Another Page Added With Age!

And so the month of odes has come to be. You know what that means at your sea? It means something some don't like to hear. Some even run in fear. Or they just lie. Well at least they try.

The months tick by.
Some say they fly.
When our time is up, who knows.
But that's how it goes.

It goes in days.
It goes through life's maze.
Through a loving gaze.
Through a murky haze.

It goes with each.
Each day we teach.
Each day we learn.
Not knowing if we'll return.

But that's how it goes.
Through the highs and the lows.
It carries on each day.
Come in life what may.

The more you learn,
The more thoughts burn.
The more thoughts glow.
The less you realize you truly know.

But that's how it goes.
Through friends and foes.
The hustle and bustle.
The odd life tussle.

Just whelmed over or under.
With each crack of thunder.
That's how it goes.
The last day one never knows.

Continue on a path.
Survive another shit bath.
Digging and striving on.
Catching the view of another dawn.

Another obstacle or not.
Strength or gone to pot.
The days tick and continue on.
Even after that final dawn.

When's the end, no ones knows.
That's just how life goes.
Not everything comes wrapped in bows,
But that's how it goes.

Isn't age all the rage? I was going to make fun of it on our page, but then this popped out. So we gave it a shout. Another month older we all are now. Some may raise an eyebrow. Some may try to lie. Well at least they'll try. That's just how life goes. Now time to go chase some crows. They are trespassing on the grass of my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Swoon To The Tune!

Do you hear that? Are you following the cat? Hear is the key. Lots can come to be. Each plays a tune. Some may make you run like a loon. Others may make you swoon. Some may not before noon. Away we go as we tune up our show.

The rhythm and rhyme.
The subtle mountain to climb.
The top of the peak.
Reached of which they speak.

All to encourage emotion.
No need for a love potion.
Play or sing the merry tune.
Could beat a pot and pan with a spoon.

A spoon full of beat.
Hails over a sugary treat.
Although sugar may up the hyper.
Continue to bob and decipher.

Get lost in the like.
A mind sort of hike.
A cord that is struck.
For some a broken down truck.

Use what is known.
Add in your own tone.
Make it so that many can relate.
You have a three for one trait.

Loved and lost.
The life you tossed.
The work jerk.
That one little perk.

Driving the road.
Carrying a heavy load.
Climbing a mountain.
Hanging over a wishing fountain.

The topics are near.
Kick the thoughts into gear.
Bring back thoughts of the past.
Another time, another cast.

Nature has its own.
Each makes theirs alone.
Loved and hated.
Whatever is baited.

Head banging stuff.
Some country fluff.
Maybe even those teenage things.
Rock n roll could give you wings.

Have a preference at your sea? Do you enjoy tunes by the boatload as they are found by thee? Can sure bring back much and make one think and such. A foot tapping they may go too. Good thing a tune everywhere is in view. An annoying mutt barking may even like its own tune. To each their own at each sand dune. The cat may even be able to play a tune with his gas. Maybe I'll record it one day as it comes out my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Jump On The Court, Sport!

Are you ready to go? Come out and make it to the show. You can bore on TV. Or maybe make people yell at thee. Many you'll never hear. At least they aren't something to fear. So heed the calls and grab some balls.

Find one you enjoy.
Come now, don't be coy.
Enjoy it and play.
Play night and day.

The joy is there.
You must beware.
You must train to get better.
You may get that letter.

That is what you want.
Then houses you can haunt.
Everyone will look to you.
You'll be in the top few.

You'll become an over paid weenie.
The ball may be big or teenie.
You may not even know how to spell
But what the friggin hell.

You can endorse Coke.
Don't have to drink it, bloke.
Just pretend you do for a few takes.
A million dollars, heaven sakes.

Be part of a team.
It's everyone's dream.
Get traded like your cards.
I hope you like new yards.

Promote with the team.
Create a new income stream.
Beer Whatever, the drink of your team.
Reality is it is all a fantasy dream.

But no one has to know.
We say it, so it is so.
Believe and you shall achieve.
And when you die all will grieve.

But before that make sure to pay.
Can't let your publicist, agent and driver go astray.
And be sure to light up many a ball.
Whether they be big or they be small.

What? You no longer enjoy?
Bah, that was all a ploy.
Enjoyment means nothing in life.
Be the best and get a super model wife.

Don't you want to be a sports star? You could get watched by many a drunk at many a bar. Doesn't that sound good to you? Could date a super model or two. Could make big bucks. Could fool plenty of schmucks. Could lose the joy for it you had in playing to start. But bah, who needs to take that to heart. You could get riches in mass. Just keep the overpaid weenies away from my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

Update This Post At Your Coast!

The cat will update you on some things. Don't I do that every day out to the blog wings? I guess there isn't much to say. So I must be on my way. Stick around though. With nothing to do and everything working an update shall show.

All works fine.
Everything does align.
There are users galore.
No need to hit restore.

Everything is grand.
Everything is in hand.
Or at least on screen.
Like a good drink from a canteen.

Then it becomes sour.
Day by day, hour by hour.
There was nothing better to do.
So time people haven't a clue.

Update the look.
A whole new nook.
Update the settings.
We now take bettings.

Update the fine print.
Hide that under some lint.
Update the green grass.
Just to pull it out our ass.

Update the font.
Those colors may haunt.
Update the pages.
Need to earn our wages.

Update the address.
That will make a mess.
Update our tone.
No one will leave us alone.

Update...the bugs?
Do we look like thugs?
We can't squash those.
Don't let them cause you woes.

We could have took our time.
But bah, why waste another dime.
We could have left well enough alone.
But bah, our dog needed a new bone.

Update you soon on fixes.
Enjoy the new match and mixes.
Update us on what you think.
We really don't care though, you dink.

