The Timely Creation Of Gratification!

The cat wants to be gratified today. Yeah, I want it and lots of pay. Actually, I will just take the latter. The first really doesn't matter. If so, we'd end up like a human mass. No thanks says my little rhyming ass.

A profile creation.
Tune to many a station.
A bunch of elation.
Ten second duration.

Read my dictation.
Effort of pre-school graduation.
But read it in jubilation.
It's my character limitation.

I want the gratification.
It is my simplification.
So make a recommendation.
About me, you ugly dalmatian.

How dare you go all penalization.
It was a great 10 word mobilization.
You should start an idolization.
This leads to my inauguration.

Don't bring irritation.
This has no valuation.
Not even an approximation.
Just make it a triple visitation.

Bring the whole population.
From kings to sanitation.
I need the gratification.
I give great information.

My awesome two word isolation,
Truly has to cause impregnation.
Wrap yourself up in my occupation.
I'm that good at an explanation.

Truth in two word documentation.
Or maybe three is no exasperation.
I have the best communication.
So come and give me your cooperation.

This is an amplification.
Four words create alienation.
So I'll use an abbreviation.
Must avoid over saturation.

So enjoy the presentation.
Give my your undying integration.
Be like an infestation.
My self gratification has no expiration.

Are you a self gratification nut? Are you in a me me me now rut? Pffft says the cat. Your pitiful two words can be buried with my scat. The clip show of your life gets no love from me. We hate clip shows at our sea. If you can't put in the work, then pfffft is the perk. Did the cat offend the self gratification human mass? Pffft if so says my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Down We Go With An Increasing Flow!

This will drag you all down today. Not in the emotional way. Or the physical way. Hmm does that work with what we say? Beats the heck out of me. I guess we shall see.

Here comes the nagging.
What's with the dragging?
Why is it here?
Good the internet is near.

Dragging is to drag.
Hmm that raises a red flag.
Or maybe the flag is blue.
Whatever are we to do?

Dragging is caused by a hand.
My, that is sure grand.
I guess we are now in the know.
Wait. Where does this go?

Man dragged to chick flick.
Now that is just sick.
Who would do such a thing?
Dragging leads to a fling.

A fling from dragging.
Things may need bagging.
If not you may catch a disease.
It is far worth than fleas.

Drag yourself to the doctor if you have any of these.
Red spots, white spots, black spots, or are impacted by the breeze.
Keep dragging the scroll thingy down.
Oh look, this ought to make you frown.

You may have dragged in the plague.
The symptoms are vague,
But you could die tomorrow.
Oh no. Fill yourself with sorrow.

Woman dragged to death by bear.
What? That has to be rare.
Why would that come up?
Did she treat it like a pup?

Bears drag humans away to their den.
They get women and men.
Don't go into the woods at night.
That is also when owls take flight.

Owls drag things to drop on your head.
Yeah, that was really really said.
Bigfoot gets dragged into this too.
Damn, my next post is almost due.

Ever end up like that? Look for one thing and then down into the bowels of the internet you go splat? Down, down, down you go. Then ten hours flew by at your show. One little thing can sure lead to a whole bunch of crap. The internet can make all a sap. We'll stick to a rhyming pass. It works so much better for my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

And That Makes Ten As In A Decade At Our Den!

Can you believe the cat is in double digits now? I'll soon be as old as Belva and unable to raise a single eyebrow. Then I'll be too old to give a shit about not giving a shit. Hmm that may be worth it. What can the cat do today? We shall see while I turn 10 at my bay.

Does Pat think this a joke?
He allowed in this bloke.
He is even playing with my fish.
That wasn't my birthday wish.

Cassie on top.
This has to stop.
Why do I get the couch?
Yeah, she can be a grouch.

Now I'm shunning.
Soon I'll be running.
Look! Here comes my gift.
I'm off some swift.

Bah. That's not it.
I don't want a diaper full of umm shit.
You can have the old toy.
We scratched out all the joy.

