gas tank.

They have you full up.
They even got the pup.
Your whole house is infected.
Nope, they can't be detected.

You are theirs forever.
Unless one is clever.
Their weakness is...we don't know.
I bet you could figure it out though.

Do you believe the cat? What can they be that are in you where you are at? Could they be alien gunk? Can gunk hump in a funk? That may be bad. But here it is at my pad. It's on the internet so it is true. Believe everything you see in view? Thanks, now you can believe my pass. I'll never let them invade my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Hit The Street And Treat And Treat And Treat!

The ands sure are piling up these days. I guess humans like their forever maze. That and spending their money. Not the kind that is funny. For belief they take. Or the easy way out they think they make. What is that? Follow the cat.

An issue is had.
Can drive one mad.
From ass to back.
In issues pack.

Can't move or do.
That isn't true.
Believe the nuts.
They talk out their butts.

This pill will do.
If it gets worse, take two.
May cause...we did that.
Not going to be a repeat cat.

But that's not all.
Read the flyer on the wall.
We can help.
We'll fix your yelp.

Come in and get treated.
No lollipop, but it will be defeated.
And by that we mean after a while.
And by that we mean when you smell vile.

You have to keep coming back.
This will always give you flack.
But we can make you feel better.
You will never have to write a letter.

Unless you want to hype us up.
Then go ahead and fill your cup.
We'll treat you for life.
Or at least until I retire with my wife.

Then you're on your own.
But don't be afraid to pick up the phone.
We will treat and treat and treat.
You can still sit at home and eat.

Doesn't that sound like a deal?
Bah, forget the word heal.
That isn't ever the case.
We can say it with a straight face.

Treatment is what you need.
We will treat and treat at your feed.
Well as long as you have the dough.
When you run out, we'll wave bye as you go.

Don't you love those that want you to come back and back and back? That is how they wallet attack. Treatment and never heal. Can't have that in the deal. If that came due, you would never come back. But people fall for it as they think there is some "magic" they themselves lack. Many of them have their place. But watch that smug smile on their face. You can then choose never to trespass. Or tell them to suck on the gas like the kind from my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

We Have A Connection To Such And Such And Such An Election!

The cat never surely knew. We have a connection to something that's big, hairy, red, and blue. Now that is surely grand. It changes everything...err ummm...yeah right in our land.

We see and shake.
We do a triple take.
We search and search.
You rang, says Lurch.

I've said it too.
Copyright at my zoo?
Damn any of that.
Can't sue a cat.

Back on rhyme.
We left for a time.
A time you can't tell.
Could raise some hell.

The party or nutball kind.
Both annoy my behind.
But that's nothing new.
It's something dumb humans do.

Back to the start.
He took it to heart.
Poor guy went and cried.
He bummed a car ride.

Did his bum do the ringing?
Do farts end up singing?
Do we want to know?
The odds are probably low.

The car sent things in the air.
Like pollution that's not very rare.
The wind blew it near.
Woweee, it connected to my rhyming rear.

I feel so special now.
I just want to meow.
The connection came due.
It just can't be true.

My mind is a mess.
More and not less.
I just can't believe it.
I'm about to have a fit.

The guy won a shoe store election.
Now that is quite the connection.
I feel so honored that I found it.
On second thought, I don't give a shit.

Do you scour everything and anything for a connection to something out there? Or maybe someone at your lair? Does it make you any different in the end? Or are you just a crazy nut that's gone around the bend? Whoopi, you are connected to someone's car that gave off gas. Yeah, that will truly impress, not really, my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

A Link For You Or Maybe Two!

The cat loves when humans come to gawk. Five seconds and then they take a walk. Right to the contact page. They want to offer the cat a wage. Better off with kitty litter. Or bothering some nut on Twitter.

We've come and saw.
We like your paw.
We like your rhyme.
Ten seconds at a time.

So here we are.
We sure aren't far.
But we want to be near.
We want to be part of your rhyming rear.

Could you say rear?
Ass is hard to hear.
It may send customers away.
Just something we had to say.

As for our offer.
We aren't a cougher.
One of those guys spamming.
There will be no rambling jamming.

We would like a post at your sea.
I'm sure many of your readers would love it to come to be.
It can be on anything at all.
We have an army of writers at our hall.

We'll give you two premium backlinks on our site.
That will instantly take flight.
We'll also promote the page.
We could even give you a wage.

Just let us know what you'd like.
Then we can surely strike.
It will be a great deal to all.
We really think we deserve a spot on your wall.

So get back to us soon.
Like before high noon.
We'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'm sure you have lots.

....two days pass by.
We didn't hear from you, why?
Don't you want our deal?
We swear that is is real.

We'd love to set up a chat.
We could just chew the fat.
We know you'll love every bit.
After all, our army of 0.05 cents per word writers wrote it.