Don't you love the unnecessary update crap? Do you chew out the update chap? Not much one can do. Except not go to their zoo. Especially when the updates come in the form of pop ups, stupid comment systems, stupid stupidness and so much more. Are you ready to update your shore? We think we'll pass. After all, you can't update my already perfect feline little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Idiom It Up And Fill Your Cup!

A rolling stone gathers no moss. I guess that would be the stone's loss? Moss can be cushy. Although it could get bushy. But hey, some humans like that. I'm a non-judgemental, yeah right, rhyming cat.

Idioms are the bees knees.
Spout them out with the breeze.
They are really the mutts nuts.
Although many may be left in ruts.

Not in the know.
A mutt nut chopping they may go.
A searching for bees knees.
Either end wouldn't please.

A universal one for all.
One heard by all at the mall.
One heard by all at work.
One that is truly a perk.

A sitting desk gets nothing done.
Making up nonsense is all kinds of fun.
A ringing phone chases lonely away.
One could sit and do this all day.

Universal to one and all?
Could be a tough call.
Whoops, did it once more.
Maybe you'll find answers by the shore.

A shore with no prints is waiting to be tamed.
So good that it should be named.
A tire with no car is one wheel.
How does that make you feel?

A tree that grows out will never stand tall.
I guess that leaves many uninvited to the ball.
A Muppet with no song will never catch fire.
I guess they may soon go and expire.

A whiner in your ear can deafen your mind.
No wonder there is hard of hearing mankind.
A PC speech while have your feet licked clean.
Zombie feet would make that an R rated scene.

Whelmed with less over and under is whelmed.
Backwards and forwards that can't be helmed.
As rare as rocking horse shit.
That is some rare by a bit.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Are these growing more in the know and blander?
Shit or get off the pot.
I guess idioms have a plot.

Do you fall into idiom land? Ever make up any in your land? Or maybe sayings too. Either or can come due. Some can be taken so wrong. Poor dogs won't be singing a happy song. If one were to piss up a rope that could be bad. Taking them all literally would drive one mad. They sure sprout up like blades of grass and provide plenty of entertainment for my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Baa And Ha With A La De Da!

The cat went with this at the end and so it gave another trend. The end of the Farcebook show, in case you wanted to know. The grass eaters they are. Chowing down on all given to them like a vegan at a salad bar.

Hahaha you're so funny.
On you I'd spend my money.
You have such wise words to say.
All should go in the road to play.

All should fall in line.
From human to dog to feline.
You are just so wise.
It must be your soulful eyes.

Drink pee to heal body parts?
Can't find that at Wal-Marts.
It is just the best advice.
It is worth any price.

Bow and never question.
What a great suggestion.
I'll take it as gospel too.
Whatever you say is so true.

Forget my own name.
What a great claim.
Now I can be one with you.
That is just what I need to do.

Take everything I own.
It just makes me groan.
I have no need for it.
I'd rather find a tree and sit.

What was that?
No TP for scat?
That is just swell.
We can be one with our smell.

Clothes are too demanding.
Only can be worn by those commanding.
That is a great point.
Would you pass me that joint?

Now I'm high upon you.
Every word you speak is true.
I have nothing left to say.
Here is where I belong and will stay.

Spread the word.
Stay a part of the herd.
Never waiver from your stance.
Baaaaaaaaaa at first glance.

The cat could be a cult leader. Nah, then too many crazy nuts would be at my feeder. Do you follow blindly like sheep? Baa and ha at any old creep? Could be a young creep too. Hopefully that isn't true. One's own mind should be made up and not go ra ra ra with some other stupid butt sniffing pup. But if you agree, ra ra ra away at your sea. The cat may only give some sass. I'm sure you can handle that from my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Farcebook Way On Display!

The Farce is strong. All like to play along. They play and play and waste the day away. Are you one of those? The cat may pelt litter at you if you strike a pose. Hey, at least I warned you. So now's the time to hide from view.

It's a highlight real.
Real isn't the deal.
Most is a farce,
Which is ever so sparse.

All happy with delight.
All wanting to fight.
No guts in the real world.
But screens make lips curled.

Just have to say.
Ever single solitary day.
Just have to know.
Every high and every low.

Went to the store.
Opened a door.
So and so is a whore.
That and so much more.

You look so cute.
What a wonderful flute.
Having a bad hair day.
Fell in a litter tray.

Why aren't you liking?
My picture is striking.
You said so yourself.
Like me like Santa likes an elf.

Memes from me.
So great to see.
Like those too.
Like through and through.

Ego is is sparse.
Enjoy my sparse.
I need it more.
Care for an encore?

Went to the store.
Opened a door.
So and so is a whore.
That and so much more.

You didn't like?
I did a remake hike.
I did it all for you.
Won't you like me times two?

The cat could go on all day. But that may make me brain dead with all they say. Farcebook sure has a whiny mass. They must have chewed too much glass. It cut their brain. Now they have to share every pain. Oh poor pitiful me. Like me and come see. Do you go all Farcebook fun? Would it be fun to anyone? I guess the Farce is strong with sheep eating up its grass. I'd rather farce out the gas in my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Great Diet So Come And Try It!

The cat is going to get rich today. All you humans fall for it anyway. So the cat may as well chime in. That is sure a win. All kinds of dough while you humans believe what I say all aglow.

Imagine a bird.
One with big wings.
Now join the herd.
Look below at all the pretty things.

The wind rushing by.
The clouds all fluffy.
Soar through the sky.
Until things get stuffy.

That's when you know.
That's when you do.
That's the end of the show.
That's the sweet spot for you.

Come stuffy skies and rain.
Come lightning and thunder.
That's your true pain.
That's where you blunder.

So that's when you need.
That's when you do.
That's when sweat takes seed.
Time to work out for an hour or two.

Some may need three.
Some may need four.
Whatever the case for thee,
You must take this tour.