My gift is being delivered to me.
Bah! Two poop machines came to be.
This just can't be good.
Where's that gift in my hood? 

A new cat tower.
Hey, this isn't your hour.
Get off of my tower.
I'll drown you in the shower.

You're still exploring.
Don't you start snoring.
I'll fix you.
And that blonde one too.

Yeah, I'm here.
You better peer.
Get off of it.
You don't get one bit.

Another in my space.
Cassie is giving a warm embrace.
Or maybe a cold one.
But she's not making him run.

Those laser eyes don't scare me.
On you I'll take a pee.
It is my new tower.
I'm the cat of the hour.

Bah, Cassie's in on it too.
A birthday conspiracy at our zoo.
And she tries to look so grand.
I'll bury her in the litter sand.

Hmph, stupid other cats.
I hope they choke on gnats.
Took my birthday gift.
 At least I'm not too old to be swift.

No, no choking on gnats came due. Don't want the SPCA after our zoo. But how dare Pat buy a cat house for those guys. How does he thinks that flies? And Cassie betrayed me and joined them on it. What is this shit? Is 10 the April Fools birthday? I'm too old for this shit anyway. The cat will now  go pass some birthday gas. Maybe they'll choke a little bit on what comes out my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

A Drive To Worse May Bring A Curse!

The cat doesn't even have to leave the house. It can even be seen by the beady eyes of a mouse. There are many human drivers that suck. Doesn't matter if they are driving car, tank, or truck.

Idiots here, Idiots there.
I'm a cat, so I don't care.
But you sit and you swear.
You may even pull out a death glare.

A finger may flip.
You may run your lip.
Or lips if you have two.
Or you may sit and stew.

Stir that pot nice.
Throw in some spice.
How'd we get to cooking?
Sorry, we can't take your booking.

Now that that's clear,
We'll get back to your peer.
That is glance for those slow.
Wait! Glare, just so you know.

They are the worst.
You're about to burst.
Drivers behind and in front suck.
Those side ones drive like some fluck.

They are all it.
Here I sputter and spit.
All are the worst.
I really may burst.

A repeat in rhyme.
A spit and sputter time.
A repeat of that.
Chew the same fat.

Must sure be tender.
Does it have a gender?
Don't sit there and choke.
Still no bookings there, bloke.

Are you saying it's me?
I'm making things bad for thee?
I'm the worst at my sea?
My, you're on quite the spree.

Now what about you?
What did you just do?
Can you point to a driver that's better?
Oh, you'd rather write a hate-filled letter.

Have you ever noticed that? You humans sure can throw a spat. Yes, there are many bad drivers out there worse than you, but have you ever picked out the better ones in your view? Or do you just focus on the bad? Hmm is there a deeper meaning to be had? The cat will let you think that up in mass. I'll now go back to watching the cars zoom by the house of my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

The Forgotten Thing Has A Fling!

Out we go.
In we come.
Both in tow.
A familiar drum.

Things stay in.
Things stay out.
Lose to win.
Win to shout.

Lost in out.
Lost in mind.
What's that about?
What a find.

Something created.
Something found.
Stand quite elated.
Stand quite profound.

Forgot to do.
Forgot to say.
Both hold true.
Both have sway.

Used an old.
Old became new.
A tale to be told.
A new work in view.

New from old.
That took place.
So stand bold.
No need to pace.

Pace the mind.
Let it stop.
Now you find.
Now you top.

Top of the heap.
Top of the pile.
That same kinda leap.
So turn that dial.

Forgotten at last.
Remembered at play.
A thing of the past.
A future type day.

Did you think I forgot which pic to use? That would probably amuse. Nope, just showing that even forgetting can get things done. Or pretend forgetting with my run. So you forget at your sea. So you remember later what had to come to be. Don't fret in the middle. Get in there and fiddle. Or maybe just diddle. Hey, never said which middle. Do you forget and then fret for hours on end? That isn't a good trend. We'll continue on with each pass. So much better for my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Time To Cheat The Defeat!