Do you ever get any of those emailing you? We've gotten quite a few. One even asked us not to end with ass. Pfffffffffffffffft like that will ever come to pass. Delete is all they get from me. On them we'd biff some pee. It does clump, you know. I'd rather let mutts run our show. But hey, they were good for some sass. That is always fun for my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The Meet Err Umm Repeat!

The cat is here to meet and greet. Damn, we've already met on some blogland street? I guess that is out of the question. Care to give a suggestion? No? Well then I guess we'll give it a go. A repeat...oh no!

Gather one. Gather all.
Come to this shiny hall.
Here you sit. Here you grumble.
Maybe more if they mumble.

In your head. In your eyes.
They sit and sound ever so wise.
Easy to do. Easy to say.
When it's been done before today.

So we shake. So we yap.
Stay awake or fall into a trap.
A trap so big. A trap so wide.
You'll get taken for a one way ride.

So you listen. So you ask.
So you pretend to enjoy the task.
When you mutter. When you grumble.
Wishing it would turn into the Royal Rumble.

Fake it is. Fake it will be.
At least that fake entertains thee.
Unlike the ego. Unlike the vain.
Unlike the one at the head of the train.

The one in charge. The flunky on top.
Either or and they never stop.
On they go. On they yap.
Once again don't fall into a trap.

Eyes on them. Eyes on task.
Make up shit when they ask.
Don't try to stare. Don't try to gaze.
Could leave you in a corporate maze.

One of thrills. One of bills.
One where HR comes and kills.
Down you go. Down you went.
All from saying to get bent.

Back we go. Back we came.
Back once more for this repeat game.
Said and spoken. Said and said.
Does this really stay in the head?

Such are greetings. Such are meetings.
Already met, so now repeatings.
Care to join? Care to go?
Repeatings are sure in the know.

A lover of meetings at your sea? Can you tell that we may not be? Repeatings is sure what many should be named. The same things are usually shamed. Or would that be said? Bah, go ask HR Ted. Or would that be Bob? Hey, it could be Rob. Whatever rhyme fits. Repeats sure come in more than not so movie hits. They can come with the 9-5 in mass, which results in sass from my ever so met little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Get The Meaning With This Screening!

The cat is here to get you meaning. That will be quite the screening. Or maybe just another post. Hey, it is easy to make fun of you at my coast. Humans sure don't make it hard. They must be the joker card.

A new day has come.
The sun isn't glum.
It shines upon you.
As it does every other zoo.

Unless cloud or night.
But screw weather taking flight.
You already talk enough about that.
No need to be a repeat weather nut dingbat.

For we need something more.
Like the sun shining on your shore.
Here we go with an encore.
Sorry, does it at every shore.

Unless...damn you.
No weather to come due.
We need something more.
A hidden meaning to explore.

No, that's not it.
What's with this spit?
Spit as in you drool.
That is so not cool.

Or maybe it is?
Should we hold a quiz?
Could get some insight.
Should drool take flight?

Was that a no?
Sorry, that strikes a blow.
It can't just be that.
Multiple choice to create a stat.

One that we fake.
Like a germy handshake.
Some handshake deal.
Yeah, those end up real.

We need something more.
Here we go with the encore.
Yeah. Yeah. The sun shines on you.
Well whoopdi friggin doo.

Oh, there is a meaning?
It's not the same as my sunny screening?
It holds far more at your sea?
I think meaningful was just described by thee.

Meaningful for you.
Holds far more in view.
While congrats from a cat.
You can hold in far more scat.

Doesn't meaningful hold such grand things? You better go before having flings. Spring is soon coming. You'll hear that humming. Is it more meaningful to you? Did the cat take that a bit far at our zoo? Is the meaning now full up? Maybe you might want to ask a pup. The weather sure must be a meaningful conversation to all. You say it enough at your hall. But wouldn't that make it an every day, ordinary pass? Bah, I'll stick to emptying my not so meaningful little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The Yesterday Gets A Replay!

You humans sure have short attention spans far and wide. A fact you don't even try to hide. The things you say attest to that. You can't even acknowledge yesterday's stat.

It's big big news.
We've given you clues.
Now it's to come.
Aliens caught probing a bum.

It is so true.
It's right here in view.
The world will quake.
Maybe to the hippy shake.

We aren't alone.
Get ET a phone.
Call Arnold or Glover.
They aren't an alien lover.

It's big news.
It's far better than some ocean cruise.
Public space travel is officially a thing.
You have to be as rich as a king.

For 10 million you can go.
You will be in the know.
You will fly and float.
That beats any old boat.

It's umm news.
That sports team decided to lose.
They made losing a fad.
Sports people aren't glad.