Walk uphill until your legs hurt.
Run downhill until your ass sweats.
Walk through some sandy dirt.
Shoot some balls into some nets.

Now lift big rocks nearby.
Throw them in a pile.
Don't you dare look to the sky.
Now run another mile.

Now run back home non-stop.
Don't you dare slow the pace.
When you get to your door, hop.
15 minutes of hopping you embrace.

Now go in and open the fridge.
See that water is your only diet.
No food, not even a smidge.
Now everyone go out and try it.

What do you think? Do I have a new fad diet at our rink? Will it be a success? It may kill people more or less. But not before they pay the first year's fees. And who says money doesn't grow on trees? Just trick a human mass and it comes to pass. Do you fall for fad diets too? Most are soooooooooooo true. And I am really a rhyming bass. Warning, don't try at home what was just said by my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Write And Write Day Or Night!

What am I doing now? Do you think it will wow? It is something I do a ton off. I do it, push comes to shove. Not sure I shove much though. I may shove the laptop off Pat's lap to create room or just be a foe. Okay, back on to task. Do you have to ask?

In the dim lit room,
With dust bunnies in need of a broom,
A half naked person stares,
Which could turn into glares.

The screen glows bright.
The fingers then ignite.
Type and type they do.
Some words may = poo.

But stave editing off.
The fingers won't scoff.
They'll type and type.
Forget things like Skype.

Chapter marker makes a stop.
This morning wasn't a flop.
Time to go and eat.
Maybe feed the cat a treat.

Time to watch some TV.
The computer is calling me?
Yeah, cute cat videos need a watch.
Oh, where is that scotch?

It's not even noon?
I can listen to many a tune.
The ideas will just flow.
Much later, I know.

May as well shower.
Use up a little power.
Eat another time or two.
Time I stuck to the keyboard like glue.

Staring at the screen.
It may need a clean.
Later it will get a wipe.
Arm works for a swipe.

If only there was a sleeve.
Sleeves are a pet peeve.
Need to focus on the screen.
Tomorrow it will get a clean.

Cursor is just a blinking.
Time to get to thinking.
Next chapter header complete.
Fingers and keyboard now must meet.

Familiar to anyone? I figured I'd give ode to the writer a run. The cat watches Pat do it all the time. Although I can't say he stares at the screen like a mime. Those fingers on that one hand don't stop. They bop bop bop. The cat would rather nap than write all day. How you writers do it beats me at my bay. I'll go back to napping and passing gas. It is so much less stressful for my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

A Numbered Count Of Varying Amount!

A post by the numbers today even though no numbers will be on display. So does that still count? I guess if we talk about an amount. Like the amount of posts at my sea? This makes 2700 and some from we. Probably closer to 3000 when this runs. After all, I am ahead tons.

Each and every day.
In each and every way.
Used and not thought.
But used a whole friggin lot.

Numbers for all.
They have a ball.
How many a ball can fit?
Yep, numbers take care of it.

Numbers that come.
Numbers who strum.
Numbers that came.
Numbers that went to a game.

To count or not count.
Doesn't matter the amount.
Numbers you mount.
Hey, plus size has a count.

Clothes to weight to an interest rate.
What you'll pay out of the gate.
How many sets you do.
How many hours until you're through.

How many days until Santa.
How many more until your trip to Atlanta.
How many times I cheat rhyme.
How many times you drop a dime.

How many craps a day.
How many hours of play.
How much the sun does shine.
How much snow may align.

How long you brush your teeth.
How many monsters are beneath.
How many beds in a house.
How many traps for a mouse.

How many times I used how many.
Could just sucker out with any.
How much the IRS takes.
How long it gives you the shakes.

Not thought, just used.
Numbers are always infused.
They make up every day.
Whether you hear them or not, they have their say.

I could go on all day. Actually all life with numbers on display. Are you a numbers nut? Are you in a numbered rut? Do you label them one, two, three? Does that give you happy glee? Did you realize numbers are used so much? Even hit them when you reach out and touch. This post is numbered at my sea. It is coming to be. I think it will now come to pass. So add another number to the posts from my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

An Awesome Time For An Awesome Rhyme!

Are you ready for an awesome time? Today I give another awesome rhyme. I'm not sure it will even be read. It is so awesome you may have to go back to bed. Trust in this awesome post. It is that way at my awesome coast.

Something liked.
Something striked.
Something new.
Something true.

Something old.
Some tale being told.
Each the best.
Beats the rest.

A rest to best.
East to west.
Or west to east.
Nature of the beast.

Best isn't great.
Great isn't a great fate.
It's just not the word.
Don't be absurd.

It's even better.
Great's its sweater.
So stinky with sweat.
May even have debt.

Awesome it is.
No need for a quiz.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Whatever it is that will blossom.

From Pokemon undies,
To adult fundies.
It's awesome that popped in.
So awesome I don't know why at our bin.

Awesome you know.
Awesome it can flow.
Awesome I'm using it so much.
So awesome and such.

Such is so awesome.
So awesome it is awesome to a possum.
Awesome if you can say that three times fast.
Awesome whether or not you passed.

Don't pass on awesome.
Awesome likes to blossom.
It's such an awesome day.
It's just awesome, okay?

Do you find using awesome so awesome? Hopefully you don't sound like a possum. Ever hear awesome used so much? Do you use it more than a touch? Seems to be an awesome go to word for many. I guess awesome beats out any. Now I'm through with my ode to awesome pass. I'll now awesomely stroll away with my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Clap And Cheer When One Is Near!

One just walked by. Oh me, oh my. I'm so.....whoopdi friggin doo. Yep, that's what I am at my zoo. Oh, another just did. Pfffffffffffft to any nuts who flip their lid.

Look at me. Look at me.
I'm a star on that there TV.
Maybe YouTube, maybe the stage.
Either way, I'm all the rage.

Come, fawn, stay, look.
You may one day get in my book.
It won't be written by me.
Not a word of it will come to be.