The cat always wins at our sea. Pat gives in to little old me. At least I see it that way. Hmm maybe I'm as bad as humans at play. Nah, that can never be. I have someone to scoop my pee.

Time to play.
Time to shout.
Same old day.
Same old out.

The out of one.
The out of all.
However its spun.
However its call.

You were defeated.
I am the winner.
No, you cheated.
You are a sinner.

You did this.
You did that.
No way I miss.
No way I fall flat.

It was you.
You, the cheater.
Admit it's true.
You never beat her.

Not in that way.
Don't go there.
A rhyme at play.
No need to swear.

Now I cheated?
Pfff to you.
You are defeated.
Go suck on some glue.

I hear it's swell.
That was it?
Damn me to hell?
The glue made me the shit?

Well what do you know.
Not a question for you.
This would be a blank show,
If from a "you cheat" it came due.

I cheated each time?
Damn that time.
I'm cheating this time?
Wow, poor old time.

The last one was real cheating, however fleeting. The other crap is all in your pretty little self-denial head. So go rest it in your winner bed. Are you one of those "you cheated" people when you lose? I hope not or the cat will make it news. Know any of them at your sea? On them we'd chuck cat pee. No need to cheat to beat the human mass. It is far too easy for my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Get Some Satisfaction As We Get In On The Action!

The cat is typing today. That is an action at play. But not the kind you humans spout. My, action sure gets thrown out. Ever notice that? You will now thanks to the cat.
The stupid is said.
Stuck in the head?
The go to verse.
Could be worse.

Capturing the shit.
See? A worse hit.
Now back to the show.
Some action on the go.

Hello, folks.
Today I have no jokes.
Today we're going to the golf green.
It is quite the upbeat scene.

Look at those clothes.
Oh, he struck a pose.
Oh, she drank from a straw.
That ought to be against the law.

You heard it here first.
You saw that straw burst.
Don't turn to any other faction.
We are all about capturing the action.

That wasn't action at all?
Pffft don't write that on our wall.
Do you think this is Fast and Furious 59?
I bet I could get a nifty line.

We're capturing the action.
They may all be in traction,
But we are capturing it.
We'll free it in a bit.

What? We're 0 for 2?
Damn, damn, damn you.
And those Fast and Furious movies too.
They make golf look like a stinky loo.

But we are still here.
We are capturing the action without fear.
Oh look, a golf clap.
My, will he ever get out of that sand trap?

She sipped from the straw again.
That is worth watching in pen.
How dare you say we don't capture any action.
Go back to Toretto in traction.

Do you see how action gets thrown around? In golf is any action actually found? If you use it in the actions way, then yeah, they are swinging away. An action is being had. But if you capture people won't the FBI get mad? What if you are capturing nothing at all? What if action packed up and went to the ball? Oh, this action could give a cat gas. I better go may sure I get an equal and opposite reaction from my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.

Splashes And Splishes And A Couple Of Fishes!

Remember this post? Way way way back at our coast. Okay, maybe not so way, but could be in cat years at our bay. You said it should be made into a book. Pat obeyed at our nook. Not the cat. Pffft to that obeying strat. And so comes another one with some splashes and splishes fun.

If wishes were fishes and splashes were splishes would splashes be splishes and wishes be fishes? Could splishes be splashes and fishes be flashes with wishes as splishes and splashes as flashes? Or would splashes and splishes make wishes with fishes to stop fishes and wishes for splashes and splishes?

And there we are. Another at our sand bar. Are you ready for splashes and splishes and a couple of fishes? Did you know they make dishes and some sort of wishes? I think that's how it goes. Could cause your tongue woes. Or maybe it will just give you gas. Either way, sure fun to see for my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy your winter, smash a printer.
Pat Hatt Books