But what can you do?
We bring it to you.
You do the rest.
What? Back on that alienfest?

That was yesterday's news.
Don't even peruse.
It was big big then.
That was way back when.

Like 24 hours ago.
Now all are in the know.
We've got other news to send.
Beat it into the ground is also a trend.

We've got big big news.
Aliens go probing on the cruise.
That was never said.
Now get yesterday's news out of your head.

Don't you love how big big things go by the wayside after the news has given them a ride? They may beat things into the ground for a while as you turn many a dial, but eventually you humans ignore or forget it in mass. Why? Because a new big, or maybe not so, big big thing comes to pass. Because a losing team beats aliens probing in mass. Yep, that is so much bigger to any backside except for maybe my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The Sacrifice Rolls The Dice!

Everyone who has ever lived has done this. There are some things that are just a miss. Unless alternate reality you does it. Then it all is infinite or some shit.

Decide on the go.
Decide way ahead.
Whether win or blow,
You've chosen a bed.

Comfy and soft.
A big bushy room.
Up in a loft.
Cold and full of doom.

Missed out on one.
Missed out on the other.
What's done is done.
Go cry to your mother.

Or maybe your wife.
Maybe your hubby.
The choices of life,
Are short, fat, and stubby.

Or maybe tall, thin, and wide.
But it has to be one.
Or maybe a combo in stride.
Either way, sacrificing is done.

Taken that job.
Left the other.
Ate corn on the cob.
Choked and died from smother.

A path not walked.
A path always taken.
At one you balked.
At one you were fakin.

Done and do.
Not and did.
Out of the blue.
Kid or no kid.

Risked or not.
Run and ran.
Both have a plot.
Both have a fan.

One over the two.
Two over the one.
Whatever is chosen by you,
Some sacrificing is done.

Have you ever thought of that? It applies for human, dog, or cat. Every single thing you do means that something is sacrificed at your zoo. As we can't do it all. Not even in a million years at each hall. So we have to sacrifice away and do what we wish at the end of the day. Unless you want mid day when you can roll in the grass. That option is fine by my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The Increased Laze Within A Maze!

Round and round you humans go. That we've done and that we know. But the cat likes to stick it in here and there. Round and round the two legged pair. Said it twice. I guess I better roll the dice.

Made a rhyme.
Did it one time.
Made a rhyme.
Again I'll use time.

The lazy of it.
The who gives a shit.
Evident from the start.
Like a crack at Wal-Mart.

That we know.
That we show.
That we see.
Lazy comes to be.

Clear as day.
Or a moon's display.
If full and under.
Forget the thunder.

Back on task.
What's that you ask?
Don't you know?
Lazy's given a go.

But not the start.
A time taken to heart.
Dig a little deeper.
Lazy is a creeper.

Fear of this.
You may miss.
Sit on your ass.
Lazy makes you pass.

Can't do that.
May fall flat.
Sit on your ass.
Lazy makes you pass.

Life is hard.
Can't mow the yard.
All because of life.
I can't find a wife.

I can't do this.
Everything is a miss.
But I can continue to sit on my ass.
Lazy sure goes well with gas.

Ever use other things when really lazy is the cause? If yes, you'll get no applause. Fear, can't do, and whatever other crap, sure can come from a lazy lass or chap. When really they are the only fool. Sitting around with the brain of a mule. They are even lazier than a singing bass. Pffft to their many excuses says my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Fast But No Smart From The Start!

Got the info I wanted. I'm not really haunted. I knew it but needed it. What is this shit? It gave me ghost stuff? My, this thing is rough.

Type and poke.
The sun you soak.
Walk and see.
Nothing but me.

Reflection or glare.
I'll still stare.
Can't see the going.
May be a flat showing.

But have to know.
What's that glow?
What's that thing?
Is it spring?

Can I get a fling?
Related to a king?
Ask Adam that.
Better get on it, stat.

Quicker and quicker.
A finger picker.
Or use a thingy.
Rhymes with majiggy.

Relies on me.
I have to see.
Work, you thing.
It has to be spring.

It's still winter?
Damn that printer.
The print has to be wrong.
Maybe in Hong Kong.

Tell me it's spring.
Make my heart sing.
Tell me now, dammit.
A finger to slam it.

Still saying that?
Go talk to a cat.
I have better things to do.
I'll hit something new.

Oh look, lollipops for sale.
That sure won't fail.
Damn, I went off the trail.
Car smushed me, now I'm frail.

Catch onto that? See with the cat? Or were you too busy gawking and maybe walking? Gawking down at the phone. Addicted to its tone. And guess what? They are fast, but not smart at any hut. Especially with an idiot human at the controls. An idiot human that gawks and strolls. Then you get smushed into a flat mass. You sure wouldn't get any sympathy from my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.
Pat Hatt Books