But I'll sign the page.
I'll collect the big wage.
Wouldn't you like me to sign?
After all, I'm ever so divine.

The two seconds you see.
That gives you a woweee.
I'm just that great and admired.
But I can't stay long, I'm tired.

Tired of being me and my life.
I have all of this very hard strife.
I have to get my toenails done.
I just don't have time for any fun.

I'm such a giver to everyone and everything.
Tell my agent to give the IRS a ring.
That donation will lower my income tax.
Why else do you think I did that ad for Ex-Lax?

I can act a role written by another.
I can stand in front a camera controlled by some other.
I can sit in a chair while my make up is done.
Sigh, life is so hard for me always being under the gun.

Bend and cheer and bow as well.
I deserve it even if I can't spell.
My brains may be all in my ass.
But hey, that is what got me that screen pass.

I do nothing substantial but still you bow.
I am more sacred than some kind of cow.
I learned that in a script years ago.
Why I remember it, I don't know.

But look at me, look at me.
I'm the one worshiped by thee.
Grab my gum, my wrapper and stool.
Sell it on eBay because I'm sooooo cool.

Are you a bowing down nut? Are you in some celebrity rut? Maybe a celebrity stalker? Could be their dog walker. The only way any nuts are like that is because the little people give them the power. Take it away, many will cower. No one to worship or obey their every whim. Probably don't even know how to use each limb. Do you pretend you know each celebrity lad or lass? All because they took a screen pass? Damn, are you sure that isn't bad gas? Let it go, maybe not in an elevator, like I do with my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Feline Day Come What May!

The cat gets his own. Don't you know that at the tone? Does it have a tone? Beats me, go play with a bone. Hey, could go gutter there. But grab protection and beware. Oh where things can go at our show.

Here I stretch.
I won't play fetch.
But you sure will.
Fetching the scoop fits the bill.

It's all mine.
Don't press the feline.
If you try and take,
It will be a mistake.

This is mine too.
Even if I use the one of you.
Don't move it from its spot.
Good. You are well taught.

See? It goes up.
Can avoid a pup.
But it is all mine.
Being a hog is divine.

I told you so.
A chowing down I go.
Those little bits you'll pick up.
Do I look like a pup?

Okay, if I must share.
I will with Cassie at my lair.
But my eye is on you.
Don't try it at our zoo.

A grumpy pose.
I can do those.
The look of death.
Could be your last breath.

Told you so.
Reap what you sow.
Don't reach up for me.
I'll take the hand of thee.

I enjoy the sun.
I'll stay here until there is none.
You can go sit in the dark.
So find a small place, take your butt, and park.

You were using this for food?
Bah, don't be a prude.
If you try, you'll get attitude.
Everything around here is mine, dude.

Don't you love how the cat gets all? The cat even owns the wall. Pat just rents it from us. Sometimes we may even make him cuss. Hey, should have gotten locks for the door. He's just asking for it otherwise at our shore. Wouldn't you like to rule all like the cat? Even have someone clean your scat. That is a life with little sass. But of course some still comes from my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Scarf It Down At Your Town!

Nothing can be done by you humans at all. Not without one thing nearby at your hall. You act like you are starving to death. Some dog waiting around with, or without, bad breath. At least you don't drool. That wouldn't be cool.

Say it loud, say it proud.
Do whatever to draw a crowd.
Once it's drawn, keep it there.
How? Easy peasy. Food to spare.

Have it set up on display.
Many more will come your way.
Grease and grime, dirt and paste.
Someone, somewhere won't let it waste.

They snack and chow.
They'll eat balls of a cow.
That many may see is bull.
True though, until they are full.

Can't get together without a snack.
Can't go out without a lobster shack.
Can't go down a corner without fast food.
Say it's not fast and you're just rude.

Can't attend an event or game.
Can't light a candle and watch the flame.
Have to have that extra addition.
Extra! Extra! This isn't Early Edition.

Driving and eating and driving and eating.
Even go out with some trick or treating.
A treat to trick and dress up like a clown.
My, food has sure taken over your town.

Can't go on a date or find a mate.
Can't go without food on a plate.
Or in a bucket or can or maybe your pocket.
Can't even go without it when attached to a rocket.

Additions, preservatives, GMO and more.
Damn any of that with each encore.
That fine print is so small anyway.
Just chow down and then go out to play.

Or play to chow down to play.
Redundant a bit, but what the hey.
That taste is ever so sweeter after.
Maybe store some spare food up in a rafter.

Say it loud, say it proud.
Fatten up the nearest crowd.
You'll have their heart and their loins
You may even gain a few coins.

Do you humans see yourselves sometimes? Or are you blind to it like mimes? Everything you do brings food in view. Some even eat on the loo. That is rather eww. And what some classify as food isn't really so. But that many just don't want to know. So those rats turds get mashed into the burger you ate. So you ate the equivalent of glue on your plate. The important thing is you had food in mass. Pffft the cat isn't even that much of a glutton little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Response The Same With Each Claim!

The cat has watched Pat go to a few and one question seems to always shine on through. I'm sure you heard it too. Maybe even asked it at your zoo. Are they that dumb? The why can even be answered by my little rhyming bum.

Different tasks.
Different asks.
Different tones.
Same old phones.

Pick up and dial.
Add to the pile.
The pile of time.
A waste ringing chime.

A question before.
A question forevermore.
A question in store.
Dumbos galore.

Why do you want to work here?
It comes ever so clear.
Do they expect something witty?
Doubtful when an old bitty.

Do they expect something profound?
Maybe a butt kissing hound.
Nose up their ass.
Adding to the hired mass.

Why do you want to work here?
Does it bring cheer?
An ego boost.
Come home to roost.

Why do you want to work here?
Kicks back into gear.
As if it ever left.
Question must have heft.

