Time To Get Extra Creative

They want me to be extra creative today. Do I have to put down extra words? Is it like over time? I've done enough of that. I don't need to go over time. How can you go over time if it isn't even there? Do you put a clock on the ground and jump over it? Then wouldn't it be over clock? Just something extra to think about. Maybe you can get creative and fight with time for a time. Do it in rhyme. That would be a fun time. Afterwards switch back to normal speak. That will send em up the creek. Which creek though? I guess the nearest to them. We wouldn't want them to have to waste gas money driving too far. Unless there are alligators. We may want to avoid that creek. Not sure what alligators would be doing in a creek, but you just never know. Plus, alligators in a creek is probably more plausible than fighting time and sending the mysterious them who fight it to a creek. Just saying...err...umm...typing. I better get on with this so I can be creative elsewhere and answer the question. Or would that be defying the point? Is there a point? Is the question pointy? Watch your fingers, kiddos. The pointy questions may be dangerous.

What creative activity do you engage in when you're not writing?

Shadow stalking. The art of shadow stalking is so creative. Especially when it is cloudy. Doesn't hurt to have a mini me shadow for that extra bit of creativity either.

The cat pizza making. Yeah. I really sorta maybe kinda made that. No. I didn't order it. Nope. Not me. I am soooo creative with pizza. Something I don't even eat, but I'm so creative.

Refereeing trampoline death matches for children. It is so creative to just let them go at it while I play on my phone and ignore them as they elbow each other in the eyeball, right? What? I was told not to hover. 

Animal dressing. As you can see my clients are so happy with the end result. Doesn't that face just scream happiness?

Dog playground patrol. First you make them think they are going for a walk. Next you tie them to the playground. After that you just walk away and let them scare any kids. See? Sooooo easy.

Best of all....wait for it....wait for it...child bowling. Send them down the aisle and then start chucking bowling balls down. You'll never have a better time as they scream and hop lanes.

Relaxing with friends can be creative too. I mean just figuring out what to wear is creative in and of itself. There is just so much in the closet. Choices. Choices.

Finally, there is the stuffing of big things in small things. Hmmm...that sounds a bit naughty. Stay out of the gutter. It can be more fun if they squirm. So alive is preferable. Hmmm...that sounds bad too. Better end my creativeness before I obtain that R rating. What? No. He didn't walk in there on his own. Why would a dog ever walk into a cat cage? Thinking that is just silly.

And there you have it one and all. These are just a few that came to mind. We'd be here for years if I spilled all my creative doings while not writing, especially considering I haven't done much of that in a while. I wouldn't recommend trying these unless you are a super duper pro though. You should just stick to clock jumping. Probably be less fines and jail time that way. 

Do anything creative when not writing at your place? Ever try kid bowling? Do you believe I may have gotten creative with my creative? If not, I have a bridge I've been holding onto that I will sell you for a low, low price. To inquire head to the playground with the dogs guarding it. Just turn left after jumping over the clock and keep going straight until you see them.

What? I didn't answer? Pfffft. Sure I did. You just didn't look close enough. Forest and trees and all that stuff. Yeah. I said the idiom wrong. Oh well. I still can use pee up a rope right if one prefers. Any more questions you want answered? No? Oh, you're back to the alligator in the creek, are you? Watch out. I hear Bigfoot is the new leader of the creek alligators. 

Bigfoot's Creek Alligators
Coming soon to a creek near you

Now didn't that take a turn? That a question or a statement? Beats me. Depends how you take it I suppose. Why am I asking myself that when it is you who should ask that? Beats me. No beating though. I'm brittle. 

Are we at the end yet? Do you see how creative I can be? Mind always working, even when I may or may not be lying. What? You believe I kid bowled but didn't make the cat pizza? You really need to buy my bridge. Remember just to go straight. Your bridge is waiting. See you soon.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Time For A Rule...Or Not


Back we be. Or me be. Or you be. I guess we all can just be. Be what? Beats the heck out of me. Hopefully not literally though. Too old for that. Unless you are still a rugrat. I can handle getting beaten up still with them. Just be prepared to be picked up and chucked in the water.

Now that you are well aware of being thrown in the water, what was it I was supposed to answer?

Human, you are strange. I think I'll go search for my answers elsewhere. If only you'd pick up this dog poop so I can get by.

No comments from the peanut gallery. Do peanuts have a gallery? Who knew? Better watch it or the peanuts may rise up and give everyone diarrhea.

As you can see the summer hasn't changed us any. Still as crazy as ever. I blame this lighthouse.

(Yeah. I stole Fundy's pic again. What? I'm half in it. Maybe 33.333% if you count the lighthouse. 25% if you count the bushes. 1....no more math.)

This lighthouse is the base for earwigs that crawl in your ear and control you. Hmmmm...Is that a spoiler for another book? Hmmmm....The Cove....Hmmmm....

Questions. Questions. I guess I better get to this one from the IWSG.

Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

School? Learn? Do those go together? It's been so long. I can't remember. I guess I didn't learn too much if I didn't learn that. Such a failure. Those As and Bs lied. One C too. Stupid physics.

Good news. English class didn't mess me up as a writer. I did that all by myself. Wait. That may be bad news. Now I can't get my American on and go sue due to loss of earnings. Damn it. Mr. Johnson should have been more strict.

There were really no hard and fast rules that I recall. Besides the normal stuff. Couldn't go spelling in gibberish or jibberish and such. See? I even break that rule now.

Rules are out the window I guess. Pretty hard to do when the window is closed, but they manage to go out anyway. That would be a good trick in case of a fire. Darn rules mess you up and then magically run out windows. Who knew they were like an absentee parent. No wonder the world is a mess. It's all the neglectful rules fault. World peace solved. Get rid of all windows.

My work here is done. Do your rules magically go out closed windows? Did you know rules messed with your psyche so much? Any rules you gave the heave ho to? Too much gibberish or jibberish from me? Want me to let your poor rule neglected brain be?

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Pat Hatt Books