A Bubble With Trouble!

Pat is back once more with a rhyming one at our shore. Those we don't mind. They work well for my rhyming behind. He also channeled some of me and went as random as can be.

Look at that
Characters as random as the cat.
Soap, Paperball, Toothpick, Wiener, Flea, and Eight.
That sure makes a date.

And as you embrace,
We can't forget Ace.
In he runs.
Got any puns?

And look at the bubble.
Do they spell trouble?
That they may
Where did they stray?

A number in the sky.
Oh me, oh my.
Nine must be a jealous box.
Bubbles have no locks.

They came in a huddle to play in their puddle, but they found Soap already there with no room to spare. He would not let them play and enjoy their puddle on a sunny day. Now they must lift Soap's ban and come up with a plan.

Can they break Soap's hold on their puddle? Will Soap allow them to cuddle? Can Paperball save the day? Did you know a wiener wanted to play? Come and pop Soap's bubble and find out all about the puddle trouble.

Wanted to see how random I could go. It all worked out with a random show. They sure want that puddle. Too bad Soap doesn't want to cuddle. And now number 123 has come to pass. 124 will be here soon from my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

An Interloper That's New. BAH Times Two!

The cat thought I have seen it all. I'm even flipping between third and first person at my hall. I'm doing it so fast. The cat needs to make this a thing of the past. Look! I did it once more. I need to get a really, really, really good lock for the door.

This was my day.
So nice at our bay.
Stretched with sun.
Then Pat ruined my fun.

He washed the stuff.
So I thought, tough!
I'll take it for me.
Then he let IT come to be.

No. Not these guys.
They get batted away like flies.
Those intruders know their place.
If they don't, I'll whack them in the face.

It wasn't even the mutts.
Them and their poo eating ruts.
I'll chew on their tail.
Oh how I love it when they wail.

Bah! There it is.
What is this tiny biz?
Why does it walk like me?
Cassie, make it go where I can't see.

"He's your problem now.
Don't have a cow.
Those ones don't stay or sit.
So I'm too old for that shit."

Bah! Here it comes.
It wants to be chums.
Hell no to that.
Stay away from the cat.

Hmmm it is after my balls.
Is that why it makes cat calls?
It has a very bad meow meow.
And Pat won't let me go kapow.

Look! Come closer thingy.
I only have a majiggy.
My balls went snip snip.
No ball ball after that vet trip.

I tell you no lies.
So stop with the meow meow or ball ball cries.
If not, I'll blind you with my eyes.
Are you some weird dog in disguise?

Isn't that mean of Pat? How could he do that to the cat? He let that dog wannabe, or maybe it really is a dog, after me. It eats everything it sees with glee. Maybe it is related to a mutt. Yes. Yes. For legal no one was harmed in the making of this post at my hut. I may have bit a dog's tail. What? It makes those interlopers set sail. No. No. No. A playing with it I didn't go. Nope, not one bit. Don't look at me like that where you sit. I don't protest too much. Nope, not even a touch. It was all Cass. Next interloper can bother her and not my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Ready...Setty...Bring The Petty!

The cat made a word. I guess more like added to its word herd. Can you make a word herd? Beats me with any word. Are you mad I did that? Chances are that is a big no where you are at.

A little thing.
A loose string
Something stuck.
What the fluck.

You're out to get me.
You did it, I can see.
You sat that aside.
No? You lied!

A paper out of place.
A sign tipped case.
A little speck of dirt.
Not an ounce of hurt.

You're making work.
You are a jerk.
That is so bad.
Way more than a tad.

Ignore and go.
Sink to a new low.
A low without being.
A low only one seeing.

You did this.
It's a miss.
You did that.
Hiss and spat.

I'm going to get you.
I know what you do.
I will hide a shoe.
You won't have a clue.

I'll move the fan.
I'll hide the trash can.
I'll blow some dust.
It is just a must.

My palms are sweaty.
But I'm not petty.
You did this to me.
I know because I can see.

Petty and sweaty.
Here's some confetti.
I'll leave it for you to clean up.
There. I knocked over your cup.

Do you find things that aren't there? Hold petty grudges at your lair? Do stupid little things to escalate the crap? I've seen it done by many a lass and chap. What is the point? Just eggs things on at ones joint. Are you petty I used setty? Should I get ready for petty? I don't think I'll worry about such a pass. The cat sure doesn't bother being a petty little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Party Right Comes To Light!