Why do you want to work here?
Surely does, oh dear.
Or oh fluck.
Go pass the buck.

Speaking of buck.
Maybe dough on a truck.
Maybe dollars or cash.
A wad full to flash.

Why do you think?
Look up if brought to the brink.
The answer is ever so clear.
Why do you want to work here?

Ever get that question at your sea? Of course a BS answer comes to be. But doesn't it most always come back to the money? Maybe they find asking it funny. For if you win 50 million bucks would you stay? Answer to that is usually, no way! Then it proves it is about the money in mass. Told you that was even known by my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

Blog On Come Dawn!

A new dawn is here and here is a new post for you to peer. That is sure nothing new. Always one here to view. At least while the cat is going. On with today's showing. A blog for the blog. That kind of a hog?

Many come, many go.
Some put on a show.
Some put on none.
Some do it for fun.

The muse talks.
The finger walks.
Or maybe fingers.
Some second stringers.

Ideas a plenty.
Maybe twenty.
Then out they run.
They have none.

Fade away.
Can't play.
But those that stay.
Enjoy the fray.

A happy crew.
Ever so true.
A hand to help.
No need to yelp.

Interrupted here and there.
Great Post shows everywhere.
Maybe with a follow me.
On such follow back we pee.

Back to hopping.
A post is dropping.
Dropping on in.
Giving many blogs a spin.

Work it takes.
No hand shakes.
Just a comment crew.
Each ever so true.

New parts of the world.
New facts are hurled.
New things are learned.
Some have returned.

Many come, many go.
Some put on a Farcebook show.
But those that stay,
Sure are there come what may.

Enjoy the blogland do you? You must if you are at my zoo. Unless R came back with a Great Post. Then Blue may go coast to coast. Sure a fun community is had. Beats any crummy Farcebook pad. Been blogging a while at your sea? Gonna keep going a while more with a blogger spree? The cat will sure keep on passing gas. That is the same as posting from my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

In A Funk With A Drunk!

The cat heard a whiner nearby. He is sure one whiny guy. I ran under the bed. But still easy to hear what the whiner said. So this ode came to be. Only thing such umm idiots will ever get from me.

Boo hoo, boo hoo.
What I say is so true.
I'm starving and broke.
I can't afford a Coke.

Life is so hard.
No gas to mow the yard.
No money for bills.
I'm the talk of rumor mills.

Milling and tilling.
My life isn't thrilling.
It is so so so bad.
I'm so so so sad.

Wait here for me.
I've got a place to be.
I'll be back in a jiffy.
I have to go get spiffy.

These are my last ones.
The washer no longer runs.
The last clean clothes.
Oh, life gives me so many woes.

I'm off for a drive.
I don't know if I'll survive.
But I need to go.
I've got things to do, you know.

That hits the spot.
Makes the day less hot.
Eases my worried mind.
I only get the good kind.

300 bucks a week.
My liquor sure doesn't play hide and seek.
It gets me through the day.
Life is so hard my way.

Only 300 unless I run out.
Then maybe another 100 comes about.
I need my cigarettes too.
That's only a few 100 or two.

I have no idea how to survive.
Those bills are eating me alive.
Ah. That hit the spot.
No. I don't drink a lot.

Pffffffffffffft from the cat. He never whined to me again after that. Guess he didn't like what I had to say. I'm sure you can guess that it wasn't a very nice retort from our bay. Know any such whiny drunks like that? Or maybe just whiny where they are at. Got no time for them at my sea. On them the cat wouldn't even pee. I guess toward them I am a bit crass. But that keeps such fools from whining more than once to my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Slow And Steady With A Foot Ready!

In a rush today? Guess you won't be going anywhere fast now that you are at my bay. That is how rushing works, right? You all do it with rush hour at many a site.

Heading for home.
Not out to roam.
Heading and heading.
Dreaming of bedding.

Tired and sore.
No need to explore.
Wanting to rest.
A nap's the best.

Heading and...stopped.
Any rushing flopped.
Stuck and stuck.
Muttering thinks like fluck.

Gas fumes galore.
Cars door to door.
Bumper to bumper.
That car wants to hump her.

Ever so close.
PDA out of the house.
The mechanical kind.
Screw loose on its mind.

Rev and go.
Seconds to blow.
Stopped once more.
Won't get an encore.

Change the lane.
No pain, no gain.
Try for another score.
Hear that engine roar.

Stop and go.
Still at so so.
Sure no quickie.
But the heat makes you sticky.

Get the green light.
This time it's all right.
Took it to far away spaces.
It's off to the races.

Red rears its head.
Back to dreaming of bed.
To linger hours in heat.
Rush hour's giving treat.

Hmmm, that went kinda off kilter. Maybe the car needs a new filter? Beats the heck out of me. You humans named it rush hour from sea to sea. Not much rushing around. Don't you love when traffic is found? Bumper to bumper and door to door. My, those vehicles sure want more and more. Of course insurance companies may give them sass. I'll stick to generating traffic and not be stuck in it for my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Brand New One With An Awakening Run!

The cat has to give Pat a non-rhyming go today. I just sighed at my bay. Although I think I may need to clean myself too. This one delves into wacko territory at our zoo. Blame the WEP for this. The story took hold there and brought about this not so bliss.

I dwell in the recesses of every rat mind. My existence known to all but corrupted by the blind trust in a cesspool. There I linger waiting to be released. There I shall linger and awaken. My tool will become salvation. The universe will cheer my unending release. What is to come will chlorinate the cesspool of rats. My mission from the universe shall see to that. I shall see with a sense that can only be attained by releasing. An awakening has begun. The universe’s desires will come to fruition. I will rise. I will release. I will awaken.

Doesn't give much away with what it has to say? The cat will give some spoilers this day.

