A profile creation.
Tune to many a station.
A bunch of elation.
Ten second duration.
Read my dictation.
Effort of pre-school graduation.
But read it in jubilation.
It's my character limitation.
I want the gratification.
It is my simplification.
So make a recommendation.
About me, you ugly dalmatian.
How dare you go all penalization.
It was a great 10 word mobilization.
You should start an idolization.
This leads to my inauguration.
Don't bring irritation.
This has no valuation.
Not even an approximation.
Just make it a triple visitation.
Bring the whole population.
From kings to sanitation.
I need the gratification.
I give great information.
My awesome two word isolation,
Truly has to cause impregnation.
Wrap yourself up in my occupation.
I'm that good at an explanation.
Truth in two word documentation.
Or maybe three is no exasperation.
I have the best communication.
So come and give me your cooperation.
This is an amplification.
Four words create alienation.
So I'll use an abbreviation.
Must avoid over saturation.
So enjoy the presentation.
Give my your undying integration.
Be like an infestation.
My self gratification has no expiration.
Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.