You humans sure go on about rights a bunch. Even when those rights are wrongs and you are out to lunch. Is that where wrongs make rights comes from? Bah, right or wrong I'll get right on it with my rhyming bum.

I have rights.
Days and nights.
Rights I do.
I've got a few.

No need to tell.
Long as hell.
Blows away a few.
I haven't a clue.

That you knew.
Maybe times two.
Two wrongs to right.
Dark to daylight.

Ask Stallone.
In a tunnel all alone.
Yeah, went there.
Right of me at my lair?

Pffft yeah it was,
Just because.
Because I say so.
Sure right, you know.

Rights it works.
Gives some perks.
Perks to jerks.
Rights in the works.

Just like that.
A rightful stat.
An addition or three.
The rights of we.

We have the right.
The right to spite.
If you say no.
Right away we'll go.

All have the right.
The right to spite.
The right to show.
Damned that no.

We have the right to come.
Whether or not we are your chum.
It is our "because we say so" right.
So "surprise" turn on the light.

Pfffffffffffffft some humans are sooooooooo dumb. Do you think you have the right to something when you aren't a chum? One said here they have the right to come to a retirement party being thrown. They have the right because they say so at the tone. Umm, even if said retiree didn't want you there? Even if you weren't invited at your lair? You have the right to go? Damn, rights really have gone to a new low. I have the right to go rob that banker. Do you think that will fly with every wanker? I think it would get a failing pass. I'll stay a jail free and whelmed little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

Over We Go With A Return In Tow!

 Over and under.
Around and through.
Lightning and thunder.
A returning view.

It leaves and it strikes.
It goes with the breeze.
Like the riding of bikes.
Like the pesky fleas.

Back we go.
Back we come.
A new yet same show.
A new yet same chum.

Glum or glee.
Anger or cheer.
Blah to weee.
Delightful to hear.

Hear you will.
Times two or three.
A return to fill.
A wavering sea.

Back and forth.
Up and down.
The hills up north.
The tiny elf town.

Around and through.
Through and around.
Told that to you.
So shouldn't astound.

But it may.
But it will.
When a return display,
Fits the bill.

Think it is done.
Much the way of summer.
Gave it's final run.
Isn't that a bummer?

So many days.
So many weeks.
Around comes the maze.
Valleys and peaks.

Ever think you are rid of something yet it comes back? Sure can do that with many a thing at many a shack. Some insecurities like to shine back through. One just has to push on at their zoo. Did it before, can do it once more. Whether or not they come back, like summer will at most every shack. Things always come back in mass. In that you can trust my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

The Excuse To Use Sure Does Amuse!

This one I've heard a time or ten and just had to go at it at my den. For it tends to come from the lazy. Did I name call? Whoopsy daisy. Does a daisy go whoopsy though? Damned if I know.

The sit back and stare.
Sometimes in a pair.
They laugh and giggle,
As their whole body gets a wiggle.

Then comes the excuse.
The one many let loose.
Some can't, but most are lazy.
Trying to hide away in the hazy.

Why eat right or work out?
The first part they shout.
I've known healthy people who died.
The second part in some variation that is spied.

And then deluded they stay.
Believing what they say.
But isn't it the truth?
Yep, that it is at one's booth.

Can do everything right and still croak.
Can just be the fate of a lass or bloke.
That is what they hold onto tight.
Reasoning that let's them feel all right.

Time to burst that bubble.
Maybe bury it in rubble.
Let's pull some stats from my ass.
I'll let it out with some gas.

What are the odds for those they use?
Let's say 1 in 100 as you peruse.
1 in 100 people who take care will still croak.
That just made some nut light up a smoke.

Now let's flip and flop.
Let some other stats drop.
What are the odds that the lazy die?
Care to give that a try?

Probably 30 in 100 or so.
Wow, not quite as low.
Now let's do a little more.
What are the odds some disease or other health issue will come ashore?

75 in 100 sounds right.
Damn, I ruined the lazy person's night.
So whether you tell that excuse to stranger or daughter,
Sorry, it doesn't hold much water.

Ever hear that excuse at your sea? The lazy or those refusing to change sure let it fly free. All they get is a pfffffffffffffft from me. Healthy doesn't guarantee a long life will come to be, but you have way better odds of living longer and being disease free. My stats aren't legit that I used for my spree. They were just there to let the lazy realize they are full of strat. So ends this sass from the cat. If you wish to do nothing, power to you, but don't give me that healthy people die too crap at our zoo. Whoops, I was supposed to end my sass. I guess I'm just a mouthy little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Smelly Pat Gets None From The Cat!