#1. You may need a shower after reading a bit. Psycho is it.
#2. Not a single character is named in the whole thing. Interest piqued at your blog wing?
#3. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken in the whole book. Or maybe it is all dialogue, have a look.
#4. Pat may scare some after this one. Who knew he could give such a psycho mind a run?

There you go. Some spoilers given a go at our blog show. Wasn't enough for you? I guess you'll have to give it a view. Although your skin may surely crawl as the psycho and the universe has a ball. Has piqued now come to pass? Time I go clean my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

No Need For A Mate With This Date!

No more clubbing over the head. That is good, many would wind up dead. Not from the club though. May need a club with the scary dating show. Thankfully being a snip snip cat brings forth none of that.

A search is born.
Oh so forlorn.
In search of love.
Or maybe a lustful shove.

Searching, searching, searching.
Like dial up researching.
On the go forever.
Delving further into the endeavor.

The type to talk.
The type to walk.
The type to eat.
Every single tasty treat.

The type to whine.
The type who think they're oh so divine.
The type to spank.
Some enjoy that plank.

The type to act dumb.
The type with brains in their bum.
The type with no money sense.
All three are rather dense.

The type too picky.
The type too icky.
As in bathing/smell.
Outhouse they must dwell.

The type to want.
The type to haunt.
Turning into a stalker.
The type with a walker.

The type to sailor swear.
The type with rainbow hair.
The type in a funk.
Always out to get drunk.

The type soooo cool.
The type lower than dog drool.
The type to game the system.
The type to grab your nether regions and twist em.

The type to boss.
The type to watch moss.
The type to give a headache.
Nightmare done, now wide awake.

Could have went on for a while. Any types I missed you find vile? Or at least avoid? There are the paranoid. Plenty of those. Types in many rows. A type for each I suppose. Even the types that bring forth new lows. I guess we're the type to make fun and then maybe run. Run under the bed with Cass. A much safer place for my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Extinction Is Here So Run In Fear!

Since before my blog there has been a log. Since way way way before that. Hey, I said before at my blog mat. Don't get technical on me. I'm doing it to myself? Gee. Humans are obsessed and that is all left to be confessed.

Start to stop.
A familiar drop.
Drop and never.
Repeat the endeavor.

A name from a hat.
Named after a rat.
Aliens from space.
Give name to the race.

A dream to some.
No matter how dumb.
The will to survive.
Like they'll make it out alive.

A weather thing.
A nuclear fling.
Rockets or ice.
Neither that nice.

Or maybe heat.
That sun finds it neat.
Double the fun.
A Waterworld re-run.

Look to the sky.
An oh me, oh my.
Jot down ideas on the fly.
Look, some ancient guy.

Lined up with ease.
Vague as the breeze.
Can make it fit.
Never full of it.

Whelmed isn't a thing.
Disaster it must bring.
Obsessed with the end.
A never ending trend.

Fake and proven.
Better get movin.
Need a new task.
But who to ask?

Idiot upon high.
Some alien loving guy.
Some weather person nut.
New story, same rut.

Notice how humans are obsessed with the end? It sure is a history trend. All generations think it will come to be. Then of course nothing happens to make any flee. Those Mayans must have loved it as fools fell for it bit by bit. Maybe that is why they get made. Have any theories you wish to trade? Let them all come to pass. I'll continue to be a never ending little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Timely Post At Our Coast!

There comes a time when we have to post. It comes every day at our coast. A time for me and a time for you. The same time can have many a view. Time I started this before time runs amiss.

The ticking clock.
Around you rock.
Three, four and five,
Make it out alive.

The rest, who knows.
That's how it goes.
Goes and goes and goes.
Away time flows.

Flows and speeds.
Looking after needs.
Looking after life.
Flies by with the wife.

Fly like a plane?
Starts the head pain.
Each takes up time.
One steep climb.

Or steep fall.
Time has us all.
A human creation.
Time for a revelation.

Time may not exist.
Time elsewhere can be missed.
Missed and lost.
Or maybe just tossed.

Measurements no more.
Chaos in store.
Or maybe not.
All hot to trot.

Making time here.
Making time near.
Can you make it?
Maybe bit by bit.

So denies having none.
A familiar run.
Have you do.
Time has you.

You have time.
Time enough to suck a lime.
Maybe pound sand.
Time is at hand.

Does time hurt the head? Think about it in bed? Time to head there? Time to spare? Time to write a comment for me? Time to read and see? Time I stopped this? Time brings no bliss? What if time was never made? Would the years fade? Would age not be a thing? Time I wrapped this up before we're back in spring. Time I took a nap on a cushy mass. I'll see you next time with my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

Brand Spankin' New Just For You!

Did you buy something new? I know, a buying post after yesterday at my zoo. Am I turning into Al? Nah, hold on there pal. A whole different ode stream will take form. It is something that has become the norm.

It's brand new.
Not new and improved.
Which just isn't true,
But so new it will be moved.

Moved to your door.
Moved to your attic.
Moved to your floor.
All will be ecstatic.

New is the way.
Upgrade and win.
Forget that old display.
Ancient ones are a sin.

It's worth your while.
Every little bit of money.
New will add to your pile.
The world will be sunny.

Built brand new.
That you knew.
That may be true,
But shh a new new is due.

Can double new.
Anger will rise.
So remain true,
Throw in a disguise.

Built brand new.
But not built to last.
Then no new times two,
That's a thing of the past.

Built to break.
Built to wear.
Built to hippy shake.
Built to need a pair.

Now new is new.
A new times two.
Until three comes due.
Then a new, new, new.

Built to break.
Means built to sell.
No new double take.
Built to last can go to hell.

Do you notice how things are built to break? No matter what it is people make. Seems all need to break so in more cash they can rake. If it didn't break apart then many may not take iPhone 10.10.1568 to heart. We can't have that. Then we'd make scat. They have to break like glass. Just don't go breaking my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

Come And Shop Until You Drop!

It's a human craze. A never ending maze. Can't get out. Some may shout. Need that crap. A closet can't have a gap. Can't have space. Crap you must embrace. Where am I going? You'll catch on with this ode showing.

When words fail.
Stick to the sale.
That catches the eye.
Give colorful font a try.

Some brings cheer.
Some brings fear.
Don't say it in black.
It doesn't have the knack.

A racist sale?
That's a fail.
Don't say it in blue.
Could go boo hoo.

Say it in yellow.
It's far more mellow.
Will remind of sun.
They'll see it and think fun.

Sale! Sale! Sale!
Come hit the trail.
Our yellow font glows.
Show up in rows.

Buy! Buy! Buy!
Off the shelves it will fly.
And if you run out.
We take credit, no doubt.

Keep jobs at play.
Buy what's on display.
It keeps society rolling
Plus weight loss through strolling.

Perks of the sale.
Crap that won't fail.
At least until it does.
Then buy new, just because.

An endless stream.
Makes you beam.
Makes us rich.
So go dig a ditch.

We want every cent.
Everything must be spent.
We even have sales on urns.
Never too early before death churns.

Do you fall for the shopping forever trap? Do you need more and more crap? We take what we need and get out. Don't care if sales are about. Do you fall for the color trapping too? Or maybe some catchy tune played in front of you? So many little tricks they employ. Doesn't shopping bring you joy? We'd rather go pass some gas. It sounds way more fun to our little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

A Storm To Weather Here Together!

The cat will have you talking today. You may just squawk with delight at what I say. It's all you seem to do anyway. Even when I'm right beside you and it's on display. I guess you have to talk. Now away from you I'll walk.

It comes and goes.
Highs and lows.
Lows and highs.
Mostly from skies.

Has come and gone.
Watered the lawn.
Turned it to muck.
Violated your truck.

Maybe even your hair.
How could it dare?
Like it's a thing,
Out having a fling.

It may fling.
Big stones of bling.
May hurt the head.
Could sound dirty when said.

Dirt and muck.
What the fluck.
Sun and sand.
Ever so grand.

Snow and ice.
Pay the price.
Ice and snow.
In the ditch you go.

Winds that blast.
Things not past.
All brand new.
Never scene in view.

Selective recall.
But roll a snow ball.
Then it's new.
New to view.

Spread and share.
Viewer beware.
Haven't a thought.
Don't go out and get caught.

It's brand new.
A new sorta view.
Even if it happened a billion times before,
And will happen a billion times more.

Woweee, no wonder you humans love remakes at your sea. You talk like the weather is new every flucking day. Never a been there, seen that display. The sun is brand new. Look at that view. Oh look, there's snow. Seen it, unless from Timbuktu you go. Do you go on and on and on about weather you've seen 1000 times before? We sure hope not, as that would bore. Oh look, rain is watering the grass. I have never, not really, seen that before with my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Your Lucky Day At Play!

It is your lucky day with the ode at play. Did you notice that yet? I bet you did thanks to this pet. Right in front of your eyes. My, you humans are ever so wise.

It's here and there.
It's every friggin where.
It's every flucking thing.
Used by jester and king.

Old and young alike.
Those on a mid-life hike.
Maybe even the dead.
Unknown until in that bed.

But dead to living.
It keeps on giving.
From cats to mutts.
Even birds in ruts.

Numbers to shoes.
Can mean a win or lose.
Or a lose or win.
Not saying it right is a sin.

Forwards and back.
It never does lack.
With you in a rut.
With you on your butt.

Tags along each day.
Come what may.
Maybe it's July.
It's always spry.

The go to word.
Mostly for the absurd.
Or often the lazy.
Maybe even the crazy.

Crazy in laze.
Some type of maze.
Can't turn that way.
Not on the 13th day.

Or the 13th year.
Did that you hear?
It's the 13th chime.
That's the 13th mime.

Numbers will pile.
Whiners all the while.
Walk this way, not that.
Oh look, a black cat.

Pfffffffffffffffffft the cat can only say. Nonsense once more came to play. Do you believe in luck? Or do you pass the buck? Enjoy the ode of today? Many of those come to play. I'm not sure you can sing it though. Can try if you want to put on a show. With any luck you'll sound like the singing bass. Pffft and you'll get more luck when you rub my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

The Not So Perfect Ten At Our Den!

The cat was forced to upgrade. So not a fair trade. Damn you rainbow screen of death. Yep, our laptop took its last breath. Now away we must go with a Windows 10 show.

Open and glare.
A familiar affair.
At least one.
Power button is spun.

Revs up for you.
Goes through some loopdi loo.
Then pops the screen.
Look at that glean.

Nope, not gleam.
That too may beam.
Loads of crap you'll see.
Oh, look at me, look at me.

Free trials for this.
Giving brings bliss.
Like giving your wallet.
Hey, free's what we call it.

Now for the fun.
Search what can be spun.
It's so easy to do.
No need to boo hoo.

Old windows stuff.
Bah, that is just fluff.
Have to buy new.
Sorry, it is true.

We give the best.
Forget the rest.
It won't sync up.
Forget that hiccup.

Forgetting is the name.
The name of the game.
Time to use all over.
New tricks for an old rover.

Pin and like.
An easy hike.
Like and pin.
Take limited free trials for a spin.

Don't get in a funk.
Just adware and junk.
Bought the easy thing first.
Now let you wallet burst.

Don't you love all the added junk? Windows 10 can go kerplunk. But by the time this runs I'll be used to it. Hey, at least Windows 9 was a hit. Oops, forgot they were bad at math. I hope I don't suffer Microsoft's wrath. Do you enjoy Windows 10? Beats 8 at least at our den. But that isn't saying much with that pass. I hate when rainbow screens of death happen to my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

We'll Partake In The Remake!