Pat smells weird every day. At least those days where he leaves our bay. Otherwise he just smells the same old weird stench. But now there is a monkey in the wrench. Out he goes and causes my nose woes.

So you are home?
Do you want me to roam?
I can smell you from here.
No way will I come near.

You were feeding them again.
They say that is okay at many a den.
But a traitor you be.
Bad grammar from me.

And what is that?
A bad hair day cat?
Did it get into roadkill?
That hairdo can't thrill.

A hairless cat?
Where do you find that?
Chowing down on grass.
You must have upset Cass.

"Don't bring me into this.
I've no reason to hiss.
I still get brushed and fed.
You're the one with too much crap in his head."

And speaking of crap.
Look at this part of the map.
Another giant litterbox at play.
To fill that, it would take all day.

Those ears are mighty high.
What is this guy?
He can hippity hop.
Will this ever stop?

Bah! Too many burds.
The tabbies will have words.
Look at those geese.
Why can't they be fictional like meese?

And this does it.
I knew I smelled them a bit.
You were playing with mutts.
They eat things that come out butts.

Don't look at me.
I won't look at thee.
No, I'm not being rude.
What was that? Food!

Isn't Pat rude for bringing so many smells home to me? Can't he at least go jump into that sea? That may wash them off. The fish may scoff. Then he may smell of fish poo. I guess we can't win at our zoo. I am not as forgiving as Cass, but you can win me over with food for my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

It Hasn't Happened In...Make It Up To Win!

The cat will let you in on a lot today. You will know a lot to come to play. You may now get the Jeopardy win. Of course I may be lying at our bin. You'll never know. Away we go.

Hasn't happened in a while.
It long ago went out of style.
There just is no cause for it.
So no need to have a fit.

It hasn't snowed in 1000 years.
That will sure get some cheers.
It hasn't been hot in 500 more.
That makes it easy to do a chore.

A cat hasn't been in in 400 plus.
That may make some fuss.
A bat left 467 years ago.
Trust me, I'm in the know.

It was 1007 years ago.
That is when it did blow.
What exactly was it?
Who needs to know that shit.

1096 years since the earth was whelmed.
Add another 5 and you get when it was helmed.
Helmed by the almighty Zeus.
Watch out for a lightning bolt in your caboose.

1050 years since it hit that price.
That is so not nice.
1050 more since it shrunk.
Bad math makes that go kerplunk.

437 years since it was made.
It didn't have any shade.
What exactly was it?
Didn't we already do that bit?

647 years since they raised that point.
That is quite the point at their joint.
What exactly is the point of it?
Don't think too much as you'll have a fit.

389 years since we hit a frog.
That sure isn't a road hog.
We'll leave that to the toad.
Hank and Blue enjoy that mode.

1/365 years since I did a post.
To that you can be sure of at my coast.
Unless you missed yesterday.
If you did, could be 184 years at your bay.

Do you pull numbers out your butt? Exaggerate a little bit at your hut? Many things we have no track of past 150 years ago. Yet, many use the 1000 years or more will blow. Let's guesstimate that this post will still be standing in 1000 years. I could cause the aliens fears. They may search for my singing bass. And all they'll find is rotten gas from my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Time For Simple Like Popping A Pimple!

You humans sure use simple a bunch. Sometimes you are really out to lunch. Not even your words come out simple as can be. Of course they are also used by me. So I guess there is that. Time for a simple chat.

A simple post.
Give it a toast.
Maybe eat roast.
Could even boast.

It's simple time.
Go bug a mime.
That isn't a crime.
So says the mime.

Simply rhyme.
Give a chime.
Make the words match.
The end of each batch.

Go with the flow.
Simple, you know.
Do you know?
A simple brain flow.

You don't know?
Now that's low.
It's simple to do.
Follow the crew.

What was that?
A simple chat?
Isn't that what we're doing?
Do we need to start mooing?

A simple life.
Man and wife.
Does this make me look fat?
Nothing simple about that.

A simple buy.
We tell no lie.
This is what it is.
Next they'll be a quiz.

A simple task.
No need to ask.
House burns down.
A simple frown.

Simply simple.
Like popping a pimple.
Whoops, won't pop.
Simple has to stop.

Isn't it only simple if you know? If you don't, simple may go out the window. Talking and walking isn't simple until you learn. Of course it is simple with many a yearly return. But not simple until you do so. So simple may not always show. I simply had to show that with this pass because I'm simply just a poking fun little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.
Pat Hatt Books