The cat will go remake today. Pffft and I'll turn into a toad the next time I play. But at least I can make fun. Time for an ode to the remake run. Don't you love them all? There are many you can add to your wall.

Ideas run dry.
But ideas still fly.
The idea of another.
An idea outing the other.

What made dough?
What will all know?
What has a brand?
Raise your hand.

We have this and that.
That was where it's at.
This was grand too.
Now two ideas are due.

Due out in a year.
There's nothing to fear.
The script's been done.
It's ready to run.

Slap in a name.
Add to the fame.
Pull it out of a crypt.
Blow the dust off the script.

The title returned.
Nothing needs to be earned.
Change the poster a bit.
This will be a hit.

Tickets for sale.
Hit the trail.
Critics don't matter.
Make the wallets fatter.

Money will be banked.
What? It tanked?
But it was a hit.
Years ago it was the it.

We retread the past.
We had a new cast.
The exact same beats.
Should shout in the streets.

We don't understand.
Years ago it was grand.
We'll have to make due.
Time for idea from idea number two.

Are you a remake lover? Are you a line shover? Do you run in at the sound of a name? Do you fall for the remake game? Reboot, redo, remake and prequels too. Oh, the movie to TV show is also in view. But at least ideas from ideas from ideas are still there. Otherwise the brain dead would get fired at their Hollyweird lair. Now I'm done with my remake sass. One will never remake, redo or reboot my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Take The Bait Kinda Fate!

Kinda's a word.
Is it absurd?
Were you baited?
Could have been fated.

Or maybe not.
Catch my plot?
It will be caught.
By a little or a lot.

Big or small.
Short or tall.
You'll get it all.
Maybe by fall.

Now you're on task.
Put down the flask.
I didn't even have to ask.
You yanked back the mask.

Baited by mind.
Baited by a behind.
A little rhyming one.
Isn't baited fun?

Baited to stray.
Baited to say.
Baited at play.
Have a nice day.

You can't?
A worker ant?
A baited nut?
My, you're in a rut.

Baited by a cat.
How about that?
Beats a troll.
One out for a stroll.

Or maybe not.
They can't trot.
Just stay inside.
Mooch off Mommy with pride.

An idea for you.
Baited came due.
Take the bait.
Cut the hate.

Do you get baited by trolls? Baited by unreasonable goals? Baited by the poor pitiful me? Did you get baited by we? Baited sure comes into play. Maybe that is why fishing is such a fun foray. Nope, still not fun for me. Never applies when that comes to be. Baited with ideas for a new book? Take that bait without a second look. But otherwise give baited a pass. Unless maybe you were baited by a lad or lass. Then I hope you have no gas. Leave that to my snip snip little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.

Isn't It Dandy When A Shotgun Is Handy?

Pat had to go this way and that the other day. Great Nanny wanted to go into the woods and play. Or look where relatives came from. Maybe she wanted a new chum? Beats me. But the dirt roads were rather creepy.

Found off the beaten path,
The roads of Jason's wrath.
Anything and everything a chap can think,
As further into the roads you sink.

Trespassing allowed.
Some stand proud.
Pitchforks and toothless grins.
Preening those butt chins.

The mind sure flows.
Filled with Deliverance and banjos.
Squeal like a pig?
Rather dance a jig.

Reach the end of the road.
Shotguns ready to unload.
Big signs in your face.
No trespassing is the case.

The squeaking of gates.
The animals and their mates.
Discovery channel eat your heart out.
Was that a backwoods shout?

The hillbillies are coming.
Their banjos are strumming.
Turn and go back.
Avoid such an attack.

More roads to try.
They catch the eye.
Houses with holes.
Some rotting telephone poles.

Big basements in each.
Torture chambers in reach.
The road bumps along.
Please car, hold strong.

No signal at the tone.
Clutch that useless phone.
A twist and a turn.
A stomach may churn.

Eyes widen in fear.
You may shed a tear.
Hillbillies coming from behind.
Pavement! Civilization of some kind.

Go into the scary woods lately at your sea? Pat is kinda dramatic with what came to be. Although one did have a shotgun handy. Getting that in the arse wouldn't have been dandy. Or maybe it was a stick. Hey, you can pick. We'll stay far away from hillbilly land. Dirt roads just aren't grand. Did you ever trespass on a no trespass? I'll avoid that too with my little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer. 

An Airplane Stand Across The Land!

The cat saw at Adam's sea the other day, for you a long long time when this post comes on display, that some were considering making people stand on a plane. We just have to go down that lane.

No need to drive.
No need for a train.
You'll most likely survive.
So just hop a plane.

Crammed as one.
Germs recycled and spread.
We aren't saying it's fun.
But gets you home to bed.

The seats are crammed.
The kids are whiny.
Your back may get rammed.
Some aren't so tiny.

You may shimmy and shake.
Maybe even hurl.
But make no mistake,
You should give it a whirl.

Point A to Point B.
Much quicker for thee.
And for an added fee
You can fly more comfortably.

But that's not all.
For an added fee,
You won't risk a fall.
We'll provide a seat for thee.

Otherwise enjoy our new space.
Room for that many more.
The mile high club you can embrace.
You're standing anyway as we soar.

The subway of the sky.
That will get cheers.
Loved by every girl and guy.
We'll squash any fears.

The plane will be loaded.
You'll have no room to fall.
Maybe even mats that are color coded.
Size matters to one and all.

And if we should crash.
You'll never know all the while.
There will be no dash.
You'll break you neck in a dog pile.

Don't you want to stand on a plane now? Doesn't that just make you want to fly somehow? Crushed by passengers through turbulence and such. My, that is a sales pitch by more than a touch. I think I'd rather drive. Better chance to survive. Now my ode to the standing in an airplane has come to pass. I think I'll go fly around the room with the power of my own little rhyming ass.

Fill your rummer, get drunk all summer.
Pat Hatt Books